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        ‘여성을 위한 아시아평화국민기금’과 일본 사회의 인식

        신영숙(Shin Young Sook) 고려대학교 평화연구소 2008 평화연구 Vol.16 No.1

        1951년 체결된 샌프란시스코평화조약과 1965년 한일협정은 전후 피해자 보상 문제에서 국가간 보상은 끝났다고 한다. 그러나 한국사회에서 1990년대 초부터 본격적으로 제기된 일본군‘위안부’ 문제는 세계적인 이슈로 자리매김하면서 전후 배상과 사죄를 요구하는 해결운동도 국제 사회가 공감, 인정하기에 이르렀다. 본 연구는 ‘국민기금’의 실상을 파악하고 그에 대한 일본의 사회적 인식을 고찰하고자 한다. 일본을 정확히 아는 것이 우리의 문제를 해결하는데 당연히 필요할 것이기 때문이다. 1995년 7월 설립된 국민기금은 정부 예산과 국민 모금으로, 목표는 “‘군위안부’문제와 여성문제 해결”이라는 2개를 명기하고 있다. 실제 사업에서 한국, 네덜란드, 필리핀, 대만, 인도네시아 등 5개국의 일본군‘위안부’ 피해자에 대한 위로금 지급과 복지시설 설립 등을 운영, 실시하였다. 2007년 3월 기금은 최종적으로 해산되고 현재 디지털기념관이 운영되고 있다. 기금에 대한 평가는 일본 내에서도 성공적이었다고 강변하는 쪽과 실패하고 말았다는 의견이 크게 엇갈린다. 본 연구에서는 ‘기금’을 추진한 일본의 비교적 진보적이면서도 내셔널리리즘 입장의 정치인을 포함한 지식인들과 상대적으로 좌파 및 페미니즘에 경도된 지식인들의 기금에 대한 분명한 반대와 거부 입장이 대체로 크게 양분되어 있음에 초점을 맞추었다. 반대한 지식인들이 지적한 대체적인 문제점만 해도 다음과 같다. 1) 문제를 금전적 방법으로만 해결 하고자 함. 2) 반대를 표명한 피해당사자나 여성단체 의견을 일방적으로 무시함. 3) 국제 재판에 회부하려는 시민단체 등의 해결 운동을 무력화함. 4) 일본 내 입법에 의한 보상 해결방안을 봉쇄함. 5) 역사교과서 서술이나 역사적 교훈으로 삼는다는 목표도 실행하지 못함. The San Francisco Peace Treaty concluded in 1951 and the Agreement between Korea and Japan in 1965, alluded that the compensation between these two countries for postwar victims has been over. But the matter of Japanese military ‘comfort women’ (who were forced to work as sex slaves) seriously claimed in Korea since the beginning of 1990s has been set up as a global issue and thus, there has been an overseas sympathy brought with political and social movements for postwar reparation and apologies. This study intends to find out the actual state of ‘Asian Women’s Fund(AWF)’ and to consider Japan’s social recognition of the ‘Fund’. It needs to be the first consideration that we know exactly about Japan in order to solve our own problem. The ‘AWF’ established in July 1995 is based on the Korean Government budget and its people’s donations. Its objective is the settlement of both matters of wartime (Japanese military) ‘comfort women’ and women’s issues of nowadays. The ‘AWF’ played a role in making amends for the victims of wartime ‘comfort women’ in the five countries of Korea, the Netherlands, Philippine, Taiwan, and Indonesia. In this regard, it also has built and operated the welfare facilities. The ‘AWF’ was eventually dissolved on March 2007 and instead the Digital memorial hall is currently organized. There are two deep different opinions about the fund who says that it performed well, whereas others say it failed. In this thesis, they are almost largely seperated into two stands of the comparatively progressive statesmen and intellectuals of the Japanese nationalism, who participated in ‘AWF’, and also the intellectuals of the (rather) socialism or feminism, who are placed at the definite attitude of the opposition, denial and resistance. The problems apparently revealed are as followed; 1) To fix the problem by the only monetary(consolation) way. 2) Ignore thoroughly the opinions of women(victims) and their organizations or parties who consistently professed opposition. 3) Cripple the movements and activities of Citizen groups who try to submit to International court. 4) Block the compensation plan in terms of the legislation in Japan. 5) Restrict the real descriptions of history textbooks and the historical lesson in school, etc.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        아시아태평양 전쟁기 조선인 종군간호부의 동원실태와 정체성

        신영숙 ( Shin Young Sook ) 한국여성사학회 2011 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.14

        아시아태평양 전시기 일본의 종군간호부들은 충군애국 또는 가계보조라는 의무를 큰 부담 없이 내면화하여 자신의 헌신을 자랑스럽게 여기기도 하였다. 그 대표적인 예가 적십자사 구호간호부이지만, 육군, 해군 간호부의 지원도 그런 사회적 배경에서 이루어 졌다. 그들은 말 그대로 `백의의 천사`를 선망하기도 하였던 것이다. 그러나 실제 전장에 임한 그들의 생활은 너무나 엄혹하였고, 그들에게 요구된 역할은 감당하기 어려운 정도였다. 대체로 16, 17세의 어린 소녀들에게 강요된 어머니, 또는 누이로써의 역할은 육체적 정신적 피로는 말할 것도 없거니와 폭격과 부상병 간호, 사망자의 처리까지 실로 엄청난 일이었음에 틀림없다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그들은 `황군`의 간호부라는 미명 탓에 내색도 하기 어려운 처지였다. 결국 하나에서부터 열까지 그들의 이상과 현실의 괴리를 맛보았으며, 지금도 그 상처는 가시지 않고 있다. 식민지 조선이나 대만의 간호부들은 일본 간호부와 또 다른 처지였다. 이들은 적십자간호부, 육군간호부, 기타 임시간호부로 구분한다는 것이 그리 분명한 작업은 아니다. 일적간호부와 육군간 호부의 구분은 간호부 양성과 모집의 주체에 따른 것이지만, 그 역할이나 실제 전장의 생활에서는 그들 사이에도 별 차이는 없었다. 그만큼 전장이란 조건이 혹독하였기 때문이며 그런 점에서는 모두 피해자라고 하는 것이 마땅하다. 일본인 간호부나 구호간호부 등과 조선인간호부의 차별은 특히 임시나 단기로 종군한 기타간호부의 경우 자격, 임금과 근로 시간 등 처우문제, 업무 자체의 차별 등에서 나타날 수 있다. 그들은 당연히 주사, 투약 등 환자의 간호라는 본업과 빨래 등 보조 업무 상의 차별을 경험하였으며, 민족적 성적 계급적 차별을 알게 모르게 경험하기도 하였다. 그 중에서도 기타 임시간호부로 따로 구분한 것은 여성 자신이 알고 응했는가, 교육을 받고 간호부를 한 것인가 등의 차이로 편의적으로 구분한 것이다. 이들이 별도의 교육도 없이, 또한, 자신의 의지와 무관하게 간호부의 역할을 다해야 했던 것이야말로 또 다른 강제동원의 피해라 할 수 있다. 당시 그들 사이에 별다른 차별을 느끼지 않았다 하더라도 종전 후 보상 등에서 아직도 큰 차별을 받고 있고, 귀국 후 모국에서의 상황도 힘들기만 하였던 것이다. 개인적인 처지의 어려움뿐만 아니라 사회적으로도 일본군의 협조자로 친일파처럼 지목될 수 있었기 때문이다. 그들은 아직도 자신을 사회에 떳떳이 드러내기를 꺼려하고 있다. 이러 것도 그들의 생활에 적잖은 차별과 실생활의 어려움을 가중케 하는 것이다. 전장에서 부상병을 돌보고 간호하는데 몸을 아끼지 않은 것은 친일 또는 전쟁 협조 여부를 떠나 그 때 그 곳에서 사람이 해야 할 도리였을 것이다. 그들 스스로도 당시에 부상병을 치료하여 다시 전장에 내보낸다는 것이 잘 한 일인가 하는 의문을 갖게 되고, 때문에 전후 반전, 염전, 평화 의식이 싹트지 않을 수 없었다. 본 연구가 그들의 상처를 조금이라도 보듬고 치유하는 데 일조하는 밑거름이 되기를 바라마지 않는다. War nurse is a general term for “nurses sent to the battlefield to attend on wounded soldiers”. During the second Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War, the shortage of nurses were made up by new recruits from Japanese Red Cross and army volunteers, whose number and identities are not clear. One Japanese dictionary defined that nurses were called “angels in white” and nursing was one of honorable occupations for women. In principle, military nurses could be divided into two groups; the Red Cross relief nurses who had received trainings from institutions like the Red Cross, and nurses who were recruited into the army. But in this thesis, three groups are divided temporarily. 1) Red Cross Relief Nurse : Nurses in this category had pride as female professionals devoted to the authority of the Japanese Emperor and nation. Their spontaneity was encouraged on an institutional level. 2) Army Nurse : These nurses thought that their sacrifice as women in a patriarchical society was compensated by the opportunity to improve themselves. They considered themselves proud members of the military and faithful (second grade) citizens of the Japanese Empire. 3) Temporary Nurse, Practical Nurse and Nurse Intern, etc. : These nurses were mobilized while in training. Many of them were inexperienced, but they could not resist the social imperative. Many temporary nurses (臨看) or hired women (傭人) were mobilized as reserve labor force. They were subject to discrimination at work and with regard to the social position, and had no guarantee for the status. Military nurses in colonial Choson were female professionals of a modern, but largely patriarchical society. They supported their families and had the chance to improve their social status. This, in addition to the pressure from the Japanese Government-General, motivated them to respond to the call for recruits without much hesitation. They also were mobilized under the name of “angels in white” and played a key role for the communication between Japanese doctors and wounded Choson soldiers. There were widespread discrimination in favor of Japanese nurses or relief nurses in training (education), wage, working hour and job description. In addition to the regular works of caring the sick, such as injection and drug preparation, they had to do the washing and other chores and experienced discrimination on the grounds of nationality, gender and class. The situation was even worse for those who had previously been ordinary army employees, such as `comfort women`, before they were incorporated as the temporary nurses. All of them are the poor victimes during the second Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        대한제국 시기 가부장제와 여성생활

        신영숙(Shin Young-sook) 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 1995 여성학논집 Vol.11 No.-

        While the Daehan Empire enacted some social reforms to eliminate the accumulated feudal contradictions, the imperialist invasion of world powers were accelerated, especially Japan seeking to colonize the Daehan Empire. Under these circumstances modernization in official and private sectors proceeded to such extent that women's lives changed dramatically for the first time in Korean history. I researched the historical relation between society and women by studying the patriarchy in the Daehan Empire from the viewpoint of ideology and establishments and by scrutinizing corpus related women's real lives. At that time there were various women's problems: women's education, the relationship between marriage and family, and family life. I tried to grasp and explain the relating aspects between women's social activities and traditional patiarchy. Though the traditional feudal patriarchy was collasping, the transition to modern society was not easy. Feudal conventionalities still dominated moral values and social practices. At the same time efforts to overcome these practices were made. The foremost demand of that period was the development of national power and children's education for future. So, women's problems were not taken into consideration from the feminist point of view. Women's education was focused on producing good wives and wise mothers(賢母良妻) in a modern sense. It was recognized that women's position in the feudal patriarchy was the worst obstacle to the progress of history and the creation of new society. As a concequence, all of society became aware of women's role in society-women can, and should take part in the social activities as a citizen. That was the greatest of all social changes and the highest in the development of consciousness during the Daehan Empire. That also influenced social change and development. Owing to the limitation of awareness of women's problems, Korean feudal patriarchy was transformed, not destroyed. Women's movement had these difficulties, and yet for one reason or another, women were individually devoted to social movement. Women's involvement in the social movement in that period founded the succeeding women's movement-it has historical significance in women's movement. But they were not watched the especial women's rather than in the point of growing the national power for the nation's future. Of course the new consciousness of the women, that was the women were the lawful citizens and they performed their rules as possible as they could, broke out violently. The contemporary opinion and recognition was for it generally.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        라이프스타일에 따른 공동주택 선호 디자인 특성 연구

        신영숙(Shin Young-Sook) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.25 No.9

        The purpose of this study was to identify the public apartment resident's design preferences by lifestyle patterns. The data were collected by research methods committed to middle class apartment complex residents, and analysed by spss statistical packages. The sample consisted of 253 residents. The results of this study were as follows : 1) Lifestyle patterns were identified 4 types, and it is generally represented by 4 age groups, from 20's to 50's. 2) The most standard design reference group was revealed in age 40's by their most positive and active preferences among 4 life style groups. They want more differentiated and diversified housing design and facilities and their usages in every aspects of homelife. 3) Age 20's and 30's groups were also represented characteristically for their future oriented design tastes. 4) Resident's degree of design preferences were identified to reaching amenity level. Further considerations of preferred design tastes in near future were suggested.

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