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진칭예(Jin Qing Ye),강동석(Dong Seok Kang),연시모(Si Mo Yeon),손용(Yong Son),박상후(Sang Hu Park) Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2020 한국정밀공학회지 Vol.37 No.8
We studied compressive behavior of two types of lattice structures having small-scale struts fabricated by utilizing a metal additive manufacturing process. Generally known, the lattice structure has some advantages such as lightweight and high specific mechanical strength, allowing diverse potential applications in the aerospace and mobility industries. In this work, we proposed two types of lattice such as body-centered truss (BCT) and octahedral truss (OCT) that were designed and fabricated for a compression test. From the experimental results, the OCT has much higher strength than the BCT, and all cases showed several buckling modes during the compressive behavior. Furthermore, ‘restructuring’ occurred with BCT, and the compressive force increased overall but fluctuated due to the restructuring by an increase of compression. Through this work, we found out that the BCT has the interesting compressive behaviors, and a repetitive bucking-restructuring was found. In fact, its strength could be increased continuously by the restructuring during compression. In conclusion, the BCT has key-characteristics of lightweight and re-strengthening, which are applicable to various applications in the industry.
금속 적층제조를 통해 제작된 내부 구조물의 압축변형 및 파단에 관한 연구
진칭예(QINGYE JIN),정호승(Ho-seung Jeong),손용(Yong Son),연시모(Si-Mo Yeon),박상후(Sang-hu Park) 대한기계학회 2019 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2019 No.11
Developing of AM (Additive Manufacturing) process, lattice structures are fabricated with stable mechanical properties recently. Lattice structures have its potential performances after yield and during destruction. In this study, fracture characteristics of the lattice structures (BCC & FCC) fabricated by SLM process with optimized manufacturing condition were analyzed by FE-Analysis and Experiments. As a result, several fracture modes and preferential fracture area were found by FE-Analysis, comparing with result of compression experiment result. In addition, the lattice structures have great sacrificial prices rather than structural prices, because of its fracture characteristics that whose strength rises during destruction till final fracture. Lattice structures seem to have nice application value with disposable lightweight parts for impact, such as impact armor for defense or aerospace. Impact characteristics, which has high sacrificial price, of usual lattice structures will be studied as a future research.