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        樂府命題를 통한 星湖의 『海東樂府』 고찰

        신장섭 한국어문교육연구회 2018 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.46 No.4

        This article examines the intention of the work through Akbumyeongje using Le-Ik`s Haedongakbu. Except Kimsumin`s Guidongakbu which using subject “Ga”, 330 phrase out of 385phrase works singing history of our country from DangunChosun to middle of Chosun dynasty, Sungho`s Haedongakbu is rare writer who using Akbumyeongje when he writes a song. Like this, When Sungho writes the poet, he considers the nature of the material or characteristic of content, using variety Akbumyeongje like Ga, Hang, gok, Tan, Won, Rak, Um, In, Sa, Yo makes more than half of his poet, it means based on his historical awareness, he keeps in mind the traditional Chinese nature of writing poets Akbusi that reflect on praising our history and emotion from this, ‘singing with phase’. Therefore, throughout this subject that presuppose of poet, Sungho intends to make clear the intention of the creation of the work and also he intends to consider how to appreciate this work from a reader`s perspective, through this poet`s subject. Considering the above, the akbumyeonje “ga” is appropriate for praising the heroic deed of Hyeron and Joogun; “hang” for Ulpaso, who administrated the government with the king; “gok” for regretting the tragic destiny of Kimju; and “tan” for Mahan, who succeeded the samhan, informing Onjo the fact that collapsed. 신장섭, 2018. 악부명제를 통한 성호의 『해동악부』 고찰, 어문연구, 180 : 319~343 385수의 작품 중 330수를 ‘歌’라는 명제를 사용하여 우리나라의 역사를 노래한 김수민(金壽民)의 기동악부(『箕東樂府』)를 제외한다면, 성호(星湖)의 『해동악부』만큼 악부명제를 사용하여 작시한 작가도 드물다. 성호가 선택된 소재의 성격이나 내용의 특성을 고려하여 다양한 악부명제를 사용하면서 작품의 과반을 넘게 창작하였다는 것은, 자신의 춘추대의에 입각한 역사인식에 기초하여 지난 날 우리의 역사를 찬양감계(讚揚鑑戒)하되 그로부터 우러나오는 감정을 ‘곡조에 붙여 노래부른다’는 중국의 전통적 악부시의 본질을 염두에 두었음을 의미한다. 이러한 면을 고려했을 때 계륜(奚論)과 주근(周勤)이란 인물의 영웅적 행위를 칭송함에 있어서는 ‘歌’가, 임금을 도와 국정을 잘 운영한 을파소란 인물을 찬양함에 대해서는 ‘行’이, 김주(金澍)란 인물의 불행한 운명을 애잔해 함에 있어서는 ‘曲’이, 삼한의 정통을 계승한 마한이 온조(溫祚)에게 멸망한 비극적 사실을 읊음에 있어서는 ‘歎’이란 악부명제가 적합하였던 것으로 보인다.

      • KCI등재후보

        제주도 렌터카 업체의 상품마케팅 광고기획 연구 -해피렌터카를 중심으로-

        신장섭,손영수 한국상품문화디자인학회 2011 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.28 No.-

        Traffic and travel, starting with the 1850s has evolved by leaps and bounds. Robinson states we are in for a better transportation area. Due to the concept it argues that the physical distance technology development that has changed throughout history is becoming today’s territorial right for the concept. For instance, the concept itself narrows down to the facts on the perspective where tourists may live or be placed. Therefore, the most important travel media, i.e. media which can be regarded as a guide for a better tourist transportation service should emphasize the importance. There are myriad ways of demonstrating examples of transportation of travel. One of the most common and popular means of travel is the rental car. Jeju Island, part of the Republic of Korea has stayed the same as the number one tourist destination of the island as for the companies' excessive competition and proliferation for the pursuit of profit stability is a priority though it comes with many problems. Due to the development of science and technology, safer and more comfortable travel has been developed. Part of a rental car service is that they may provide safety devices and accessories, such as navigation systems, parking sensors and cameras, but if the cost of purchasing a car is overweighted from rental rates, then they must cut convenience options, such as these safety devices. Free of these preferences and perceptions of the safety of tourists due to the pursuit of customers increasingly, companies have focused their goals for profit rather than customer satisfaction. Survey shows insurance and convenience are the primary focus on service quality from the highest market share in existing businesses are springing up against with other fast-growing companies. This study of the design for a better island car rental service was formed and analyzed from the most popular car rental and research companies which has prepared to offer an advertising plan by contributing to the increase in sales with a higher customer quality service concept that would focus more on safety and comfort. A satisfied quality car rental service development for tourists and local residents is a situation that can be made to contribute to the wider development for Jeju. 교통과 여행은 1850년대를 기점으로 비약적인 발전을 해 왔다. 로빈슨(Robinson)은 교통의 영역, 물리적 거리는 기술발전으로 인해서 개념자체가 변화되어 가고 있으며, 오늘날에는 영토권에 대한 개념, 즉 관광객측면에서 볼 때는 생활과 장소의 개념 자체가 좁혀가고 있다는 사실이다. 따라서 여행에서 가장 중요한 매체, 즉 관광매체라고 할 수 있는 교통에 중요성을 강조한다. 여행의 교통수단에는 무수히 많은 방법들이 존재한다. 그 중에서도 가장 보편적이고 대중을 위한 수단이 렌터카라고 할 수 있다. 대한민국 관광지 부동의 1위라고 할 수 있는 제주도의 경우 업체들의 과도한 경쟁과 난립으로 안정성보다는 이윤추구가 우선시 되고 있으며 많은 문제점을 안고 있다. 과학과 기술의 발달로 인하여 보다 안전하고 보다 편안한 여행이 가능해져 있는 현 시점은 개인의 차량의 경우 안전장치와 보조안전장치들로 다양하게 사용되어 비교적 안전하게 사용되고 있으나 렌터카들의 경우는 비용절감과 대여요금 인하 등으로 이러한 안전편의장치들 또한 미비한 실정이다. 이러한 실정 중에 관광객의 안전성 선호와 인식의 상향으로 인하여 하나둘 고객을 먼저 생각하는 업체들이 늘어 가고 있다. 보험과 편의사항은 기본이며 서비스질의 향상에 중점을 두어 기존의 최고 시장점유율 업체를 향하여 빠르게 성장하는 업체들이 생겨나고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 제주도의 렌터카 중에서 대형차량을 제외한 일반관광객이 다수 이용하는 가장대중적인 렌터카 업체를 분석하고 연구하여 광고기획 방안을 마련 업체의 매출상승에 기여하여 보다나은 서비스와 보다 안전하고 편안한 렌터카를 대여할 수 있는 상황을 만들어 제주 관광 발전에 기여하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        星湖의 「海東樂府」와 洛下生의 「嶺南樂府」 비교 연구 ― 동일소재를 詩化한 작가의식을 중심으로

        신장섭 중앙어문학회 2019 語文論集 Vol.79 No.-

        This paper describes similarities between Seongho's "Haedonggukbu" and Nakhasaeng`s “YeongnamYuefu,” recognizing two writers who deal primarily with historical material in their works. This paper tries to clarify the kind of poetic transformations revealed in their writing. Mulgyeja, Kimju, Cheonkwannyu, and Parkjaesang were the subjects of this analysis. Mulgyeja did not come back from the Sache-mountain with a geomungo (Korean harp), blaming his disloyalty even after establishing the great achievement of the war. Kimju, who was a civil servant of the Goryeo dynasty, went to the Myeong Dynasty in 1392 on a diplomatic mission. On the way back to his county, when he arrived at the river Yalu, he heard that King Taejo was on the throne; he returned to Hyungju in China and ended his life. Cheonkwannyu was abandoned by Kim Yusin and lived his life as a woman without a place to rely on , and Park Jae-sang devoted his life to the world without returning to his homeland after rescuing two brothers of King Nulji. Seongho wrote his poem on these characters, based on Confucianism`s historical view; drawing from the past, according to the content and character of the material and retaining the traditional themes of Yuefu, such as Um, Gok, and Won . In contrast, Nakhasaeng’s writing is based on the historical view of the artist; it reveals the real name of the protagonist and expresses the author's frank feelings about the historical act. 본고는 星湖의 「海東樂府」와 洛下生의 「嶺南樂府」에서 동일한 소재를 詩化 한 작품을 중심으로 역사적인 소재를 대하는 두 작가의 인식과 그 결과 드러나는 시적 변모가 어떠한지를 규명한 것이다. 분석의 대상이 된 인물은 勿稽子·金澍· 天官女·朴堤上이다. 물계자의 경우 성호는 ‘吟’이라는 악부 명제를 통해 주인공이 겪었을 인간적 고뇌를 哀傷하면서, ‘사체산’이란 실존적 공간을 시제로 내세워 불충과 불효만 을 탓하며 운둔하였던 주인공의 운명에 대해 연민과 애조를 드러냈다. 반면 낙 하생은 물계자라는 실명을 통해 그 또한 춘추시대 晉 文公의 賢臣이었던 개지 추와 삶의 궤적이 동일하였음을 강조하면서 이들이 함께 겪었을 인간적 고뇌 와 연민에 대해 작가의 진정을 진솔하게 표현하였다. 김주에 대해 성호는 백거이의 ‘長恨歌’ 중 此恨綿綿을 전거로 삼아 주인공의 비극적 삶을 조명하기 위해 ‘曲’이란 악부명제를 사용하였고 고국의 현실을 目 睹耳聞한 장소가 바로 주인공에게 있어서는 생에 있어 돌이킬 수 없는 이별의 비극이 시작된 ‘江’이었다는 점에서 시제를 ‘임강곡’이라 했다. 그러나 낙하생 은 정시중과 원처사의 경우를 예로 들어, 농암의 처신은 당시의 현실과 時勢를 외면한 맹목적인 행위였다는 점에 주목하였다. 천관녀의 경우 성호는 ‘怨’이란 악부 명제를 통해 사랑하는 사람에게 버림받 은 惸獨의 여인으로서 평생 정조를 지키며 살아야 하는 외로움과 원망을 드러 내면서도, 유교의 윤리적 규범에서 忠義를 중시하는 남성위주의 사고도 드러 내었다. 낙하생은 남녀 간 진정한 사랑이 제3자에 의해 강제로 희생당해야만 했던 한 가련한 여인의 別恨에 대해서는 철저히 외면한 채, 충효라는 유교 윤리 를 앞세워 주인공의 의열과 영웅성만을 강조하였다. 박제상을 시화한 성호는 ‘天官怨’처럼 ‘怨’이란 명제를 통해 철저하게 부인 의 입장에서 돌아오지 않는 남편에 대한 그리움과 원망 그리고 유교 윤리의 명 분 하에 정절을 지켜 살아가며 殉節해야 했던 부인의 哀憐함에 대해 감정을 몰 입하였다. 반면 낙하생은 夫忠과 婦節이 兩全하다 하여 박제상의 忠과 부인의 節을 동시에 찬영하면서도 이들 부부가 함께 겪어야 했을 애절한 사연에 대해 서도 哀調의 가락을 드러내었다. 이로 보아 성호는 소재의 내용과 성격에 따른 전통적인 악부 명제를 준수하 면서 鑑戒論的 儒家史觀에 의거하여 작시하였음에 반해, 낙하생은 작품의 주인공에 대한 실명이나 호를 시제로 사용하면서 그들의 ‘本事’를 통한 작가의 솔직한 感慨인 ‘眞情’을 중국의 인물과 비교하여 시화하는 특성을 보여주고 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        石北 申光洙의 端宗 관련 시 연구

        신장섭 한국어문교육연구회 2005 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.33 No.4

        이 논문은 石北 申光洙가 영월부사 재임 시절 단종의 한과 체취가 남아 있는 사적과 누정을 찾아 읊은 시들을 살핀 것이다. 청령포에서는 단종이 無人孤島와 같은 곳에서 겪어야 했던 고초와 사육신들의 고난을 생각하며 그들을 향한 연민을 지극한 추모의 정으로 표출하였고, 子規를 소재로 한 시에서는 子規의 청각과 시각적 심상을 통해 단종의 비극적인 이미지를 최대한 고조시켰다. 그리고 장릉을 찾아서는 致祭와 復位를 해준 中宗과 肅宗의 덕에 깊이 감사하고 있으며 금강정 시와 기녀에게 준 시에서는, 지난 놀이들을 아련한 추억으로만 간직할 수밖에 없게 된 아쉬운 심정을 애잔하게 토로하였다. 이처럼 석북 시의 美感은 시상을 전개함에 있어 특별히 기교를 부리거나 노골적인 표현이 없는 溫柔敦厚한 정취와 眞情의 표출, 그리고 敍景과 抒情을 절묘하게 조화하면서 자신의 애절한 처지와 심경을 고도로 응축시킨 수법이 그 특징이라 하겠다. This thesis examines Seokbook's poems written in memory of King Danjong for about one and a half year from the year when he went into government office as the deputy delegate of Yeongwol until he withdrew from his office and came home. In Cheonglyongpo, he expressed his compassion for and affection toward Danjong and suffering the king had in a deserted island as well as for six dead subject's hardship. In poems dealing with cuckoos, he heightened acute images that culminate in Danjong's tragic image via the birds' auditory and visual poetic imagination. When visiting Jangleung tomb, the poet thanked King Jungjong for his reconstruction of the tomb and rites for subjects and deeply expressed gratitude to King Sukjong not only for his enshrining of the king's name in a temple but also for naming the tomb and the restoration of kingship. The poet outpoured his sorrow and lingering feeling toward the memory of the past leisure in the poem about Geumgang pavilion before going home and the poem devoted to a dancing lady(gisaeng). As such, Seokbook's poems, in developing his poetic images, are characterized by the technique that concentrates on his pathetic situation and state of mind in harmony with amiable and gentle mood and feeling without exerting poetic skills and outspoken expression.

      • KCI등재

        법치주의 기업론 - 주주 자본주의와 이해관계자 자본주의를 넘어서

        신장섭 한국제도∙경제학회 2022 제도와 경제 Vol.16 No.2

        The corporation is the backbone of capitalism and the main driver of Korea’s economic miracle. However, anti-business sentiment and policies have been strengthened in Korea for a quite a long while. This paper argues that this has to do with the fact is because the shareholder value view and the stakeholder view, two polarized and unrealistic ideologies, have dominated the discussion on the corporate purpose. It then suggests the liberalist real entity view as a logical and realistic alternative to them. The view can be also called the “legalistic view of the corporation” because it is consistent with legal principles of the joint-stock corporation. This paper begins with the “Two Corporate Axioms,” i.e. the joint-stock corporation system and market competition, which is the undeniable reality corporations face, and derives the “Eight Corporate Theorems” as logical extentions of the axioms. It then critically examine the shareholder value view and the stakeholder view and proposes suggestions for managers and policy-makers to develop corporations as a long-term community for co-prosperity. 기업은 자본주의의 중추이고 한국 경제기적의 주체인데도 불구하고 국내에는 반(反)기업 정서와 반(反)기업정책이 갈수록 강화되고 있다. 이 글은 ‘주주가치론’과 ‘이해관계자론’이라는 비현실적이고 양극화된 기업목적론이 담론을 지배하고 있기 때문이라는 사실을 지적하고, “자유주의 법인실체론”을 대안으로 내놓는다. 주식회사 제도라는 기본 정신과 법체계에 맞는 기업론이기 때문에 ‘법치주의 기업론’이라고도 할 수 있는 제안이다. 이 글은 어느 누구도 부인할 수 없는 ‘2대 기업공리,’ 즉 주식회사제도와 시장경쟁이라는 기업의 현실에서 출발해 ‘8대 기업명제’를 도출하며 대안적 기업론을 구축한다. 이어서 주주가치론과 이해관계자론을 비판하고, 기업을 “장기번영공동체”로 발전시켜 나가기 위한 법치주의 기업경영 및 정책 제언을 담았다.

      • KCI등재

        歲時紀俗詩를 통한 조선 후기 歲時風俗의 의미와 양상

        신장섭 한국비교문학회 2008 比較文學 Vol.0 No.46

        This study is to have checked meaning of creation background of the works which you use a work produced in collaboration form of four stanza jeunche, and described social conditions of popular manners and customs and recognition and New Year manners and customs and potery attitude of writers along of life of the people one out of custom-descriptive poetry expressing New Year manners and customs. Works which you infused to parts of the chosun poetryㆍchosun's tendency which did in order to you were intoxicated by a material and environment at chosun things, and a chosun the latter term got out at the standard which was a Chinese enemy in use of poetic word and an authentic precedent and to put on a chosun poetic expression, and reflected ethnic unique manners and customs and social conditions were created in great quantity. Writers named custom-descriptive poetry composing poem of this a style of poetry, which did New Year manners and customs only to a material especially appeared to this a style of poetry if it came in the 19th century. Generally, the illustrious official that writers of custom-descriptive poetry were ruined was, middle of people births. Therefore, the motive which it can easily approach in their world of the people falling behind became, and it is what it did so as it does so as to have great affection and interest in a life of them soon and manners and customs to rise, and to be able to make a poetry of New Year manners and customs. And it was thing that their attitude to attend to a creation carried faithfully out psychiatry, a tradition of yue-pu poetry called bopungto that make up for history through poet for a life about on-scene detailed information that was all eyes, informed of manners and customs of the people. While the writers who had this clear consciousness accept intensively from their manners and customs and life quotient by affection regarding the people and warm eyes. Sometimes were plain of them, and freedom was wild, and it seemed to be a humor, and form anger called an active figure to humorous methods. As this, leave to value recognition regarding culture unique us and early records described ethnic unique New Year manners and customs or a region custom life of each regional a country society and mainly popular manners and customs and lives state on a life of a farmhouse to stress in this dry sanctions or contents planes created in consciousness of coherent writers that preserved. And you got out of traditional style in poetic word, and you used directly that come into term at a proverb or manners and customs ethnic us like noreongjaㆍthe tree tag which you own to when you give to a draft in a palace, and you went in and out of comes out, jemiseong etc and attempted a change of an expression method. Then, To have described effectively a custom mood and ethnic unique emotion, achieved the accomplishment of realism aesthetics at points that described you looked, at this accepted from value regarding unique our culture and recognition, and having reflected, at points showed that moving toward a nation and people of chinese poetry and you will do. Is done so, and custom-descriptive poetry is to have been able to become that puts with forms of chosun literature to sing about its reality and feeling. This study is to have checked meaning of creation background of the works which you use a work produced in collaboration form of four stanza jeunche, and described social conditions of popular manners and customs and recognition and New Year manners and customs and potery attitude of writers along of life of the people one out of custom-descriptive poetry expressing New Year manners and customs. Works which you infused to parts of the chosun poetryㆍchosun's tendency which did in order to you were intoxicated by a material and environment at chosun things, and a chosun the latter term got out at the standard which was a Chinese enemy in use of poetic word and an authentic precedent and to put on a chosun poetic expression, and reflected ethnic unique manners and customs and social conditions were created in great quantity. Writers named custom-descriptive poetry composing poem of this a style of poetry, which did New Year manners and customs only to a material especially appeared to this a style of poetry if it came in the 19th century. Generally, the illustrious official that writers of custom-descriptive poetry were ruined was, middle of people births. Therefore, the motive which it can easily approach in their world of the people falling behind became, and it is what it did so as it does so as to have great affection and interest in a life of them soon and manners and customs to rise, and to be able to make a poetry of New Year manners and customs. And it was thing that their attitude to attend to a creation carried faithfully out psychiatry, a tradition of yue-pu poetry called bopungto that make up for history through poet for a life about on-scene detailed information that was all eyes, informed of manners and customs of the people. While the writers who had this clear consciousness accept intensively from their manners and customs and life quotient by affection regarding the people and warm eyes. Sometimes were plain of them, and freedom was wild, and it seemed to be a humor, and form anger called an active figure to humorous methods. As this, leave to value recognition regarding culture unique us and early records described ethnic unique New Year manners and customs or a region custom life of each regional a country society and mainly popular manners and customs and lives state on a life of a farmhouse to stress in this dry sanctions or contents planes created in consciousness of coherent writers that preserved. And you got out of traditional style in poetic word, and you used directly that come into term at a proverb or manners and customs ethnic us like noreongjaㆍthe tree tag which you own to when you give to a draft in a palace, and you went in and out of comes out, jemiseong etc and attempted a change of an expression method. Then, To have described effectively a custom mood and ethnic unique emotion, achieved the accomplishment of realism aesthetics at points that described you looked, at this accepted from value regarding unique our culture and recognition, and having reflected, at points showed that moving toward a nation and people of chinese poetry and you will do. Is done so, and custom-descriptive poetry is to have been able to become that puts with forms of chosun literature to sing about its reality and feeling.

      • KCI등재
      • 詠史樂府 작가의 古代史 認識에 대하여(2)

        신장섭 경민대학 산학기술연구소 1999 경민대학연구논총 Vol.2 No.1

        This paper focuses on surveying what the writers of Youngsa-Yuefu think about Dangun, Geeja and the orthodoxy of our history. These writers mostly accept the existence of Dangun, Geeja Chosun but some writers doubt and refuse to accept it's existence based on myth or legend. They also reveal the growth of a national view of history by constructing the system of our history through the reestablishment of the orthodoxy of our country linked from Dangun and Geeja to Mahan and Silla.

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