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        양해각서, 의향서, 비밀유지계약서의 법적 쟁점

        오선주(SUN JOO OH) 전남대학교 법학연구소 2020 법학논총 Vol.40 No.4

        워크아웃기업인 대우조선해양 주식회사의 M&A를 위하여 한국산업은행과 한화컨소시엄은 양해각서를 체결하였다. 한화컨소시엄은 한국산업은행에 약 3,150억 원의 이행보증금을 지급하였지만, 최종적으로 본 계약은 체결되지 아니하였다. 계약서라고 하면 본 계약서만 떠올리는 경우가 많으나, 실제로 본 계약서 외에도 다양한 형태의 계약서들이 존재한다. 양해각서, 의향서, 비밀유지계약서가 그 예들이다. 계약의 규모 혹은 범위가 커질수록, 계약이 체결되기까지 시간 및 비용이 많이 들 수 있다. 이와 같이 본 계약 체결까지 시간이 너무 오래 걸려서, 본 계약 체결에 이르기까지 당사자들이 합의한 사항을 우선적으로 계약서에 담을 때, 양 당사자의 합의된 의사를 양해각서(Memorandum of Understanding: MOU)에 담거나, 본 계약 관련 의향을 확인하면서 의향서(Letter of Intent: LOI)를 체결하는 경우가 꽤 많다. 특히 사업부에서는 양해각서 혹은 의향서가 대외적으로 가지는 상징적 의미와 본 계약 체결까지는 시간이 소요되나, 당사자 사이의 계약을 빨리 체결하고 싶은 경우에, 양해각서 혹은 의향서를 체결하려고 한다. 본 계약 체결 이전에 체결되는 양해각서 혹은 의향서는 본 계약 체결 의무 관련 법적 구속력을 가지지 않는다고 생각되어 사업부에서 법적 검토를 거치지 않고, 위 계약을 체결하는 경우도 상당수 있다. 하지만 실제 양해각서나 의향서가 법적 구속력을 가지는지 여부의 판단은 계약서의 이름에 따라 달라지기보다는 실제 체결되는 계약서 내 조항의 구체적 내용에 따라 달라진다. 사업부에서 양해각서나 의향서가 본 계약 체결 의무 관련 법적 구속력을 가지지 않는다고 생각하여 양해각서나 의향서를 체결할 때, 법률 전문가의 법적 검토를 소홀히 한다면, 나중에 계약서 해석 관련 분쟁이 발생할 가능성이 높기 때문에 주의해야 한다. 본 계약서보다 더 자주 체결될 수 있는 계약서들 중 하나가 비밀유지계약서(Confidential Disclosure Agreement: CDA, Non-Disclosure Agreement: NDA)이다. 본 계약서에 비밀유지조항이 있는 경우가 대부분이지만, 본 계약이 체결되기까지 시간이 오래 걸리거나, 본 계약이 체결되지 않고 당사자들의 정보 혹은 일방 당사자의 정보가 공개되는 경우, 당사자들 사이에 비밀유지계약서를 별도로 맺는 경우도 많다. 양해각서, 의향서, 비밀유지계약서는 본 계약 체결 전 빈번하게 체결되는 계약의 형태임에도 불구하고 지금까지의 계약에 관한 선행연구들은 양해각서, 의향서, 비밀유지계약서를 체결할 때, 유의할 점 등과 각 계약별 조항들의 특성에 대한 연구가 부족하였다고 판단된다. 이 논문은 양해각서 내 조항들과 본 계약 체결 전 양해각서가 가지는 의미 및 본 계약 체결 의무 관련 법적 구속력이 있는 양해각서에 규정될 수 있는 이행보증금의 법적 성격을 살펴보고, 의향서 위반에 따른 배상 책임, 비밀유지계약서 내 조항들을 검토한다. 이 논문은 양해각서, 의향서, 비밀유지계약서의 각 조항들을 분석하고 각 계약서가 가지는 법적 구속력의 특징을 파악한다. Beside main contracts, there are various forms of contracts, like a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Letter of Intent (LOI), and Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA). Complicated contracts need much time and efforts to be reviewed. When it takes too long for the parties to enter into the main contract, the parties execute an MOU or LOI, instead. In particular, the business department may prefer this approach, because this allows business discussions to get started. Moreover, the symbolic meaning of an MOU or LOI is another reason for the business department to enter into an MOU or LOI. Most of the MOUs are not legally binding, and LOIs contain less information than the main contracts. For this reason, some may think reviewing MOUs or LOIs is not that important compared to reviewing the main contracts. However, some MOUs are legally binding, and LOIs can include crucial provisions. Thus, MOUs and LOIs must be reviewed thoroughly. Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) or Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are used frequently, sometimes more often than contracts that include the substantive provisions of a transaction. In particular, when it takes much time to negotiate a main contract, but the parties have to disclose confidential information among the parties, the parties enter into CDAs. According to the Korean law and the Korean precedents, when business secrets are disclosed by one party, business secrets in CDAs have to be defined specifically to be protected under the Korean law. Some people think that CDAs are not that important, because they do not include substantive provisions. However, CDAs must be reviewed thoroughly. Even though MOUs, LOIs, or CDAs are frequently entered into prior to the main contracts, it does not mean that they are any less crucial. This paper studies and analyzes provisions in MOUs, LOIs, and CDAs and reviews effective legal strategies when preparing and/or entering into MOUs, LOIs, or CDAs.

      • KCI등재
      • 회사의 이사에 대한 손해배상청구 - 한국·미국·독일·일본의 경영판단원칙 비교 검토를 중심으로 -

        오선주 ( Oh Sun Joo ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 글로벌비즈니스와 법센터 2020 연세 글로벌 비즈니스 법학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        The Korean commercial law has provisions that allow a company to delegate the company’s management to directors, while also allowing the company to supervise their work. The Korean commercial law provides for the dismissal of directors through resolutions that are passed during shareholders' meetings (Article 385 Clause 1 of the Korean commercial law) or by exercise of minority shareholders’ right to exercise control (Article 385 Clause 2 of the Korean commercial law). However, in addition to indirectly holding directors accountable, such as through dismissals, the Korean commercial law directly stipulates the directors' liability for damages. The directors’ liability for damages can be divided into liability for damages to the company (Article 399 of the Korean commercial law) and liability for damages to third party of the director (Article 401 of the Korean commercial law). The Korean commercial law stipulates directors’ liability for damages to the company (Article 399 of the Korean commercial law), but interpreting this too broadly may make it difficult for directors to make autonomous decisions. Therefore, although there are no explicit provisions in the Korean commercial law, Korean courts have recognized and applied the business judgment rule in various cases. However, the business judgment rule, if expanded too much, will limit the directors’ responsibility for management. This papar deals with the provisions related to claims for damages against company directors in Korean commercial law, how the business judgment rule applies in Korean cases, and compare the Korean, the U.S., the German, and the Japanese businsess judgment rule. This paper studies how the business judgment rule should be legislated in Korean commercial law and how the business judgment rule should be applied in Korean cases. The standards of the business judgment rule presented in the Korean cases are stricter than those in the United States, Germany, and Japan. This paper discusses why it is necessary to make it easier for directors to be able to make autonomous decisions in Korea, and reviews recent U.S. case law, Japanese cases, and the German securities law. Korean law and precedents should provide standards to allow directors' autonomous judgment while keeping them in check. Risk factors are inherent in all directors' decisions. If directors decide to invest only in projects that have low risk but have little growth potential, and are less innovative, and less likely to develop in the future, uncertainty that is associated with management may be reduced, but growth will be hampered and the company may not achieve its full development potential. If predictable and reasonable standards related to the business judgment rule are established by laws or precedents, and the business judgment rule is expanded to a certain extent, the board of directors will be able to better exercise its role than it is doing now. Legislating the business judgment rule like Germany may take a long time, it may be difficult to legislate the business judgment rule to apply in specific cases, and even if the business judgment rule is legislated, revisions may need to be made frequently according to the situation. Therefore, instead of the congress legislating the business judgment rule, it may be more appropriate for the courts to adopt the business judgment rule in cases. However, the court may not have expertise to apply the business judgment rule. Thus, the Korean court may focus on determining whether the procedures that the directors used in exercising business judgment were appropriate, rather than trying to judge the rationality of the business judgment like the U.S. court. Regarding judging the rationality of the business judgment, if the decisions of the directors did not conflict with or hurt the interests of the company, and if the decisions of the directors were fully reviewed in advance, the Korean court may lower the standard of the duty of care like the Japanese court.

      • KCI등재
      • 韓國刑法上兒童虐待予防に關する考察

        오선주 ( Sun Joo Oh ) 아세아여성법학회 2003 아세아여성법학 Vol.6 No.-

        Korean have considered their children very preciously. However, child abuse has been increased rapidly in Korea with the collapse of the conventional large family system and the high divorce rate since the last decade. Also the failure of the small and mid-size company and the increase of unemployment under the economic crisis In 1997 have accelerated child abuse, neglect, abandonmemt, exploiration and ere. It has caused severe social problem, and we should begin to consider these problems in the social level to bring up our children ill good mental and physical health. UN adopted the Declaration on the Rights of [he Child to protect child from abuse and neglect at the 14th Conference in 1959. UN also adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child unanimously at the 44`h Conference in 1989. These treaties have supported the signatory of the treaty to improve the national laws and policies to ensure alternative care for such children. Working with special child protection laws, we are involved in the effort to prevent the abuse and neglect of our countrys children. In particular, the criminal law applies a number of rigorous regulations on ehe offense concerned with child abuse. We have implemented the following laws that have had a significant impact on child protection: the criminal law contains the articles for the infant abandonment(§272), child abuse (§273), child exploitation (§274), child death or injury due to abuse (§275). Especially, we adopted the criminal law concerned with the child capture or abduction (§287), child capture, abduction and trade using the child for sexual harassment and other production of profit(§288), forced sexual harassment(§298), rape(§297), molesters(§298), adultery with under age(§302), fornication or molestation with children under rhe age of 13(§305) to guard the children from sexual abuse. As seen in the Asian legal proverb, jaw should not intervene within home affairs, people have believed that the supervision or guardianship of child should only depend on their own family. The reason that we are unsuccessful m the appropriate punishment of the child abuse is as following: First, it is hard to distinguish the crime or maltreatment by parents or other person legally responsible for his/her care from their legal disciplinary bearing. (In general, it is allowed to beat their children for education in Asia). Second, it is difficult for the child, the complainant, to access to the legal proceeding since underage has no way to rake advantage of the laws by themselves. Third, it is not allowed in Korean criminal procedure law(§224) to bring suit against its linear ascendant. These fans under the current legal system make punishment of the abusers very difficult. In addition, it usually results in the breakdown of the family when we punish the father who may be responsible for the livelihood of the family. However, it has recently been made possible for a victim to sue his or her parents as long as it involves sexual abuse, thanks co the effort to the enlightened people in Korea. In this regard, we should provide appropriate policy and regulation to make difference through the reeducation of its parents, labor service, medical care system and so forth.

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