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      • 經濟政策基準으로서의 效率과 公正에 관한 硏究

        辛海龍 건국대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this thesis is to analyze in depth efficiency and equity as criteria for the evaluation of economic policy. Chapter I presents introduction. Allocative efficiency and X-Efficiency are reviewed in Chapter II. In Chapter III, the concept of equity, which has been regarded as political criteria, is newly built up from the viewpoint of performance, utilitarianism and constitutionalism. Relationships between efficiency criteria and equity criteria are examined in Chapter IV. As an example of poetical application of efficiency and equity, the effect of fianial outlays upon income distribution is analyzed with cost-benefit analysis method in Chapter V. Chapter VI contains concluding discussions. The ultimate purpose of human society is to achieve "the greatest good for the greatest number" which is interpreted as the highest level of welfare for all members of human society with limited resouces. The search for assumptions and route for the achievement of the goal has long been and will ever be the subject of social science. Economic approach has proposed the two criteria of efficiency and equity in order to obtain the goal. Efficiency and equity, however, have rarely been given same weight for the past 200-year-history of economics. There were once no distinctions between efficiency and equity. At one tune economics was focused on efficiency and at another time equity was given higher priority than efficiency. So lone as both efficiency and equity are requirements for the achievement of the ultimate goal of "the greatest good for the greatest number", it is necessary to integrate the two criteria. Therefore, it should be properly understood that improvement of equity is not in trade-off relationships with equity but a requisite for the obtainment of economic efficiency or economic growth. Main guidelines of individual policies must be set up, in this context. It is desired that for the policies which bring about negative-sum, compromising ground should be found in the course of formulation of guidelines and that for those policies having positive-sum effect, the policies should be driven so as to better both the efficiency and equity. To conclude, for the integration of the efficiency of resource allocation and equity of income dis-tribution, which is the inevitable problem that modem economics has to solve, this subject should be continuously studied from the viewpoint of inter-disciplinary social science.

      • 韓國財政支出의 公共選擇的 分析

        辛海龍(Shin Hae-Ryong) 한국재정학회(구 한국재정·공공경제학회) 1991 재정논집 Vol.5 No.-

        The objective of this paper is to analyze the cauces of the increasing expenditure by Korean public sector. Theoretic and empirical analyses of the determination mechanism of the expenditure of Korean public finance have been conducted. This study uses the theory of public choice as its basis for analyzing the determinants of the expenditure of Korean public finance. Though there are various caveats, analyses carried out in this paper seem to imply the usefulness of public choice theory in explaining Korean public expenditure determination.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        남부지방 조 이식재배시 육묘폿트의 적정규격 및 주당본수

        김용순,김동관,최진경,박흥규,김명석,신해룡,최경주,윤종탁 한국작물학회 2015 Korean journal of crop science Vol.60 No.1

        This study was performed to investigate the adequate standard pot and number of plants per tree of raising seeding pot on the foxtail millet transplanting culture in the southern province. Due to the various application of wellbeinghealth food recently, for upbringing of the foxtail millet, millet and sorghum in minor cereals, R & D and policy support is being promoted actively. The foxtail millet growing season is so short from 90 to 130 days, and it is large variations for a growth temperature. The main results are as follows. When it comes to foxtail millet transplantation, seedling quality of 406 holes, 200 holes and 162 holes of raising seeding pot type were not all significant, and field rooting percentage is accounted for all 94 to 95%. Yield of a foxtail millet was exposed in 406holes 305 kg/10a>162holes 303 kg> 200holes 302 kg order, and it was no significance between test processing. When it's the raising seeding transplanting culture, in case of pot culture, 406holes pot culture were reduced the bed soil cost 63%, pot 50%, working hours 18% for 200holes pot. Transplanting seedling quality per a foxtail millet transplanting culture method, dry weight was high inclination as transplanting number of plant is less, and field rooting percentage displayed more than all 95%. Yield appeared to 2 plants seedling transplanting 315kg/10a> 3 plants seedling transplanting 304kg>1 plant seedling transplanting 256kg order. The projected cost per the pot-sort on the raising seeding transplanting culture of foxtail millet, the seedling transplanting culture of 406holes was reduced 40% percentages compared to 200holes as 76,230won/10a. As a result, 406holes pot and 2plants seedling transplanting culture, labor-saving culture was possible.

      • 목이류 육성 품종별 원균보관 조건 구명

        이숙재,김길자,김명석,임세화,박흥규,정경주,신해룡,최경주 한국버섯학회 2014 버섯 Vol.18 No.1

        목이버섯(학명 Auricularia auricula judae)은 활엽수의 고사목이나 반고사목에서 생장하고 있는데 중국에서는 목이(木耳), 우리나라에서는 목이 또는 흐르레기, 일본에서는 해파리 또는 기쿠라케(キクラケ), 서구에서는 ear mushroom이라 부르고 있다. 지름은 2~6cm 내외이고 잎맥 모양의 주름살이 있으며, 조직은 한천질로 부드러우나 탄력성이 있어 질기며, 건조하게 되면 딱딱하고 얇아지게 된다. 그리고 특유한 맛과 향이 있고 씹는 촉감이 좋으며 건조, 보관 및 저장성이 우수하다. 또한 영양가가 높은 버섯으로 단백질 11.3%, 칼륨 1,200mg, 인 434mg정도 함유하고 있으며 철 및 칼륨과 각종 비타민 함량이 높다. 특히 섬유소 함량이 높고 교질상 물질이 많아 식도 및 위장을 씻어내는 작용이 있으므로 광부 또는 방직공장 근로자들이 애용하고 혈액을 응고시키는 작용이 있어 출산모와 출혈이 심한 환자에게도 이용할 수 있다고 한다. 이러한 기능성이 널리 알려지면서 여러 나라에서 소비량이 지속적으로 증가하고 있으나 국내에서 유통 중인 400톤(약 60억원, 국내소비량의 95%) 규모의 목이버섯 대부분이 중국에서 건조 상태로 수입되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 수입산 목이버섯의 안전성 문제로 생목이 인공재배가 확산되고 있는 가운데 원균의 활력있는 보관관리를 통하여 안전한 균주를 공급과 우량종균의 생산으로 목이버섯의 산업화 기반을 조성하고자 수행하였다. 시험은 전라남도 나주시 산포면 소재에서 2012년~2013년(2년간)까지 육성품종별(4종) 원균 보관 조건별(보존재료, 저장온도 및 기간) 균사활력을 조사하였다. 시험품종은 품작, 풍운, JNM21001(털목이 계통)과 JNM21002(흑목이 계통) 등 4균주이고 원균의 보관요령은 1.8㎖ CORNING 튜브에 보관재료(Distilled water, 10%Glycerol, 5% DMSO)를 1.5㎖씩 넣은 후 패트리디쉬에서 배양중인 균주를 코르크 버러(직경 0.8㎝, 0.5㎠/10㎖)로 찍어 1튜브당 3조각씩 넣고(중심부→외부 등 골고루) 0, 3, 6, 12개월 간격으로 15℃, 4℃, -70℃로 보관(Solid medium 배양은 동일시기에 시험관에 처리) 하였다. 보관균주의 균사활력은 0, 3, 6, 12개월 간격 보관균주를 꺼내어 PDA배지에 접종, 배양한 후 패트리디쉬상에서 균밀도, 생장환 등을 측정한 결과 12개월 15℃ 보관 고체배지는 사멸균주가 많았으나 4℃는 균 활력이 유지되었으며 –70℃도 균주보관이 가능하지만 균 착상에 7~10일 정도 소요되었다. 6개월 보관도 12개월과 비슷하여 15℃ 보관 고체배지는 균 활력이 떨어지거나 사멸(JNM21002)하였으며 4℃, –70℃는 균 활력이 잘 유지되었다. 그러나 3개월 보관의 경우는 보존재료 및 온도조건에 차이 없이 비슷한 활력이었다. 시험균주별로는 품작은 10% Glycerol, 풍운과 JNM21001, JNM21002는 10% Glycerol과 증류수에서 활력이 좋아 원균의 장기보존을 위한 재료는 10%Glycerol과 증류수에서 4℃ 보관이 유망하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        흰가루병에 강하고 다수성인 장미 적색 품종 ‘해도지’ 육성

        기광연,황인택,조경철,나택상,김정근,이야성,신해룡,최경주,이재신,한태호 한국육종학회 2008 한국육종학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        A rose cultivar “aedoji”developed at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extention Services (JARES) is a standard type with deep Red flower. From 2000, two cultivars ‘ital’and 'Cardinal' were examined for horticultural characteristics and were included in cross-combination in 2003. Cultivar ‘ital’ a vigorous standard type, first preference with red flower, was used as a mother plant and cultivar ‘ardinal’ a red flower standard type with light color, was used as a pollen-donor plant. seventeen six breeding lines were selected in 2004 based on flower shape, flower color and abundance of petal numbers on the first selection. two breeding lines were selected in 2004 based on powderly mildew and vigor on the second selection. For three years, from 2005 till 2007, one breeding lines were selected and examined for their productivity, and then cultivar “aedoji”was developed because of distinctive characters such as light red color flower, upright stem, long vase-life and Resistance to the Powderly Mildew. A standard type with intermediate sized flower, cultivar “aedoji”shows in average 9.2 cm flower diameter, 62.0 cm flower stem length, and 9.5 days vase-life. The average productivity for three years was 167.3 stems ㆍm-2 per year and increased 2% compare to cultivar ‘iamo’with 163.9 stemsㆍm-2 per year.

      • KCI등재

        남부지방에서 벼 재배형태별 분얼체계 및 수량구성형질의 차이에 관한 연구 II. 출수기와 수량구성형질의 변화

        김용재,신해룡,장강연 한국작물학회 1992 Korean journal of crop science Vol.37 No.6

        이앙기를 달리 하였을때 어린모와 25일묘, 손이앙묘의 출수반응, 수량 및 쌀의 품위차를 알아보고자 금오벼와 팔공벼, 동진벼를 공시하여 4월 20일부터 7월 20일까지 15일 간격으로 7회 이앙하여 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 광주지방에서 안전출수한계기(8월 27일)로 본 안전이앙한계기는 조생종인 금오벼는 어린모 : 6월 26일, 25일묘 : 7월 1일, 손이앙묘 : 7월 11일이었으며, 중생종인 팔공벼는 어린모 : 6월 21일, 25일묘 : 6월 30일, 손이앙묘 : 7월 10일이었고, 중만생종인 동진벼는 어린모 : 6월 10일, 25일묘 6월 24일, 손이앙묘 : 7월 5일이었다. 2. 육묘방법별 수량은 이앙기에 따라 일정한 경향을 보이지 않았으나 금오벼는 어린모>25일묘>손이앙묘의 순이었으며 팔공벼는 25일묘(equation omitted)어린모(equation omitted)손이앙묘의 순이었고, 동진벼는 손이앙묘(equation omitted)25일묘(equation omitted)어린모의 순으로 증수되었다. 3. 수량생산기(출수전 10일부터 출수후 30일까지)에 있어서 적산온도를 보면 금오벼는 어린모에서 최대수량을 올린 6월 5일~6월 20일 이앙에서 1,003$^{\circ}C$였고, 25일묘에서는 6월 5일~6월 20일 이앙에서 1,014$^{\circ}C$, 손이앙기는 5월 20일~6월 5일 이앙에서 1,027$^{\circ}C$이었으며, 팔공벼에서는 어린모 : 1,018$^{\circ}C$, 25일묘 : 1,015$^{\circ}C$, 손이앙묘 : 1,086$^{\circ}C$ 이었고, 동진벼에서는 어린모 : 998$^{\circ}C$, 25일묘 : 984$^{\circ}C$, 손이앙묘 : 949$^{\circ}C$에서 최대수량을 보였다. 4. 육묘방법에 따른 이앙시기별 쌀의 품위는 금오벼는 어린모에서 조기이앙에 따라 동할미가 많았고 청미가 적었으며 7월 5일 이후의 이앙에서는 청미가 현저하게 많아지면서 동할미도 증가하였다. 팔공벼와 동진벼는 이앙시기간에 차리가 인정되지 않았고 다만 극만식인 7월 5일 이후의 이앙에서만 청미 비율이 높았다. To study the effects of different nursing methods and transplanting on the growth of rice plant (Oriza sativa L.) in southern region of Korea, Kumo-byeo, Palgong-byeo and Dongjinbyeo were transplanted from April 20 to July 20 at an interval of 15 days with 8 days old seedling (infant seedling) and 25 days old box-seedling for machine transplanting, and 45 days old conventional seedling. Threshold transplanting date in southern region of Korea were June 26 for 8 days old seedling, July 1 for 25 days old seedling and] July 11 for 45 days old seedling for Kumo-byeo, and June 21, June 30, July 10 for Palgong-byeo, June 10, June 24, July 5 for Dongjin-byeo, respectively. Yield has no uniform tendency according to the transplanting date. However, yield were greater in the order of 8 days old seedling >25 days old seedling> 45 days old seedling in Kuma-byeo and 25 days old seedling (equation omitted)8 days old seedling (equation omitted)45 days old seedling in Palgong-byeo, 45 days old seedling(equation omitted)25 days old seedling(equation omitted) 8 days old seedling in Dongjin-byeo. The optimum accumulated air temperature during yield productive stage around heading (40 days from 10 days before heading to 30 days after heading) for high yield were 1,003$^{\circ}C$ for 8 days old seedling, 1,014$^{\circ}C$ for 25 days old seedling and 1,027$^{\circ}C$ for 45 days old seedling in Kumo-byeo. And they were 1,018$^{\circ}C$, 1,015$^{\circ}C$, 1,086$^{\circ}C$ in Palgong-byeo and 998$^{\circ}C$, 984$^{\circ}C$, 949$^{\circ}C$ in Dongjin-byeo, respectively. Earlier transplanting with 8 days old seedling showed higher ratio of broken rice and green kerneled rice in Kuma-byeo, and late transplanting after July 5 showed significant high rate of green kerneled rice. Palgong-byeo and Dongjin-byeo also showed high rate of green kerneled rice at transplanting after July 5.

      • KCI등재

        수도기계이앙육묘에 파종량이 배유물질의 소모 및 묘소질에 미치는 영향

        金容在,申海龍,宋東錫,張江運 韓國作物學會 1988 한국작물학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        기계이앙용 상자육묘에 파종량 차이에 따른 배유양분의 소모와 묘소질의 변화를 알아보고자 다수계품종인 삼강벼와 일반계품종인 동진벼를 공시하였던 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 초장은 파종후 급속히 신장하여 10일 경에는 삼강벼, 동진벼가 각각 묘의 60, 50%에 달하였으며, 밀파할수록 점차 작아졌는데, 그 정도는 삼강벼에서 뚜렷하였다. 2. 건물중은 묘대일수가 경과할수록 완만히 증가 하였는데, 밀파할수록 그 증가 속도가 느렸다. 삼강벼, 동진벼 공히 밀파할수록 건물중의 감소가 뚜렷하였는데, 가장 박파인 75g구가 다른구보다도 건물중이 현저히 무거웠다. 3. 배유양분은 삼강벼, 동진벼가 파종후 5일 이내에 각각 68, 65%가 15일에는 각각 85, 90% 정도가 소모되었는데 완전소진시기는 삼강벼가 3.1엽기인 파종후 25∼30일, 동진벼는 3.3엽기인 파종후 25일 정도였다. 4. 묘의 부위별 당함량은 배유가 엽보다 높았으며, 묘대일수 10일에서 엽과 배유의 당함량이 최대치를 나타냈고, 파종양별 당함량 식물체부위, 묘령 및 품종에 따라 달랐다. 5. 묘의 단백질함량은 엽에서 묘대기가 진행될수록 점차 감소하여 15일에 최소치를 보였고, 배유는 파종직후 감소하여 4일에 최소치를, 5일에는 다시 증가하였다가 그 이후 감소하였고, 파종양별 차는 묘령에 따라 각각 달랐다. 6. 묘의 발근력은 30일 묘 가장 좋았으며, 묘령이 높을수록 점차 나빳으며 밀파할수록 발근력이 떨어지는 경향이었다. 7. 엽록소함량은 삼강벼가 동진벼보다 컸으며, 파종량별로는 두 품종 공히 뚜렷한 경향을 보이지 않았다. This study was carried out to investigate the change of endosperm substance and seedling growth in rice seedlings for machine transplanting with use of two rice varieties, which Samgangbyeo (Indica~times Japonica) and Dogjinbyeo (Japonica) were sown on May 8 with five levels of seeding density. 1. The total dry matter weight, leaf area, length of the longest root, number and length of new roots were negatively correlated with seeding density, and the plant height had the similar tendency to them from 20 days after sowing(DAS). 2. The rooting ability was negatively correlated with seeding density and decreased from 35 DAS in Dongjinbyeo. 3. The endosperm substance were exhausted at 25 to 30 DAS in Samgangbyeo and at 25 DAS in Dongjinbyeo. 4. The leaf area was more useful than the ratio of plant height to dry matter weight for judging the constitution of seedlings. 5. The reducing sugar contents in the endosperm were the greatest among parts of rice seedlings followed by leaf and root. The contents in leaf, root and endosperm reached maximal at 10 DAS, and varied with plant parts, seedling growth and varieties in different levels of seeding density. 6. The protein contents in leaf and root of rice seedlings became decreased with seedling growth., and were minimal values at 15 DAS. The content in endosperm was decreased soon after seeding, and minimal at 4 DAS with showing some fluctuation of protein content after then.

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