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        여필순 ( Bi Shun Lu ),장뢰 ( Zhang Lei ) 관광경영학회 2012 관광경영연구 Vol.52 No.-

        Regional tourism spatial structure is the projection of tourist activities in space, also the relationship between the relative balance of tourism elements in space such as position, contact, interaction and concentration degree, etc. Regional tourism development can be adjusted to the best condition by regulating and controlling regional tourism spatial structure. This article researches the tourism development trend and tourism resources classification statistics in Chang-Ji-Tu regions, the space layout evolution of Chang-Ji-Tu regions tourism scenic area(spot) is divided into three stages depending on the general features of tourism scenic area(spot) space layout, tourism scenic area(spot) point layout stage, circle-layer stage featured by scatter, network layout stage featured mainly by filling. The result shows the process of the evolution of Chang-Ji-Tu regions tourism scenic area(spot) is "scatter-gather-filling". Tourism spatial structure takes Chang-Ji urban circle and Yan-Long-Tu urban circle as the core, the highway between Changchun and Hunchun as the axis, radiating to surrounding cities and towns to form a primary network development model, tourism development level, the natural form of tourism resources spatial distribution, tourist transportation, tourism market demand and the original tourism spatial structure are the driving factors of tourism spatial structure evolution in Chang-Ji-Tu regions, among these factors the tourism developmental level of Chang-Ji-Tu regions is the most fundamental inner power.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국 연변 농촌지역의 조선족인구 감소와 지역성 변화

        呂弼順(Bi Shun Lu) 한국지역지리학회 2013 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구는 경제개혁 이후 중국 연변조선족자치주내 조선족 인구감소의 메카니즘과 그 결과가 농촌지역에 미치는 영향 및 지역의 변화를 설명하기 위한 것이다. 중국의 시장경제체제의 도입, 호적제도의 약화 및 한·중 국교수립 이후 이동성향이 높아지고 통혼권과 거주지역이 확산되면서 조선족사회는 출산력수준의 급격한 저하와 젊은 층 및 여성 위주의 인구이동이 지속적으로 진행되었다. 이는 곧바로 농촌인구의 급격한 감소와 고령화로 이어져, 농업의 쇠퇴와 농촌지역의 조선족사회집단 해체, 기능약화, 민족교육의 위축 및 지도력 약화라는 결과를 초래하였다. 감소된 노동력 을 보완하기 위한 농업경영상의 변화는 타지역 한족(漢族)농민들로 충당되었고 농업의 한족화 현상과 조선족에 비해 한족 농민들의 경제력 상승추세가 나타나고 있으며, 작물구성의 변화는 전통적 수전농업 체계에서 한전(旱田) 단작영 농체계로 특화되어 가는 경향이고, 노동력 효율적 분배가 가능한 상업적 작물이 인기가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 현재 조선족농업인구는 지속적으로 감소하는 추세이고 변화하고 있는 새로운 농업환경에 적절히 대응하지 못하는 문제들이 존재하며 이는 결국 조선족농촌마을이 소실될 위기에 놓여 있어 파격적인 정책지원 및 농촌개발정책의 수립이 중요하다. This study illustrates the mechanism of The Decrease of Korean population in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture (YBKAP) and some changes of regional characteristics since China`s economic reforming. Due to China`s Implementing market economic system, deregulating in family register system, higher mobility since establishing Sino-Korean diplomatic relations, the expansion of intermarriages and residential areas, Korean community is confronted with lower birthrate and continuous mobility of the young and women. It directly connects to a decrease in urban population and aging, causing a decline in farming production, disintegrating of Korean community, weakening the function of villagers` organization, shrinking in Korean education and leaderships. For supplementing the shorted labor, Chinese farmers from other areas flow into the YBKAP, showing some different trends, such as farming Chinesization, Chinese farmers` higher economic level than Korean, the Korean traditional paddy field transforming into dry farmland with single-crop farming and pursuing commercial production in labor management. At the moment, declining population in Korean community in rural areas means that the community could not respond the changes of farming environments appropriately and in some way it is facing with the crisis of die away from the Chinese society. It needs an unconventional support and development policies in YBKAP rural areas.

      • KCI등재

        중국 연변조선족자치주 경진기업의 입지특성과 존립기반

        여필순(Lu Bi Shun),이철우(Lee Chul Woo) 한국경제지리학회 1998 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the locational characteristics and viabilities of township enterprises in Yan bian Korean ethnic autonomous district. From the late of 1970s, Chinese township enterprises have heavily contributed to the rapid economic development in China, to alleviating the rural surplus labor, and to reducing the disparity between urban and rural in term of socio-economic condition. From the late 1980s. Chinese township enterprises in Yan bian Korean ethnic autonomous district have rapidly development in urban areas and also in the places that were easily accessed into main cities. The locational characteristics implied the management characteristics that attempted to solve the lack of capital and technique, and marketing difficulties through the existed firms in urban areas rather than the accessibility of the market. Chinese township enterprises in Yan bian Korean ethnic autonomous district utilized locally available low wage labors of legal agrarian(nung-min-gung) to compete the large firms in urban areas. Township governments positively affected the development of the enterprises in the early stage : while, in the latter stage, they limited the autonomous management. If the economic system in China would be changed into the capital economic system in the future, the institution should allow to the maximum autonomous management of township enterprises.

      • WTO 가입 후 한국기업의 대중국 해외직접투자 현황과 입지특성

        여필순 경북대학교 사회과학대학 지리학과 2006 地理學論究 Vol.- No.25

        본 연구는 중국이 WTO 가입 이후 대중국 직접투자 한국기업의 현황과 입지적 특성이 어떻게 변화하였으며, 그 잠재적 영향은 무엇인지를 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 대중국 직접투자 한국기업 현황 자료를 분석한 결과, WTO 가입 이후 중국진출 초기 동북 · 발해만 지역으로 집중되었던 한국기업 대중투자의 지리적 패턴이 최근 東南沿海地域으로 분산화되고 있을 것이라는 예측이 현실로 나타났음이 밝혀졌다. 東南沿海地域 중에서도 특히 상해에의 집중도 증가가 뚜렷하며, 부문별로는 서비스업의 진출이 증가하고 있고 제조업에서는 전기 · 전자부문의 증가가 뚜렷하게 나타났으며 투자비율 별로는 100% 단독투자의 비중 증가가 뚜렷하다. 본 연구결과에 의하면 한국기업의 대중국 투자의 입지특성을 나타내는 주 요인은 중국의 WTO 가입에 따라 시장환경의 변화로 인한 투자동기와 업종의 변화에 의하여 결정된다고 본다. 이러한 요인을 보다 명확히 밝히고 중국진출 한국기업이 중국 현지에서 성공적으로 뿌리내리고 있는지를 알기 위해서는 향후 기업의 입지의사결정과정조사, 현지기업에 대한 심층면접조사를 통하여 해외직접투자 기업네트워크활동이 중국에서 공간적으로 어떻게 전개되는지, 특히 모기업 본사 및 해당지역기업, 환경과 이루어지는 네트워킹이 어떤 형태로 이루어지고, 국가 그리고 지방정부가 미치는 영향은 무엇인지를 밝히는 유형별 사례연구 등이 뒤따라야 한다. The purpose of this study is to make clear the change and influence of actuality and location characteristics about Korean enterprise's FDI to China after China entered into WTO. Based on data analysis of Korean enterprise's FDI to China, FDI of Korean enterprises are dispersed to Southeast littoral, which are centralized in Northeast region and Bohai bay at initial stages. These investments are especially centralized at Shanghai. Service industry, electric industry and sole ownership enterprises are increased in evidence. The main factor of these characteristics is the change of the motivation of investment and industry kind which are begot by the change of market environment. For making clear this factor and understanding the actuality of Korean enterprises, these must be studied that how the network of enterprises are composed, what kind form of network is between headquarter and filiale of the enterprise, and how the nation and local government make the influence.

      • 중국 도시지리학 연구동향

        김석주,여필순 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 2002 영남지역발전연구 Vol.30 No.-

        In an effort to introduce the developments and research, this thesis looked briefly into developments of urban geography achieved in China after adopting the Reform and Opening Policy in 1978, along with research trend in this field, so to contribute to widening Korean geographers' knowledge about this subject. China's urban geography started from almost a blank, but has been developing at comparatively fast speed. Chinese urban geographers have been absorbing constructively relative urban geography theories abroad and grafting them into China's realities and so have constructed the urban geography research system that has chinese figures and at the same time harmonize with world rules. China's urban geography researches are progressed in such 4 fields below: As far as the research of urbanization is concerned, the most important influencing factor has been considered to be industrialization, but recently with the fast-speed development of rural enterprisers, the development of small-size cities in the usual districts has also become a distinct fact. About the research of internal space structure, study on city's internal commercial districts is the main stream along with the development of 3-degree industry. And the research about CBD has also started. In the research about urban system, most attempts are centered on drawing out normal methods of the urban system's development based on Central Place Theory. However, the problem that there are much more macro-research than micro-research has become obvious. Research about urban development policy can be generally classified as "to control large cities, develop media-sized cities reasonably, and develop small-sized cities actively" policy. With the exception of the 4 fields discussed above, research fields such as urban design, urban continuance possibilities, urban social geography, urban-district, have also been progressed steadily, but they will be left as the research subjects discussed hereafter.

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