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        제1차 국제학술대회 ; 미군정기 검인정 중등 문법 교과서의 문법 지식 체계 구조화에 대한 시론

        오현아 ( Hyeon Ah Oh ) 국어교육학회 2012 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.45 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 광복 이후 대한민국 정부 수립 이전까지 미군정 당시에 이루어진 국어과 교육 중 문법 교육에 한정하여 검인정을 통해 발행되었던 문법 교과서를 사(史)적으로 고찰하여 교과서에 서술된 문법 지식의 체계를 구조화하는 연구가 진행될 필요가 있음을 밝히는 데 있다. 광복 이후 국어과 교육은 일본어 보급과 조선어과 위축 및 폐지라는 일제강점기의 교육의 영향 아래 교육과정, 학제, 교과서, 교수법 등의 제반 문제를 한꺼번에 해결하기가 상당히 어려운 상황이었다. 따라서 광복 이후의 국어 교과서 연구는 국어 교과의 확립 및 국어 교육의 기틀 확립 과정과 밀접한 관련이 있다는 점에서 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 이 시기 국어과 교육에 대한 논의를 살펴보면 1)국어교육사의 (1)종적인 차원에서는 ①국어 교과의 형성 및 교과 성격 획득 과정 관련한 연구(박영목·민현식·김종철 외, 2005; 윤여탁 외, 2006; 오현아, 2011), ②국어 교과서의 수록 제재 변천 양상에 관한 연구(조희정, 2005a; 조희정, 2005b; 조희정, 2005c; 서명희·조희정, 2006a; 조희정·서명희, 2006b; 이명찬, 2008), ③교과서 서지사항 및 단원 체계 및 내용 변천에 관한 연구(조희정, 2011), 국어과의 개별 내용 영역 변천에 대한 연구(유옥순, 1995; 고영근, 2001; 최호철 편, 2008)로 구분하여 볼 수 있다. 그리고 (2)횡적인 차원에서는 미군정기에 한정한 검인정교과서의 소설 제재를 다룬 연구로는 최현섭(1990), 미군정기부터 1차 교육과정 고시(1956년) 전까지인 건국기에 한정한 중등 국어 교과서분석에 관한 연구로는 허재영(2005), 교수요목기를 중심으로 초등 교과서에 수록된 전래동화의 유형과 양상을 다룬 정진헌(2005)가 있다. 이상을 통해 우리는 국어교육사에 대한 심화된 논의가 전반적으로 충분하지 않지만 그 중에서도 횡적인 차원에서의 국어교육사 논의가 충분하지 않다는 사실을 발견할 수 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 광복 이후 국어 교과서 연구가 이후 정부 주도의 교육과정 아래 이루어진 국어 교과 정체성 및 기틀 확립에 중요한 기초가 되었다는 문제의식 아래 국어교육사의 횡적인 차원에서 미군정기부터 대한민국 정부 수립 이전까지로 시기를 한정해 문법 교과서에 기술된 문법 지식의 체계를 구조화하는 연구를 본격화하기 전에 시론으로서 이러한 연구가 국어교육 그리고 문법교육 안에서 어떠한 지정학적 위치를 점하고 있으며, 문법 지식 체계의 구조화는 어떠한 방식으로 가능할지를 탐색해 보고자 하였다. The objectives of this study were to review historically grammar textbooks published through authorization by the government and to show the necessity for research to structure the grammatical knowledge system presented in textbooks, focusing on grammatical education in Korean language education conducted under the rule of the U.S. military government after the Liberation and before the establishment of the Government of the Republic of Korea. In Korean language education after the Liberation, it was difficult to solve at once all problems related to the national curriculum, school system, textbooks, teaching methods, etc. established under the rule of Japanese imperialism, which had promoted the spread of the Japanese language and the shrinkage and removal of the Korean language. Accordingly, research on Korean language textbooks after the Liberation has an important meaning in that it is closely connected to the establishment of the Korean language curriculum and the fundamental framework of Korean language education. Previous studies on Korean language education during this pe국어교육학연구45_riod can be divided into the longitudinal dimension and the horizontal dimension of Korean language education history. Studies in the longitudinal dimension include: ①studies on the formation of the Korean language curriculum and the development of its curricular characteristics(Park Yeong mok, Min Hyeon sik, Kim Jong cheol et al., 2005; Yoon Yeo tak et al., 2006; Oh Hyeon ah, 2011); ② studies on changes in materials included in Korean language textbooks(Jo Hee jeong, 2005a; Jo Hee jeong, 2005b; Jo Hee jeong, 2005c; Seo Myeong hee & Jo Hee jeong, 2006a; Jo Hee jeong & Seo Myeong hee, 2006b; Lee Myeong chan, 2008) and ③studies on changes in the bibliography, unit system and contents of textbooks(Jo Hee jeong, 2011) and on changes in the content areas of the Korean language(Yoo Ok soon, 1995; Ko Yeong geun, 2001; Choi Ho cheol, 2008). Among studies in the horizontal dimension, Choi Hyeon seop(1990) analyzed the materials of novels in textbooks authorized during the period of the U.S. military government, Heo Jae yeong(2005) analyzed secondary Korean language textbooks during the period of the U.S. military government until the announcement of the 1st National Curriculum in 1956, and Jeong Jin heon(2005) studied the types and patterns of traditional fairytales in elementary textbooks focusing on the period of syllabus. Through this study, we found that advanced discussions on the history of Korean language education have not been sufficient and, in particular, discussions on the history of Korean language education in the horizontal dimension have been quite insufficient. Thus, recognizing the problem that studies on Korean language textbooks since the Liberation became crucial foundation for the es국어교육학연구45_tablishment of the identity and framework of the Korean language curriculum under the government led National Curriculum, this study, as preliminary research before full scale studies to restructure the grammatical knowledge system described in grammar textbooks, limited the scope of research to the period of the U.S. military government until the establishment of the Government of the Republic of Korea in the horizontal dimension of Korean language education history and discussed the geopolitical position of such studies in Korean language education and grammatical education and how the grammatical knowledge system can be structured.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 문법 교육에서 맥락의 수용 문제

        오현아 ( Hyeon Ah Oh ) 한말연구학회 2011 한말연구 Vol.29 No.-

        As the curricula of individual subjects were revised this year in accordance with the 2009 revised Curriculum, they were notified on August 9. Moreover, in the curriculum of Korean in accordance with the 2009 revised Curriculum, the ``context (knowledge, function, context)`` vanished, which had newly appeared as a systematic category of the contents of the curriculum of Korean in the 2007 revised Curriculum, and changed into the systematic category of the contents of ``knowledge, function, and attitude.`` Then, does the systematic category of the contents of ``context``, which were emphasized in the 2007 revised Curriculum, sufficiently make its meaning realized in the education of Korean and of grammar? And, can we say that the ``situational context`` and the ``socio-cultural context``, which were given focus in the 2007 revise Curriculum, have been sufficiently crystallized in each area to attain their goals? The discussion in this study starts here. In order to discuss the problem of the accommodation of contexts in the education of grammar, this paper tries to come up with a direction of the realization of context-related educational contents in the grammar field by 1) first examining the concept and types of context, 2) investigating how context has been accommodated in the dimension of curriculum, and 3) analyzing the content factors of context-related education in each area of Korean.

      • KCI등재

        조선(한국)어“들”의 흐름 속에서 총체적 문법 지식 재구조화 방안 모색하기 - 재외동포, 이북, 이남의 조선(한국)어“들”의 연구 흐름 속에서 나의 관점 조망하기 -

        오현아 ( Oh Hyeon-ah ) 한말연구학회 2020 한말연구 Vol.- No.55

        In this paper, from the point of view of the history of mother tongue education, we tried to address the tradition and innovation of mother tongue education, and the tradition and innovation of mother tongue grammar education. The "mother language" concept set up here is not limited to the language of the use of Korean residents as a geopolitical concept. In other words, the main school wanted to address the "traditions and innovations of mother tongue education" in terms of the history of mother tongue education, including the history of Korean grammar (education) of overseas Koreans (China, Japan and Russia), and the history of Korean grammar (education) in North Korea, not just in South Korea's own tradition. In addition, this paper did not address the main discussion at the time based on the basic view that ‘innovation’ could not be discussed without ‘tradition’, but it sought to explore the direction of tradition and innovation around the discussions that are deemed significant from the present perspective. The tradition of grammar education and the direction of innovation presented in the original text is largely 1) the reconstruction of overall grammar knowledge centered on spoken language, 2) the restructuring of overall grammar knowledge centered on syntax structure, and 3) the reconstruction of overall grammar knowledge centered on meaning.

      • KCI등재

        의미 기능 중심의 ‘인용’ 관련 문법 교육 내용의 재구조화 방향 탐색

        오현아 ( Oh Hyeon-ah ),박진희 ( Bak Jin-hui ) 한말연구학회 2018 한말연구 Vol.- No.49

        The purpose of this paper is to find a way to reorganize and present grammatical education contents by putting the concepts associated with quotations under the core concept of quote expression. This paper is based on the problem that the concepts of 'quotation' related grammar education were handled segmentally. There were some differences in the technical aspects of the grammar book and the textbook on quote expression, quotation form, quotative Clause, adverb clause and adnominal Clause. The methods for reinstrializing the contents of grammar education related to quotation were explored in terms of grammar description, form, syntactic, semantic and Korean norms.

      • KCI등재

        일반 논문 : 이야기를 활용한 품사 단원 내용 구성에 대한 고찰

        오현아 ( Hyeon Ah Oh ) 한국어교육학회(구-한국국어교육연구학회) 2010 국어교육 Vol.0 No.133

        This study starts as a way of making efforts to crystallize the possibility of the interesting grammar education utilizing stories. We need an alternative that can break through the present conditions under which learners remember the grammar class as the most boring and painful experience of learning, and the persistence of the knowledge of grammar, seemingly unable to secure, learned through such painful courses. The critical points this study has are summarized as the following two statements. First, Since the educational contents related to grammar have become unclearly showed as the method of presenting the contents of the grammar education concentrated on explanatory materials since the period of the 5th Curriculum was integrated into other areas when it came to the 7th Curriculum, its educational contents might be considered to be secondary. Second, even if the contents of the grammar education is exclusively presented, it is problematic that it still consists mainly of learning activities that provide a few explanations, examples and lead to repetitious exercise. Based on this critical points, this study explores the possibility for the grammar education utilizing stories to make difference from the delivery of fragmented knowledge to the delivery of contextualized knowledge through the course of the construction of the contents of the part-of-speech unit in accordance with the 2007 revised curriculum.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        통합 교과 교육 관점의 학교 평화 통일 교육 활성화 방안-‘사회, 국어 교과’를 중심으로-

        오현아(Oh, Hyeon-Ah),김명정(Kim, Myung-Jung),이관희(Lee, Kwan-Hee),최선희(Choi, Sun-Hee),송영훈(Song, Young-Hoon) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.65

        이 연구의 목적은 통합 교과 교육 관점에서 사회 및 국어 교과를 중심으로 학교 평화통일의 학교급별 지향점을 탐색하는 것이다. 이 연구는 두 교과에서 평화 통일 교육을 바라보는 관점을 ‘문화간 이해 교육, 인성 교육, 문식성 교육’과 ‘평화교육, 인권교육, 민주시민교육’의 차원에서 분석하였다. 분석의 결과를 바탕으로 ‘초등 전환기, 초등, 중등 전환기, 중등, 성인 전환기’의 다섯 단계에서 두 교과가 통합적 평화 통일 교육을 전개하기 위하여 무엇을 중점적으로 다루어야 하는지를 모색하였다. 이 연구는 평화 통일 교육이 특별한 맥락 내에서 탈교과적으로 다루어져서는 안 된다는 관점 아래, 사회 및 국어 교과의 동질적 지향성을 바탕으로 통합적으로 전개되어야 함을 주장하며 통합적 통일교육의 내용 구성을 위한 함의를 도출하고 있다. This study aims to explore what factors should be taken seriously in peace and unification education, focusing on social studies and Korean language subjects from the perspective of integrated curriculum education. What perspectives these two subjects have had on peace and unification are under examination in a framework of intercultural understanding education, character education, and literacy education in the subject of Korean study as well as a framework of peace education, human rights education, and democratic civic education in the subject of social studies. The third section explores the possibilities of convergence between the programs of the two subjects on where the emphasis should be placed at each stage of school system, such as primary-transition, primary, middle-transition, middle, and adult-transition, for peace and unification education. In conclusion, this study suggests not only that two subjects should not deal with peace and unification education in each distinguished context but also that they should develop an integrated subject education program through a heuristic approach.

      • KCI우수등재

        미군정기 검인정 중등 문법 교과서의 품사 설정과 분류 문제 연구(1)

        오현아(Oh, Hyeon-ah) 국어국문학회 2016 국어국문학 Vol.- No.175

        이 논문에서는 통일 문법 이전, 대한민국 정부 수립 이전의 미군정기 당시의 검인정 문법 교과서들을 대상으로 하여 문법 지식의 체계 구조화 측면에서 개별 문법교과서의 문법 기술 방식 특성을 거시적으로 조망하기 위해 개별 문법 교과서의 품사 설정과 분류 문제를 그 논의 대상으로 삼고자 하였다. 품사론 논의는 전통 국어학 연구의 주요 대상이었으나, 최근 국어학 연구에서 그리 많은 주목을 받는 연구 주제라 할 수는 없다. 그러나 품사 분류는 개별 문법가들의 언어관과 문법관이 집약적으로 드러난 결과물이기에 개별 문법 범주 분석에 들어가기에 앞서 품사 관련 논의가 충분히 이루어질 필요가 있다. 그리고 7차 교육과정에 따른 문법 교과서는 2011, 2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 심화 선택 과목으로서의 ‘독서․문법’ 검정 교과서가 현장에 적용되고 ‘언어와 매체’ 검정 교과서 개발을 앞둔 현재의 시점에서, 현대 교육과정기의 마지막 국정 교과서라는 점에서 비교의 대상으로 선택하였다. 실제 분석 과정에서는 1) 품사 분류 차원과 2) 개별 품사 기술 차원, 3) 부가적인 차원으로 나누어, 품사 분류 문제는 다시 ‘조사 설정 문제, 지정사 설정 문제, 존재사 설정 문제, 접속사 설정 문제, 조용사 설정 문제’로, 개별 품사 기술 문제는 ‘동사, 형용사, 조사, 지정사, 존재사, 접속사, 조용사’ 문제로 구분하여 제시하고 지면의 한계 상 이 논문에서는 ‘동사’의 품사 기술 문제를 1) 동사의 활용에 따른 형태 변화 문제, 2) 종지법에 따른 형태 변화 문제, 3) 자격법에 따른 형태 변화 문제, 4) 접속법에 따른 형태 변화 문제, 5) 변격 활용에 따른 동사 활용 정보 문제, 6) 동사의 보조어간 문제, 7) 보조 동사 문제, 8) 자동사와 타동사 문제, 9) 시간 표시 문제, 10) 사동․피동 형태 문제, 11) 높임과 낮춤 문제로 상세화하여 다루었다. 광복 이후 우리말과 우리 문법에 대한 관심이 지대하게 높았으며 미군정이라는 특수한 상황 속에서 검인정으로 문법 기술 방식이 다양하게 이루어졌던 미군정기의 중등 문법 교과서의 품사 설정과 분류 문제 연구는 효과적인 품사 관련 문법 지식체계 구조 탐색에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 그리고 구체적으로는 전체 품사설정 방식과 개별 품사 기술 방식의 역사적 변천을 이번 연구를 통해 확인할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study purposed to discuss the establishment and classification of parts of speech in individual grammar textbooks as an effort to get a macroscopic view on the characteristics of grammar description methods in individual grammar textbooks from the perspective of the structuring of the grammar knowledge system using authorized grammar textbooks during the period of the U.S. military government before the Unitary Grammar and the foundation of the government the Republic of Korea. The theory on parts of speech was one of main research themes of the Korean language in the past, but it is not spotlighted much in recent Korean language studies. Because part‐of‐speech classification is outcome representing individual grammarians’ view of language and grammar, however, it is essential to make thorough discussions on parts of speech for starting analysis on individual grammatical categories. Under the 7th National Curriculum, what is more, authorized textbooks of ‘reading/grammar’ are used in the field of education as an advanced optional subject based on the 2011 and 2015 revised curriculums, and authorized textbooks of ‘language and media’ are about to be developed. In this situation, this study chose grammar textbooks because they are the last national textbooks in the modern curriculum period. The process of actual analysis was divided into: 1) the level of part‐ofspeech classification; and 2) the level of individual part‐of‐speech description. Part‐of‐speech classification was again divided into postposition establishment, i‐predicative particle establishment, existential predicate establishment, conjunction establishment, and predicative particle establishment, and individual part‐of‐speech description into verb, adjective, postposition, i‐predicative particle, existential predicate, conjunction, and predicative particle problems. Due to the limit of space, this thesis was limited to problems in the part‐of‐speech description of ‘verb’ as follows: 1) morphological changes in the use of verbs; 2) morphological changes according to ending; 3) morphological changes according to predicative; 4) morphological changes according to subjunctive; 5) information on verb use according to the use of irregular conjugation; 6) stem supplements of verbs; 7) auxiliary verbs; 8) intransitive and transitive verbs; 9) time indication; 10) causative/passive forms; and 11) honorific and humble words. Since the Liberation, interest in the Korean language and grammar was raised high, and in the special situation under the rule of the U.S. military government, grammar was described in various ways in authorized textbooks. Thus, research on part‐of‐speech establishment and classification in secondary grammar textbooks during the period of the U.S. military government is expected to contribute to the effective exploration of the grammar knowledge system related to parts of speech. Specifically, furthermore, we expect from this study to understand historical development of the method of part‐of‐speech establishment and the description of individual parts of speech.

      • 작문 교육 방법에 대한 대안적 모색

        오현아(Oh, Hyeon-Ah) 강원대학교 국어교육과 2014 語文學報 Vol.34 No.-

        Traditional writing education methods in Korea have been reading centered, idea creation centered and elaboration centered, and in such a situation sufficient consideration has not been given to the contents and methods of writing education that reflect individual learners’ writing skill level, actual writing process, etc. Recognizing these problems and as an effort to develop writer centered writing education methods, this study purposed to propose: 1) expression centered writing education method; and 2) idea arrangement centered writing education method. In addition, this study suggested specific methodologies applicable to writer centered writing education methods including conceptual structure diagramming method that can contribute to the internal unity of texts, and Francis Christensen method that can contribute to the external consistence of texts.

      • KCI등재

        에듀테인먼트 콘텐츠로서의 문법 교육 내용의 이야기화 모델 탐색

        오현아 ( Hyeon Ah Oh ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2012 국어교육 Vol.0 No.138

        As an effort to explore storytelling models for the contents of grammar education as edutainment contents, Chapter II of this paper presented the background of inquiry into the contents of grammar education as edutainment contents, dividing it into: 1) changes in learners; 2) changes in the view of knowledge; and 3) changes in the view of education. In addition, Chapter III proposed a quest storytelling model centering on passive and causative expressions and a character storytelling model centering on compound words and derivative words in order to explore storytelling models for the contents of grammar education. The discussion of this study may be criticized for "inefficient" presentation of grammar education contents in metaphoric ways that require learners` inference and interpretation while such contents can be conveyed rather "efficiently" in definite and straightforward ways. It is fully acceptable that inquiry into storytelling models for grammar education contents as edutainment contents is in connection to the pattern of metaphoric presentation of grammar education contents. However, it is not acceptable to say that metaphoric presentation of grammar education contents is "inefficient" in learners` process of organizing the contents of grammar education. Thus, this study finds its meaning in that it suggested the necessity of storytelling for the contents of grammar education as edutainment contents and proposed practical storytelling models for the contents of grammar education, and expects further full-scale discussions on the educational effectiveness of the metaphoric presentation of grammar education contents.

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