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        1940년대 전반기 조선 거주 일본인 작가의 의식구조에 대한 연구

        윤대석(Dae Seok Yun) 한국현대소설학회 2002 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.17

        Until now the literary works which were produced in the first half of 1940`s has been called as the Chin-il Munhak(the pro-Japanese Literature) or the Am-huk-ki Munhak(the Literature in the darkness age). Because these literary works were written in Japanese and have the themes that take side with the policy of Japanese Emperialism on the whole. But if we rethink those literary works on the position beyond the nation-state and national literature, we can come to the different conclusion and the different definition. This term does not position those literary works on the outside of the nation-state and the national literature, but locates it on the relationship between the colonizer and colonized subject. By Homi Bhabha the relationship is ambivalent because the colonized subject is never simply and completely opposed to the colonizer and colonizer also never wants colonial subjects to be exact replicas of themselves too. Although the Japanese colonizers adapted the policy of assimilation, they never wanted colonial subjects to be exact replicas of themselves. Both of the complete assimilation and the complete heterogeneity were a threat for them. We can see the example of the former in the Kubota Yukio`s novel. From the Rural Society, and the latter in the Miyazaki Seitaro`s novel, His Elder Brother. In order to escape from a threat of ambivalence, they reconstruct the image of the colonized subjects in their own way. We can explain this ambivalence not only in the unconscious aspect, but also in the historical aspect. According to Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, this age was the shift point from the age of the Imperialism to that of the Imperial. The Imperialism is the product of the Modernity and the Nationalism, and only expansion of the Nationalism. But the Imperial is the product of the Post-Modernity and the Post-Nationalism, and contrary to the Imperialism it has no center. Japanese Dae-Dong-A-Kong-Young-Kwan(Dai-To-A-Kyo-Ei-Ken, The Great Co-prospecrity Alliance of Asia) has two faces of the Imperialism and the Imperial. It has center and in contemporary has no center, It has both policy of the assimilation and the discrimination.

      • KCI등재

        기술이냐 윤리냐

        윤대석(Yun, Dae-seok) 한국현대문학회 2016 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.50

        이 글은 좁게는 일제 말기 김경린의 시와 시론의 전개 양상을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있고, 넓게는 이를 통해 전후 모더니즘의 특성과 나아가 전후 세대의 기층에 놓인 식민지 체험이 가진 의미에 대한 시사점을 얻는 데 목적이 있다. 김경린은 일제 말기에 조선어와 일본어 습작을 동시에 진행하였으나 조선어문학의 가능성이 봉쇄되자 일본어로 문학 활동을 전개한다. 그는 국제적인 모더니즘 운동 가운데 놓여 있던 VOU에 가입하여 국제성, 실험성, 시각적 조형성이라는 모더니즘의 핵심적 가치를 실현하고자 했다. 이는 시에서 사상과 윤리를 제거하고 언어의 기술적 측면에 천착하는 운동이었다. 그러나 김경린이 VOU에 가입할 시기는 일본 모더니즘이 전향을 도모하던 시기였고 그 종점에는 모더니즘을 포기한, 전통적 노래에 근거한 서정시인 향토시가 놓여 있었다. 실험적인 시를 쓰던 김경린은 이러한 모더니즘의 국가주의적 전향을 온전히 받아들일 수 없었기에 조선에 돌아와서도 사상(윤리)과 기술의 이분법을 제시하며 시가 후자에 속하는 것이라고 주장했다. 그러나 ‘국민문학’ 하에서 모더니즘은 전통과 노래(소리)에 입각한 국민시와는 가장 거리가 먼 것이었기에 집중적인 비판의 대상이 된다. 이러한 가운데 김경린은 초기의 실험시에서 후퇴하여 기술에서 사상으로 옮겨가고 마침내는 향토시를 씀으로써 모더니즘으로부터 멀어진다. 해방 이후의 김경린은 전향 이전의 모더니즘으로 돌아가 다시 시의 실험성, 국제성, 시각적 조형성을 주된 가치로 내세운다. 이는 국가주의로 전향한 일본 모더니즘에 대한 비판이자 자기비판이기도 했다. 그에게 일본어 창작활동은 자산이자 동시에 부채이기도 했던 것이다. This thesis aims to examine Kim Kyunglin’s poem and poetics written by Japanese during Japanese colonial era, and furthermore to clarify the characteristics of Korean postwar modernism and the meaning of colony experience laid in the mentality of postwar generation. In Japan Kim joined VOU, the club of modernist movement which was in the midst of global modernist movement. He wrote experimental, international and visually formative poem by the influence of VOU. He tried to remove ideology and morality from poem and focus on linguistic technique in writing. But Japan modernist movement including VOU was at the point of turning to nationalism and lyricism based on the Japanese traditional poem. But Kim could not accept the turn of modernism entirely. After the return to Korea, he continuously insisted the dichotomy of technique and ideology(morality) and advocated the priority of the former in modernist poem. But this insistence did not go with the national poem movement which was the majority in Korea and based on traditional poem. Finally he abandoned the modernism and retreated to lyric poem which depicts the hometown. In post colony era he criticized the turn of modernism and returned to authentic modernism movement which advocate the priority of technique. Colony experience was assets and liabilities for his post-colonial literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『화상보』에서의 교양과 과학

        윤대석(Yun, Dae-seok) 우리말글학회 2016 우리말 글 Vol.70 No.-

        이 논문은 유진오의 장편소설『화상보』를 분석함으로써 그의 문학론인 ‘시정편력의 문학’론이 가진 가능성과 한계를 살펴보고자 한다. 유진오는 1930년대 후반기 거대 담론의 현실 해석력이 사라진 시기에 새로운 윤리를 창출하는 기반을 생활에서 발견하고자 했다. 이 때 생활은 현실, 사실과는 대비되는 생활세계를 의미했고 그 속에서 판단은 이론이라는 보편에 의거하지 않고 특수에 의거하지만 보편으로 통용될 수 있는 판단이 되고자 한다. 이러한 생활세계는 장시영으로 대표되는 조선인의 삶 속에서 형상화된다. 이에 비해 김경아로 대표되는 서양적 교양의 세계는 더 이상 생산적인 활동이 되지 못하고 소비의 세계로 전락한다. 이는 당대의 총동원 체제에 저항적인 것이었으나 조선인의 생활세계마저 부정하는 것이기도 했다. ‘시정편력의 문학’론은 정치적인 거대 담론을 거부함으로써 생활세계에서의 새로운 판단의 가능성을 열어갈 수도 있었으나, 과학의 몰가치성을 상정하고 과학을 도입함으로써 생활 세계가 가진 가능성을 봉쇄한다. Yu Jino"s novel Whasangbo(화상보) tried to fictionalize the literary theory of wandering street(시정편력의 문학). The theory searched the possibility of judge in the age that have not any authority of judge. It tried to construct the cognitive model by taste. Whansangbo inspected the possibility of judge by describing the world of soprano Kim kyunga who was symbol of European culture and that of scientist Chnag Siyoung who was symbol of Korean lifeworld. In this novel reificated European culture became the object of consumption and could not be the authority of judge anymor. Whereas the lifeworld of Korean which had enlarged mentality by appearance of the other supplies the base of judge. But by introducing the natural science as solutional principle of lifeworld, this novel and Yu"s literary theory reached at the blind end alley.

      • KCI등재

        식민자와 식민지인의 세 가지 만남

        윤대석(Yun, Dae-seok) 우리말글학회 2013 우리말 글 Vol.57 No.-

        이 연구는 일제 말기의 소설이 식민자와 식민지인의 만남을 어떻게 형상화하는가를 밝히는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이광수는 식민자와 식민지인의 접촉이 서로 간의 차이를 뛰어넘는 데 필수적인 것이라 생각했지만, 모든 관계를 사제 관계로 환원함으로써 오히려 구조적인 불평등을 자연화 했다. 이에 반해 남편-아내의 관계로 식민자와 식민지인의 만남을 형상화한 경우, 둘의 결합의 방해한, 차이를 차별로 전환한 책임을 조선 사회(정인택, 김사영) 혹은 일본 사회(이효석)에 묻고자 했다. 그러한 가운데 김사량은 민족 간의 불평등을 구조적 문제로 파악하고 그 속에서 고통받는 가해자=피해자로서의 식민지인, 식민자를 묘사함으로써 식민자를 정형이 아닌 성격으로 그려낼 수 있었다. 식민자와 식민지인의 우연한 만남을 그린 경우 일본적인 것으로 대표할 수 없는 조선적 특수성을 식민자에게 인지시키고자 했는데, 유진오, 최정희의 소설이 이에 해당한다. This paper aims to clear up the mode of encounter of colonizer(Japanese) and colonized(Korean). Korean writers constructed the imagined community through writing in Korean language and creating independent space. It appears as driving out colonizer(Japanese) in novel. Colonizer do not appear as a character in Korean modern novels. But in the last period of the Japanese occupation colonizer and their language appear in the Korean novel. Colonizer(Japanese) appear as a brother, teacher, sweetheart, and life partner in the Korean novel the last period of the Japanese occupation. The first mode of the encounter of colonizer and colonized is that of brothers or teacher-pupil. Lee Kwangsu described the relation of Korean and Japanese as brother or teacher-pupil although he insisted the equality between them. It solidified the inequality of colonizer and colonized. The second mode of encounter of colonizer and colonized is that of lover or husband-wife. Kim Saryang described the family of "Naisenittai(內鮮一體)" as the reproduction of racial discrimination, not unification of two nations. The third mode of encounter of colonizer and colonized is that of an accident. Yu Jino described the accidental encounter of Japanese and Korean as a chance to tell the particularity of Korean which is not reduced to universality of colonizer. Choi Junghee described the accidental encounter of Korean girl and Japanese soldier as a chnace to reveal the otherness of colonized.

      • KCI등재

        특집 : 문학 교육에서 바라본 문학사

        윤대석 ( Dae Seok Yun ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2014 민족문학사연구 Vol.56 No.-

        이 글은 문학사 교육의 위상 변화와 그에 대응하는 문학사 교육 탈구축 작업을 살펴봄으로써 현재 이루어지고 있는 문학사의 탈구축 작업에서 시사점을 얻고자 한다. 국어과 교육 과정은 문학사 교육을 국민 교육의 장으로 삼았으나 국어 교육이 학습자 중심으로 전환되면서 문학사적 지식은 독립적인 지식과 개별 작품들을 통합하는 지식의 역할을 할수 없게 되었다. 학습자의 다양한 반응과 해석을 이끌어 내는 방향으로 전환한 문학 교육은‘복수의 문학사’를 제재를 통해 구성하였기에, 단일하고 평면적인 해석밖에 생산하지 못하는 민족 문학사와 괴리되었다. 그 때문에 문학사적 지식은 고전과 현대의 상호텍스트성을 지시하는 전통의 연속성과 민족 문학의 정전을 부각시키는 한국 문학의 범위에 관한 지식으로 축소되었다. 이러한 문학사 교육의 위기를 극복하기 위해 문학 교육학계에서는 문학사 교육의 목표를 지식 습득보다는 지식과 능력이 결합된 안목의 획득으로 재설정하고 학습자로 하여금 통합적이고 관계적인 문학사적 지식을 주체적으로 구성하는 데 초점을 두는 방향으로 문학사교육을 갱신하고자 했다. 그러한 가운데 고정된 실체로서의 민족 문학사를 해체하고 복수의 문학사를 도입하거나 그 복수의 문학사를 토대로 자신만의 소문자의 문학사를 구성하는 방안도 제시되었다. 또한 문학 연구 영역의 성과를 바탕으로 교육적으로 의미 있는 문화사적 문학사를 서술하자는 제안도 제출되었다. 이러한 민족 문학사를 대체하는 대안적인 문학사들로 구성되는 복수의 문학사 교육은 정치적 장이자 비평적 장으로서 문학사를 새롭게 탈구축하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것이다. This article aims to account for the change of literary history education and describe the efforts to deconstruct it. The literary history education in Korea, as well as in other countries, was used as a main tool to imagine the national community and raise the feeling of national unification. But it ceases to be the knowledge which controls the interpretation of each texts, as in 1990’s Korean education changed it’s points to learner itself. Literary education which was changed to drag out the various response and interpretation of literary learners can not coexist the national history of literature which produces only the unified and plat interpretation. In this phase the renewal of literary history education began. The aim of literary history education was reset as gaining an appreciative eye for literary history and literary competence. In the process of renewal of literary history education a united national history of literature was deconstructed to plural histories of literature and small-letter histories of learners themselves. And it was suggested that we should write the alternative literary histories which reflect the recent achievement in literary studies. Alternative literary histories can be consisted of cultural histories and micro histories.

      • KCI등재

        서사를 통한 기억의 억압과 기억의 분유

        윤대석(Dae Seok Yun) 한국현대소설학회 2007 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.34

        Recently in field of historical study, a notion of ``memory`` gradually substitutes ``history``. This is not only a result of atomization of modern culture, but also a result of striving for revealing of the otherness that was suppressed and excluded in modern society by ``history``. To disuse the history of ethnocentrism, elitism, and man-centrism, and to write and construct new history, we have to introduce the notion of ``memory``. The personal memories are reconstructed, suppressed, and signified by official history of nation-state. In other word the official history of nation-state absorbs the personal memories into it and constructs itself by this process. The narrative which is located between personal memory and official history of nation-state have possibility not only to suppress personal memory and become national narrative, but also to partage personal memory and unite it into culture of the community. A sinner of nation, the novel of Chae Mansik is the narrative which suppresses and eliminates his memories before liberation of Korea. By suppression of memories this novel constructs national identity. In this novel the suppressed memories are ``fascination for the empire`` and ``memories of the national otherness``. We can call this as politics of memory. In contrary Fire, the novel of Ahn Hoinam is the narrative which preserves the experience of the others, but can unite it into memories of community. It can be possible by not signifying the experience of the others. If we can call it ``the partage``, this novel is the narrative of partage.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 말 임화의 언어론

        윤대석(Yun Dae-seok) 우리말글학회 2009 우리말 글 Vol.45 No.-

        This paper aims to clear up the linguistic theory of Rim Hwa in the late 1930's. It looks like that his theory of language is nationalistic. But he prefered the language of nation and people, not because it was popular and nationalistic, but because it was realistic language. He did not stand on the linguistic nationalism or linguistic essentialism. Externally they are against linguistic imperialism, but internally behalf of it. In those days there were linguistic essentionalist(Han Hyo and Lee Tae-jun) and linguistic imperialist(Kim Yong-je). They were against each other about whether Korean should be abolished and be substituted for Japanese or not. But they were on the same theory that language is nation. Rim Hwa was very typical in this point. He did not think that language is nation. Ironically By this theory he can assert the maintenance of Korean.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 ‘피[血]’의 담론과 일본어 소설

        윤대석(Yun Dae-seok) 우리말글학회 2011 우리말 글 Vol.51 No.-

        This paper aims to clear up the relation of national discourse and scientific discourse about 'blood'. Blood is natural thing. But it has the connotation of nation; nation is the people of one blood. But the relation of blood and nation can be possible by ideology. The ideology is nationalism. By the way the scientific discourse of blood was considered that it has no connotation and ideology. But national discourse of blood was supported by scientific discourse and the latter was directed by the former. In 1930's combine of two discourses was tight. The claimants of pure blood has adopted the science of blood. It was about blood type. The scientist(doctor) of blood asserted the relation of blood and individual temperament. And they asserted the relation of blood and national temperament. The Korean novelist who wrote in Japanese had interested in blood. The blood was the biggest obstacle of unification of Korean and Japanese. But they describe blood as their unreducible nationality(Han Seol-ya) or universality(Lee Hyo-seok).

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