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      • KCI등재

        축산폐수 처리에 따른 포플러유의 생육반응 및 축산폐수 흡수능력

        여진기(Jin Kie Yeo),구영본(Yeong Bon Koo),손두식(Doo Sik Son) 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.6

        The two-month-old rooted-cuttings of Populus albs × glandulosa, P. euramericana and P. nigra × maximowiczii clones were exposed to livestock waste water - one of major water pollutants, and ground water in order to determine the effects of livestock waste water on growth response and absorption capacity of the species. For this purpose, 5 clones of each species were used. In all the species, the height growth of rooted-cuttings was better in livestock waste water treatment than in ground water. Of all the poplar species compared, the height growth was best in P. alba × glandulosa. In the cases of P. euramericana and P. nigra × maximowiczii, the height growth in the livestock waste water treatment was statistically different among clones, whereas there was no significant difference among P. alba × glandulosa clones. Aboveground biomass such as leaf and shoot dry weight of all the species increased in the livestock waste water treatment, while root dry weight decreased. In addition, chlorophyll contents in leaf of all the poplar species increased in the livestock waste water treatment. All the poplar trees showed temporal variation in the absorption amount of livestock waste water during the experimental period. In all the poplar species, the absorption amount of livestock waste water was less than that of ground water. Of 3 poplar species, P. alba × glandulosa was best in the absorption capacity of livestock waste water. Of all 15 poplar clones compared in this study, the 72-16 clone of P. alba × glandulosa showed the best absorption capacity.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현사시와 박달나무의 Pb 흡수능력 및 내성

        여진기(Jin Kie Yeo),이재천(Jae Chun Lee),구영본(Yeong Bon Koo),김인식(In Sik Kim) 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.5

        This study was conducted to estimate the capability of Populus alba × glandulosa and Betula schmidtii for the uptake of Pb from the lead-contaminated soil and their tolerance to lead. Rooted cuttings in the former species and germinated seedlings in the latter species were planted in pots and irrigated with Pb-containing water for 60 days. In both tree species, growth inhibition was observed in 800, and 1,500ppm of Pb(NO₃)₂. Most Pb was accumulated in plant roots and only a small portion was transported to the shoots. The translocation rates of Pb for B. schmidtii and P. alba × glandulosa were 1.6-2.6% and 1.2-1.6%, respectively. The maximum Pb content accumulated in shoots was 468.0㎎/㎏ d.w. in P. albs × glandulosa, and 602.0㎎/㎏ d.w. in B. schmidtii. Although tolerance to lead was generally higher in B. schmidtiithan P. alba × glandulosa, the highest tolerance to lead was observed in P. alba × glandulosa clone, 72-16. Finally, we discussed the applicability of P. alba × glandulosa and B. schmidtii for phytoextraction based on their Pb uptake ability, high biomass production, and easiness in large-scale cultivati

      • KCI등재

        간척지 자생 버드나무의 NaCl 농도별 생육반응

        여진기(Jin-Kie Yeo),박정현(Jung-Hyun Park),구영본(Yeong-Bon Koo),김현철(Hyun-Chul Kim),신한나(Hanna Shin) 한국토양비료학회 2010 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        본 연구는 간척지에 자생하는 버드나무 (Salix koreensis Anderson)를 대상으로 염분에 대한 내성의 범위를 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 간척지에서 선발된 버드나무6개체의 가지를 잘라 온실에서 삽목하여 2개월이 경과한 다음부터 NaCl 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0% 용액과 지하수를 1개월간 관수하면서 재배하였다. 0.1% 및 지하수 처리구에서 전체 묘목의 생존율은 100%인 반면 0.5% 및 1.0% 처리구에서는 각각 73.2% 및 58.8%로 감소하였다. 0.1%와 지하수 처리구간의 묘고와 근원경 생장은 차이를 보이지 않았고 엽수는 실험기간동안 꾸준히 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 반면 0.5% 및 1.0% 처리구에서 묘고 생장은 지하수 처리구에 비해 각각 43.8% 및 88.9% 감소하였다. 0.5% 및 1.0% 처리구 묘목의 잎은 스트레스로 갈변하고 조기 낙엽되었다. 본 연구에 사용된 버드나무는 온실에서의 NaCl 처리결과 해안간척지에서 자생하는 개체임에도 불구하고 일반 임지에서 자생하는 버드나무보다 염분에 대한 내성 능력이 크지는 않은 것으로 추정된다. This study was conducted to investigate the potentials for the forest restoration on reclaimed land by using willow trees (Salix koreensis Anderson) selected from a coastal reclaimed land made in inside of the Sihwa tide embankment. We first collected six individual willow trees that were the only tree species grown in the reclaimed land. Total 7 clones from cuttings of the collected trees and the control were grown in a greenhouse for two months prior to applying the different concentrations of NaCl solutions (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.5%, and 1.0%). One month after the NaCl application, the survival rates of clones from both the collected trees, and the control were significantly decreased in a NaCl dose-dependent manner. However, there was no significant difference between the collected trees and the control in terms of survival rate, hight and diameter of cuttings, and the numbers of leaves in greenhouse condition. In conclusion, the willow trees collected from the coastal reclaimed land showed no tolerance against NaCl compared to the control grown in ordinary soil, suggesting that further study is required to determine what the most important factor is to select salt tolerant tree species.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        증례보고 : 체외순환을 사용하지 않는 관상동맥 우회술에서 심장 전위를 위해 사용된 물주머니와 경식도 심장초음파 영상 개선

        여진석 ( Jin Seok Yeo ),김태엽 ( Tae Yop Kim ),윤창룡 ( Chang Yong Yoon ),김준석 ( Jun Seok Kim ),지현근 ( Hyun Keun Chee ) 대한마취과학회 2007 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.52 No.2

        During off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery (OPCAB), vigorous displacement and compression of the heart producing significant hemodynamic change are essential for optimal exposure of graft anastomoses. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is useful in determining hemodynamic compromise and prompting medical and mechanical support. However, in addition to the loss of contact between the heart and diaphragm during the displacement, swabs or snears underneath the heart interrupt the TEE signal transmission, resulting in a compromised transgastric (TG) TEE view. Therefore, TEE monitoring during OPCAB is usually limited to the mid-esophageal view. The authors placed a saline bag (a surgical glove filled with saline) underneath the heart to facilitate this anterior displacement of the heart, as well as avoid the signal interruption of the TG echocardiographic window. As a result, the optimal heart position with the minimal changes in LV regional wall motion, LV function and mitral regurgitation were found using the TG and other TEE views. The series of velocity-time integral of aortic valvular flow (VTI-Ao) in TG long axis view, in addition to SvO2, were then monitored as a surrogate marker of the cardiac output during a graft construction of the left circumflex artery. It was concluded that the use of a saline bag may be useful in avoiding compromise of the TG TEE view and determine the hemodynamic change using VTI-Ao during cardiac displacement for OPCAB. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2007; 52: 231~6)

      • KCI등재

        한국 천주교 초기 평신도 지도자들의 신앙 특성

        여진천(Yeo Jin-Cheon) 한국교회사연구소 2013 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.42

        이 땅의 천주교는 초기 평신도 지도자들의 자발적인 구도자적 열정과 노력으로 이루어진 것이다. 신앙의 동기를 보면, 당시 서학에 대한 관심을 신앙으로 바꾼 이벽의 권유로 이승훈과 권철신 형제가 복음을 받아들였다. 이들과 달리 정약종은 도교(道敎)에 대한 회의에 빠졌다가 후에 신앙 을 적극적으로 수용하였다. 이승훈에 의해 세례를 받아 하느님의 교회로 들어온 그들은 복음적 삶으로 신앙을 성장시켰고 전파하였다. 이벽은 찾아가서 또 찾아오는 이들에게 복음을 전하였으며, 권일신은 적극적으로 신앙을 전파하였고, 공동체가 어려움에 처했을 때는 책임감을 갖고 대처했다. 권철신은 1791년까지 보여주었던 신앙의 실천이 친인척과 제자들에게 큰 영향을 주어 여러 지역 공동체가 세워질 수 있었다. 명도회장으로서 교회 공동체를 위해 헌신한 정약종이 인간의 존엄성과 평등을 실천한 삶은 전교의 원동력이었다. 이들은 박해를 받아 시련과 유혹을 당하였다. 이벽은 부친의 박해를 받아 집안에 감금되어 1785년 죽음을 당하였다. 1791년 권일신은 정조에 의해 집중적인 회유를 당해 도덕적으로 올바른 결정을 내리기 힘든 상황에서 〈회오문〉(悔悟文)을 지어 신앙을 부인하였지만, 유배 도중 죽음을 당하였다. 권철신은 1791년 이후 1801년까지 신앙생활을 하지 않았다고 진술하였으나, 1801년 박해에 죽음을 당하였다. 이승훈은 1785년에는 〈벽이문〉(闢異文)을 짓고, 1791년에는 관직에서 삭직되었고, 1795년에는 〈유혹문〉(?惑文)을 지어 교회를 떠났으나, 잠잠해지면 다시 교회로 돌아왔다. 정약종은 1801년 박해를 받아 죽음의 공포에 맞서 신앙을 옹호하고 교회 공동체를 보호하면서 목숨을 바쳤다. 그런데 이승훈, 권철신, 권일신 등은 일시적으로나마 신앙을 부인하고 교회를 떠났다고 진술하였다. 그렇다고 이러한 모습이 안타깝지만, 그들을 수치스럽게 하지 않는다. 예수님도 당신 자신을 부인한 베드로를 선택하셨는데, 그는 교회의 큰 기둥이 되었기 때문이다. Catholic was introduced into this land thanks to the early laymen leaders’ respondence to God’s providence. It was approached not from missionaries, but from their own spontaneous passion and endeavor. If we look at the motive of religious belief, it was Lee Byeok who changed the interest of Western Learning into Catholic religious belief. And with his suggestion, brothers Lee Seung Hoon and Kwon Cheol Shin accepted the gospel. Different from them, Jeong Yak Jong felt doubt about Taoism and then accepted the gospel later. Three of them were baptized by Lee Seung Hoon, and they baptized many people afterwards ; so the number of believers increased up to 4,000 people in 5 years. Their vibrant activity is the merit of Korean Catholic church. These people, who entered into the God’s church through baptism, developed and spreaded religious belief. Lee Byeok spreaded the gospel to those who came to him and by visiting others. Lee Seung Hoon left the church when the persecution was fierce, but when the dust settled, he came back. Kwon Il Shin tried to spread the gospel enthusiastically and when the community was in hardship, he tried to cope with it responsibly. Kwon Cheol Shin had much influence on his relatives and students through his religious life until 1791 and it led to creating communities in many places. Jeong Yak Jong embodied the life for human equality and dignity in the hierarchical society, and it became the impetus to the entire religion. He also devoted himself to the community by serving as a leader and wrote Catechism. In the journey of spiritual life, these people who left a mark of great virtue suffered from prosecution that occurred in 1785, 1791, 1795, and 1801 and had to endure temptation. Lee Byeok died in 1785 while being locked inside of his house under the persecution from his father. In 1791 King Jeong-Jo conciliated Kwon Il Shin and he was put in the situation where he could not make a virtuous decision so he made Hoeomun to deny his religious belief but he died on the banishment. Kwon Cheol Shin stated that he did not have religious life from 1791 until 1801, but due to persecution he died in 1801. Lee Seung Hoon built Byokimun in 1785, was removed from public office in 1791, and the he left the church in 1795 upon building Youhogmun. he came back to the church when the dust settled. Jeong Yak Jong was faced with the fear of death because of persecution in 1801, but he had a courage to protect religious belief and the church community by giving on his life. However, Lee Seung Hoon, Kwon Cheol Shin and Kwon Il Shin stated that they had rejected their religious belief temporally and left the church. Their attitudes were regrettable but it does not make them disgraceful, because God chose Peter who denied the God, but later he became the big pillar of the church.

      • KCI등재

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