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      • KCI등재

        도산법학의 방법론 - 법적 방법을 중심으로 하여 -

        우세나 ( Se-na Woo ) 영남대학교 법학연구소 2022 영남법학 Vol.- No.54

        오늘날 진행되는 급격한 사회 변화는 법에도 많은 영향을 미친다. 이로 인해 일반적인 구분법인 사법과 공법, 민사법과 형사법 같은 근대법 형태와는 구별되는 새로운 형태의 법이 출현한다. 전문법이라고 불리는 것이 대표적인 예이다. 전문법은 사회 영역이 분화되고 전문적으로 재통합되면서 출현하였다. 경제적 악화로 인해 도산 위험에 빠진 채무자가 회생시키거나 파산시키는 「채무자 회생 및 파산에 관한 법률」같은 도산법을 전문법으로 들 수 있다. 이 글은 도산법을 전문법으로 규정하면서 이를 다루는 도산법학도 전문법학으로 파악하였다. 한편 전문법에 관해서 다음과 같은 의문을 제기하였다. 전문법은 전통적인 근대법과 비교할 때 어떤 성격을 지니는가, 전문법을 연구 대상으로 하는 전문법학은 어떤 방법론을 적용해야 하는가 등의 의문이 그것이다. 그래서 이 글은 전문법학의 방법론, 특히 도산법학의 방법론에 논의의 초점을 맞추고자 한다. 우선 도산법학의 방법론에 관한 논의로서 통합과학 방법론과 도산법의 해석정책을 살펴본다. 그리고 이에 토대를 두어 도산법학의 방법론으로 법적 방법과 비법적 방법을 구별하여 살펴본다. 법적 방법으로는 체계적 방법과 비교법적 방법을 검토하였다. 비교법적 방법을 살펴보는 과정에서는 그동안 도산법에 관해 열정적인 연구를 수행한 권종걸 교수의 연구내용을 소개 및 분석하였다. 전문법인 도산법을 사회에 적절하게 적용하고 해석하며 제도를 이에 맞게 개선하기 위하여는 어떤 방법론을 모색해야 하는지는 앞으로 더욱 검토해야 할 것이다. The rapid social change that is taking place has a great impact on the law. Because of this, the common types and common distinction of the forms of modern law such as civil law, criminal law, judicial law and public law etc are changed into new forms. This new form of law can be defined the professional law. Used to rehabilitate debtors who are on the risk of bankruptcy due to economic deterioration, Insolvency law such as the Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy Act, which may be defined the professional law. This article defines the Insolvency law as the professional law. On the other hand, the following questions were raised regarding the professional law. The professional law compared with the traditional modern law, What kind of character does it have? what methodologies are applied to the professional law? which is research subjects for the professional law? Therefore, this article intends to focus the discussion on the methodology of professional jurisprudence, especially the methodology of insolvency jurisprudence. First, as discussions on the methodologies of insolvency law, the integrated science methodology and the interpretation policy of insolvency law will be reviewed. And based on this, the method of insolvency jurisprudence distinguishes between legal methods and non-legal methods. As for legal methods, systematic methods and comparative methods are reviewed. This article defines the insolvency law as the professional law. In order to properly apply and interpret and improve the system, what methodology should be sought in this jurisprudence methodology? Professor Kwon Jong-geol's research contents were introduced and analyzed of comparative methods in insolvency law, so I introduced and analyzed his research contents. Applying the professional law, insolvency law will have to be further investigated in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        민사소송에서 소의 이익에 관한 몇 가지 문제 -법이론의 관점에서-

        우세나 ( Woo Se-na ),양천수 ( Yang Chun-soo ) 영남대학교 법학연구소 2017 영남법학 Vol.0 No.44

        민사소송법학은 소의 이익을 민사소송의 소송요건으로 인정하고 있다. 판례 역시 소의 이익을 소송요건으로 인정한다. 그렇지만 이러한 소의 이익을 소송요건으로 인정할 수 있는지, 소의 이익이 민사소송에서 수행하는 기능이 무엇인지, 소의 이익의 구체적인 내용이 무엇인지에 관해서는 논란이 없지 않다. 이 글은 이러한 문제들을 다루는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 법이론적 분석 및 논증방법을 원용한다. 특히 체계이론의 관점을 수용한다. 행정소송법과는 달리, 현행 민사소송법은 소의 이익이란 무엇인지 명문으로 규정하지는 않는다. 소의 이익은 기본적으로 해석의 결과물이다. 또한 다른 소송요건과는 달리, 소의 이익은 본안판단의 대상이 되는 실체법적 관계와 밀접한 관련을 맺는다. 바로 이러한 이유에서 소의 이익을 별도로 인정할 필요가 없다는 주장이 제기되기도 한다. 이 글은 소의 이익 개념이 그다지 명확하지는 않고, 또한 본안판단의 대상이 되는 실체법적 관계와 밀접하게 관련된다는 주장에 동의한다. 그렇다 하더라도 이 글은 소의 이익이 여전히 소송요건으로 필요하다고 주장한다. 그 이유는 소의 이익은 법체계가 자율적인 사회적 체계로서 작동하는 데 기여하기 때문이다. 이를테면 소의 이익을 갖지 않은 도덕적ㆍ윤리적 분쟁을 소송요건을 갖추지 않았다는 이유로 각하함으로써 법체계는 기능적 독립성을 확보할 수 있는 것이다. 이외에 이 글은 오늘날 소의 이익이 지속적으로 확장되고 있다는 테제를 주장한다. Civil procedure law recognizes benefit of lawsuit as a litigation requirement for civil litigation. The Korean Supreme Court recognizes it as a litigation requirement too. However, there is yet controversy about the questions of whether benefit of lawsuit can be recognized as a litigation requirement for civil litigation, what is its function in civil procedure and what is its specific contents. This article deals with these problems on benefit on lawsuit in civil procedure. To do this, this article uses the method of legal theory and argumentations. Especially, this article accepts the perspective of systems theory of Niklas Luhmann. Unlike the Korean Administrative Litigation Act, the current Korean Civil Procedure Act does not prescribe the concept of benefit of lawsuit directly. Therefore, the concept of benefit of lawsuit is a dogmatic result of legal interpretation. In addition, unlike other litigation requirements, benefit of lawsuit is closely related to substantial legal relationship, which is the subject of civil litigation judgments. For that reason, someone argues that it is not necessary to recognize benefit of lawsuit as a litigation requirement for civil litigation. Basically, this article agrees with the thesis that the concept of benefit of lawsuit is not clearly and it is very related to substantial legal relationships. However, this article argues that we should yet recognize benefit of lawsuit as a litigation requirement. This is because benefit of lawsuit contributes to the operation of legal system as an autonomous social system.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국의 민사소송제도

        우세나(Woo Se Na) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        I think the study of "the comparison of civil procedure between Korea and China" is meaningful work in these circumstances. There is a lot of commercial trades between Korean and Chinese companies and people, which generates increasing litigations. In Chinese courts, the role of judges and prosecutors is bigger than parties in some cases and the power of the nation influences parties more than in democratic nations. But Chinese people trade with foreign companies and capital, so they need to improve their civil procedure closer to capitalism and democracy although their culture and the national character is communist. China civil procedure was established in 1991 and amended twice in 2007, 2012. China is a communist and capitalist nation, so there are big differences between china and other democratic and capitalist nations. The adversary system, pleading procedure, principle of disposition are considered very important in Korea civil procedure. Through these principles Korea court gives parties more freedom than compulsion and gives parties rights to select from filing a lawsuit to conclusion of an action. In Korea court, the legal procedure is guaranteed strictly so parties are protected from unexpected verdicts that they don't assert and protest in their cases. In China, recent amended civil procedure regulate the principle of good faith and makes the submission obligation of evidence, jurisdiction, mediation precedence system etc. This amendment receive a favorable evaluation because they make the amended civil procedure appropriate to the stream of times. But China makes the supervisory authority of prosecution strongly also in this amended civil procedure. This is particularly pertinent in the transitional period where China will have to get used to the new ways of the regulations of the democratic and capitalistic nations very quickly. In Korea, parties file their suit three times and they can't act for renewal of procedure except particular cases and only parties can act for their renewal of procedure written on the Korea civil procedure. But In China, parties file their suit two times and especially judges and prosecutors can act for parties renewal of procedure, irrespective of parties minds. And in recent amended civil procedure, Supreme people's court and Supreme people's Prosecutor have their authorities to interpose parties civil execution procedure through their judical analysis. In China, the power of prosecutors and judges let us know the reality of china. Apart from political reason, China is the multiethnic state and have wide territory, there are difficulties to operate legal system, so China judges and prosecutors say they have to find the substantial truth of parties themselves. Through anaysis of the comparison of two nations, I am going to get hint points. For that purpose, I studied the comparison of civil procedure between Korea and China and researched focused on the pleading principle including other procedure and the meaning and improvements of China regulation.

      • KCI등재

        채무자 회생 및 파산에 관한 법률상 국적취득조건부 나용선 계약의 처리방안

        우세나 ( Se Na Woo ) 한국법정책학회 2010 법과 정책연구 Vol.10 No.1

        BBC HP is perceived as ship hiring or ship lease in Korea, but BBC HP is a kind of bareboat charter. Bareboat charter may be classified into bareboat charter (BBC), in which the rights of a ship are taken by domestic shipping company except for long-term ownership, and bareboat charter of hire purchase (BBC HP), in which domestic shipping companies construct a ship by raising funds from lease companies or financial suppliers with contract of affreightment as security, repay cost of ship by lease, and nationality can be purchased after a certain period. In Korea, forum convenience(or flag of convenience) of ship is considered not legal in principle, but BBC HP may be an example of forum convenience that is legally allowed. As the nationality of a ship is globalized by so-called flag of convenience, there are controversies on how to handle cases in which a ship is related to rehabilitation procedure, but there are few theories or judicial precedents associated with such cases. In this context, discussions are required because practical problems related to BBC HP are being posed continuously. The author in this study will first discuss: Ⅱ. application of the procedure on Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy of Debtor (hereafter referred as the Debtor Act) when the law of the ship`s nationality is foreign, due to the fact that the law is regarded as the governing law in nationality of a ship. When it is possible for domestic laws to be applied to insolvency of a ship that is applied of BBC HP, it may be problematic how to handle the BBC HP from the aspect of the domestic Debtor Act. Therefore, the author will investigate Ⅲ. legal properties of BBC HP and, in connection with the properties of BBC HP, discuss Ⅳ. how to handle BBC HP from the aspect of the Debtor Act by each phase by explaining the process of insolvency procedure. Finally, the author will describe Ⅴ. how domestic shipping or lease companies of BBC HP can handle lease contracts during insolvency procedure.

      • KCI등재

        가사사건의 기판력

        우세나 ( Se Na Woo ) 안암법학회 2011 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.36

        To maintain and promote family peace and the public morals of mutual aid among relatives on the basis of the dignity of personality and the equality of sexes, family litigation act is prescribed special cases, concerning the procedures for litigation, non-litigation and conciliation for by family affairs. This subject deals with issues for res judicata in family procedure. First, I`ll study on the subjective scope of res judicate and analyzing the nature of family cases specially focus on Article 2 (1) 1. a. cases of category A. Then I`ll study on the meaning of Article 21 (2). Second, I`ll study on the problems concerning the objective scope of res judicata. Third, this part is whether receiving recognition of res judicata in a family conciliation case. In family litigation act article 50 is prescribed principle of prefixing conciliation for family litigation cases of categories B and C and family non-litigation cases of category E. We need to review effactivation of a family conciliation case because there is an disagreement between jurists.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        기업희생절차상 관리인에 관한 몇 가지 문제 - 관리인의 자격과 책임을 중심으로 하여 -

        우세나(Se-Na Woo) 한국비교사법학회 2005 比較私法 Vol.12 No.3

        This report is about the newly established Korea integrated bankruptcy law, which is different in corporate reorganization department than the previous on designation of a permanent trustee(§ 74 ②). In § 82 describes duty and responsibility of a permanent trustee. Additionally, the integrated bankruptcy law imposes also several regulations on a permanent trustee. The necessity is that there must be the law that is newly defined, interprets and materializes. What is the reason that these regulations were introduced? And how can we optimize profits between a debtor and total creditors through interpretation? In this study I am going to look into several resolutions in order to solve some problems about designation, duty and responsibility of a permanent Trustee. I will also discuss about Germany bankruptcy law in comparison to get several hint points. About designation of a permanent trustee, I will look into of the burden of proof that can occur in a trustee. Finally, I will study about the possibility of a corporation trustee. In Germany bankruptcy law, many scholars insist that legislation must rationally limit the responsibility of a trustee. Through analysis of this, I am going to get hint points. First of all, I will look into responsibility regulation of a trustee and the discussion related to this. In bankruptcy jurisprudence, there are a lot of regulations and systems and that must be materialized.

      • KCI등재

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