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        RACMO 기후 모델에 기반한 남극 빙상 질량 변동의 재현

        엄주영,임형래,Eom, Jooyoung,Rim, Hyoungrea 대한자원환경지질학회 2020 자원환경지질 Vol.53 No.2

        Mass change in the Antarctic Ice Sheet(AIS) is the most important indicator of changes in Earth's climate system including global mean sea level rise that are largely affected by ongoing global warming. In this study, AIS mass variations are examined with satellite gravity data and outputs from a regional climate model. The analysis of gravity data shows that along the coastal region the Western AIS has experienced a continuous and significant ice loss while a slight increasing in the Eastern AIS during the study period (2002.08-2016.08). The temporal and spatial variations in ice mass changes are recovered by a regional climate model, but the recovered amplitudes are much smaller than those of observations. This under-estimation is remarkably resolved by modifying a base flow field for the ice discharge. The recovered estimates based on the ice-flow field can explain about 97% of the rate of mass change in observations before 2009. This implies that changes in ice flow dynamics along the coast line plays a pivotal role in regulating long-term budget of ice mass in AIS. 남극 빙상의 질량 변화는 지구온난화와 관련된 기후 변화와 해수면 상승의 가장 중요한 지표 중 하나이다. 본 연구에서는 위성 중력 자료와 광역 기후 수치 모델을 사용하여, 남극 빙상 질량에 대한 시공간 변화의 특성을 분석하였다. 중력 자료의 분석을 통해 연구 기간(2002.08-2016.08) 동안 지속적으로 남극 빙상의 심각한 질량 손실이 서남극을 중심으로 발생하였음을 확인하였고, 상대적으로 미약한 질량 증가가 동남극에 존재함을 확인하였다. 또한 이들 질량 변동이 해안 지역에 집중되어 있음을 함께 확인하였다. 광역 기후 수치 모델을 사용하여 이러한 질량 변동의 시간적, 공간적 패턴을 유사하게 재현할 수 있었으나, 관측 값에 비해 그 변화 폭이 매우 작았다. 이러한 문제는 빙하의 기저 유출량에 대한 조정을 통해 상당 부분 해결이 되었다. 이 과정에서 재현된 빙상의 질량 변화는 2009년 이전 관측 값의 추세를 97%정도 설명할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 빙하 흐름의 역학적 변동이 빙상의 가장 자리를 따라 크게 변하였고, 이러한 변화가 지난 10여 년 동안 남극 빙상의 질량 변화에 크게 영향을 주었다는 것을 의미한다.

      • KCI등재

        운동 방정식을 활용한전향력 회전 원판 실험에 대한 정량적 분석

        엄주영,최종근 한국현장과학교육학회 2023 현장과학교육 Vol.17 No.3

        The Coriolis force is a fundamental concept for understanding natural phenomena in the atmosphere and ocean. Therefore, it is introduced as a key element in the high school science education curriculum and considered a prerequisite concept for understanding atmospheric and oceanic circulation. However, many students encounter difficulty in grasping this concept due to the relatively small magnitude of the Coriolis force in common experiences. To address these difficulties, various practical methods for perceiving the effects of the Coriolis force have been developed and implemented in classrooms and educational settings. These activities mainly involve observing the motion of objects on a rotating disc, but limitations inherent in experimental apparatus and instructional techniques may hinder students' proper conceptual understanding. These limitations primarily arise when the trajectories of objects are interpreted as being solely influenced by the Coriolis force. In this study, the positions of a moving bead on a rotating disc are recorded using an automated object tracking algorithm. We then used an analytical solution, derived from the equations of motion, to separately assess the effects of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces on the bead. Our finding confirm that by utilizing the recorded positions and estimated velocities from the algorithm, we can successfully identify the two forces acting on the bead. Furthermore, the study presents a detailed derivation process of for the analytical solution and explores the underlying factors contributing to experimental errors. These insights can be applied to various initial positions and velocities of the beads on the disc which are arbitrarily determined on actual classroom and educational settings. The use of this method is expected to significantly expand the scope of quantitative analysis of experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        유소년 인라인롤러 참가자의 사회화 경험

        엄주영,임수원,전원재 한국스포츠사회학회 2015 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        This study aims to comprehend 'Socialization experience' of the participant in the youth inline roller. So, the study established the effect that in participation course, the role of parents have on sport socialization of children and what kind of socialization experience the participants in youth inline roller have. For this, case study which is one of intellectual tradition of the qualitative research, was conducted. After we selected the B branch of the A leports academy as research environment, we selected 7 children and 6 parents, a total of 13 people as the research participants. We collected the research materials by participant observation and in-depth interview and, analysed the materials by analysis of text. The research results were as follows. First, the research result was in process of participation in the youth inline roller, the role of parents recommended participation in sports activity for the their children in order to make male children participate in peer culture and learn masculinity, and to make female children break from traditional woman's image and embellish their body image in accordance with child rearing method introduction process. Also, in process of participation, the parents play a role as social support and observer to attract active participation from children. Second, socialization experience by the participation in the youth inline roller can be classified into two great divisions, 'Socialization mechanism' and 'Socialization content'. Socialization mechanism was detailed by role learning and interaction with main people. And Socialization content by the participation in the inline roller, was detailed by ‘altruism’, ‘establishing confidence and challenge spirit’, ‘building up positive emotionality and personality’, ‘improving social relation techniques’, and ‘internalizing social norm’ by competing and compromising with other people. 이 연구는 유소년 인라인롤러 참가자의 사회화 경험을 이해하는 데 목적이 있다. 이에 참가과정에서 부모의 역할이 자녀의 스포츠사회화 경험에 미치는 영향과 유소년 인라인롤러 참가자가 어떠한 사회화경험을 하는지 규명하였다. 이를 위해 질적연구의 지적전통 중 하나인 사례연구를 실시하였다. A레포츠아카데미의 B지부를 연구환경으로 선정한 후, 직접 수업에 참가하고 있는 유소년 7명, 부모 6명 총 13 명을 연구참여자로 선정하였다. 참여관찰과 심층면담을 통해 자료를 수집하였으며, 텍스트분석을 통해자료를 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유소년 인라인롤러 입문과정에서 부모는 남자아이는또래문화 참여와 남성성 학습을 위해, 여성아이는 전통적인 여성상 탈피와 신체 이미지를 가꾸기 위한수단으로 인라인롤러 참가를 권장하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 참가 과정에서는 적극적인 참여를 유도하기 위해 사회적 지지자와 적극적 관찰자로서의 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 유소년 인라인롤러 참가를 통한 사회화 경험은 크게 사회화 기제와 사회화 내용으로 이해된다. 인라인롤러 참가를 통한사회화 기제는 역할학습, 또래집단과의 상호작용으로 나타났으며, 사회화 내용은 경쟁과 타협을 통한탈 이기주의, 긍정적 정서 에너지 함양, 일상생활로의 전이, 사회적 관계기술 향상, 사회규범의 내면화로 구체화되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Application of the Empirical Orthogonal Functions on the GRACE Spherical Harmonic Solutions

        엄주영,서기원 한국지구과학회 2018 한국지구과학회지 Vol.39 No.5

        During the period of 2002 to 2017, the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) had observed time-varying gravity changes with unprecedented accuracy. The GRACE science data centers provide the monthly gravity solutions after removing the sub-monthly mass fluctuation using geophysical models. However, model misfit makes the solutions to be contaminated by aliasing errors, which exhibits peculiar north-south stripes. Two conventional filters are used to reduce the errors, but signals with similar spatial patterns to the errors are also removed during the filtering procedure. This would be particularly problematic for estimating the ice mass changes in Western Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and Antarctic Peninsula (AP) due to their similar spatial pattern to the elongated north-south direction. In this study, we introduce an alternative filter to remove aliasing errors using the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) analysis. EOF can decompose data into different modes, and thus is useful to separate signals from noise. Therefore, the aliasing errors are effectively suppressed through EOF method. In particular, the month-to-month mass changes in WAIS and AP, which have been significantly contaminated by aliasing errors, can be recovered using EOF method.

      • KCI등재

        진앙 위치 및 진원 깊이 결정 탐구 프로그램 개발

        엄주영 ( Jooyoung Eom ),박용철 ( Yongcheol Park ),이규호 ( Gyuho Lee ),임영경 ( Young-kyung Lim ),서기원 ( Ki-weon Seo ) 한국현장과학교육학회 2021 현장과학교육 Vol.15 No.1

        현대적인 지진계가 전 세계 지진을 관측하기 시작하면서, 지진학은 눈부시게 발전하여 지구 내부 구조 규명 및 판구조론을 뒷받침하는 결정적인 과학적 증거를 제시하였다. 지진 연구의 시작은 발생한 지진의 진앙과 진원 결정에서 출발하며, 고등학교 교과서에서도 진앙의 위치를 찾고 진원의 깊이를 계산하는 탐구활동이 과거 교과 교육과정에서부터 현 2015 개정 교과 교육과정까지 이어지고 있다. 하지만, 교과서에는 제시되는 진원 깊이 탐구방법은 그 과정이 복잡할 뿐만 아니라, 과학자들이 사용하지도 않아 교과서 내용으로 부적절하다. 이 연구에서는 과학자들이 진원을 결정하는 여러 방법 중 고등학교 교실에서 실현 가능한 방법을 소개하고, 실측 자료를 이용한 결과를 제시하였다. 또한 관측 자료를 단순화한 탐구 자료를 제시하여 실제 수업에 바로 활용될 수 있는 예를 소개하였다. Since modern seismometers have been installed globally, seismology has played a critical role to understand Earth’s internal structure and provided important observational evidences of moving plates. Seismologists first examine epicenters and focal depths when earthquakes occur. Such examination is also important in high school curriculum, and thus students have been instructed to find an epicenter and focal depth using seismograms. However, methods for focal depth in the textbook are difficult for students to understand, and even worse seismologists don’t use the methods in their research. Therefore, the methods should be replaced by an alternative in science text books. In this study, we present one of methods that seismologists have used to determine focal depths and show a result using real seismograms as an example. Furthermore, we simplify the method and data to be used in classrooms as a new inquiry program.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        과학중점학교 고등학생을 위한 시스템 사고 기반 STEAM 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 효과

        신혜경,엄주영,이효녕 한국교원대학교 뇌·AI기반교육연구소 2023 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.13 No.2

        Science-focused schools are specialized general high schools with science and math completion units of more than 45% of the total curriculum units, and the Ministry of Education recommended operating 25 hours out of 50 hours of science and math experience activities in STEAM. This study aims to develop a STEAM program to improve system thinking for high school students in science-focused schools and apply it to high school students in E science-focused schools to analyze changes in system thinking before and after the program was introduced to verify its effectiveness. As a quantitative test, 273 first- and second-year students were interviewed on the system thinking measurement test. In addition three chief teachers were interviewed as a qualitative test. As a qualitative tool for measuring the effectiveness of the developed program, word association, analysis of relationships between words, and causal map were prepared, and thick data were collected through individual interviews of four sophomores in the science core class. The results indicated that the preeducation program and main program developed under the themes of ‘Global Warming’ and ‘Air Energizer’ indicated having a positive effect on improving system thinking ability and achieved significant improvements in qualitative tools such as ‘connecting relationships between words’, ‘creating causal map’, and ‘providing a feedback loop.’ It is intended to contribute so that education using the programs to improve the system thinking of high school students in science-focused schools can be further activated.

      • KCI등재

        원통형 이상체에 의한 자력 반응식

        임형래,엄주영 한국지구물리.물리탐사학회 2020 지구물리와 물리탐사 Vol.23 No.1

        Herein, the closed-form expressions of the magnetic field due to an axially symmetric body such as a right cylinder, are derived. The magnetic field due to a right cylinder is converted from the gravity gradient tensor using Poisson’s relation; the magnetic field induced by a constant magnetization can be obtained from the gravity gradient tensor with a constant density. Because of the axial symmetry of the cylinder, the expressions of gravity gradient tensor are derived in cylindrical coordinate and then transformed into Cartesian coordinates for the three components of the magnetic field using an arbitrary magnetization direction. 이 논문에서는 축 방향 대칭성을 가지는 원통형 이상체 대한 자력 반응식을 유도하였다. 일정한 방향으로 자화된 이상체가 생성시키는 자력장은 일정한 밀도를 가지는 이상체에 의한 중력 변화율 텐서로부터 변환 가능한 포아송(Poisson) 관계식을 이용하여 기존에 이미 유도된 원통형에 의한 중력 변화율 텐서로부터 3성분 자력 벡터를 유도하였다. 축 방향 대칭성을 이용하여 중력 변화율 텐서를 원통 좌표계에서 유도하였고 이를 직교 좌표계로 변환한 후 이상체의 자화 방향과 결합하여 3성분 자력 벡터를 유도하였다.

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