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      • KCI등재

        사전 사용이 읽기 이해도 및 어휘 학습에 미치는 효과

        원미진(Won, Minjin),주우동(Zhu, YuTong) 한국사전학회 2016 한국사전학 Vol.- No.27

        This study explores effects of dictionary use on reading comprehension and vocabulary learning. The main research questions were investigated as follows: What kind of dictionary is more useful for Korean learners’ reading comprehension between the bilingual dictionary (BD) and monolingual dictionary (MD) groups? What kind of dictionary is more useful for Korean learners’ vocabulary short-term memory and long-term memory between the BD and the MD? In order to obtain the answers, it was targeted the Chinese Korean learners to be divided by BD group, and MD group in the test. For conduct an experiement, the texts were given in accordance with two types of dictionaries which could be used freely to understand the texts. After finishing voluntary use of dictionary, the reading comprehension tests were performed. The 1st receptive and productive vocabulary tests were performed to evaluate the use of dictionary effects, and the 2nd vocabulary tests were performed 7 day after the 1st vocabulary test. The test results implied that the use of MD enhanced the vocabulary learning with long term memory, however, the types of receptive vocabulary knowledge with short-term memory and reading comprehension also are not influenced by selecting the use of different dictionaries.

      • KCI등재

        재미 동포의 한국어 사용에 나타난 변이어 연구

        원미진 ( Mi Jin Won ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2015 어문론총 Vol.65 No.-

        본고는 재미 동포 사회에서 사용되는 한국어의 모습을 살펴보고자 한다. 이주민 사회의 언어 접변 현상에서 나타나는 한국어의 사용 양상을 살펴보는 것은 7백만 재외 동포들의 언어생활을 예측해 볼 수 있는 중요한 자료로서 의의가 있다. 재미 동포 사회에서 나타나는 특징적인 양상이 현재 한국 사회에서 쓰이는 언어와 다른 것을 변이어라 정의하고 변이어의 유형과 특징을 살펴보는 것이 본고의 목적이다. 이를 위해 60명의 세대별 연령별 변인을 고려한 재미 동포들을 대상으로 반구조화된 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 이를 통해 네 가지의 변이형을 분류 하였다. 첫째는 모국과 시공간적인 단절로 인해 언어적 개신의 영향을 받지 못하고 개신형 대신 살아남아 있는 이전 용어들인데 이를 비개신형이라고 부를 수있다. 둘째는 현지의 지배적 언어인 영어의 영향을 받은 것으로 한국어와 영어의 혼종어이다. 영어가 한국어의 사용 맥락 안에서 단어나 구, 때로는 절이 삽입되어 있는 것들이 있으며, 특히 단어 이하 단위에서는 한국어의 파생접사와 함께 사용되어 혼종어를 이루는 것들이 포함되어 있다. 셋째, 영어의 영향으로 인해 한국어의 어휘가 존재함에도 불구하고 영어 단어의 형태가 선호되어 일상생활에서 흔히 쓰이는 외국어가 다수 존재한다. 그리고 마지막으로 한국어의 구사력이 퇴화되었거나 아직 완전하게 학습되지 못해 발생하는 중간언어 형태의 유형을 살펴 그 특징을 밝혀 보았다. 이러한 기초 자료의 분석은 재외 동포 사회에서 한국어의 사용 양상 및 미래를 예측할 수 있는 자료로서 가치가 있다고 하겠다. The study aims to investigate and analyze the language variation of Korean used by Korean-American in the US. The purpose of this study is to reserched how Korean language has been variated, developed and transcended in Korean-American society and to categorize some variant samples. The variant of Korean language were identified through in-depth interview and searched on local media materials. The interviews were conducted in the U.S with around 60 Korean-Americans. Some of the variants were old expressions that were not renewed and threrfore rarely used in Korea nowadays. However, most of the variants are borrowing words and mixing words influenced by English. The patterns of ‘English + Korean affix’and‘English noun/verb + Korean noun’are general combining ways of deriving vocabulary. Also, Korean style English words and loanwords from English are analyzed from the data. Besides, a number of interlanguage expressions are also detected from the 1.5th and the 2nd generation immigrants. The results of this study suggest that the research should be condducted focusing on language variants by the variables- immigrant generation, age, and occupatiion as well as comparing with another immigrant societies in future research. Nonetheless of limitation, the findings would give insights into language use of Korean immigrant societies in future.

      • KCI등재

        조사 `이/가`와 `은/는`의 중간언어 습득 양상 연구 - 중국어권 초급 학습자를 대상으로 -

        원미진 ( Won Mi-jin ) 국제어문학회 2016 국제어문 Vol.0 No.68

        본고는 한국어 초급 학습자들의 조사 습득 양상을 밝히기 위해 학습자의 작문자료를 바탕으로 조사가 사용된 문장의 특성을 살펴봄으로써 학습자의 조사 습득의 중간언어 발달 양상을 기술해 보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 기존의 조사 습득 양상이 오류 분석에 기울어 분석했음에 비해 본고에서는 조사 사용의 양상을 문장의 문법적 특성과 의미적 특성을 살펴봄으로써 학습자들의 조사 사용의 체계를 밝혀 보려 하였다. 이러한 관점은 학습자의 언어 발달이 체계적이라는 중간언어관점에 근거하였으며 이를 통해 학습자의 오류가 무작위적인 오류가 아닌 체계적인 발달 단계에 근거하고 있음을 입증해 보려고 하였다. 연구 대상으로 삼은 작문이 1급의 학습자 34명을 대상으로 하였다는 점이 한계가 있으나 이러한 접근방법을 통한 분석이 추후 더 많은 학습자들을 대상으로 확대되어 간다면 학습자들이 가장 습득에 어려움을 겪고 있는 조사 `이/가`와 `은/는`의 사용 양상의 차이를 밝혀 습득 양상과 중간언어 발달 양상을 밝히는 데에 기여할 것이다. This study aims to reveal any systemization in learners acquiring Korean as a second language. By hypothesizing that learners; interlanguage system is consistent with natural language systems, this study focuses on finding rules and explanations for students` Korean acquisition rather than discussing their errors. To test this hypothesis, the study analyzes the writing of 34 Chinese Korean beginner learners. Although the particles `이/ 가` and `은/는` are some of the first grammatical markers which should be taught to and learned by Korean learners, learners may fail to appropriately use them until the learners reach higher levels. The particles `이/가` and `은 /는` are functional words and are sometimes used synonymously. The most Korean leaners have difficulties understanding the proper usage of each particle. The data analysis shows that their use of the two particles follows their interlanguage system`s rules. First, particles are selected using specific rules based on the sentence patterns and discourse purposes. Second, the errors or omissions of particles arise in sentences with more constituents than simple sentences. Third, specific patterns demand `이/가` instead of `은/는` or vice versa in their interlanguage systems. Finally, the rules how beginner Korean learners use these particles can be explained by the interlanguage development hypothesis.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 학문목적 한국어 학습자를 대상으로 정형화된 표현 사용의 쓰기 교육 효과 연구

        원미진 ( Mi Jin Won ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2015 언어사실과 관점 Vol.35 No.-

        Formulaic expression-the fixed expressions-are recognized as having important roles in second language learning and teaching, especially for language learners with academic purposes. Learning to use more frequent fixed expressions can improve writing competence in a specialized field of study. The Korean language learner participants were asked to write two types of compositions: one academic paper, and one personal essay. The essays were submitted in class as part of an in-class assignment, and the academic reports were assigned as take-home papers. Results showed that advanced Korean learners who forcibly used fixed expressions in their papers revealed unpredicted problems in making correct sentences in both types of compositions. Therefore, the study focused on the characteristics of their writing skills by comparing the two types of compositions between those that used or did not use formulaic expressions in their tasks. While participants with a very high quality in their academic writing showed adapting skills of those expressions, those who were not as proficient made many errors in their sentences. Learners who produced a low quality of writing had a difficult time matching subject-verb agreement. In sum, it is believed that the formulaic expressions can help learners that have a certain level of language proficiency and is less useful for those who are not as proficient. Therefore it is crucial to provide a list of formulaic expressions that is more suited to a learners` language proficiency and carefully consider the meaning and function behind each expression. Since formulaic expressions are useful for improving academic writing, an academic formulaic list would be helpful if selections of lists are accomplishe.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자 사전의 용례 기술 방법에 대한 연구

        원미진(Won Mijin) 한국사전학회 2011 한국사전학 Vol.- No.18

        In a learner's dictionary, the function of examples can be classified into various functional categories. This study focuses on three categories such as (1) semantic, (2) grammatical(morpho-syntactic) and (3) pragmatic functions by a major fuctional category in a Korean learner's dictionary. Compared to other dictionaries for native speakers of Korean, editorial examples are the appropriate types of examples in terms of productive use of a dictionary for learning Korean. For considering a semantic function, examples clarify the meaning and definition and gives a sense of differentiation as well. For a grammatical function, examples specify construction of words and collocations with various types of inflection. The pragmatic aspect of functions involves several statuses of the words used in the formal and informal, the degree of politeness, and written and oral forms of language. The Korean learner's dictionary should contain three types of examples in order to serve these functions by presenting phrasal, sentence and dialogue examples to effectively assist Korean learners.

      • KCI등재

        중국어권 학습자 대상의 한국어교육 연구의 동향과 전망

        원미진 ( Won Mijin ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2018 언어사실과 관점 Vol.45 No.-

        This study analyzed recent trends in Korean language education research for Chinese learners of Korean. The rapid increase of academic Chinese learners has resulted in quantitative expansion in the study of Korean language education. Since the 2000s, more than 1,400 master’s and doctorate papers have been published for Chinese learners. The major trends of these studies can be divided into two: one kind of research is a study that contrasts Korean with Chinese, and the others is an applied academic paper for Korean education without contrast. They were also classified into grammar studies, vocabulary studies, phonology studies, discourse studies, and other studies according to the characteristics of the subjects. There have been hundreds of studies of vocabulary and grammar, but not many studies of discourse or language skills education. The study of Chinese learners has accumulated a large number of studies over a short period of time, and I believe that it is time to consider the reliability of the results. The results of the research trends analyzed in this study will give implications to researchers who is planning to write papers in this field.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어 학습자의 어휘 학습 전략에 관한 연구

        원미진(Won Mijin) 한국사전학회 2010 한국사전학 Vol.- No.15

        This study reiterates the importance of vocabulary learning strategies because of a strong desire expressed by Korean language learners to improve their vocabulary. The interview and survey are conducted to investigate the KLL’s self-evaluation of their vocabulary and learning strategies. The results show that KLL’s are not satisfied with their vocabulary competency and not concerned about using vocabulary strategies. Language learning strategies are closely related to successful language acquisition. Therefore, the current study explores the vocabulary learning strategies suggested by previous research to provide an implication for teaching and learning vocabulary in Korean. Vocabulary learning strategies related to successful language acquisition are divided into cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies. Cognitive strategies involve guessing, dictionary use, note taking, and memory strategies. To promote the self awareness of vocabulary strategies for KLL’s, Korean classrooms need to concern the various vocabulary instruction.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자의 파생어 교육을 위한 접사 목록 선정 연구

        원미진(Won, Mijin) 한국사전학회 2014 한국사전학 Vol.- No.23

        An emphasis on vocabulary instruction for Korean langauage learners is needed because a large vocabulary is a prerequisite for learners to become advanced learners. The rule of word formation method is the most popular and wide used way to improve vocabulary size in vocabulary instruction. Therefore, a selection of derivational affixes is needed to support this form of language education. This research seeks to choose derivational affixes for the Korean learners using a list of 50,000 vocabulary words. About 418 affixes, including 149 prefixes and 269 suffixes, were selected in the process of counting derivational powers. Since 5,000 of the 50,000 words are derivatives, the most prominent affixes will be selected based on the numbers of derivatives with the same affixes. About 100 suffixes are very prominent in Korean words and an additional 40 prefixes need to be taught for an effective means of studying Korean words.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자 요인분석을 통한 학습 전략 사용의 비교 분석 연구

        원미진 ( Won Mi-jin ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2010 국제어문 Vol.48 No.-

        한국어 학습자들이 사용하는 학습 전략의 성격을 알아보기 위해 언어 학습 전략 목록표를 사용하여 98명의 학습자들을 대상으로 설문을 실시하였다. 그들이 사용한 언어 학습 전략을 체계적으로 범주화하기 위해 요인분석을 실시하였고 그 결과를 9가지 요인으로 묶어서 제시하였다. 제일 많은 설명력을 보인 전략은 연습과 분석을 위한 인지 전략이었고, 목표 점검 과정을 하는 상위 인지 전략이 그 다음이었다. 한국어 학습자가 사용하는 9가지 언어 학습 전략은 Oxford가 제시한 6가지 전략 유형별로 살펴 볼 때 인지 전략이나 상위 인지 전략에 비해 기억전략, 보상 전략, 사회적 전략의 사용량이 상대적으로 적은 편이었다. 한국어 학습자들이 주로 사용하고 있는 전략의 집단별 특징을 살펴보기 위해 집단별 분석을 시도했다. 학습자 집단은 여성이 남성보다 상대적으로 많은 전략을 사용하고 있는 것으로 드러났다. 또한 학습자의 수준은 전략 사용에 영향을 주는 변인인 반면에, 학습자의 나이나 학습자의 모국어 문화권은 전략 선택과 상관관계가 상대적으로 미약했다. 학습 전략 사용의 성격을 아는 것은 학습자 중심의 언어 교수를 계획하는데 필수적인 요소라는 점에서 한국어 학습자의 특성에 따른 집단별 특성을 살펴본 것의 의의를 찾을 수 있다. This study compared the use of language learning strategies of KSL learners. The data were measured by the ESL/EFL version of the SILL, the most widely employed strategy scale and collected from 98 KSL learners. The exploratory factor analysis was conducted to elicit the factor related to KSL learners` use of language learning strategies. A nine factor, principal components, Varimax solution was chosen for the SILL survey, this solution accounted for over 69% of the variance in the data. Among the most important factors explaining the variance were cognitive strategies (oral repetition, looking for practice, analyzing words roots and patterns) and meta-cognitive strategies (having clear goals, thinking about progress and). While cognitive and meta-cognitive or social strategies were independent factors from other strategy categories, affective and compensation strategies as a combination were common to another factors. In addition, frequency of use of language learning strategies appeared to be directly related to whether learners are male or female and a language level, young or old, easteren or western language background,and living period are not directly related to the frequency of the use.

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