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        천궁체계 교전/사격통제소용 종합식보호장치의 화생방호성능 평가 연구

        심우섭,류삼곤,권태근,Shim, Woo-Sup,Ryu, Sam-Gon,Kwon, Tae-Geun 한국군사과학기술학회 2012 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        The integrated protection unit of CHEONGUNG is composed of chemical-biological equipment and air conditioner equiped heating element. The protection capabilities against chemical-biological agent were measured by using simulant agents such as n-Hexane, KM5 Screening Smokes and CS agent. The experimental test results with simulant agents verify the protective performance of the integrated protection unit.

      • 中庸에 대한 硏究 : 費隱章을 中心으로 In Connection with Bi-Eun(費隱)

        沈佑燮 동국대학교 대학원 1975 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.5 No.-

        This thesis is a study on the Golden Mean(中庸) particularly in connection with BiEun(費隱). In the aspect of philology, the true value of the Goulden Mean came along with the rise of the Study of Human Nature and the Rule of Heaven(性理學). Jong I-chon(程伊川) placed the Golden Mean on the highest position among the works of the Confucian School, and seriously inquired into the contents of the Golden Mean. His brother Myong-do(明道) acted in coner with him in that job. Ju-ja (朱子) took over the accomplishments of Jong I-chon and Myong-do, and developed them. Ju-ja cultivated the profundity of the Golden Mean, and ranked it with the Analects of Confucius(論語), Mang-ja(孟子), Dae-hak(大學) as are called the Four Books of Confucianism (四書). The Golden Mean is the cream of Confucianism. It inclues highly suggestive philcal theories, and the structure of it is very orderly. It is believed that Dae-hak and the Golden Mean are majorly concerned with philosophical thoughts, while the Analects of Confucius and Mang-ja are concerned with empirical facts. On the one hand, Dae-hak is believed to deal with the general outline of Confucianism, and on the other hand, the Golden Mean is believed to be dedicated to the fundamental philosophical thoughts. For that reason, the present researcher took the Golden Mean as the. subject of his thesis. The researcher viewed the Chapter for Bi-Eun the essential part of the Golden Mean. The researcher believed that through the inquiry into Bi-Eun, whole of the Golden Mean would be commened and in addtion the general thends of the Confucianism would possibly be commanded. The contents of the study are summarized as follows: 1. Bi-Eun is divided into two concepts. Eun is concerned with substance. It is above forms. It is metaphisical. Bi is concerned with operation. It has forms. It exists in the form of empirical creation. It is phisical. As to the relationship between the two concepts, they are not separate. They are one. Eun is immanent in Bi. 2. Bi and Eun are the object and subject of our cognizance resepectively. Bi is concerned with the thing external, and Eun is concerned with the thing internal. Bi is present anywhere in the phenomenal world, and it is the direct object of our cognizance. Eun is the transcendental subject which our sensibility cannot reach. However, Bi and Eun do not exist separately. They are integrated. 3. The terminal foundation where the object and subject of our cognizance meet each other is understood as Sincerity(誠). Sincerity is the basis of self-perfection which makes it possible to make others move. Without self-perfection through Sincerity, it is impossible to influence and correct others. Only through self-perfection the perfection of the world is possible.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮後期 傳統 價値觀에 關한 硏究 : 實學思想을 中心으로 In connection with the thought of practical science(實學)

        심우섭 한국한문교육학회 2004 한문교육논집 Vol.22 No.-

        朝鮮前期에 발흥했던 性理學이 갈구하는 방법은 人間의 根本的인 價値觀인 明德을 밝혀서 末端까지를 잘 다스리는 本體的인 立場에 있다는 것이다. 朝鮮前期에 있어서 性理學의 기본 문제인 理氣論의 문제는 理와 氣의 調和로부터 바람직한 價値觀의 追求의 立場이 우세했다면,그 後期에 와서는 理또는 氣의 한쪽을 강조하는 경향이 나타났다. 이 같은 관점에서 實學者들의 傳統 價値觀을 요약하면 다음과 같다. ① 星湖, 李瀷의 思想은 악의 발생은 人間이 지니고 있는 欲求가 道心과 調和를 상실하는 데서 생긴다고 보았다. 이 같은 調和를 유지하기 위해서는 性卽理와 같은 道心과 그 作用 사이의 節制를 잘 유지해 나가야 한다는 것이다. 그러므로 合一的 調和의 방법론이 적용되었다 할 수 있으며, 이것이 그의 價値觀의 특징이라 하겠다. ② 湛軒, 洪犬容의 思想은 人間의 體가 되는 正德도 중요하지만 致用인義理도 正德 보다 더 중요시 해야 함을 강조하였다. 또한 학문에 있어서도 木體的인 것보다 作用으로서의 義理 精神을 중시한 것은 관념적인 것보다 實用的인 것이 그 당시 더 중요시했기 때문이다. ③ 茶山,丁若鏞의 思想은 道義의 性이란 선을 좋아하고 악을 미워하는 마음으로서 人間의 마음속에 깃들어 있는 道라는 것이다. 스스로 기질의 성을억제하고 道義의 性을 따르는 자는 聖人,君子의 德을 가져 바람직한 價値觀을 정립하게 된다는 것이다. ④ 惠崗, 崔漢綺의 思想은 人間과 自然의 상호연관을 氣에서 찾았으며,그는 人間과 自然의 관계를 전통적인 天人合一의 관점에 天人一致로 설명하였다. 그는 인간과 자연이 하나가 되는 것을 人間存在의 本質이 素樸하여 바람직한 가치관을 형성할 때 大自然의 性과 일치된다는 것이다. 생각건대 8.15 해방과 독립은 우리 사회에 여러 가지 어려운 문제를 던져주었다. 그 때 사회적 혼란으로 국민 각자가 공익보다 사익을 채우는데 급급한 경향을 보였던 것이다. 이와 같이 價値觀이 흔들리는 혼란한 풍토 속에서 신생국으로서는 순조로운 사회 질서 회복이란 힘들 때였던 것이다. 특히 政治的 ·經濟的 混亂은 人間價値觀을 더욱 혼란에 빠지게 하였다. 그리고 6.25동란 이후 불안한 사회였다는 사실과, 70년대 이후 급격한 경제성장으로 인한 물질문명과 과학문명의 발달로 崇金主義,物質爲主의 價値에 편중됨에 따라 人間性 尊重, 즉 社會倫理觀이 무너지기 시작하였던 것이다. 이와 같은 人間價値觀의 혼란으로 倫理·道德의 기강은 무너지고 人心은 날이 갈수록 위태로워졌던 것이다. 이 같은 현상은 實利至上主義가 人間性 回復의 問題보다 위에 있기 때문이다. 『犬學』「傳10章」'德'은 本이요 財는 末이라' 하였는데 現代는 價値觀이 바뀌어 '財는 本이요, 德은 末이라' 하는 것이 오늘의 실정이다. 本末이 전도된 현실 속에서 정치적으로는 사회 통합이나 이념을 상실한 채 파행적으로 民主化만 외치고 있는 사회, 경제적으로는 物質爲主로 인한 황금만능주의만이 만연되고 있는 사회, 문화적으로는 무조건 외래문화의 수용만을 제일로 삼는 사회, 이같은 소용돌이 치고 있는 사회의 질서를 바르게 확립하고 바람직한 가치관을 정립하기 위해서는 古來로부터 면면히 내려온 傳統倫理에 입각한 人間價値觀에 대한 再認識이 절실히 要請된다고 본다. The purpose of this study is the research into how the traditional value in the late Cho Sun Dynasty was constructed and developed mainly. Chapter 1 presents the object to research the thought of traditional ethics in former times of practical science. Such, it is to research the abstract of traditional value from ancient times to the former times of Cho Sun Dynasty. Chapter 2 deals with the types of practical science. They are 'Seung Ho school(星湖 學派)', 'Buk Hak school(北學派)', 'Kyung Se Chi Yong school(經世致用學派)', and 'Lee Yong Hu Seng school(利用厚生學派)'' ects. Chapter 3 looks into the view of traditional value of practical scientists(實學者). ① A study on the thought of Seong Ho Lee Yik. The purpose of this study is the research into how the philosophical system of Lee Yik was constructed and developed mainly this study pays attention to the systematicality of his philosophical thought with reference to 'the theory of Li Gi (里 氣)', 'the theory of the human with and the divine will', 'the theory of good and evil', 'the theory of Lee Yik's valuation', and 'the theory of Sim Sung Jyung(心性情).' Lee Yik integrated the relevant system and the developmental process of his philosophy, and confirms its significance, and he tries to grasp the characteristics of his philosophical valuation by comparing it with Chu Hi's(朱熹) which has meanful relationship with Lee Yik's, and concludes that those characteristics has underlying influence on his whole system of thought, that is, his view of the universe, of human beings, of human valuation, and of social practice. ② A study on the thought of Dam Hyun, Hong De Yong(湛軒 洪犬容). Hong De Yong states that a learning can be seperated into the learning of morality, economic learning and the learning of sentence. He asserts that the learning of morality is the best learning. ③ A study on the thought of Da San, Jung Yak Tong(茶山 丁若鏞). Da San says that moral gender means the athesis of a desirable human valuation by spirit heart. ④ A study on the thought of He Gang, Chae Han Gi (惠崗, 崔漢綺) Han Gi is establishmented the philosophical ontology of the practical science's type by Gi's learning.

      • 精子抗原이 膣粘幕에 미치는 影響에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        沈又燮 고려대학교 의과대학 1975 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.12 No.1

        This report describes an attempt to induce histologic change in the vaginal well by repeated infusion of sperm suspension into the rabbit vagina which was previously immunized with identical pooled human sperm suspension from blood group O. Experimental animals were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 and 2 were injected only phosphate buffered saline solution and Freund's complete adjuvant, respectively, being control groups. Group 3 were injected subcutaneously with pooled sperm suspension and group 4 were injected subcutaneously with sperm suspension mixed with Freund's complete adjuvant. After immunization schedule, sperm suspension was infused into the vagina, repeatedly, and histologic picture of the vaginal mucosa was compared. The results obtained are as followings: 1. By repeated infusion of sperm suspension into the vagina of rabbit which were previously immunized with sperm suspension, it was possible to induce histologic reaction in the vaginal mucosa. 2. The degree of histologic change was more marked in the group 4 animals which were immunized by sperm suspension mixed with Freund's complete adjuvant. 3. Histologic picture was that of chronic inflammatory change, mainly of lymphocytic infiltration, in various degree. 4. This chronic inflammatory reaction of the vaginal mucosa of experimental groups seems to be induced by cellular immune reaction.

      • KCI등재

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