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      • KCI등재

        2009년 국내 꿀벌 질병의 발생 빈도

        유미선(Mi-Sun Yoo),윤병수(Byoung-Su Yoon) 한국양봉학회 2009 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.24 No.4

        The economically most important honeybee species, Apis mellifera, was formerly considered to be infected by various pathogen. A survey on the occurrence of honeybee diseases were carried out using PCR assay. Samples were collected in Korean apiaries located in different region of the country in 2009. The study confirmed that rate of disease infection. The occurrence, prevalence, and distribution patterns of american foulbrood (AFB), european foulbrood (EFB), chalkbrood, stonebrood, Nosema, sacbrood virus (SBV), acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), deformed wing virus (DWV), black queen cell virus (BQCV), kashmir bee virus (KBV), chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV), israel acute paralysis virus (IAPV) were investigated in honeybee colonies suffering from symptoms of disease such as depopulation, sudden collapse or paralysis. The results could serve as a basis for monitoring further changes in the distribution of honeybee diseases in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        초기 성인기의 불안정 성인애착이 대인관계문제에 미치는 영향 : 내면화된 수치심과 부적응적 인지적 정서조절전략의 매개효과

        유미선(Mi Sun Yoo),김도연(Do Yeon Kim) 한국발달지원학회 2023 발달지원연구 Vol.12 No.3

        본 연구는 초기 성인을 대상으로 불안정 성인애착, 내면화된 수치심, 부적응적 인지적 정서조절전략, 대인관계문제의 관련성을 살피고, 불안정 성인애착과 대인관계문제의 관계에서 내면화된 수치심과 대인관계문제의 순차적매개효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 수도권 내의 20-30대 성인 333명이었으며, 불안정 성인애착 척도, 내면화된 수치심 척도, 부적응적 인지적 정서조절전략 척도, 대인관계문제 척도를 사용하여 측정하였다. 자료분석에는 SPSS 21.0와 PROCESS Macro 3.5 프로그램을 사용하여 기술통계 분석, 상관분석, 매개효과 및 유의성 검증을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 불안정 성인애착, 내면화된 수치심, 부적응적 인지적 정서조절전략, 대인관계문제는 모두 유의미한 정적상관을 보였다. 둘째, 불안정 성인애착이 대인관계문제에 미치는 영향에서 내면화된 수치심의 매개효과가 있었다. 셋째, 불안정 성인애착이 대인관계문제에 미치는 영향에서 부적응적 인지적 정서조절전략의 매개효과가 있었다. 넷째, 불안정 성인애착이 대인관계문제에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 내면화된 수치심과 부적응적 인지적 정서조절전략의 순차적 매개효과가 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 제한점과 후속연구를 위한 제언 및 치료적 개입의 시사점을 논의하였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구에서는 대인관계문제를 호소하는 초기 성인기에 대한 이해를 도모하고 대인관계문제를 완화하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. The purpose of this study was to verity the intermediating effects of Internalized shame and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation on the relation between insecure adult attachment and interpersonal problem in early adulthood. For this study, the survey was used to measure Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised(ECR-R), Short form of the Korean Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circumplex Scale(KIIP-SC), Internalized Shame Scale(ISS), Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire(CERQ). And the data from 333 early adulthood under 40 years of age were analyzed. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and SPSS Macro. The main results of the study are summarized as follows: First, Insecure adult attachment showed positive correlation with interpersonal problems, internalized shame and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation. Second, Insecure adult attachment had positive effect on interpersonal problems in early Adulthood. Third, Internalized shame had a mediating effect on insecure adult attachment and interpersonal problems. Fourth, Maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation had a mediating effect on insecure adult attachment and interpersonal problems. Finally, Internalized shame and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation had double mediating effect between insecure adult attachment and interpersonal problems.

      • KCI등재

        국내 꿀벌의 장내 미생물 군집 조사

        유미선(Mi-Sun Yoo),이보람(Bo-Ram Lee),김재수(Jaisoo Kim),윤병수(Byoung-Su Yoon) 한국양봉학회 2011 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.26 No.2

        Recent studies on the microbial population of the honeybee, Apis mellifera, intestine have revealed an apparently highly specific community of resident bacteria that might play a role in immune defence and food preservation for their hosts. However, very little is studied about the diversity of bacteria on honeybee in Korea. We examined microbial population of the honeybee intestine for their bacterial communities. We used a molecular approach based on sequencing the 16S rRNA gene, called pyrosequencing. The microbial population in intestine was mostly dominated by Escherichia coli with more than 96%. The all others can be minors with less than 3%: Escherichia fergusonii, Bartonella sp., Escherichia sp., Enterobacteriaceae gen. sp., Lactobacillaceae gen. sp., Citrobacter sp., Neisserianceae gen. sp., Oscillatoriaceae gen. sp., Enterobacteriales sp., Erysipelotrichales sp., Bifidobacterium asteroides, Rhizobiales fam. gen. sp., Pantoea sp., Yokenella sp., Enterobacter sp., and Bacteriodes sp. This results could serve as a basis for monitoring further changes in the distribution of bacterial communities on honeybee in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Black Queen Cell Virus 재조합 단백질의 발현

        유미선(Mi-Sun Yoo),이보람(Boram Lee),노지나(Ji-Na No),Nguyen Van Phu,윤병수(Byoung-Su Yoon) 한국양봉학회 2011 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        Black queen cell virus (BQCV) causes the death of queen larvae and pupae. The coding sequence of structural protein gene in BQCV was amplified using cDNA from Apis mellifera in Korea and cloned into the pQE30-ELP (Elastin-like Polypeptide) vector at BamHI/SalI restriction enzyme site. It was presented 99% nucleotide and 100% amino acid sequence identification with BQCV sequences reported (GenBank AF183905). pQE30-BQCV-ELP was expressed in Escherichia coli M15. pQE30-BQCV in M15 was successfully expressed in the state of more than 0.1mM IPTG. This recombinant BQCV protein will be use for generation of monoclonal antibody to develop a diagnosis tool for BQCV infection in honeybee.

      • KCI등재

        보들레르의 시 "Duellum"의 시니피앙스 분석

        유미선(YOO, Mi-Sun) 프랑스학회 2010 프랑스학연구 Vol.52 No.-

        Dans cette étude, j ' ai l' intention de confirmer l' urúté du poème. Si je peux lire ce poème continuellement en cherchant un contenu unique, l’ unite de ce poeme sera le poème même. Ce poème “Duellum" signifie étymologiquement duel, combat originel. Jérôme Thélot dit que traduire son titre soit une faute car il n'y a pas cl ' équivalent du mot en français. Pour moi, je proposerais de le traduire par combat ou duel au sens large, car dans ce poeme le combat est aussi celui de l' écriture Baudelaire souligne l’importance de la prosodie et du rythme pour exprimer une idée quelconque en tant que poete. L' analyse du poème par la prosodie et le rythme montre le nombre, la disposition et l’ordre des éléments de chaque chaine. Cette analyse nous donne une possibilité à lire la relation réclproque entre les mots et les vers. Cela révèle la signifiance pour déchiffrer la sémantique de ce poème. Les elments de contigwté se superposent et se substituent. Ces superpositions et substitutions changent non pas seulement le sens des mots mais aussi les images La scène clu combat entre les deux guerriers se change en l' image de la jeunesse du témoin. L'image du victime, son amante du passé est bientôt renouvelée. Cette beauté prend sa revanche avec les dents et les ongles. Ici, les ongles et les dents remplacent les glaives masculins, clu bourreau. L'ecriture et la parole remplacent le combat cle deux guerriers. Et la beauté et le poète remplacent les guerriers du combat. le combat physique du passé se transfonne en celui de l ’ écriture. Ici, nous pou、rons avoir une curiosité sur I'identité de l'amazone inhurnaine qui est née de I'image de combat Dans “Nos héros", “Nos" signifie le poète, sujet du poeme( “ma") et la Beauté, amazone inhurnaine. On peut confirmer que Nos “héros", à la 3ème personne du pluriel, signifient les personnages dans les poèmes ou les poemes mêmes nés entre la Beauté, amazone inhumaine et le poète, sujet du poeme. Les effets de superposition et de substitution des éléments de chaque chaî ne nous ont font lire ce poème continuellement en cherchant sa sémantique. Donc, j ’ unité de ce poème est le poeme même, non pas le mot ou le vers ce fait désigne que ce poème est écrit grâce aux expériences poétiques du poète. En conclusion, on peut dire que la signifiance montrée par le nombre, la disposition et l' ordre des éléments de chaque chaíne fait découvrir la sémantique de ce poème. Naturellent, la rhétorique que l’on a cherchée par la prosodie et le rythme ne se réfere pas à la langue mais à la sémantique. Une recherche profonde de la sémantique perrnettra de dégager l’éthique et l' esthétique de la scène de combat entre victime et bourreau, deux guerriers.

      • KCI등재

        Israel Acute Paralysis Virus의 진단을 위한 Real-Time PCR 진단법의 개발

        유미선(Mi-Sun Yoo),Kim Cuc Nguyen Thi,김동수(Dong-Soo Kim),김일욱(Il-Uk Kim),권순환(Sun-Hwan Kwon),윤병수(Byoung-Su Yoon) 한국양봉학회 2009 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.24 No.1

        Israel acute paralysis virus (IAPV) was reported as one of fatal viral pathogens cause colony collapse disorder (CCD). For the quantitative detection of IAPV which are infected in honeybee, a real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-RT-PCR) technique was developed. A specific detection primer set (IAPV-162PF/ R) was designed and evaluated. The unique 162bp DNA fragment was quantitatively amplified using specific primer pairs. In the real-time PCR assays with serially diluted template and artificially contaminated tem-plate, the specific RT-RT-PCR showed high sensitivities which were able to detect each 101 copies in the both standard assays. IAPV could be detected by using this newly developed real-time PCR, which would be an accurate tool for quantitative detection of IAPV. The described IAPV-RT-RTPCR would be useful for the control and the prevention of IAPV as far as CCD in honeybees.

      • KCI등재

        국내 양봉장에서 Kashmir Bee Virus(KBV)의 검출과 이의 분자생물학적 고찰

        유미선(Mi-Sun Yoo),김을환(Eul-Hwan Kim),강민희(Min-Hee Kang),한상훈(Sang-Hoon Han),권순환(Sun-Hwan Kwon),윤병수(Byoung-Su Yoon) 한국양봉학회 2007 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.22 No.1

        Kashmir Bee Virus (KBV) is potentially lethal to honeybees that has recently come to prominence as one of several viruses closely associated with colony collapse. As most honeybee viral diseases, distinctive symptoms of KBV-infected honeybees were not described in detail. For the investigation of putative KBV infection in Korean apiaries, PCR detection targeting RNA polymerase gene of KBV were performed with KBV-specific primer-pairs. This PCR method was able to detect reliably the existence of the virus from honeybee samples. Total 104 honeybee samples from Korean apiaries were tested by KBV-specific PCR, KBVs were detected in 17 cases (16.3%). In aspect of the regional distribution the KBV infection were dominant found samples from south region in Korea. To identify the 443 base-pairs amplicon, the nucleotide sequences were determined by using molecular cloning and automatic sequencing. Homology between determined sequences of KBV korean strain and reported sequences of other KBVs were calculated in the ranging 98% to 88% in DNA sequence, and 99% to 97% in amino acid sequence, respectively. Interestingly, high homology between KBV korean strain and Israel acute bee paralysis virus (IABPV) were also found as 97% in DNA sequence, and 99 in amino acid sequence.

      • KCI등재

        Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus의 진단을 위한 Real-Time PCR 진단법의 개발

        유미선(Mi-Sun Yoo),최용수(Yong Soo Choi),박용하(Yong-Ha Park),윤병수(Byoung-Su Yoon) 한국양봉학회 2010 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.25 No.1

        Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) is responsible for chronic paralysis, an infectious and contagious disease of adult honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). For the rapid and quantitative detection of CBPV in honeybee, a real-time reverse transcription PCR (RTRT-PCR) method was developed. A specific detection primer set (CBPV real-time 1F/1R2) was newly designed and evaluated. The unique 241bp DNA fragment could be specifically and quantitatively amplified depend on RTRT-PCR from CBPVinfected samples. In the real-time PCR assays with serially diluted template and artificially contaminated template, the specific RTRT-PCR showed high sensitivities which were able to detect each 101 copies in the both standard assays. It could detect very few level of CBPV infection even in asymptomatic state in hive that could not distinguish easily. CBPV could be detected rapidly and quantitatively by using this newly developed real-time PCR, named CBPV-RTRT-PCR. It would be also an useful tool for the monitoring of CBPV in nature.

      • KCI등재

        한국산 꿀벌에서 Black Queen Cell Virus의 검출

        유미선(Mi-sun Yoo),이동우(Dong-woo Lee),김일욱(Il-wook Kim),김동수(Dong-su Kim),권순환(Sun-hwan Kwon),임윤규(Yoon-gyu Lim),윤병수(Byoung-su Yoon) 한국양봉학회 2007 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.22 No.1

        Black Queen Cell Virus(BQCV) causes the death of queen larvae and pupae. Generally, queen cells are endangered showing dark colored cell walls as typical symptoms. In our knowledge, this is the first report on the infection of BQCV in Korea. The infection of BQCV was identified by PCR method from honeybees in Korea. The sequence of the PCR product was determined and analysed. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence were aligned to the complete BQCV sequence deposited in the GenBank database and were revealing 97.7% and 98.3% homology, respectively. The PCR method was able to detect easily the existence of the virus from adult honeybee. In addition, almost samples infected by BQCV in this study were co-infected with other pathogen such as, paenibacillus larvae and/or Nosema and/or Kashimir bee virus etc.

      • KCI등재

        Nosema 진단을 위한 Real-Time PCR 진단법의 개발

        유미선(Mi-Sun Yoo),김일욱(Il-Wook Kim),강민희(Min-Hee Kang),한상훈(Sang-Hoon Han),윤병수(Byoung-Su Yoon) 한국양봉학회 2008 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.23 No.4

        Real-time detection method was applied to quantitative detection of Nosema which is widespread and cause extensive losses of adult bees. Using Nosema-specific primers, 590 nucleotide long fragment was amplified. Molecular cloning was performed with this amplicon. And then the clone was named Nosema-1. Nosema- 1 has 99.6% and 98.9% homology with Nosema ceranae small subunit ribisomal RNA gene (GenBank Accession no. DQ486027) nucleotide sequence and protein sequence, respectively. For quantitative realtime PCR, a specific detection primer set (Nosema-RT-F/R) was designed and evaluated. The unique 180bp DNA fragment was quantitatively amplified using specific primer pair. In the real-time PCR assays with serially diluted template and artificially contaminated template, the specific quantitative real-time PCR showed high sensitivities which were able to detect 101 copies in the both standard assays. Also, this method can detect not only to be used for DNA condition but also to be applied for real honeybee samples.

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