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        일반 논문 : 중소기업의 대기업 매출비율과 수익성간의 관계

        심상규 ( Sang Gyoo Shim ) 한국중소기업학회 2011 中小企業硏究 Vol.33 No.4

        본 연구는 대기업과 수·위탁거래를 하는 중소기업의 대기업 판매비율과 수익성관계를 검증하였다. 연구가설은 다음과 같이 설정하였다. (가설 1) 중소기업이 대기업에 다량의 제품을 판매하여 가격할인이 발생하여 다른 판매처에 비해 매출마진이 낮다면 대기업 판매비율과 매출총이익률은 음(-)의 관계를 가질 것으로 예상하였다. (가설 2) 대기업의 연구개발 지원 및 판매처 확보에 따른 판매비 절감액이 반영되어 제품 가격이 결정된다면 중소기업의 대기업 매출비율과 매출액 영업이익률 역시 음(-)의 관계를 가질 것으로 예상하였다. 표본기업은 중소기업은행이 취급하는 네트워크론(network loan)에 가입한 3,346개의 제조업을 영위하는 중소기업을 대상으로 하였으며 연구기간은 자료의 제약으로 인해 2007년부터 2009년까지로 제한하였다. 실증분석은 중소기업의 수익성비율(매출총이익률 또는 매출액영업이익률)을 종속변수로 하고, 대기업 매출비율(대기업 매출액/총매출액)을 실험변수로 하는 회귀분석을 진행하였다. 외부환경 요소가 종속변수와 실험변수의 관계에 미치는 영향을 통제하기 위해 연구개발비, 레버리지, 고정자산투자 및 기업규모를 통제변수로 사용하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중소기업의 대기업 매출비율과 매출총이익률은 예상과 동일하게 음(-)의 관계를 나타내었다. 이는 중소기업이 대기업에 대한 매출비중을 높일수록 매출마진이 감소한다는 의미이므로 중소기업은 대기업으로부터 대량판매에 따른 할인된 가격으로 제품 가격을 보상받는 관계로 다른 판매처에 비해 매출마진이 낮다는 사실을 보여준다. 둘째, 매출액 영업이익률 또한 대기업 매출비율과 음(-)의 관계를 나타내었다. 이 결과는 중소기업이 대기업으로부터 연구개발 지원 또는 판매망 확보에 따른 판매비 절감액이 반영된 제품 가격을 보상받아 다른 판매처에 비해 영업마진이 낮다는 사실을 보여준다. Small and medium enterprises complain to that large firms unreasonably discount the prices of products that they supply in South Korea. On the other hand, large firms continue to assert that they pay reasonable prices for the products received from small and medium enterprises. The lack of collaborative partnerships in the field of putting a price on the products causes many problems such as the destruction of an industrial ecosystem. In addition, fixing reasonable prices is very important because it fairly shares the performance of cooperation among the interested parties. Nevertheless, it is not easy to build a sound partnership in setting prices for the reason of one partner`s greed to take more profits. The polarization of management performance between large firms and small and medium enterprises has become bigger in South Korea after the global financial crisis of 2004. The government of South Korea identified the unfair trade of practices of large firms as the main cause of the polarization and then publicly announced a ``profit sharing`` in which large firms share a realized earning more than a normal level with small and medium enterprises to promote the fair sharing between large firms and small to medium enterprises. But, it remains stationary and adversely causes the conflict among the members of the public. The primary cause is the absence of objective data on which the large firms reasonably set a prices or not on the products or parts supplied by small and medium enterprises. This study empirically tests whether large firms reasonably set prices or not on the products or parts supplied by small and medium enterprises in subcontract relationship. I have derived two propositions of the rationality of setting prices on products or parts, based on the background that large firms don`t set a reasonable prices on the products or parts supplied by small and medium enterprises if the ratio of sales for large firms to total sales (hereafter LFTS) is a negative relationship with two profitability ratios (gross profit or loss to sales, operating income or loss to sales), because it means that small and medium enterprises don`t get paid lower prices on sales to large firms than those for other small and medium business or market on the assumption that a manufacturing costs are constant or small and medium enterprises do not supply large firms with the products or parts at a discounted price on a volume purchase. Proposition 1, the relationship between LTFS and gross profit or loss to sales is likely negative because large firms with strong negotiation power can set a lower product price to take more profits than normal in a unilateral way. Performance evaluation by division in a large firm is expected to accelerate that situation. Proposition 2, the relationship between LTFS and operating income or loss to sales is likely negative because large firms assert setting lower prices of products proportional to marketing expenses and capital costs etc., that small and medium enterprises reduce as a result of cooperation with the larger business. The sample consists of 3,346 manufacturing small and medium enterprises in a subcontract relationship with large firms listed in network loans from the 2007 to 2009 fiscal years. The data collected from the database of the Industrial Bank of Korea or Korean enterprise data is analyzed by regression. A Network loan is a financial system whereby banks lend money to small and medium enterprises by taking receivables which they receive from large firms as security. The regression model is PROF_GS(i,t) : the ratio gross profit or loss to sales, PROF_OS(i,t) : the ratio of operating income and loss to sales, NAPUM(i,t) : the ratio of sales for large firms to sales(LFTS), RND(i,t) : ordinary research and development cost divided by sales, LEVER(i,t) : total liabilities divided by total assets, INVEST(i,t) : non-current assets divided by total assets, SIZE(i,t) : natural log of total assets, Year : year dummies, Upjong : industrial dummies The results of this study can be summarized as followed. First, in the results of regression using gross profit or loss to sales as a reasonable price measure, the coefficient on LFTS is significantly negative as expected, which implies that small and medium enterprises get paid lower prices by large firms than those for other small and medium enterprises or the market. But, it doesn`t mean that large firms unreasonably set prices on the products or parts, including a minimum margin to survive as small and medium enterprises complain. Second, using operating income or loss to sales the coefficient on LFTS is significant negative. In addition, the coefficient on LFTS is stronger in the case of using gross profit or loss to sales than using operating income or loss to sales as a reasonable price measure. Those results show that large firms don`t set a price on the products, including marketing and capital expenses, which small and medium enterprises reduce in the subcontract relationship, as large firms continued to assert. Research and development costs and investment assets using as control variables have a significant positive relation with a reasonable price measure. These results confirm that small and medium enterprises of South Korea efficiently allocate resources. Adversary, firm size and leverage ratio have a significant negative relation. Especially, the result of firm size being different as expected is estimated to stem from the fact that small and medium enterprises with larger sizes sell the products or parts at a discounted price at wholesale. The findings of this study have the following implications. The relationship between LFTS and gross profit or loss (operating income or loss) to sales is significantly negative, which implies that large firms do not reasonably set prices of products supplied by small and medium enterprises. This plays an important role in reducing the conflict among members of the public, especially between large firms and small and medium enterprises and promotes the advance of ``profit sharing`` which the government of South Korea carries forward by providing objective data on the reasonability of setting prices of products in a subcontract relationship. This study has several limitations. First, I didn`t consider the chance that large firms will purchase the products or parts at a discounted price with a large transaction. The results of this study won`t correctly reflect the rationality of setting prices on products or parts if small and medium enterprises supply them at a discount. Second, I assume that small and medium enterprises produce just only one type of product or parts and manufacturing costs per unit is constant with other types of products or parts. Third, the sample consists of small and medium enterprises with relatively high credit and a large size. It is inappropriate for the results of this study to be applied to all types of small and medium enterprises.

      • 가업상속기업과 인수합병기업의 조세회피성향 비교: 중소·중견기업 중심으로

        심상규 ( Sang-gyoo Shim ) 한국중견기업학회 2013 중견기업연구 Vol.4 No.1

        최근 정부는 가업 상속공제금액과 가업 상속공제한도액 및 가업 상속공제대상기업을 확대함으로써 기업들의 가업상속을 지원하는 조세제도를 개선하고 있지만, 조세제도 개선의 타당성에 대한 자료부족으로 인해 사회구성원은 그에 부정적인 의견이 제기하고 있다. 이러한 배경에서 본 연구는 경영권 교체가 조세회피성향에 미치는 영향을 검증함으로써 가업 상속 조세지원의 타당성을 확인하고자 수행하였다. 구체적으로 경영권 교체(가업상속과 인수합병)가 기업의 조세전략을 결정하는 요인들을 변화시킴 에 따라 경영권 교체 이전과 이후기간의 조세회피성향 차이를 검증하였다. 그리고 가업상속기업과 인수합병기업은 그들이 가지는 경영특성으로 인해 조세회피유인이 다를 것으로 예상하여 경영권 교체 이후기간을 대상으로 가업 상속기업과 인수합병기업의 조세회피성 향에 대한 차이를 추가로 검증하였다. 가설검증을 위한 표본은 2001년부터 2011년까지 가업상속 또는 인수합병이 이루어진 1,391개 중소 · 중견기업으로 구성하였다. 검증결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저, 경영권 교체 이전과 이후 기간의 분석에서 조세회피성향은 이후기간에 상대적으로 낮게 나타나서 경영권 교체는 기업들의 조세회피유인을 감소시키는 역할을 한다는 사실을 확인하였다. 둘째, 경영권 교체 이후기간에 대한 분석(가업상속기업 284개, 인수 합병기업 548개)에서 인수합병기업에 비해 가업상속기업의 조세회피성향이 낮았다. 이 결과는 가업 상속기업이 자신들이 벌어들인 소득에 상응하는 세금을 성실하게 납부한다는 사실을 보여준다. The purpose of this study empirically compare the difference of tax avoidance behavior between succession and merger and acquisition(M&A) firms. We have derived two propositions of tax avoidance, based on the background that the firms’ tax strategy is different by the change of internal and external factors which firms face on. Proposition I, The level of tax avoidance is likely different before and after the replacement of management rights because it is changing the factors such as the strength of tax surveillance and the expansion of tax breaks. PropositionⅡ, The level of tax avoidance is lower succession firms than merger and acquisition firms because they attach greater importance to damaging firm image than to pursuing private interests by tax avoidance. The sample consists 1,391 small and medium firms with replacement of management rights excluding firms reporting deficit taxable income among firms of 38,043 non-financial firms audited by external auditor in Korea during 2001 to 2011. Empirical results is summarized as follows. First, The level of tax avoidance is significantly higher before than after the replacement of management rights. Second, There is significantly higher that of merger and acquisition firms than the tax avoidance level of succession firms. This implies that succession firms faithfully pay the tax for their income relative to merger and acquisition firms.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동태적 패널모형의 회계이익률 예측능력 검증

        심상규 ( Sang Gyoo Shim ),허영빈 ( Young Pin Huh ),김창수 ( Chang Soo Kim ) 한국회계학회 2004 會計學硏究 Vol.29 No.2

        회계이익률은 Ohlson의 초과이익할인모형, NCI 지식자산평가모형 등의 회계분야 연구와 금융기관 및 신용평가기관의 기업평가업무에서 중요한 지표로 사용되고 있음에도 불구하고 이에 대한 예측연구는 미비하다. 또한, 기존의 회계이익예측 연구에서 사용되는 시계열모형은 자기변수 영향만을 반영하여 예측치를 추정하므로 단일변량 모형수립에는 적합하지만 외부요소 영향을 반영하지 못하는 한계를 갖는다. 이러한 배경에서 본 연구는 동태적 패널(dynamic panel)모형을 이용하여 회계이익률을 예측한다. 동태적 패널모형은 자기변수 이외에도, 외생변수와 개별기업 효과를 반영하여 예측치를 추정하게 되어 시계열모형의 단점을 극복할 수 있다. 본 연구는 가동률지수, 생산자제품재고지수 및 3년 만기 회사채수익률을 외생변수로 하는 동태적 패널모형을 사용하여 매출액영업이익률과 매출액순이익률을 예측한다. 예측능력은 실제치와 예측치 차이로 측정되는 예측정확성, 그리고 예측치와 주식수익률의 관련성으로 측정되는 시장기대이익 대용치로서 적절성을 기준으로 랜덤웍(random work) 모형과 비교하여 평가한다. 검증결과에 의하면, 동태적 패널모형은 모든 예측대상 회계이익률에서 높은 예측정확성을 나타냈으나 시장기대이익 대용치로의 적절성에서는 우월성을 보여주지 못하였다. 이러한 검증결과는 표본기간, 기업규모 및 업종을 달리하여도 동일하였다. This study examines the forecasting ability of the dynamic panel model about accounting income ratios. The motive of a study stems from the following. First, although accounting income ratios are used as an important index in accounting study and practical business forecasting studies using them are rare. Second, time- series models used in the existing study have limits not verifying the relationship between dependent and independent variables, and consideration of the effect of external factors. The dynamic panel model can overcome those limits by considering the effect of the extraneous variable and individual company as well as auto-variable. We design the forecasting model using the dynamic panel model and select operating index, producer`s inventory index and 3year company bond returns as the extraneous variables. The forecasting objectives are the ratio of operating income to sales and the ratio of net income to sales. The forecasting ability is estimated by the relative superiority to random work model on the basis of forecast accuracy and proxies for market earnings expectations The results indicate that the dynamic panel model shows a higher degree of forecasting accuracy and does not provide a more proper investors` expectation income than the random work model. These results are robust in most years, firm size and industries.

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      • KCI등재

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