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      • 후진타오 조화사회론 속의 중국사회의 부조화 현상에 대한 연구

        신주식 ( Ju Shick Shin ) 대구가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 2012 사회과학논총 Vol.11 No.-

        제1장에서는 서론을 구성되어 있고 제2장에서는 중국인을 상대로 한 설문조사를 한 중국학자의 설문조사 결과를 인용하였는데 그 구체적인 설문조사 내용은 정치적 상황 과 관련한 환경요소와 도덕적 가치관 및 봉사정신과 희생정신과 관련된 환경요소로 나 뉘어져 있다. 지3장에서는 분야별 조화 지향적 및 부조화 지향적 환경요소와 중국 경제 사회 전환기에 나타내는 부조화 요소의 내용을 담고 있다 그 내용은 크게 네 가지로 나뉘어 설명하고 있는데 첫째, 각 분야별 조화성과 부조화성 요소의 상대비교 둘째, 중국 경제사회 전환기에 나타나는 부조화 요소의 내용 셋째, 부조화 현상 발생의 배경요소 넷째, 중국 문화 및 중국 법률 인프라 상의 부조화 문제 등이 포함되어 있다. 특히 세 번째의 부조화 현상 발생의 배정요소에 대한 설명 파트에서는 각 운야 간 발전 또 는 진보 상의 불균형 현상이 야기한 부작용, 중국문화 또는 중국 전통 사상과의 부소 화 현상이 야기한 부작용과 도덕, 윤리, 종교 본위 사회의 조화론이 야기한 부작용, 중국의 현존 사회분위기가 야기한 후유증 풍 의 제 가지 부작용 또는 후유증에 대한 언 급이 핵심내용으로 볼 수 있다 제4장에서는 부조화 요소의 제거와 개선을 위한 방안에 대해 설영하고 있으며 마지막으로 제5장에서는 결론 부분으로 중국사회에서의 조화사회론의 관점에서 본 부조화 현상의 극복 방향과 전략에 대해 언급하고 있다. The chapter one of this paper includes the introduction of the thesis, and the chapter two of this paper explains about the results of questionaires answered by the Chinese people in connection with evironments of political factors and environments of moral points of views, ethics, spirits of service and spilits of sacrifice. The chapter three of this paper includes the explanation of harmony-oriented and disharmony-oriented environmental factors per each area, which used to appear in the turning points of Chinese society. Its contents include four" kinds of explanations, that is, relative and correlative comparison between the harmonious and disharmonious environmental factors, the contents of environmental disharmonious background factors which occurs in the turning points of Chinese society, the background factors of disharmony-oriented phenomena, the problems of disharmonious phenomena between the Chinese culture and Chinese legal infrastructures and global culture and global legal infrastructures etc. Especially, the essential contents of the above-mentioned third part of the background factors of disharmony-oriented phenomena are the side-effects and after-effect caused by ill-balanced phenomena, the side-effects and after-effect caused by the friction between the Chinese culture and Chinese traditional ideologies and thoughts, the side-effects and after-effect caused by the currently existing social atmosphere in China. The chapter four of this paper includes the strategies of removal, elimination and improvement of disharmonious factors, and the final chapter five mentions about the conclusion which explains about directions and strategies of overcoming disharmonious phenomena from the view-points of the theory of Harmonious Society in Chinese society.

      • 한국기업이 대중투자에서 직면하는 부정적 환경요소와 그에 대한 근원적 극복전략

        신주식 ( Ju Shick Shin ) 대구가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 2011 사회과학논총 Vol.10 No.-

        Recently, many Korean companies rushed in to China, but many of them tasted failure and very few achieved success. One of the reasons of such failure is that most companies did not spare enough time for thorough feasibility studies. They made investment decisions based on rough market research, which resulted in the lack of ability to handle the unexpected problems in the Chinese market. Moreover, most problems the foreign companies in China are confronted with are not genral business administration issues, but some specific environmental problems caused by the ignorance about the environmental factors, such as the Chinese culture, thoughts, way of thinking, behavior patterns, values and customs, etc. They are problems related to the deep, internal, original and fundamental aspects of the Chinese society, culture and thoughts, therefore cannot be properly resolved by some general solutions of business administration. This paper first explains the negative environmental elements of Chinese culture and presents some negative cases caused by such elements in Chapter 2. It describes the negative effects of three main elements of Chinese culture, namely Guanxi(relationship) culture, Mianzi(face/reputation) culture and Renqing(favor) culture, thus shedding some light on the Chinese cultural elements that cause difficulties for foreign companies investing in China. The first part of Chapter 3 discusses "the negative elements in terms of the business environment in China", and presents ① three cases related to the negative elements with regard to the mind set, ② two cases related to the negative elements with regard to irregularities and corruption, ③ one case related to the negative elements with regard to the imperfection of the incentive system and ④ one case related to the negative elements with regard to the lack of the law-abiding spirit and constitutionalism. The second part of Chapter 3 discusses "the factors that caused the formation of the negative environment", and explains the factors by the following four categories: lack of transparency, lack of the sense of responsibility, lack of cooperativity and lack of the sense of belonging. Finally, as fundamental strategies to overcome the negative environmental factors, Chapter 4 of this study suggests ① three fundamental strategies to overcome the negative elements with regard to the culture and ② three fundamental strategies to overcome the negative elements with regard to the thoughts, customs and conventions peculiar to the Chinese society based on thorough analysis.

      • KCI등재
      • 대중투자 외국기업 경영에 악영향을 미치는 제반요소극복을 위한 인사 및 조직관리 전략

        신주식(Ju-shick Shin) 한국의사결정학회 2011 의사결정학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구논문은 대중(對中)투자 외국기업의 경영전략에 영향을 미치는 환경요인을 중국문화의 특성, 습관 또는 관념문제에 기인하는 요인, 중국의 과거 체제 및 이념문제에 기인하는 요인 및 중국인의 민족성 또는 사고방식에 기인하는 요인 등 세 가지 관점에서 나누어 설명하고 이들 각 환경요인들을 조직관리, 인력채용 또는 해고, 인사관리 및 인사고과 등 3가지 방면으로 분류하여 각각의 환경요인을 성공적으로 극복한 성공사례와 실패를 야기한 실패 사례 등 도합 12개 사례들을 인용하였고 인용된 12가지의 사례를 기초로 하여 이를 9가지의 핵심 전략으로 축소, 정리하여 대중투자사업의 성공을 위한 전략으로서 구체적 내용과 함께 자세히 소개하고 있다. 이들 9개 전략에는 첫째, 조직 관리와 관련된 전략 중에는 사건 발생 후 조직적 차원에서 철저히 그 원인을 규명하여 사건재발을 막도록 하는 전략 및 거래선 조직은 인적 네트워크와 소위 꽌씨카드를 철저히 활용함으로써 조직 효율 극대화를 도모하는 전략 등 2 가지 전략을, 둘째, 인력채용 또는 해고와 관련 전략은 소수정예인력 원칙에 따르되 현지인 유능 간부급 핵심리더를 확보, 활용하는 전략, 인력채용 시 각종 문제점과 장애요소 및 제약사항을 사전에 치밀하게 조사하는 전략, 각종 자격증과 증명서 및 증빙서류의 진위 여부를 확실히 가려내는 전략 등 3 가지 전략을, 셋째, 인사관리 및 인사고과 관련 전략으로는 쌍방향 커뮤니케이션에 기반을 둔 인사관리와 인사고과 전략의 구사, 성과주의 제도를 최대한 활용하되 평가기간을 가급적이면 짧게 가져가는 전략, 문제간부 및 문제사원 특별관리 시스템의 구축 및 활용 전략, 젊은이들의 마음을 사로잡는 인터넷 커뮤니케이션을 구사하는 전략 등 4 가지 전략들을 포함함으로써 모두 9가지의 전략들이 포함되어 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 한국기업들이 중국시장에 투자할 경우 성공한 기업보다 실패한 기업들이 더 많이 나타나는 현실적 상황을 직시하고 그러한 현실적 장애요소의 실체를 파악하고 문제의 본질을 규명하고자 중국 문화적 관점과 중국 사상적 측면에서 접근하는데 본 연구의 목적과 초점이 맞추어져 있다. 그리고 연구방법으로는 주로 문헌연구를 위주로 하되 경험적 연구(empirical research)도 일부 활용되었음을 밝히는 바이다. This paper categorized environmental factors that influence the management strategies of enterprises investing in China in to the following three groups: ① factors related to the characteristics of Chinese culture, customs and values; ② factors related to the political systems and ideology of the past; ③ factors related to the racial characteristics of Chinese people or the way they think. It also classified the environmental factors into four different categories: factors related to ① organization management, ② recruitment and dismissal of human resources, ③ personnel management and performance assessment. Then, it referred to 12 cases that either successfully overcame the difficulties or failed to do so. In conclusion, it presents some useful strategies for enterprises investing in China. First of all, with regard to organization management, it suggests the employers should ① make the company prepare the strategies to thoroughly investigate the incedents in case of facing the unexpected troubles and thereafter to prevent the recurrence of the disgraceful accidents and incidents, ② do their best to maximize the organizational efficiency by utilizing the relationship power and human networks to the maximum. etc. Second, with regard to the recruitment and dismissal of human resources, it suggests the employers should ① follow the principle of having affairs run by a select few and try their best to employ the local managers who can exert superhuman power as a leader of all the local employees ② check very carefully the organizational obstacles and environmental troubles for employing local staffs who are very capable of carrying out all the business activities successfully. ③ train and bring up the necessary capabilities of discriminating between the real documents and the fake ones which can verify the qualification , diploma and statements etc. Third, with regard to personnel management and performance assessment , it suggests the employers should ① map out strategies for adopting the system of two way communications in carrying out the normal work duties in connection with personnel management and performance assessment ② prepare the performance-oriented systems based on the principles of short-term appraisal system ③ construct and operate the special administrative control system for troubled managers and disruptive employees ④ construct and operate the system of Internet communication in order to captivate the young generation etc. This paper is aimed at getting to the heart of essential problems as to why many Korean companies have been unsuccessful in the investment in China and also focused on the understanding of the realistic and practical factors for environmental investment obstacles and investment barriers from the view-points of Chinese culture and thought . Regarding the research methodology, the methodology of literature review has been mainly used for drawing up this paper and the methodology of actual field survey and study has been also partly adopted.

      • KCI등재

        중국물류산업의 규모, 구조 및 효율문제와 발전 장애요인에 관한 연구

        신주식(Ju Shick Shin) 한국경영학회 2005 Korea Business Review Vol.8 No.2

        중국 물류산업의 총 생산액은 늘고 있으나 전체 GDP에 대한 비중은 1991년부터 1997년까지의 기간엔 줄어드는 추세를 보이고 있다. 이는 최근 중국의 제조업과 타 서비스업의 성장이 눈부시게 발전한 탓이다. 또한 타 산업에 비해 상대적으로 많은 취업인구를 흡수하고 있고 취업규모도 매년 약간씩 증가하는 편이나 타 서비스업종에서의 차지하는 비중은 점차 감소하는 추세에 있다. 화물 운송 물동량과 화물 운송 물동량/운송거리 모두 증가추세에 있지만 화물 운송 물동량/운송거리의 증가 속도가 운송 물동량 증가속도 보다 빠르다. 이는 장거리 물류와 국제선 물류의 량이 증가하였기 때문이다. 물류 구조에서는 도로물류가 전체 물류의 75.4%를 점유, 대종을 이루고 있으나 물동량/운송거리 면에서는 수상운송 물류의 비중이 높은 편이다. 지역경제의 발전수준과 물류산업의 발전수준은 정비례하는 관계를 형성하고 있으며 취업인구 창출 및 물류효율 창출은 서로 반비례하는 현상을 보이고 있다. 물류산업의 노동효율은 비교적 높은 편에 속하며 물류산업의 임금수준 역시 높은 편에 속한다. 중국 물류산업의 환경적인 장애요인에는 물류설비의 노후화, 물류전문기업의 부족, 물류기초설비의 부족, 물류전문가 부족 및 현대물류에 필요한 지식과 노하우의 부족 등이 있다. 중국 물류산업의 문제점으로는 물류효율의 저하문제와 낮은 수준의 물류 서비스와 물류신용 문제 등을 들 수 있다. 중국 물류산업의 발전을 위해서는 현대물류 개념의 확립, 효율적인 물류시스템의 구축, 물류정보화 네트워크 작업의 추진 등을 꼽을 수 있다. The total output of logistics industry in China is still on the increase, but the ratio of logistics industry against total amount of GDP in China shows decreasing trend from 1991 to 1997. This kind`s of situation has been caused by the comparatively higher growth rate of other manufacturing and service industries, comparing with that of logistics industry, in recent few decades. The logistics industry in China is also making a high contribution in absorbing the jobless into work, and also the scale of absorbing the jobless into work is continuously increasing. However, its ratio against the whole service industries is on the decrease. Both transportation volume and transportation volume/distance are increasing, but the growth rate of transportation volume/distance is much higher than that of transportation volume. This kind of situation might be caused by the speedy growth of long-distance transportation and international transportation in China. From the viewpoints of logistics industry structure, overland transportation commands a majority, recording 75.4% of all kinds of transportation businesses, but from the viewpoints of transportation volume/distance, water transportation stands first. In China, regional economic growth is in direct proportion to the growth of its logistics industry, but logistics efficiency is in inverse proportion to the degree of absorbing the jobless into work. Logistics industry in China belongs to the industry groups that make higher business efficiency and provide high level of wages to its employees. The environmental factors obstructing the development of logistics industry in China include the problems of old-aged transportation equipments, lack of logistics-specialized companies, lack of fundamental transportation equipments, lack of logistics specialists and lack of knowledge and know-how related to modern logistics. The problems with which logistics industry in China have recently faced include the low efficiency of logistics industry itself and low level of logistics service and logistics credit system provided by logistics industry in China etc. In order to develop logistics industry in China, readjustment of the concept of modern logistics, setting-up of efficient logistics system and promotion of logistics information networks are keenly needed.

      • KCI등재

        서구적 가치관의 대안가치로서의 중국적 글로벌 가치관에 관한 연구: 서구적 가치인 자유, 평등 및 민주주의를 중심으로

        신주식 ( Ju Shick Shin ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2010 中國硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        The first chapter of this paper explains the current international political environment: As Wall Street suddenly collapsed due to the Subprime mortgage crisis, neoliberalism symbolized by deregulation, privatization and open market policy driven by the United States has also begun to decline. As American capitalism seems to lose its vigor, the Washington Consensus also became enervated. In the midst of such deterioration, Beijing Consensus is gaining more ground, as Bush administration`s doctrine, namely "the expansion of liberty and democracy" gets damaged due to the unilateralism. Chapter 2 first explains the "environmental factors that enabled the advent of China`s global values", then comments on the "background of the emergence of China`s reform and opening policy and its global values". Chapter 3 explains the "direction of the formation of China`s global values" and the specific strategies taken by Chinese government for the establishment of its global values. Furthermore, it analyses the intentions of each value connoted in the promotion of each strategy, and describes the specific contents of the Chinese government`s attempt. Chapter 4 gives an in-depth explanation of each China`s global value, namely "autonomy and moderation", "harmony and balance", "soft authoritarianism and absolutism with Chinese characteristics", and the verification process of its suitability to the values. Chinese culture, national traits, history and traditional factors were used as the tools for the suitability verification. Finally, as a conclusion, Chapter 5 comments on the policy direction of the Chinese government with regard to the establishment of its global values, problems that may arise in the establishment process, and the influence of the future identity of Chinese politics upon Korea.

      • KCI등재

        조화사회론의 연원(연源), 태동배경 및 발전방향에 관한 연구 -유가 조화사회 사상이 끼친 영향을 중심으로-

        신주식 ( Ju Shick Shin ) 한중사회과학학회 2011 한중사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.3

        The first chapter of this paper presents the focus of the study: the study first analyzes that China`s diplomatic strategies has shown toughness and moderateness by turns throughout the history and that she will continue to do so in the future, then it predicts that the development of Harmonious Society Theory will set new tasks toward China herself, the major economic powers and the neighboring countries. The second chapter first describes the origin and the notion of harmony(和諧), including the traditional Confucian notion of harmony. Then it analyzes that the key points of both the notion of harmony and the traditional Confucian notion of harmony are "compatibility within incompatibility", "coexistence and minglement of diversity within conflicts and quarrels", "a state in which even the most diverse and heterogeneous opposites can become the subjects of harmony". The third chapter consists of three parts, and analyzes respectively ① the background and the process of development of Hu`s Harmonious Society Theory from the viewpoint of Confucian notion of harmonious society, ② the catalysts for development of Harmonious Society Theory from the viewpoint of Chinese culture ③ the background and the process of development of Hu`s Harmonious Society Theory. The fourth chapter explains the recent development of Hu`s Harmonious Society Theory in four directions : ① development as an alternative to ease concerns over "the rise of great power(大國굴起)", ② development as a omni-directional and omni-dimensional universal theory, rather than focusing on particular areas, ③ development as a theory with more computable, measurable, analytical and statistical methods and case studies, ④ development as a theory including concrete case studies upon various districts in China and other nations in the world. Here, the paper presents the purpose and the results of the study together, because both the purpose and the results of the study are related to the "recent development of the theory in four directions" explained in chapter 4. In terms of the first direction of development, which is "the development as an alternative to ease concerns over ``the rise of great power(大國굴起)". it can be evaluated as a flexible theory from the pragmatic point of view. In terms of the second direction of development, which is "the development as an omni-directional and omni-dimensional universal theory, rather than focusing on particular areas", it can be evaluated as a theory that attempts unlimited expansion of the theoretical domain. In terms of the third direction of development, which is "the development as a theory with more computable, measurable, analytical and statistical methods and case studies", it can be evaluated as a theory that integrates the ancient ideas and the modern science. In terms of the fourth direction of development, which is "the development as a theory including concrete case studies upon various districts in China and other nations in the world", it can be evaluated as a theory that established both the national and the global/international theoretical basis. Finally, the fifth chapter presents problems that need to be solved in order for Hu`s Harmonious Society Theory to realize sound development in the future. It suggests that China should establish proper legislative system and govern the nation by legislation(依法治國), formulate policies that can solve corruption problems and realize social justice, develop mechanisms that can resolve contradictions within the society, and improve international relationship with other nations in the world by institutional approaches, etc. Regarding the research methodology, the methodology of literature review has been mainly used for drawing up this paper and the way of actual field survey and study including a visit to the libraries has been additionally used for investigating statistical figures.

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