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      • Winesburg, Ohio 에 나타난 Grotesque한 사람들과 George Willard

        莘英子 단국대학교 대학원 1985 學術論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        Winesburg, Ohio is a collection of unified stories about a group of isolated people living in a small American Midwest town at the turn of the century, which is one of the most significant transitional periods in American history. It is a collection short stories, but each story does not separate but is connected by a young news reporter, the main character of this work, George Willard by the underlying theme. The figures of Winesburg usually personify to fantastic excess a various condition of psychic deformity which ane the consequencs of some crucial failurs in their lives, some aborted efforts to extend their personalities of proffer their love. Misogyny, inarticulateness, frigidity, God-infatuation, homosexuality, drunkenness-these are symptoms of their recoil from the regularities of human intercourse and sometimes of their substitude gratifications in inanimate objects. In other words, Sherwood Anderson, through most of his works, especially Winesburg, Ohio, described the isolated and repressed people of his time and their desire to be loved and recognized through mutual communication and understanding. In this way most of the characters in those short storieso are all grotesque. Of course, the over all expression that his short stories and sketches show is isolation, loneliness, and defeat. Those are all shown by grotesque people, and Anderson presents the process with singular depiction that the protagonist, young George Willard in Winesburg, Ohio, witnesses the grotesque living of a bitter life, and for himself builds a mature conscious world. It is quite natural that American fiction should take up human isolation as one of its major themes such as Leatherstocking Tales, The Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye. Because the history of America, in some sense, is the history of isolation. The first settlers in the New World were the isolated people who had escaped, in search of new life from their homs. For a few triumphant years after the publication of Winesburg, Ohio (1919), Ander son was acclaimed a master figure of modern literature.

      • KCI등재

        연잎 분말 함유 어묵의 품질 특성

        신영자 한국식품조리과학회 2007 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        This study was conducted to promote the utilization of fish paste with added lotus leaf powder as a food. The tested concentrations of lotus leaf powder were 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2%. All the samples of fish paste with added lotus leaf powder had 37% water content.For the Hunter color values, the L, a and b values of the fish paste decreased with increasing concentrations of lotus leaf powder. And the folding test presented a good score(AA).In the texture meter test, the gumminess, and brittleness decreased according to increasing concentrations of lotus leaf powder. However, the hardness, cohesiveness, and springiness of the fish paste were not significantly changed by the addition of lotus leaf powder.In the sensory evaluation, the lotus leaf flavor, hardness, and adhesiveness increased as the concentrations of lotus leaf powder increased. The fish paste with 0.5% lotus leaf powder(0.5 LP) showed the highest acceptance scores in terms of pleasant taste and springiness. The fish paste with 0.5% lotus leaf powder(0.5 LP) also showed the highest acceptance scores for appearance, flavor, taste, texture, and overall quality. Therefore, the results suggest that lotus leaf powder can be applied to fish paste to increase its quality and functionality. 연잎 분말을 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2%를 함유한 어묵을 제조하여 수분함량, 색도와 절곡검사, 기계적 texture, 관능검사, 기호도 검사 등의 품질특성을 조사하였다. 연잎 분말을 첨가한 연잎어묵의 수분함량은 모든 시료가 37%대의 수분을 함유하고 있어 고른 분포를 띠었다. 색도 변화에서 L, a, b값은 연잎 분말의 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 어묵의 유연성을 나타내는 절곡검사에서는 모든 시료에서 AA로 측정되어 연잎 분말의 첨가에 관계없이 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 연잎 분말을 첨가한 연잎어묵의 기계적 texture 특성에서는 경도, 응집성, 탄력성에서는 유의한 차가 인정되지 않았으나, 껌성과 파쇄성은 연잎 분말 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 어묵의 관능검사에서는 연잎의 향미, 경도, 부착성은 연잎 분말의 첨가량이 증가할수록 높게 나타났으나, 구수한 맛과 탄력성은 0.5 LP군이, 씹힘성은 1 LP군이 가장 높게 평가되었다. 어묵의 기호도 검사에서는 0.5 LP군이 외관의 기호도, 향미의 기호도, 맛의 기호도, 질감의 기호도, 전반적인 기호도 등의 모든 항목에서 가장 높은 평가를 받았다. 따라서 연잎을 첨가한 건강기능성 연잎 어묵의 가공 적성에 적절한 연잎의 첨가량은 0.5%가 적당하다고 사료되며 연잎을 함유한 고품질의 어묵의 제조 가능성을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        문헌학적 관점에서 본 노화(盧和)《식물본초(食物本草)》

        신영자,김광일 한국중국어문학회 2011 中國文學 Vol.68 No.-

        《食物本草》一書, 是正德年間盧和所撰的一部本草書, 也是明代本草學的代表性著作, 但是學界尙未進行深入的硏究。 本文著眼于這種情況專門討論《食物本草》的文獻特點, 尤其是撰者, 版本系統, 傳入朝鮮的原委, 刊行時期, 內醫院本的刊行, 體例及內容等基本問題, 其主要內容如下:第一, 現存中國刊行的《食物本草》 大槪有八種, 考慮各版本的 刊行人和刊行時期, 可知最初撰者爲東陽盧和;第二, 與《證類本草》, 《救荒本草》 等以前本草書不同, 《食物本草》 特別强調日常生活中的飮食習慣, 這種特點和當時流行的李?脾胃學說有密切的聯係;第三, 此書十六世紀中期傳入朝鮮後, 由朝鮮內醫院所刊行, 而內醫院本《食物本草》 現存校勘質量最爲優秀的版本;第四, 《食物本草》 將三百八十七種食物分爲水, 穀, 菜, 果, 禽, 獸, 魚, 味等八類, 簡明扼要地說明各各食物的味道, 性狀, 效能等本草學特點, 保持較高的學術價値, 因此爲《本草綱目》, 《東醫??》 等後代醫書所重視。

      • Matthew Arnold의 批評 小考

        辛英子 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1991 원우논총 Vol.9 No.-

        Matthew Arnold(1822∼1888), One of the most powerful literary critics of the nineteenth century England, tried to solve the problems of the victorian Age which is in a flux of the breakdown of faith, the rise of the city and its chaotic atomosphere as a poet and a critic. In this thesis, I analyzed his main ideas from his major works into Arnold's view criticism and literary, and his theory of poetry. The function of criticism, in Arnold's sense, is to create a current of fresh ideas, to establish an order of ideas, and to make 'the best that is known and thought in the world' prevail with disinterested endeavour. Arnold thought that the middle class should be invigorated by intelligence and a critical spirit, and cultivated by culture. He emphasized that a critic with disinterestedness and intellectual curiosity should have the reponsibility to interpret "the main movement of the mind" and make the best ideas propagate in the world. Literature whatever it is, would serve to recover culture and morality. Culture is the keyword of Arnold's criticism. Culture is the endeavour to know the best and to make in prevail, in turn benefiting humankind. Later, Arnold considered that the conception of culture is in touch each other with the ideas of criticism. 'Poetry is a criticism of life' is the most important dictum of Arnold's. Poetry can interpret and evaluate human life. He predicted that poetry would superseds religion as something to console us, to sustain, to form of life and eventually supply a spiritual refreshment. In an age of religious uncertainty, he offered culture and especially poetry, as a source of the total perfection of humanity. Thus be thought poetry and criticism make 'the best ideas' prevail and make the society reach the state of harmonious inner perfection and full development of humanity. His literary, social and religious criticism have influenced the 20th century criticism and his message can still serve much as for modern people as to those to solve current social problems analogous of today.

      • Thomas Sutpen의 悲劇性 硏究

        辛英子 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1989 원우논총 Vol.7 No.-

        This is a study of Thomas Sutpen's tragedy based on historical and mythical features and his innocense in Absalom, Absalom !. And also I have studied tragic human aspect through the southern history of America in his main novels The Sound and the Fury and Light in August. William Faulkner is one of the most important figures in 20th literature, especially he was known well to us with Faulkner's own territory, Yoknapatawpha County which had been setting his saga novels. In the series of intricately interwoven novels and short stories set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County in the state of Mississipi, Faulkner produced a major work of the imagination, one that transcends its setting in the American South to arrive at universal observations about the enduring lot of man, his suffering and his dignity. Through an intense, tortuous style that is involuted and unabashedly rhetorical there emerges in Faulkner's works a vision of mankind that may be compared to that of the Greek tragedies. Therefore, the theme was mostly about the tragic of South which was caused by collapse and degradation of old southern society's tradition in his works. And the characters have in common an obsession with the past, with glorious prewar South, and in a sense the story of Thomas Sutpen is an allegory for the history of the South. Absalom, Absalom ! is to create, through the utilization of all resources of fiction, a good tragic vision of historic dimension. As in the tragedies of the ancients and in the great myths of the old testament, the action represents issues of timeless moral significance. That Faulkner here links the decline of a social order caused from the fact of defeat of Civil War to an infraction of fundamental morality from the slavery system cannot be doubted. Absalom, Absalom ! is a condemnation of the morals, mores, and ethics of his own Southern Culture. Thomas Sutpen conceives and pursues a great design was started when the young Sutpen was insulted as the result of a strict caste system. If we are to understand the meaning of his tragedy, we must understand of Sutpen's innocence, even the Typical American innocence. Sutpen's trouble was amoral from his innocence and moral obtuseness. To accomplish the great design he should require money, a house, a plantation, slaves and a family. Sutpen's tragedy is that of refusing to recognize his son, Charles Bon. He rejects his son, because he has one drop of blackblood. Also, Henry rejects his brother, Bon and kills him, because Henry must forbid intermarriage between black and white. They imagine Bon as a tragic character who, in despair at not being acknowledged by Sutpen as his own son, deliberately taunts Henry into killing him with this remarks as : "So it's the miscegenation, not the incest, which you can't bear…, I'm the nigger that's going to sleep with your sister. Unless you stop me, Henry"(AA. pp.356, 358). Faulkner betrays the prevalent Southern obsession which is deeply rooted in the tear of mixed blood. But it seems that Faulkner himself could not afford to overcome the obsession against blackblood. He does not hate his first wife or feel repugnance of her child. He does not hate just as he does not love. His passion is totally committed to the design…. Sutpen thinks of himself as strictly just and he submits all of his faculties almost selflessly to the achievement of his design. I think the Sutpen's fall seem to contain as a myth of the fall of the Old South, like the fall of the house of Compson as depicted in The Sound and the Fury is also regarded as a kind of example of the fall of the old aristocratic order in the South. The title of the book, with its Biblical allusion, supports the hypothesis of Shreve and Quentin. Sutpen would not say "my son" to Bon as David said it to Absalom even after Absalom rebellion. And different as he was from his father, Henry acted in the end on the same racist principle, killing Bon finally to prevent not incest but miscegenation. The total action of the story that Quentin and Shreve finally reconstruct shows the tragic consequences of racism rather than affirms or unconsciously assumes it. The traumatic affront to his own humanity at the plantation door prompted Sutpen to adopt a code which was antithetical to his own nature and background ; and it became his nemesis, ruining his grand design. Jim Bond is a grotesque mockery of the dynasty he had envisioned. He is the offspring of Bon's son, Charles Etienne St. Valery Bon, and a "coal black and ape-like body of his charcoal companion in the faces of all and any who would retaliate." Faulkner believes that the South is hopelessly mired in provincial ignorance and obsessive racism, it can create only a Gothic distortion of life-rotting plantation houses and idiot progeny of hatred and despair. I think that Faulkner's message is that such is inevitably the consequence when a man deliberately repudiates his innate sense of humanity in an ambitious drive for power and status. The novel as a whole clearly repudiates Southern racism.

      • KCI등재

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