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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        블랙의 상징성을 응용한 패션디자인 개발

        신은진 ( Eun Jin Shin ),최현숙 ( Hyon Sook Choi ) 한국패션디자인학회 2014 한국패션디자인학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        As we enter the modern age, black has come to be highlighted as a fashion color that has a sophisticated image in terms of color image. As the color black is widely used in various genres of modern culture, a thorough inquiry into this color has become indispensable to the understanding of modern fashion. This study inquires into the characteristics and image of the color black, and extracted six main themes from positive images in modern black fashion. Thus, the purpose of this study is to present examples of integration between design theory and practice. The methodology of this study is inquiry into the definition of the color black, its characteristics, and image in terms of color tone through literature review. Research on vicissitudes within black fashion throughout fashion history covers from antiquity to the 20th century. The positive images black fashion has in women`s fashion of late should be noted, and six significant image types have been extracted; powerful femininity, symbolization of affluence, glamour, professionalism, sophistication, and popularity. Three items for each of these six themes were designed and manufactured. The positive images black fashion has in women`s fashion of late should be noted, and six significant image types have been extracted; powerful femininity, symbolization of affluence, glamour, professionalism, sophistication, and popularity. Three items for each of these six themes were designed and manufactured in accordance with current trends.

      • KCI등재

        LMS사용에 관한 학습자 평가

        신은진(Shin Eun-jin) 동아시아일본학회 2017 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.64

        본고에서는 국내 대학교 교육현장에서 학습관리시스템(이하, LMS)를 활용한 블렌디드러닝(이하, BL) 기반의 일본어 수업설계 및 교수전략을 구축하기 위하여 LMS 사용 현황을 살펴보았다. 또한 2017학년도 1학기 ‘일본어작문’의 BL수업 실천을 통하여 설문지조사 (협력자 배경 조사, 수업만족도 조사, 이클래스 관련 조사)를 실시하고 학습자의 LMS 사용 및 평가를 분석, 고찰하였다. 그 결과, 수업 전체에 대한 만족도 및 학습 성취도, 수업에서의 LMS 활용 및 만족도가 모두 높게 나타났으나 상호간 유의한 상관은 확인할 수 없었다. 한편 LMS 사용만족도와 학습자 자신의 활용도는 비례하고 있었다. 또한 학습자가 LMS 기능 중 필요로 하는 것은 코멘트, 토론 등 상호교류 중심 기능이 아니라 수업 동영상 업로드와 같은 오프라인 환경보완이라는 것을 알게 되었다. 향후 대학교 교육현장에서 LMS를 활용하여 참가자가 상호작용하는 BL수업을 설계, 운영하기 위해서는 LMS의 인터페이스 및 기능 개발, 정비가 우선되어야할 것이다. 또한, 교수자 입장에서는 LMS를 전제로 한 교수법과 수업운영 기법 등 교육학적, 교육공학적 시점을 보완해야 할 것이라 생각된다. The purpose of this study is to design and make instructional strategy of Japanese lecture based on Blended Learning (BL) using Learning Management System (LMS). In this paper, it was examined the use of LMS in the Korean universities. In addition, on the first term of the 2017, the questionnaire survey (learner’s background and class satisfaction, e-class survey) was conducted in the ‘Japanese Writing’ based on BL. As a result, Satisfaction with Japanese writing classes, student"s learning achievement, use of LMS in class, satisfaction with LMS use all points were scored high. However, there was no correlation between class satisfaction and LMS use. On the other hand, satisfaction of LMS use was proportional to learners" own utilization. Also, the learner needed not a commucation or interaction function. they want some complementary feature of offline environment such as class video uploading. To utilizing LMS in universities, the interface and function development and maintenance of LMS should be done first. And it wll be designing and operating Japanese class based on BL as participants interact and communicate each other. Finally, university teachers should has perspectives such as teaching methods and instructional management techniques based on LMS.

      • KCI등재

        일본어수업 블렌디드러닝 실천연구 - 교직과목 “논리와 논술”의 LMS활용 -

        신은진 ( Shin Eun-jin ) 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.45

        본고는 학습관리시스템(Learning Management System: 이하 LMS)을 활용한 일본어 수업의 블렌디드 러닝(Blended learning: 이하 BL) 중 교직 과목 “논리 및 논술” 과목의 실천 결과를 보고한 것이다. 수강생은 모두 4학년이었으며 수강 당시 교육 실습을 앞둔 상태에 있었다. 또한 교직 과목의 경우 이수자에게 세차례 이상의 모의수업 시연(촬영 후 영상 제출)이 의무적으로 부과되므로 일본어교육 이론과 더불어 수업 실기도 병행해야 한다는 문제가 있었다. 이에 본 수업 실천에서는 교실 수업과 더불어 LMS를 사용한 이클래스를 운영하고, 모의수업을 실시하고 평가하기 위하여 수업행동 분석실 사이트를 병용하였다. 또한 교수자-학습자간, 학습자-학습자간 커뮤니케이션 툴로 이클래스와 모바일 메신저를 병용하였다. 향후 블렌디드러닝은 본고의 실천처럼 수강생과 과목 특성에 맞추어 설계하고 실행하는 과정에서 온라인 매체를 상호 블렌딩 하는 등 다양한 방법이 모색되고 시행될 것이다. 본 실천에 앞서 제기한 LMS사용 유지와 BL의 장단점에 대한 의문은 본고의 실천으로 어느 정도 해소되었다고 본다. 향후 “좋은 수업”을 위하여 BL뿐만 아니라 교수학습법의 공유와 전달을 통한 교수자간 소통과 협동을 위하여 노력하고자 한다. This case study reports the results of the practice of the the blended learning (BL) using the Learning Management System (LMS):"Logic and essay" as a teaching profession in Japanese Course. All the students were 4 grade, should going to outside to Teaching Practice one month during the class. Also, Three or more simulated class demonstrations are mandatory for them: they had to deal with the theory of Japanese education as well as the practical training. So, Lessons had managed as 3 ways: Classroom, E-class and class Demonstration. And E-class and mobile messenger were used as communication tools between teacher-learners and learners-learners. Blended learning will be sought and implemented in various ways such as blending online media in the process of designing and executing according to the Needs of learners and subjects. To run a better class for students, the researcher plans to communicate and collaborate with teachers through the sharing and communication of teaching and learning methods including BL.

      • KCI등재

        비대면 일본어수업에 대한 학습자 만족도 조사 - JLPT 문법수업 피드백을 중심으로 -

        신은진 ( Shin Eun-jin ) 한국일어일문학회 2022 日語日文學硏究 Vol.121 No.-

        本稿は、2021年度1学期、大学の日本語教育現場でJLPT第1次試験を控えて施行された日本語授業を対象とした授業実践研究である。本研究の目的は、非対面日本語授業が続く中でJLPT受験を控えた学習者(日本語専攻者)の授業満足度を教師のフィードバックに対する評価を中心に考察することである。 本実践は正規授業ではなく特別講義の性格であり、JLPTの「言語知識領域」の中で、文法·文型中心の内容である。指定教材を使用し、学習者が先に動画を視聴して、教材の模擬試験を解いた後、リアルタイムオンライン授業(ZOOM)で授業を聞きながら質疑応答を進める、一種のフリップラーニング形式の授業であった。 授業終了後に実施された学習者調査は、事前の好感度調査と満足度調査に分けられる。先ず、事前調査では受講時間、授業内容、担当教授者、指定教材、進度について5段階で好感度を調べ、受講生が授業全体に対して反感を持っていないことが分かった。 満足度調査では、授業方式、授業内容、講義対象、担当教師、評価に分けて満足度を調べている。 先ず、〔授業方式]では、動画、ZOOM、LMSに対する満足度を調べた。そして、[授業内容]では、授業カテゴリ、内容理解、フィードバックについて調査した。[講義対象]調査は、単語、文法、文型で構成され、[担当教師]の満足度は授業準備、授業進行、質疑応答という項目を設けていた。最後に、 [評価]項目では、評価基準と評価方法、評価内容に対する満足度を調査した。 その結果、全ての項目において、満足群と不満群がほぼ一定数となって現れていることがわかった。従って、授業満足度と教師のフィードバックとの相関より、学習者個人の日本語レベルや好みが結果により強く影響を及ぼしたのではないかと考えられた。 This paper is a practical study of Japanese language education at a university in the first semester of 2021 under COVID19. The purpose of this study is to consider the lesson satisfaction of learners (Japanese majors) who are about to take the JLPT exam during non-face-to-face Japanese lessons focusing on the evaluation of teachers' feedback. This practice is not a regular class but a special lecture. The content is centered on grammar and sentence patterns in the "Language Knowledge Area" of the JLPT. The learner first watched the video, solved the mock exam of the designated teaching materials, and then conducted a real-time online lesson (ZOOM). The students were flip-learning class in which they asked and answered questions while listening to the teacher's class. The learner survey conducted after the class is divided into a preliminary survey about what they liked and a satisfaction survey. First, in the preliminary survey, the likability was examined in five stages regarding the time taken, the content of the lesson, the professor in charge, the designated teaching materials, and the progress. As a result, it was found that the students were not dissatisfied with the whole class. In the satisfaction survey, satisfaction was examined by classifying the lesson method, lesson content, lecture target, teacher in charge, and evaluation. First, in [Class method], the degree of satisfaction with video, ZOOM, and LMS was examined. Then, in [Class Content], we investigated the class category, content understanding, and feedback. The [Lecture Target] survey consisted of words, grammar, and sentence patterns, and the satisfaction level of the [teacher in charge] included items such as lesson preparation, lesson progress, and question and answer. Finally, in the [Evaluation] item, the evaluation criteria, evaluation method, and satisfaction with the evaluation contents were investigated. As a result, the response ratios of the satisfied and dissatisfied groups were almost constant in all questions. Therefore, it was considered that the individual Japanese level and preference of the learner had a stronger influence on the result than the correlation between the lesson satisfaction and the teacher's feedback.

      • KCI우수등재

        소득별 1인가구의 거주지 선택에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구

        신은진(Shin Eun-Jin),안건혁(Ahn Kun-Hyuck) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2010 國土計劃 Vol.45 No.4

        This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the effects of neighborhood elements on the choice of residential location of single-person households. A binomial Logit Model was used to analyze this relationship. Analytical results show that single-person households tend to be located in areas where commuting distance is short and crime rate is low regardless of income level. The results indicate that the majority of those in the middle class select the region with the most adequate subway accessibility. In connection with amenities, the study indicates that large commercial facilities have a positive effect on the choice of residential location of the upper and middle income group, whereas open space is related to the choice of residential location of lower and middle classes. In addition, members of the lower income group prefer to dwell near welfare facilities, whereas those in the upper class prefer not to live around such facilities. The results of this study could be used basic guideline for housing policy for working single-person households across the income levels.

      • KCI등재

        학습자 다양화 수용을 위한 프리스터디 ― 시각장애 대학생의 일본어 교수학습 사례를 통하여 ―

        辛銀眞 ( Shin Eun-jin ) 한국일어교육학회 2022 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.59

        본 연구는 ‘다양화’를 향해 나아가는 국내 대학교 일본어교육 현장의 실천 보고를 위한 예비연구로, 사례 연구의 성격을 갖는다. 본고에서는 특히 ‘일어일문학과’를 전공으로 선택한 시각장애 대학생 J의 입학 배경과 일본어 교수학습 현황에 대하여 알아보고 학습자 다양화에 대한 인식을 제고하고자 한다. J는 서울맹학교에서의 중고등학교 과정을 거쳐 2021년도 장애인 특별전형으로 국립I대학교에 입학하였다. J와의 인터뷰를 통하여 J가 대학교에 입한 한 동기 및 일본어를 전공으로 선택한 이유를 알게 되었다. 그가 진학한 이유는 다른 ‘보통’ 학생들과 함께하고 싶어서이고 일본어를 전공으로 선택한 이유는 고등학교 때 재미있게 학습한 경험이 있어서 할 수 있을 거라는 생각이 들었기 때문이었다. 한편 수업관찰을 통하여 시각장애학생 J에게 일본어를 학습한다는 것이 단순한 문제가 아님도 알게 되었다. 듣기와 말하기는 크게 문제가 없었지만 읽기와 쓰기 면에서는 특히 일본어의 한자 문제가 앞으로도 그에게 큰 벽이될 것이다. 또한 코로나 이후 실시간 온라인 수업이 대면수업으로 전환된다 하여도 시청각 자료를 어떻게 지원받을 것인가는 큰 과제이다. J가 2학년 이후 다시 어떤 선택을 할지 알 수 없으나 고등교육 현장의 다양화는 확대될 것이다. 향후 조사를 계속하며 어학 교수자로서 그의 교수학습을 지원하고자 한다. This study is a kind of case study for 'diversity education'. The subject of this study is J, a visually impaired university student who has chosen the 'Japanese Language and Literature' as his major. The result of the investigation is as follows. First of all, an interview with J shows that the motivation for entering the university and the reason why he chose Japanese as his major were extremely simple. He just wanted to communicate and learn with ‘ordinary people’. Next, class observation clearly shows that there was a problem in learning Japanese for J. Reading and writing, especially Chinese characters in Japanese, will be great obstacles for him in the future. Also, how to receive support for audiovisual materials after the COVID-19 pandemic is a great challenge. It is unknown what choice J will make again after the sophomore year, but the diversification of members in the higher education field will expand. In the future, I will continue this research and keep support his learning as a language instructor.

      • KCI등재

        비대면 동영상 일본어수업의 강의만족도 -언택트 “일본어작문”에 대한 학습자 평가-

        신은진(Shin, Eun-Jin) 한국일본어학회 2021 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.68

        This study aims to pursue a Japanese language teaching and learning design that can be applied to the future educational environment change in the post-corona era called Untact New Normal. As a starting point, the study analyzed the lecture satisfaction rates of Japanese learners who are currently taking non-face-to-face online classes. Further, the current online teaching method was reviewed, results of which were then adopted to gain implications for preparing the new online teaching. In the 2nd semester of 2020, Japanese writing classes were delivered in the online mode using pre-recorded lecture videos and learners’ satisfaction with the lectures was surveyed in terms of (1) L earning content satisfaction, (2) Class management satisfaction, (3) Learning effect (achievement) satisfaction, (4) Learning evaluation satisfaction, and (5) Learning tool satisfaction. Results of the survey revealed that the satisfaction level of (1) and (2) was generally high, but (3) [writing ability] was evaluated low, and (4) [regular test] and [absolute evaluation] showed low satisfaction. In addition, (5) in terms of using LMS, the satisfaction with the learning tool was very low, indicating the urgent need to improve the teaching and learning environment in the future.

      • KCI우수등재

        서울시 아파트 단지의 주거환경 유형별 주거만족도 결정요인에 관한 연구

        신은진(Shin, Eun-Jin),남진(Nam, Jin) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2012 國土計劃 Vol.47 No.5

        This study aims to evaluate residential environment based on safety, convenience and amenity, and to find determinants of residential satisfaction according to residential environment of apartment complex in Seoul. For this purpose, apartment complex was clustered with 4-groups(Convenience deteriorated area, Amenities deteriorated area, Convenience good area, Amenities good area) based upon the residential environment evaluation through the cluster analysis. And it shows that physical environment and residential satisfaction were not matched through the survey about residential satisfaction for each area type. The determinants as residential satisfaction by residential environment types were analyzed through the multiple-regression analysis. The result is that the decision factors of the residential satisfaction are showed differently by residential environment characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        ブレンデッドラ一ニング授業の設計と運營 -「メディア日本語」の實踐を通して-

        신은진 ( Shin Eun-jin ) 한국일어교육학회 2016 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.37

        本硏究は、學習メディアを活用したより效果的な日本語授業の設計と運營を模索したものである。本稿では、2016年度1學期に、ブレンデッドラ一ニング(Blended Learning:以下BL)を取り入れた授業實踐の成果と課題を報告する。硏究方法は、鈴木(2008)の敎育設計手法ADDIEを援用した。學習者および學習環境·敎科の分析、授業設計、敎材·活動の開發、授業および活動の實施、評價および共有というプロセスを經ている。また、授業および活動は必要に應じて改善を試みた。「メディア日本語」科目の受講生は、學習背景、日本語學習歷が異なる15人であり、主に1年生で構成されている。授業は、大學のLMSを使ったオンラインによる事前學習、オフラインの通常の授業およびパソコンを使用したグル一プ單位の敎室活動、再びLMS上で行うコメントおよびフィ一ドバック活動の順に行われた。本稿では、授業の中の「文法活動」「メディア活動」「グル一プ發表」のプロセスを記述し、分析、考察を行った。また、學期終了後のインタビュ一調査から得られた學習者の意見、感想を載せた。その結果、授業、活動に關する學習者の滿足度は高く現れたが、LMSを使った事前學習およびコメント、フィ一ドバック活動は円滑に行われていないことがわかった。また、その原因は、評價方法であることが明らかになった。今後、活動のプロセスに重点を置いて評價の問題を改善し、日本語授業の設計と運營にBLの長所を活かしていきたい。 This study is aimed to improving the Japanese class design and management with utilizing learning media. In this paper, it was reported the achievements and tasks of the Japanese class used the BL(Blended Learning) in 2016 first semester. Research methods are based on ADDIE(Suzuki 2008): Analysis the learners and learning environment, Design the "Media Japanese", Development teaching materials and classroom activities, Implement the class, Evaluating and sharing the results. 15 students has different Japanese learning histories and needs. BL was performed as follow: first, do the pre-learning using the LMS. And doing classroom activities by computers. Finally, do the comments and feedback using the LMS again. In this paper, "grammar activity", "media activity" and "Group presentation" had analyzed and discussed. In addition, the comments of learners from interviews after the semester has added. As a result, all learners had showed high satisfaction. But Pre-learning, comment and feedback on LMS had not performed succesfully. It is clear that the evaluation method is the cause. It is necessary to change the evaluation focus on the process. In the future, BL will be required on Japanese class design and management.

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