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      • KCI등재

        음치 성인의 시간적 처리 능력

        윤건석,Nour Alsabbagh,장현숙 한국청각언어재활학회 2019 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.15 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the temporal processing abilities in individuals with tune deafness. Methods: First, the scores of Distorted Tunes Test (DTT), which is a web-based tool for identifying tune-deaf individuals, were collected from 346 young adults. Second, Frequency Pattern Test (FPT), Duration Pattern Test (DPT), and Gaps-In-Noise (GIN) test were randomly conducted on the tune deafness group (TDG) and the control group (CG). TDG consisted of 13 young Korean adults who are self-reportedly amusic and performed ≤ 19 scores on DTT. CG included 15 who are not self-reportedly amusic and performed ≥ 24 scores on the same test. The scores of FPT, DPT, and GIN test were compared between TDG and CG. Results: The criterion for tune deafness in the lowest 10th percentile on DTT included the score up to 19. Mann Whitney U nonparametric analysis revealed significantly lower performances in both labeling (p < 0.05) and humming (p < 0.01) modes of FPT in TDG, but not in DPT. GIN thresholds in the two groups significantly differed following the paired t-test, revealing upper threshold in the right ear in TDG (p < 0.05), but represented performances within normal ranges. Conclusion: Pitch processing deficits followed by poor performances on FPT by TDG suggest that DPT may be a more appropriate clinical choice when assessing temporal processing abilities in tune-deaf population. High performance variables in terms of temporal processing abilities within TDG also suggest further scrutiny of temporal processing abilities in the affected population is necessary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어 버전 일상생활 청각행동 설문지의 신뢰도와 타당도

        최재희,윤건석,장현숙 한국청각언어재활학회 2017 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.13 No.1

        Purpose: The Auditory Behavior in Everyday Life (ABEL) questionnaire has been proven for its reliability and validity across various cultures for assessing auditory behaviors of children with hearing loss. The study’s purpose was to translate the ABEL questionnaire into Korean and verify reliability and validity of Korean version of ABEL (ABEL-K). Methods: After translation, the ABEL-K evaluated for appropriateness, and back translated by a bilingual user to compare to the original regarding semantic equivalence. ABEL-K was completed by 48 parents of children (from ages 3-15 years) with hearing loss (9 children with hearing aids and 39 children with cochlear implants). Among the 48 children, 11 were in preschool, 16 in elementary, and 21 in secondary. Internal consistency reliability of ABEL-K was verified by Chronbach’s alpha. The mixed factorial ANOVA was conducted to compare the age group and the evaluation areas (aural-oral, auditory awareness, and social/conversational skills). The Pearson Correlation Coefficient between the scores and chronological age, and scores and period of CI experience were evaluated, respectively. Results: The results indicated that although ABEL-K showed good internal consistency reliability (α = 0.90), there seems to be issues in its validity due to ambiguous expression and the cultural differences. The ABEL scores among age groups were not significantly different. However, there was a significant difference in ABEL scores between auditory awareness and social/conversational skill areas. There was significant correlation with CI experience, but not with chronological age. Conclusion: Thus, this study suggests a way that ABEL-K should be utilized, taking precautions in the interpretation of the results.

      • KCI등재

        통합교육 환경 인공와우 착용 아동의 청각행동특성

        장현숙,윤건석,류혜수 한국통합교육학회 2016 통합교육연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Although increasingly more school-aged children with cochlear implants (CI) are being placed in mainstream settings due to the increased number of CI students, requirements still remain for both understanding their hearing-related difficulties and providing appropriate audiological services. This study investigated auditory behaviors of the CI children who are currently placed in primary or secondary mainstream classrooms. A total of 35 school-aged CI children (18 primary and 17 secondary students) with an average CI wearing experience of 12 years participated in this study. Parents assessed their children’s performance scores using standardized KNISE-Auditory behavioral checklist (KNISE-ABC). The results showed 1) the scores in the primary group were the highest in related behavior and lowest in academic ability areas, 2) in the secondary group, the scores were the highest in auditory memory and lowest in background noise. 3) When based on a criterion of -2 SD in normal children, the groups within the -2 SD area were auditory attention, auditory memory and related behavior; -2 ~ -3 SD were background noise, communication and academic ability; lower than -3 SD were related behavior. 4) While the 50% of the primary and 53% of the secondary groups were at risk, 17%(primary: 4, secondary: 2) were within normal ranges. 5) No significant correlation was shown between chronological ages and the total scores of KNISE-ABC. 6) The only significant correlation was in the secondary group when comparing the duration of CI experience with total scores of KNISE-ABC. In conclusion, many efforts to aid children with CI in mainstream schools are strongly needed. 청각장애의 조기발견, 인공와우 기술의 진보, 긍정적인 결과, 인공와우 의료보험 적용 등으로 인공와우를 착용하는 고심도 청각장애 아동의 수가 지속적으로 증가하는 추세이며, 이들의 교육적 배치 또한 일반학교에서 통합교육을 받는 아동의 수가 증가하고 있다. 본 연구는 말초 및 중추 청각문제와 관련된 청각행동특성을 파악하고자 개발 및 표준화된 설문지인 청각행동특성검사(Korea National Institute for the Special Education-Auditory Behavioral Checklists, KNISE-ABC)를 통해 통합교육을 받고 있는 인공와우 착용 아동의 청각행동특성을 살피는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 인공와우 착용 초등학생 18명과 중고등학생 17명의 부모를 대상으로 설문지를 작성토록 하였다. 분석 결과, 초등학생과 중고등학생 간 KNISE-ABC 점수에서 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. KNISE-ABC의 하위 영역별 점수에서 모두 ‘보통’ 이상의 점수를 받았으나 건청 아동을 대상으로 한 표준화 검사 결과와 비교하였을 때, 청각적 주의집중, 청각기억, 관련행동 영역에서는 –1 SD 수준을, 의사소통, 학업능력, 듣기 및 배경소음 속 듣기 영역에서는 –2 SD 이하 수준을 나타내었다. 청각행동과 생활연령 및 인공와우 착용기간과는 상관성이 유의하지 않았다. 이는 통합교육 환경에 있는 인공와우 착용 아동은 일반 아동에 비해 열약한 청각행동특성을 가지고 있으므로, 이를 극복할 수 있는 체계적인 교육적 지원이 필요함을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Korean Viseme System in Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word Lists

        최재희(Jaehee Choi),윤건석(Keonseok Yoon),류혜수(Hyesoo Ryu),장현숙(Hyunsook Jang) 한국언어청각임상학회 2017 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.22 No.3

        배경 및 목적: 한국어 독화소 체계 분석에 관한 기존의 연구들은 한정된 음소들을 조합하여 이루어짐으로써 일상회화체의 다양한 특성들을 반영하지 못한 점이 있다. 이에 본 연구는 일상회화체 내 음소 출현율을 반영한 한국표준 단음절어표 일반용(Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word List for Adults, KS-MWL-A)을 사용하여 독화검사를 실시하고, 한국어의 독화소 체계를 초성ㆍ중성ㆍ종성별로 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 방법: 남녀 화자 2명이 단음절어표를 자연스럽게 발화하는 모습을 녹화하여 성인 32명을 대상으로 음성 없이 독화검사를 실시하고, 단어 정반응률, 음소 정반응률, 반응음소 출현율을 구하였고, 음소 정반응률을 비교하기 위해 일원분산분석을 실시하였다. 초성ㆍ중성ㆍ종성 혼동 행렬을 통해 반응음소군을 확인하고, 누적 정반응률 60%를 기준으로 독화소군을 결정하였다. 결과: 연구결과, 단어 정반응률은 13.00%였으며, 음소 정반응률은 초성 19.04%, 중성 48.26%, 종성 44.77%로 초성이 중성, 종성보다 유의미하게 낮았다. 각 음소별 반응음소군을 통해서 독화소군을 초성 /ㄱ, ㄲ, ㅋ, ㅎ, ([ ])/, /ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄸ, ㅌ, (ㅅ, [ ])/, /ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅃ, ㅍ/, /ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ/ 4개, 중성모음 /ㅣ, ㅡ, ㅢ/, /ㅟ/, /ㅗ, ㅛ/, /ㅏ, ㅑ/, /ㅜ, ㅠ/, /ㅓ, ㅕ/, /ㅘ, ㅚ, (ㅙ)/, /ㅖ, ㅐ, ㅔ/ 8개, 종성자음 [ ], /ㄱ, ㅇ/, /ㄴ, ㄷ/, /ㄹ/, /ㅁ, ㅂ/ 5개로 분류하였다. 논의 및 결론: 한국어 초성자음과 종성자음의 독화소 체계에 미치는 중성모음의 영향력을 확인하였으며, 또한 종성의 유무에 대한 민감성이 종성 독화소 체계에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the speechreading abilities of the Korean population and verify the Korean viseme system by utilizing the Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word List for Adults (KS-MWL-A), a list of words selected in consideration of phonemic balance and frequency of everyday use. Methods: KS-MWL-A words spoken by both male and female speakers were filmed. The speechreading test with no auditory cues was performed on 32 subjects and the percent correct scores of words and phonemes were identified and analyzed using ANOVA. Three positions of phonemes, initial, medial and final, were classified according to a confusion matrix to determine the Korean viseme groups based on a criterion of a 60% correct response. Results: The results showed that the percent correct score of words was 13.00%. The percent correct scores of phonemes of initial, medial, and final positions were 19.04%, 48.26%, and 44.77%, respectively. The Korean visemes were classified as initial phonemes [/k, kh, k’, h, [ ]/, /n, d, t’, th, (s), [ ]/, /m, p, ph, p’/, /s, s’, ʨ, ʨh/], medial phonemes [/i, ɯ, ɯi/, /wi/, /o, jo/, /a, ja/, /u, ju/, /ʌ, jʌ/, /wa, Ø, (wε)/, /jε, æ, e/] and final phonemes [/[ ], k, ŋ/, /n, d/, /l/, /m, b/]. Conclusion: It was revealed that vowels affect both the initial and final position of consonants in the Korean viseme system. Furthermore, the sensitivity to the presence of the final consonant seemed to have the capability to affect the final consonant of the viseme system.

      • Arbitrarily Primed PCR을 이용한 한국에서 유행하는 황색포도상구균의 분자유전형에 대한 연구

        황선철,이창규,이승관,이동호,정수경,최현일,윤건석,정운원,윤효숙 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 1998 保健科學論集 Vol.24 No.1

        Eighty methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) isolates were typed by applying arbitrarily primed-PCR(AP-PCR) method to clarify their distribution of molecular genetical characteristics. Among 40 gentamicin resistant strains of MRSA(GR-MRSA), 33 isolates drawn on the dendrogram fell into a single cluster at the similarity level of 90% when primer S₁ was used. However, with the primer S₂, 24 out of 40 strains fell into a single cluster at the similiarity 90%. In the meantime, 22 out of 40 strains amplified fell into a single cluster at the similarity of 90% when the primer E₂ was used. From the combined data obtained, it can be statistically said that 65.8% of GR-MRSA isolates are related with genetical characteristics. In 40 gentamycin susceptible MRSA(GS-MRSA) strains, 18, 19 and 13 strains drawn on the dendrogram fell into a single cluster at a similiarity level of 90% with the primers S₁, S₂ and E₂, respectively. From the combined data obtained by the three above AP-PCR profiles, it can be concluded that 41.7% of GS-MRSA isolates showed high relatedness genetically.

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