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표면파 기법을 이용한 자연지반 및 포장지반의 전단파 속도 분포 추정에 관한 연구
우제윤,김수일,Woo, Je Yoon,Kim, Soo Il 대한토목학회 1988 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.8 No.4
본 연구에서는 표면과 시험으로부터 얻어지는 Rayleigh파의 분산곡선을 분석하여 자연지반 및 포장 구조체 각 층의 전단파 속도를 결정할 수 있는 새로운 해석적 역산기법을 개발하였다. 본 연구의 역산기법은 다층 탄성체에서 표면파의 분산에 관한 Haskell의 이론을 토대로 개발된 것이다. 델타 매트릭스 기법을 적용하여 주파수의 크기에 제약을 받지 않는 분산방정식을 유도하여 사용하였으며, Rayleigh파의 한 파장 깊이 이하를 반무한 강성층(rigid halfspace)으로 대치하는 해석방법을 적용하였다. 분산곡선의 역산을 위한 컴퓨터 프로그램을 개발하였으며 수치분석을 통하여 본 연구에서 개발한 새로운 해석적 역산기법의 타당성을 검증하였다. A new analytical inversion technique is developed to determine the shear wave velocity profiles of natural soils and pavement systems from the dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves. Haskell's theory on the dispersion of the surface waves in multi-layered elastic solids is utilized. A frequency-unlimited dispersion equation is developed by use of the delta matrix technique. Rigid halfspace is assumed at the depth of the one wavelength of Rayleigh waves. Computer program is coded and validity of the technique is verified through the numerical model tests.
친환경 건설을 위한 GIS 기반의 환경영향평가시스템 개발
우제윤,구지희,김태훈,홍창희,Woo, Je-Yoon,Koo, Jee-Hee,Kim, Tae-Hoon,Hong, Chang-Hee 한국공간정보학회 2003 개방형지리정보시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of the Korea Open Geogr Vol.5 No.2
This study presents the system to develop the web-based pro-environmental road planning and evaluation system in order to support the decision making for the land development. It was found that the proposed system can display the analysis result 3 dimensionally based on digital map and it can be applied to document development towards efficient operations.
국토이용 현황 분석을 위한 토지이용현황도 활용 방안 연구 - 전북지역 대상 -
우제윤,구지희,이정훈,홍창희,Woo, Je-Yoon,Koo, Jee-Hee,Lee, Jung-Hun,Hong, Chang-Hee 한국공간정보학회 2001 개방형지리정보시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of the Korea Open Geogr Vol.3 No.2
In this study, land use state analysis for northern part of Cheon-ra province where is relatively vast area is accomplished using the application system of land use map. The system is developed for promoting application of the latest land use map and is possible to GIS spatial analysis. Through this study, an analysis method of land use state and decision making support for effective land use plan is presented. It is expected for land use map to be variously applied to land planning by analysis of wide-range land use state and base data for fields such as environment effect, disaster analysis.
수치표고모형(DEM) 구축을 위한 지형별 보간 방법 및 격자크기에 관한 연구
우제윤,구지희,홍창희,김태훈,Woo, Je-Yoon,Koo, Jee-Hee,Hong, Chang-Hee,Kim, Tae-Hoon 한국공간정보학회 2001 개방형지리정보시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of the Korea Open Geogr Vol.3 No.2
We are able to construct and utilize DEM(Digital Elevation Model) throughout the NGIS(National Geographic Information System) project. It is important that interpolation methods and appreciate size of grid for the construction of accurate DEM(Digital Elevation Model). There were several references related to the DEM(Digital Elevation Model) construction method, however they couldn't consider various topographical characteristics in the korea. In this study, we recommended that suitable interpolation method for each topographic element. After dividing Poonggi area into mountain, hill, urban, agricultural land, we constructed DEM(Digital Elevation Model) with various interpolation methods and grid size using 1:5,000 digital map. Then evaluated accuracy using elevation data which extracted from air-photo. The interpolation methods were analyzed and compared for various topographical conditions. As a result, Kriging method was superior to TIN method for all the topographical conditions. Another experiment was performed to examine optimal grid space for DEM with each topographical condition. 10m grid space was most suitable for mountain area and hilly districts, while 30m grid space was most suitable for urban area and farm land.
표준 삼축압축 시험기를 이용한 노상토의 회복탄성계수 시험법
우제윤,조천환,문홍득,김동수,Woo, Je Yoon,Cho, Chun Whan,Moon, Hong Deug,Kim, Dong Soo 대한토목학회 1993 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.13 No.4
The dynamic resilient modulus tests to determine the $M_R$ of the soils require expensive equipments and well trained personnels to obtain reliable test results. These problems inherent in the dynamic resilient modulus testing have been realized as major negative factors to hinder the $M_R$ test from being practically implemented as a routine test. In this regard. it is highly desirable to develop a simpler alternative testing method incorporating inexpensive equipments and easy-to-perform testing procedures. Developed in this study is an alternative $M_R$ test method based on statically repeated loading scheme utilizing the standard static triaxial test equipments. Applicability and limitations of the developed static $M_R$ testing method are investigated for typical subgrade soils in Korea.
LBS를 이용한 실시간 지반정보 DB 구축 시스템 개발
우제윤,구지희,이상훈,Woo, Je-Yoon,Koo, Jee-Hee,Lee, Sang-Hoon 한국공간정보학회 2003 개방형지리정보시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of the Korea Open Geogr Vol.5 No.2
There are currently tremendous amount of geotechnical information saved, which has been qcquired for essential application of site selection, plan, design, constructin, repari in the builing work. However, due to the lack of the location data attribute, there has been a trouble in its analysis and GIS implementation. In this study, the geotechnical information aquisition program(PGeo) for real-time database in the field and geotechnical information reporting program(GeoReport) by Web-GIS for additional data input and its reporting function has been developed.
우제윤,구지희,나준엽,편무욱,Woo, Je-Yoon,Koo, Jee-Hee,Na, Joon-Yeep,Pyeon, Mu-Wook 한국공간정보학회 2001 개방형지리정보시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of the Korea Open Geogr Vol.3 No.2
It is difficult for existing construction support system to provide real-world information such as geographical and spatial data, geographic information system is expected to be able to supply efficiently analyzing and supporting function as well as actual data by connecting construction support system. Furthermore, the providing method and content of GIS are varied by building various network and information service, and use of web GIS which can offer diverse and dynamic solution on network is spreaded. In this study, information management system for construction works(CIMSGIS : Construction Information Management System on Web GIS) based on web GIS is developed, which can confirm instantly state of advance and manage construction progress by real-time reporting and instruction. Also CIMSGIS can support decision making on intuitive understanding and manifold operation reporting.
국토이용 현황 분석을 위한 토지이용현황도 활용 방안 연구 -전북지역 대상-
우제윤(Je Yoon Woo),구지희(Jee Hee Koo),이정훈(Jung Hun Lee),홍창희(Chang Hee Hong) 대한공간정보학회 2001 한국공간정보시스템학회 논문지 Vol.3 No.2
In this study, land use state analysis for northern part of Cheon-ra province where is relatively vast area is accomplished using the application system of land use map. The system is developed for promoting application of the latest land use map and is possible to GIS spatial analysis. Through this study, an analysis method of land use state and decision making support for effective land use plan is presented. It is expected for land use map to be variously applied to land planning by analysis of wide-range land use state and base data for fields such as environment effect, disaster analysis.
우제윤(Je Yoon Woo),구지희(Jee Hee Koo),편무욱(Mu Wook Pyeon),나준엽(Joon Yeep Na) 대한공간정보학회 2001 한국공간정보시스템학회 논문지 Vol.3 No.2
It is difficult for existing construction support system to provide real-world information such as geographical and spatial data, geographic information system is expected to be able to supply efficiently analyzing and supporting function as well as actual data by connecting construction support system. Furthermore, the providing method and content of GIS are varied by building various network and information service, and use of web GIS which can offer diverse and dynamic solution on network is spreaded. In this study, information management system for construction works(CIMSGIS : Construction Information Management System on Web GIS) based on web GIS is developed, which can confirm instantly state of advance and manage construction progress by real-time reporting and instruction. Also CIMSGIS can support decision making on intuitive understanding and manifold operation reporting.