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유미애,Ryo, Haruko,Kondo, Sohei 한국유전학회 1986 Genes & Genomics Vol.8 No.1
The effects of X-ray-sensitive single mei-9, mei-41, and double mei-9 mei-41 mutations in Drosophila melanogaster on the induction of somatic chromosome mutations by X-rays were examined. Stocks heterozygous for the recessive cell marker mwh (multiple wing hairs) were used. The frequencies and sizes of mwh clones in the wings of adults after X-irradiation were examined. After X-irradiation of third instar larvae of the repair-proficient strain and the mei-9, mei-41 and mei-9 mei-41 mutants at 100 rad, the frequency per wing of large mwh clones was 0.15, 0.25, 0.89 and 1.87, respectively. The 50% lethal dose (LD_(50)) after X-irradiation of third instar larvae of these strains was 3.5, 2.2, 1.3 and 0.8 krad, respectively. Thus, in terms of either mutation rate at 100 rad or 1/LD_(50), the product of the sensitivity to X-irradiation of the repair-proficient strain and that of double mutant mei-9 mei-41 was nearly equal to the product of the sensitivity of mutant mei-9 and that of mutant mei-41. Based on a theoretical model, which can explain this empirical relationship, it is proposed that the X-ray-induced lesions responsible for induction of chromosome mutations or lethality are repaired by two independent pathways, one dependent on the gene mei-9^+ and the other on the gene mei-41^+.
유미애 한국아동간호학회 2006 Child Health Nursing Research Vol.12 No.3
=Content Analysis on Psychosocial Adjustment of Adolescent Survivors of Leukemia
Transcriptional Activation of Drosophila raf Proto - Oncogene in Immune Response
유미애,하혜영 한국유전학회 1997 Genes & Genomics Vol.19 No.4
D-raf Drosophila homolog of the human c-raf-1, serves as a central intermediate in many signaling pathways ultimately regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, and development. In transgenic larval tissues carrying D-raf and lacZ fusion gene, spatial patterns of D-raf gene expression have been reported in the fat body, the humoral immune tissue of insect. We investigated the possible role of D-raf in Drosophila immune response using Draf-lacZ transgenic flies and hypomorphic mutant D-raf^(C110) strain. Our results showed that expression of the D-raf gene was induced by injury or bacterial challenge, especially in fat body and D-raf may be involved in the process. And, the larvae of D-raf^(C110) strain showed abnormal hemocyte population and did not show the increased number of plasmatocytes nor the induced expression of the D-raf gene that detected in wild-type larvae after injury or bacterial challenge.
남자 고등학교 정구 선수의 전위형 서브와 후위형 서브 동작에 대한 운동역학적 비교 분석
유미애,주명덕 한국교원대학교 학교체육연구소 2011 학교체육연구소지 Vol.18 No.1
The purpose of this study was to compare Men's high school tennis player's before-player serve and rear-player serve. Such serve movements were analyzed in three-dimensional image analysis, kinetic variables were calculated using force platform to underst