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        일본 철강산업의 사내하청과 노사관계

        오학수 한국산업노동학회 2018 산업노동연구 Vol.24 No.1

        This article examines the history of the in - house subcontracting and the stabilization of labor - management relations in the steel industry in Japan. The ratio of in-house subcontract workers among steel workers has increased steadily until the mid-2000s, and about 70% in case of the largest company. In-house subcontracting was used as a strategy of the company to increase the quantity flexibility of employment and to save labor costs. The in-house subcontracting company needed company-specialized skills, and the internal labor market was formed because the rate of full-time workers was high and the turnover rate was low. The in-house subcontractor introduced long-term business relationship with the steel factory by introducing the equipment and materials necessary for the performance of the work, and the factory implemented the productivity improvement policy of the in-house subcontractor, and the win-win relationship between the factory and in-house subcontractor was developed. The trade union did not oppose the idea that the expansion of in-house subcontracting contributed to corporate profits, the stability of employment of the members and maintenance of their working conditions. Since 2000, the steel factory has pursued the transformation of in - house subcontractors into subsidiaries, which has been supported by capital relations. By the way, since the mid-2000s, there has been an increase in the number of regular workers’ employment. The major factors are as follows: more strengthened compliance with laws and regulations, the higher quality request of customers, stricter keeping of deadlines, and problem in recruiting of workers at in-house subcontract companies. The wage gap between the factory and in - house subcontracting was less at company B than at company S, and the wage level of in - house subcontracting was about 90% of the factory at company B. The relatively small gap at company B seems to be due to the union's movement of narrowing the gap, low market dominance and unfavorable labor market. The internal labor market has been formed in the in-house subcontracting, and the wage gap is not large, and the possibility of labor disputes is low. Industrial relations are stable in the in-house subcontract company as well as the factory. The stabilization of labor-management relations in the steel industry in Korea is required to reduce the wage gap between the factory and in-house subcontract enterprises by raising productivity and expanding the internal labor market at in-house subcontract enterprises. 이 글은 일본 철강산업의 사내하청 활용 전개와 노사관계 안정에 관하여 조강생산량 1위와 2위인 대표적 제철회사를 대상으로 역사적으로 살펴보았다. 제철소 노동자 중 사내하청 노동자가 차지하는 비율은 전후 2000년대 중반까지 지속해서 증가하여 1위인 S사의 경우 약 70%였다. 사내하청은 고용의 수량적 유연성을 높여서 인건비 절약을 꾀하려는 기업의 전략으로 활용되었다. 사내하청 기업의 담당업무는 기업 특수적 숙련을 필요로 하였는데 그것에 대응하는 형태로 정규직의 비율이 높아지고 이직률도 낮아 내부노동시장이 형성되었다. 사내하청 기업이 업무수행에 필요한 설비나 자재를 자체 도입함으로서 원청과는 장기적인 거래관계를 맺게 되었고, 원청은 사내하청의 생산성 향상 정책을 실시하여 상생적인 관계가 전개되었다. 노조는 사내하청 확대가 기업 이익, 조합원의 고용안정 및 노동조건 유지 등에 기여하는 것으로 보고 반대하지 않았다. 출향과 전적을 통하여 사내하청이 확대되는 것도 마찬가지로 반대하지 않았다. 2000년 이후 원청이 사내하청 기업의 자회사화를 추진하여 상생적인 관계는 자본관계로 뒷받침 되었다. 그런데 2000년대 중반 이후 직영화의 움직임이 나타나고 있는데 그것은 법령준수 요구 강화, 고객의 품질향상과 납기 달성의 엄격성, 노동력 확보 등이 주요 요인이다. 원청과 사내하청간의 노동조건 격차는 임금의 경우 B사가 S사보다 작았는데 사내하청이 원청의 약 90%였다. 상대적으로 B사의 격차가 작은 것은 노조의 격차 축소 운동, 낮은 시장 지배력과 불리한 노동시장 등에 따른 것으로 보인다. 이와 같이 사내하청에도 내부노동시장이 형성되어 왔고, 원청과의 임금격차도 크지 않아 노사분쟁의 가능성이 낮다. 원청뿐만 아니라 사내하청에서도 노사관계는 안정되어 있다. 우리나라의 철강산업 노사관계 안정화는 원청과 하청기업간의 장기적 상생협력관계 하에서 하청기업에서 내부노동시장을 형성/확대하면서 생산성을 높여 원청과의 격차를 줄여나가는 것이 요구된다.

      • 운동선수와 비운동선수의 운동부하후 뇨증 17-OHCS의 분비량과 뇨성분 변화에 관한 연구

        오학수 圓光大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구에서는 운동선수와 비운동선수의 운동전 안정시와 운동직후 및 운동이 끝난후 30분이 경과한 회복상태의 뇨를 채취하여 운동부하후 운동선수와 비운동선수에 미치는 영향을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 뇨증 17-OHCS의 분비량은 운동선수에서는 운동전에 비해 운동직후에 증가하였으며 휴식 상태에서는 약간 감소하였으나 운동전과 같지 않았다. 비운동선수에서는 운동전보다 운동직후에 증가하고 30분 휴식후에도 계속 증가하였다. 2. 비중은 운동선수에서 운동직후나 휴식상태에서 증가하였으나 비운동선수에서는 운동직후에 증가하고 휴식상태에서 감소하였다. 3. 뇨의 PH는 운동선수와 비운동선수어서 공히 운동직후에 감소하고 휴식상태에서는 증가하였다. 4. 뇨단백은 운동직후에 운동선수와 비운동선수에서 증가하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the secretory dose of 17-OHCS in urine and thechange of urine components before and after exercise, and the recovery perriod in trained man. The objects of this study are consisted of 10 untrained men of Wonkwang University. The results were as follows: 1. Secretory dose of 17-OHCS in urine of trained men increased after exercise in comparison with before exercise and decreased slightly in recovery periods, but secretory dose of 17-OHCS in urine of untrained men increased gradally after exercise and recovery period in comparison with before exercise. 2. Urine specific gravity of trained men increased gradually after exrecise and recovery period, but in untrained men, urine specific grarvity increased after exercise and decreased in recovery period. 3. PH of urine after exercise increased equally and decreased equally at recovery period in trained and untrained men. 4. Urine protein increased after exercise of trained and untrained men.

      • 재활요법마사지가 견관절 충돌 증후군의 통증강도와 통증불쾌도에 미치는 치료적 효과

        오학수,정동혁,오동우 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.1

        The shoulder joint, the most mobile joint in the human body, is at greater risks for injuries. Several factors contribute to shoulder impingement syndrome including rotator cuff weakness, capsular tightness, poor scapulohumeral rhythm, and muscle imbalance of the scapular upward rotation force couple. Rehabilitation and training of the shoulder in throwing and overhead athletes has dramatically improved during the last decade. There are numerous reasons for rapid return to athletic training and competition. A preventive program designed for the glenohumeral joint is mainly based on an appropriate preparation, which should include overall body conditioning, flexibility, and strengthening of the musculature around the glenohumeral joint and the scapula. Activity levels represent a helpful guide in determining an appropriate rehabilitation program for shoulder patients ranging from disabled to those competing at the highest levels of athletics. The purpose of this study is to find out the utility of the rehabilitation massage applied to the patients with shoulder impingement syndrome by measuring, assessing and analyzing the changes in intensity and unpleasantness of muscle pains before and after rehabilitation massage. After rehabilitation massage, the McGill pain questionnaire word list(MPQWL), verbal rating scale(VRS), visual analogue scale(VAS) were used to measure the degree of the pain on the patients. The major findings from this study are as follows; 1. The surveyed patients range from 28 to 65 in age, with highest numbers of 25 (43.10%) registered in the forties and next ones of 16(27.59%) in the fifties. Divided by sex, 35 are men and 23 are women totalling 58 with average age of 47.1. 2. There was significant decrease in the numerical values of MPQWL, VRS and VAS after rehabilitation massage(p<.05). 3. There was significant decrease in the intensity of pain and unpleasantness of pain after rehabilitation massage(p<.05). 4. From the analysis into chronological changes in the intensity of pains before and after rehabilitation massage with ANOVA, it became evident that the longer the period of treatment was, the higher the pains decreases drastically, while significant difference was shown in the intensity of pains(p<.05). 5. From the analysis into chronological changes in the unpleasantness of pains before and after rehabilitation massage with ANOVA, it became evident that the longer the period of treatment was, the higher the pains decreases drastically, while significant difference was shown in the unpleasantness of pains(p<.05). Summed up, it can be generally concluded that rehabilitation massage is an effective treatment to rid the patients with shoulder impingement syndrome of pains safely and promptly. From the above outcomes, it was revealed that rehabilitation massage has proven to reduce the pains. It is, therefore, suggested to continue and expand the study on the cure of shoulder impingement syndrome and to motivate patients, orthopedists, physiatrists, physiotherapists, and sports massagists etc. to consider massage program as safest and most efficient pain remedy.

      • 유산소성 운동이 대퇴부 근기능 및 근효소 수준에 미치는 효과

        오학수,이혜진 圓光大學校 附設 體力科學硏究所 2000 體力科學硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        In this thesis, in order to examine closely how aerobic dancing, aerobic exercise, have an effect on the muscle function and the muscle enzyme level of the thigh being tested on six persons of aerobic exercise group, six persons of firing group and five persons of non-exercise group. They were obtained conclusion as the follows in the result measuring and analyzing the muscle strength of the thigh, the muscle endurance and activated of LDH and CPK, muscle the blood enzyme, before and after repetition exercise of extenion/flexion exercise centering around knee joint by using Kin-com, isokinetic. The results of this study were as folloowings; 1. The change of the muscular strength among the three group in isokinetic ratio at the lower work speed 60˚/sec was significantly appeared as A·E·G(p<.01) in all the extension strength and flexion strength. But there was no significant difference in the ipsilateral blance ratio. extension was appeared (p<.05) and flexion strength was appeared (p<.01) in the middle work speed 120˚/sec. 2. Total work in the change of the muscle endurance among the three group through the repetition exercise of extension/flexion strength 25 times in the angular velocity 120˚/sec was significantly proved A·E·G in extension strength(p<.01) and the average power also was significantly proved in flexion st(p<.05) and extension strength(p<.01), but the fatigue index of the muscle was not significant difference. 3. The change of the muscle enzyme level in the blood after the maximum expansion and contraction exercise extension/flexion strength in the middle work speed 120˚/sec was no significant difference among the three group in rest time before and after exercise of LDH, but exercise group appeared low in the range of increase before and after exercise. Also, CPK is viewed significantly among the three group in stability before and after exercise and exercise group appeared low in the range of increase before and after exercise and an interaction effect among the each group appeared high.

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