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        The Impact of Sectoral Productivity Differentials on Real Exchange Rate Changes

        안건미(Geun Mee Ahn) 한국경제통상학회 2011 경제연구 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 Engel (1999)의 MSE 분해기법을 사용하여 미국과 주요교역국인 영국(1988.01~2010.12), 일본(1980.01~2010.12), 홍콩(1976.01~2001.12) 및 한국(1985.10~2010.12) 간 실질환율 변동에서 국가 간 교역부문의 상대생산성 차이로 설명할 수 있는 Balassa-Samuelson 효과를 측정하였다. 본 연구의 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다: ① 미국과 홍콩의 쌍을 제외한 나머지 3쌍의 실질환율 변동에서 국가 간 교역재 가격 변동으로 설명할 수 있는 비중이 Engel (1999)의 연구결과에서와 같이 90% 이상이었다. ② 미국과 빠르게 성장해 온 국가인 홍콩 및 한국 간 실질환율 변동에서는 국가 간 비교역부문의 상대물가 차이로 설명되어지는 비중이 미국과 동일한 선진국인 영국 및 일본 간 실질환율 변동에서 국가 간 비교역부문의 상대물가 차이로 설명되어지는 비중보다 더 컸으며 실질환율 변동에서 국가 간 비교역부문의 상대물가 차이로 설명되는 비중은 국가 간 교역부문의 상대생산성 차이와 비례적이었다. ③ 미국과 홍콩 간 실질환율 변동에서 국가 간 비교역부문의 상대물가 차이로 설명되는 비중이 표본기간 초인 1976년 1월에는 약 70%이었으나 표본기간 동안 국가 간 교역부문의 상대생산성 차이가 줄어듦에 따라 표본기간 말인 2001년 12월에는 25%로 감소하였다. 위의 연구결과에 따르면 국가 간 교역부문의 상대생산성 차이가 있는 선진국과 빠르게 성장하는 국가 간의 실질환율 변통에서 Engel (1999)의 연구결과와는 달리 Balassa-Samuelson 효과에 의해서 설명될 수 있는 부분이 상당히 존재함을 알 수 있다. I measured the Balassa-Samuelson effect in the real exchange rate changes between the US and its trading counterparts of the UK, Japan, Hong Kong and Korea, using the MSE decomposition technique from Engel (1999). Empirical findings from the data of the 4 pairs of the US vs. the UK from January t988 through December 2010, the US vs. Japan from January 1980 through December 2010, the US vs. Hong Kong from January 1976 through December 2001, and the US vs. Korea from January 1985 through December 2010 are as follows: j the MSE shares of the tradables price changes in real exchange rate changes for 3 pairs except the pair of the US and Hong Kong were overwhelmingly large, accounting for more than 90% of real exchange rate changes as in Engel (1999). The MSE shares at the non-tradables component in the real exchange rate changes between the US and fast-growing countries such as Hong Kong and Korea were much greater than those in the real exchange rates between the US and developed countries such as the UK and Japan, and move in line with the sectoral growth differentials between countries. I The real exchange rate changes between the US and Hong Kong were accounted for mainly by the sectoral inflation differentials across the US and Hong Kong: approximately 70% was explained at the beginning of the sample period and 25% at the end of the sample period. I conclude that there exists the Balassa-Samuelson effect in the real exchange rate changes for the pairs of the countries that have significant differences in sectoral growth differentials like the pairs of developed and fast growing countries such as Hong Kong and Korea.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 교역개방성의 실질환율과 무역수지에 대한 영향 연구

        안건미 ( Geun Mee Ahn ) 명지대학교 금융지식연구소 2013 금융지식연구 Vol.11 No.1

        본 논문은 CRRA생애효용함수 극대화를 위한 새개방거시경제(NOEM) 모형에서 소비주체의 선호가 자국편향을 보이고(교역개방성이 작고) CRRA효용함수의 상대위험회피도가 국가간 산출물의 대체탄력성(본 논문의 모형에서는 1로 가정됨)보다 큰 경우, 양의 국가별 산출량충격 및 통화량충격이 실질환율을 절하시키고 무역수지를 개선시킴을 보여 준다. 또한, 교역개방성이 증가하는 경우 실질환율의 절하 정도와 무역수지의 흑자 크기가 감소함을 보여 준다. 이에 더하여, SUR 방식의 패널자료 계량분석 방법을 1973:Q1부터 2010:Q1까지의 19개 OECD국가의 분기별 자료에 적용하여 위의 가설을 검정한 결과, 무역수지에 대해서는 위의 가설을 10% 유의수준에서 받아들일 수 있었으나 실질환율에 대해서는 계수의 부호가 가설의 예측과 맞지 않던가 부호가 맞는 경우 통계적으로 유의하지 않던가 하는 일이 발생하였다. 이런 문제점을 개선하기 위하여 기간별, 환율제도별로 자료를 분류하여 가설을 다시 검정한 결과 2000:Q1부터 2010:Q1까지의 기간 동안에는 모든 계수의 부호가 가설의 예측과 일치하였으며 1% 수준에서 통계적으로 유의했다. 한편, 변동환율제도 하에서는 산출물충격과 이와 관련된 상호작용항(interaction term)만 제외하고는 모든 계수가 가설의 예측과 동일한 부호를 나타냈으며10% 수준에서 통계적으로 유의하였다 In our paper, we demonstratethat positive country-specific output and money supply shocks depreciate the real exchange rate and improve trade balance when the preferences across countries are home-biased (that is, when the degree of trade openness is low) and relative risk aversion of CRRA utility is greater than the elasticity of substitution across countries (that is assumed 1 in our model) in the NOEM model of inter-temporal CRRA utility optimization. In this setting, we also show that the increase in trade openness reduces the extent of real depreciation and the magnitude of trade surplus. Moreover, we tested aforementioned hypotheses empirically on the quarterly data of 19 OECD countries from 1973:Q1 through 2010:Q1 employing panel estimation by seemingly unrelated regression. In the benchmark regression, results for trade balance turned out satisfactory, whereas those for the real exchange rate are not. In the sub-period from 2000:Q1 through 2010:Q1, all the coefficients are in the anticipated direction and statistically significantat 1% significance level. Under floating regimes, all the coefficients except those on output expansion and its interaction term are in the anticipated direction and statistically significant at 10% significance level.

      • KCI등재

        교역개방성이 통화정책 효과에 미치는 영향

        안건미 ( Geun Mee Ahn ),넬슨올테가 ( Nelson Ortega ) 한국경제통상학회 2012 경제연구 Vol.30 No.3

        This paper evaluates the relationship between a nation`s openness to trade and the effectiveness of its monetary policy in stimulating output. Using annual data from the 1945-2009 for 172 IMF member countries, country by country estimation results were obtained. The findings across most of countries indicate that the effects of monetary policy on output are negatively affected by the economy`s degree of trade openness. Therefore, policy makers should take into account the extent to which their nations are exposed to international trade when formulating monetary policy. Variations, however, were observed when the benchmark results were controlled by the groups of trading blocs, non-hyperinflation, and advanced, developing, fixed and flexible exchange countries. Pooling all countries together, we observe that only in the sub-period 2000-2009, consistent results with theory were obtained although their statistical significance was not much strong. In nations without a track record of prolonged inflationary periods, strong statistical significance for the negative coefficient TO in the sub-period 2000-2009, however, proves that their monetary policy effectiveness is reduced in the face of openness. Advanced economies see their monetary policy effective only in the sub-period 2000-2009, but, for the same sub-period, the statistical significance for the TO coefficient is low. Compared to advanced economies, developing economies are more likely to stimulate output via monetary policy and see their stimulation power weakened as trade openness rises throughout the time period until they reach the sub-period 2000-2009. In the sub-period 2000-2009, developing nations present nebulous effects of monetary policies as proven by low values and low statistical significance of the M2 coefficient, and the wrong sign of the TO coefficient. Monetary policy has been proven largely ineffective in countries with fixed exchange rate schemes.

      • KCI등재

        불완전한 금융시장과 비동질적 선호하에서의 환율결정론

        안건미 ( Geun Mee Ahn ),김영재 ( Young Jae Kim ) 한국경제통상학회 2005 경제연구 Vol.23 No.2

        When agents across countries have a home-biased preference in a world of incomplete financial markets, an increase in the relative price of home-produced goods [caused by an adverse home output shock] makes the cost of living of home agents higher than that of foreign agents [real exchange rate appreciation], reducing home relative consumption. In the foreign exchange market, an adverse home output shock decreases home relative real money supply [due to real appreciation] faster than home relative money demand [due to the decrease in relative consumption] if the elasticity of money demand is less than unity, appreciating home currency.

      • KCI등재

        경제의 교역개방성이 변동환율제의 유효성에 미치는 영향

        안건미(Ahn Geun-Mee),김정한(Kim Chung-Han) 한국문화산업학회 2005 문화산업연구 Vol.5 No.2

        Among open economies, the desirability of flexible exchange rates lies in the expenditure-switching effect of depreciation to smooth their citizens’consumption when an economy suffers from an adverse home output shock. The depreciation to increase home output, income and consumption and to reduce their trade deficit by manipulating the terms of trade in favor of home country is called the beggarthy- neighbor strategy of stabilization. When an economy is too open or too small with great dependency on imported goods, however, depreciation itself undermines the ‘expenditure-switching effect’ on consumption by raising their citizens’cost of living. In an extreme case where trading economies are completely integrated in the sense that households across trading economies have the same consumption basket, depreciation increases the cost of living exactly by the amount that completely offsets the increase in real consumption so that depreciation would have no real effect of stabilization. Among open economies, the desirability of flexible exchange rates lies in the expenditure-switching effect of depreciation to smooth their citizens’consumption when an economy suffers from an adverse home output shock. The depreciation to increase home output, income and consumption and to reduce their trade deficit by manipulating the terms of trade in favor of home country is called the beggarthy- neighbor strategy of stabilization. When an economy is too open or too small with great dependency on imported goods, however, depreciation itself undermines the ‘expenditure-switching effect’ on consumption by raising their citizens’cost of living. In an extreme case where trading economies are completely integrated in the sense that households across trading economies have the same consumption basket, depreciation increases the cost of living exactly by the amount that completely offsets the increase in real consumption so that depreciation would have no real effect of stabilization.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        불완전 자본시장 및 비동질적 선호하에서의 기간간 소비위험 해소를 위한 국제자산선택

        안건미 ( Geun Mee Ahn ),김정한 ( Chung Han Kim ) 한국금융연구원 2007 금융연구 Vol.21 No.2

        본 논문은 불완전 자본시장과 비동질적 선호의 특징을 갖는 2국가 동태적 일반균형모형을 통해 위험회피적 가계가 국제포트폴리오의 해외자산 선택 시 다음의 3가지 동기를 갖는 다는 것을 보여준다. 소비위험을 해소하기 위한 예비적 동기로 소비바스켓에서 각국 생산물이 차지하는 비중에 따라 각국통화 표시자산을 보유할 동기를 가지며, 기대수익률이 가계의 미래 예상 소비수준과 부(-)의 관계를 갖는 자산을 보유하여서 소비수준을 안정시키려는 소비위험 헤징 동기를 지닌다. 또한, 상대적으로 기대 수익률이 높은 자산을 보유하여 보유자산의 기대이윤을 증가시키려는 투기적 동기를 갖는다. 또한 본 논문은 소비의 자국편중 현상과 자산의 자국편중현상을 통합하는 결과를 제시함으로써 두 이론 간의 연결고리를 제공한다. This paper, which uses a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of international indirect utility maximization, theoretically demonstrates that when financial markets are not complete and preferences are heterogeneous agents with relative risk aversion would have three motives of asset holdings. They have an incentive to hold assets denominated in each currency proportionally to the expenditure share of each good produced in the corresponding countries in their consumption basket. They also have a motivation of holding assets whose returns have a negative correlation with expected future economic conditions for short run consumption stabilization. The third is a speculative motive to pursue higher expected returns in their portfolio. This paper also provides a formal relation that could explain a link between consumption home-bias and asset holding home-bias.

      • KCI등재

        선물 환 프리미엄에 대한 소비위험 영향의 재평가

        안건미(Geun-Mee Ahn) 한국경제통상학회 2006 경제연구 Vol.24 No.1

          본 논문은 불완전 자본시장 (incomplete financial markets)과 비동질적인 선호구조(heterogeneous preferences), 가격 경직성 (price sluggishness)의 특징을 갖는 2국가 동태적 일반균형모형 (2 country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model: DSGE)에서 생애간접효용함수 극대화 (lifetime indirect utility maximization)를 통하여 가계의 최적 자산선택 (optimal portfolio choice)을 도출하고 있다. 또한 국제자산시장 균형 조건으로부터 선물 환 프리미엄 (forward premium)을 도출함으로써 기존의 소비위험 프리미엄 모형들과 다른 다음의 결과들을 보여준다. 첫째, 로그효용함수를 갖는 가계의 경우 어떠한 충격도 실질소득과 효용의 변동을 초래하지 않으므로 자산선택과 소비선택은 각각 독립적으로 결정되어 소비위험 프리미엄을 갖지 않는다. 둘째, CRRA 효용함수의 상대위험회피도가 1보다 크더라도 국가 간 소비바스켓의 구성이 동일하면 국가별 산출충격과 화폐충격은 각각 환율과 소비에, 그리고 두 충격 모두 실질환율에 영향을 미치지 않으므로 소비위험 프리미엄이 사라지게 된다. 결국 만일 소비위험 이외의 다른 종류의 자산위험이 존재하지 않는다면 외환시장에서 선물 환 평형조건 (forward rate parity)이 만족되어 예측 가능한 초과이윤(predictable excess profit)의 획득은 사라지게 된다.   This paper derives the optimal portfolio composition of the households with CRRA utility in the 2 country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of lifetime indirect utility maximization featuring incomplete financial markets, heterogeneous preferences and price sluggishness. Further, a forward rate premium is derived as a function of consumption risk premia from the equilibrium condition of the world asset market. Our results different from those in the previous literature are: first, the households with a log utility do not face consumption risks thanks to the special property of the log utility function such that any shocks cannot affect their real income and utility so that their portfolio choice can be separated from their consumption choice. Second, even though households" degree of relative risk aversion is greater than 1, country specific output and money shocks (without a liquidity effect) do not affect consumption, the exchange rate, and the real exchange rate, if both home and foreign countries have the identical compositions of their consumption baskets. Therefore, in these two cases, consumption risk premia disappear. Without other kinds of risks other than consumption risks, forward rate parity would hold and predictable excess profit opportunities in the foreign exchange markets would not exist.

      • Portfolio Choice for Consumption Risk Sharing In the presence of Incomplete Financial Markets And Home-biased Preferences

        Geun Mee Ahn(안건미),Young-Jae Kim(김영재) 한국무역학회 2005 한국무역학회 세미나 및 토론회 Vol.2005 No.2

        In a world of incomplete financial markets and home-biased preferences across countries, inter-temporal utility maximizing agents with relative risk aversion greater than unity would like to hold assets in differentdenomination corresponding to the shares of goods produced in each country in the consumption basket for precautionary motive to stabilize their consumption over time because exchange rate fluctuations are far greater than changes in price level. They also have a consumption-risk hedging motive to hold consumption risk hedging assets when their returns have negative relations with future economic conditions. In addition, they have a speculative motive to hold assets with higher returns. Consumption risk premiums are incorporated into relative returns of the identical assets in different denomination, creating interest rate differentials and capital flows even when assets are identical except the denomination.

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