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        퇴계학파(退溪學派) 상주학맥(尙州學脈)의 건축관(建築觀) 변천(變遷)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        윤일이,Youn, Lily 한국건축역사학회 2004 건축역사연구 Vol.13 No.3

        Through 16-17th century, Neo-Confucianism was accepted and extended to Chosun Dynasty. The architecture of the Taegae school made buildings of Yongnam area rich by adding the regional characteristics based on Taegae's thought of architecture. The following is the architectural characteristics of the academic clique around Sangju. Transformation such as separation and combination of the Jeongsa space by function, lifted floor type reflecting local feature or high platform was appeared, and the architectural characteristics of the Taegae school, that is, a small scale, a moderate figure, a type of side-attached floor, landscape, were still maintained at the same time. The characteristics of the Taegae school and regional figure of Sangju were well joined. The upper class houses, Seodang, Jeongsa and Seowon, built by Confucianist had shared common Confucian characteristics in spite of their different purposes. The world view of the Confucianism such as sacrifice for sages, cultivation, devoting for study, teaching disciples, and education for villagers was revealed through the Confucian architecture including dwelling houses during the 16-17th century. Buildings of Confucianist were focused on the space for men. Seoae and Kyumam built two different Jeongsa's inside and outside of the boundary of the nakdong river. While Seodang and Jeongsa located outside of the boundary of the river were built excluding spaces for living, the function of the Jeongsa located inside of the boundary of the river was assimilated by Sarangcahe. However, both buildings kept the function for cultivation, devoting for study and teaching.

      • KCI등재

        조선중기 호남사림의 누정건축에 관한 연구

        윤일이 대한건축학회 2006 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.22 No.7

        This study focuses on the various results influenced by Confucianism. The Sarim of Honam regions, who were pushed from political power and stayed in hometown, expressed their Confucian ideal by building the Nujung in the 16th century. The goal of Nujung built by Honam Sarim intended to express the Utopia showed by their moral philosophy. Therefore, while the architecture of Honam region became the non-mainstream group of the Chosun societyFirstly, the Sarim of Honam region made the upper class houses and Sarangchae, a space for men, which were changed to hold the Confucian ideas. The new forms with Confucian function were demanded in the 16th century, and the 17th century was indigenous time to combine Confucian and regional characteristics. Secondly, the Confucian characteristics had taken root in the architecture of Honam regions during the 16∼17th century. Buildings of Honam region by Myonang-jong and Sungsan became the 回-type, and spreaded out to an entire Honam region. The characteristics of Nujung reflected differences of the poetry world. Thirdly, the Sarim of Honam regions tried to build up their morality and to enlighten the people. Byeolseo and Wonrim were built for the poetry world. Therefore, the building principle of Honam region such as the upper class houses and Nujung, was informal and individual.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        聾巖 李賢輔와 16세기 樓亭建築에 관한 硏究

        윤일이 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.6

        This study focuses on Nongam Lee Hyun-Bo among various factors of Youngnam architecture in 16th century. He was ahead of is times in development of Korean literature, and mad buildings that become background and materials of his literature. Nongam built Myeongnongdang, Aeildang, Ypungji-jungsa in bunae for his life time and tried to design to pull in nature into his building. These buildings were built in beautiful landscape, and showed elegance as a retired scholar and Confucian characteristics. He provided basic ideas, that is, pulling in nature into architecture, and metaphysics morality, and his influenced Youngnam School including Toegye. This study looks into Nujung architecture that had become materials of Nongam Lee Hyun-Bo literature and characteristics of Youngnam architecture through his buildings at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        동중국해권 민가의 성역(聖域)에 관한 연구

        윤일이,尾道建二,Youn, Lily,Onomichi, Kenji 국립문화재연구원 2010 헤리티지:역사와 과학 Vol.43 No.2

        Jeju Island, in Korea, shows many characteristics that are differentiated from the rest of Korea. Its culture is rooted in mythology which advocates a egalitarian, rather than hierarchical, social structure, the place of women in the home is relatively high, and the formation of buildings, the separation of cooking and heating facilities, and the living format of residential homes is dissimilar. These disparities in culture indicate that Jeju Island's heritage was not formed only from influences from the North, but also from other places as well. To fill in the blanks, residential homes in Jeju Island were compared with those scattered throughout the East China Sea, which connect the southern coastline of the Korean peninsula and Jeju Island. The regions encompassed by the East China Sea, sharing the Kuroshio current and a seasonal wind, can be considered as one cultural region integrating cultural aspects from the continental North and the oceanbound South. The unique characteristics of southern culture as seen in southern residences was examined through an investigation of the sacred places in which gods were considered to dwell. First, the myths of these areas usually concerned with the ocean, and a sterile environment made sustenance impossible without a dual livelihood, usually taking on the forms of half-farming and half-fishing, or half-farming, half-gardening. Although family compositions were strongly matricentric or collateral thanks to southern influence, a patriarchical system like those found in the North were present in the upper classes and in the cities. Therefore, residential spaces were not divided based on age or gender, as in hierarchical societies, but according to family and function. Second, these areas had local belief systems based on animism and ancestor worship, and household deities were closely related to women, agriculture and fire. The deities of the kitchen, the granary and the toilet were mostly female, and the role of priest was often filled by a woman. After Buddhism and Confucianism were introduced from mainland Korea, China and Japan, the sacred areas of the household took on a dual form, integrating the female-focused local rites with male-centered Buddhist and Confucian rites. Third, in accordance with worship of a kitchen deity, a granary deity, and a toilet deity led to these areas of the home being separated into disparate buildings. Eventually, these areas became absorbed into the home as architectural technology was further developed and lifestyles were changed. There was also integration of northern and southern cultures, with rites concerning granary and toilet deities coming from China, and the personality of the kitchen deity being related to the southern sea. In addition, the use of stone in separate kitchens, granaries, and toilets is a distinguishing characteristic of the East China Sea. This research is a part of the results gained from a project funded by the Korea Research Foundation in 2006. 우리나라 제주도에는 바다를 통해 전달된 수평적 신화가 널리 분포하고, 가족 내에서 여성의 사회적 지위가 상대적으로 높고, 민가 역시 한반도 민가와 건물배치, 난방 취사 분리, 거주유형 등에서 확연한 차이를 보여, 민가형성에 북방문화 외에 다른 문화의 전래도 있었음을 짐작할 수 있다. 이러한 의문을 해결하기 위해서 한반도의 남해안과 제주도 이남에 펼쳐진 동중국해(혹은 동지나해)에 접한 민가를 비교하였다. 쿠로시오가 흐르고 계절풍이 부는 동중국해 지역에는 대륙의 북방문화뿐만 아니라 단속적이지만 바다를 통한 남방문화가 복합화되어 이곳 주문화권만의 특색을 이루었다. 이에 가신들이 좌정하는 성역을 통해 동중국해 민가에 나타나는 남방문화의 특성을 살펴보았다. 첫째, 동중국해 지역에는 해양과 관련된 수평적 신화가 주류를 이루고, 척박한 자연화경으로 반농반어 반농반채 등 이중적 생계수단을 지닌다. 가족구성은 전체적으로 모계 쌍계사회의 특성이 강한 연령계제제의 남방계 특성이 잔존하면서도, 외부적으로 대륙북방계에 원류를 두고 있는 가부장권의 특성이 상류계층과 도시에 나타나는 이중체계를 유지한다. 그래서 주택구조는 종적위계 남녀구별의 수직적 공간구성 대신에 세대별 기능별에 따른 수평적 공간구성을 이룬다. 둘째, 동중국해 지역은 정령신앙 조상숭배를 기반으로 한 토속신앙으로 가신들은 여성 농경 불과 관련성이 깊다. 부엌에서는 화신(조왕신), 곡창에서는 곡령신, 측간에서는 측신을 섬겼는데, 이들은 대부분 여신이고 사제도 주부들이 담당하였다. 이후 한 중 일 본토에서 불교 유교가 들어오면서 기존 여성중심의 무속의례에 남성중심의 불교 유교의례가 공존하는 이중적 성역을 이룬다. 셋째, 동중국해 지역에서 조왕신, 조령신, 측신들을 모시는 곳을 통해 별동형 부엌, 곡창, 돼지뒷간 등이 별동으로 존재했다가 점차 주택내로 흡수되는 것을 알 수 있고, 이는 건축기술의 발달과 생활양식 변화에 연유하였다. 또 곡창 돼지 뒷간의 고상식은 중국남부 경로와 별동형 부엌과 화신의 성격은 남양 경로와 관련이 있는 등 해양문화의 혼합성이 나타난다. 그러나 별동형 부엌 곡창 돼지 뒷간에 석재의 사용은 동중국해권 주문화권만의 특징이라고 하겠다.

      • 退溪 李滉의 莊屋 變遷에 관한 硏究

        윤일이,조성기 부산대학교 생산기술연구소 2000 生産技術硏究所論文集 Vol.59 No.-

        조선시대 선비들은 주택을 유교적 이념을 실현하는 하나의 도장으로 인식하여, 유교적 덕목을 표현 하려고 하였다. 그 중에서 사랑채는 가장을 비롯한 남자가족이 거주하며 손님을 맞이하는 곳으로 보다 유교적인 특성을 강하게 드러낸다. 이러한 사랑채의 공간은 지역, 계층, 가문, 세계관 등에 따라 차이를 가지며 지어졌고, 사랑채의 성격은 별당, 서당, 정자 등으로 주택의 내부에서 뿐만 아니라 외부로도 확대 되어 왔다. 그래서 본 연구는 조선시대 사림문화에 지대한 영향을 미친 퇴계 이황의 장옥 변천을 중심으로 한 성격형성을 살펴보아, 주택에서 분리된 공간-서당-의 특징과 사랑채와의 영향관계를 살펴본다. 16세기 사대부들의 유연하고 다양한 정신세계는 학문의 해석뿐만 아니라 건물을 짓는데서도 나타난다. 퇴계 이황의 도산서당은 한국화된 유학의 개념이 녹아든 것으로, 이후 영남지역을 중심으로 한 상류주택과 서원이 나아가는 지표가 되었다 Scholars of Chosun dynasty had made an effort to represent Confucian virtues in the dwelling in their yard, regarding them as training halls for bringing Confucian idea into realization. Among the buildings, Sarang-Chae was where the male family members including household dwells and welcome visitors. A study in the house was the building of the most distinct Confucian characteristic of all buildings. The space of Sarang-Chae was built in variations depending on factors like regions, c1asses, family tradition and a worldview. And the characteristic of Sarang-Chae in the house was extended to not only inner house complex including an annex, soedang and a pavilion(Jungja) but also to externals. Thus, this study examines characteristic formation mainly seen through the architectural variations based on the Yi Hwang's dwellings followed by look into influential relationship between Sarang-Chae and soedang a separated space from the house. Flexible and diverse mind world of the scholars in the 16th century is not only seen in the academic interpretation but also in architectures. Yi Hwang's Tosansoedang as an extract of Koreanized Confucian concept became a standard architecture of upper-class houses and sowon(educational pnvate institutes) followed in Youngnam province.

      • KCI등재

        한국ㆍ중국 상류주택 남성공간의 유교적 특성에 관한 비교연구

        윤일이,Youn Lily 한국주거학회 2004 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.15 No.5

        This comparative study on the confucian characteristics of the space for men on the upper-class house took two approaches. Firstly, even though Korea and China accepted same Confucianism, they developed their own Confucian cultures and differentiated house types. Therefore, the process of developing various type of house can be observed as to adopting Confucianism. Secondly, identification of each country can be appeared by looking into the house developing process. Preceding studies about traditional houses of Korea and China usually focused on style analysis. However, this study approaches to house arrangement through understanding the base of each culture and people.

      • KCI우수등재

        고대 건축의 지붕부에 사용된 금속장식에 관한 연구

        윤일이 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.36 No.2

        In the ancient Buddhist temple area, various metal artifacts are still excavated. Therefore, the aim of this study is to approach thecharacteristics of ancient architecture through ancient metal artifacts. First, metal decoration of ancient architecture appears for the purpose ofstructure, decoration, arson. Then, as the method of wood structure is developed, the application is separated into structural, functional anddecorative purposes. In ancient times, metal decoration has reduced the role of structure, but its decorative role has expanded. Second,various metallic ornaments were used on the roof of ancient architecture. As the wooden technology developed, the metal decoration wasgradually omitted while applying the curve to the roof. Third, the metal ornaments used on the roof of ancient architectures include the ridgecentral decoration, roof top decoration, a nine-ring decoration, gable board Ornamental Metal, corner flower decoration, eaves nail, wind bell. And subsequent research requires a terminology that can link the results of archeology and Buddhist art through excavation as a result ofarchitecture. 본 연구는 한국 고대 불교사원지에서 출토된 금속유물 중에서 건축용 부재로 사용된 금속장식품을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 고대건축 지붕부의 특성을 살펴보았다. 1. 한국 고대 사지에서 다양한 금속유물이 출토되었는데, 이들 유물의 용도는 크게 구조용·기능용·장식용으로 구분된다. 특히 장식용 유물을 통해 고대 건축에는 근세 건축보다 많은 금속장식의 사용을 확인할 수 있다. 2. 목조건축에서 지붕부는 큰 면적을 차지하며 상징성도 크다. 고대 목조기술이 미발달되었을 당시에는 지붕의 침하·이동·붕괴를 방지하기 위해 기와를 고정하는 것이 주요했다. 이를 위해 다양한 길이의 와정을 사용하고, 그 상부에 금속류·도자기류를 덮어 빗물로부터 보호하면서 다양한 지붕장식이 발전한 것으로 보인다. 3. 고대 사지의 발굴조사를 통해 우리나라 고대 권위건축의 지붕부에는 사용된 금속장식으로는 용마루 중앙장식, 보정, 상륜, 지네철, 현어, 귀꽃, 방초박이, 풍탁 등이 있다. 목조건축의 용마루 장엄에는 용마루 중앙장식과 치미 등을 설치하였고, 같은 맥락으로 모임지붕에는 보정을, 불탑에는 상륜을 설치하여 누르개 역할과 장식을 겸하였다. 한편 귀꽃, 방초박이 등은 지붕의 수키와·막새 등이 흘러내리는 것을 막고 지붕의 곡선미를 살리는 역할도 하였다. 4. 7∼8세기에는 용마루 중앙장식, 보정, 방초박이 등에 보주형과 연봉형이 선호되었다. 그리고 용마루 중앙장식, 지붕마루의 마구리 장식, 방초박이 등은 한 벌(set)처럼 유사한 재료·형태를 이루기도 하였다. 이후 목조기술이 발전하면서 용마루 중앙장식과 방초박이 대신 지붕 마루곡과 처마곡을 이용하였을 가능성도 있다. 5. 추후 연구에서는 발굴조사를 통한 1차적인 고고학과 불교미술학의 성과를 2차적인 건축학의 결과로 연결할 수 있는 용어 정리가 요구된다.

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