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        대규모 택지개발예정지구내 거주민의 생활양식에 따른 이주성향에 관한 연구 I - 대구 신서혁신도시를 중심으로 -

        신민석,하재명,박선경,Shin, Min-Seok,Ha, Jae-Myung,Park, Sun-Kyung 한국주거학회 2008 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        This study aims to analysis the migration tendency according to the residents' lifestyle in a large residential estate development. The lifestyle of residents in the suburban area who make their life by agriculture is different from that in the inner city. It may affect on the migration tendencies of the residents. Sin-seo residential land development district is located in the suburban of Daegu is chosen as the case study. This study examines the characteristics of residents' lifestyle and their migration tendency and analyzes the correlation between them. According to the results, the appropriate countermeasures to support the migrants are drawn as follows; First, the people who want to resettle and continue to do farming in the same place should be compensated with housing lands near their farmlands. Second, the residents who want to carry on a small business should be provided with the housing land near to the commercial zones. Third, the size of the new neighborhood unit should be enough to preserve the existing social structure as the social relationship among the neighbors is one of the most important factors in rural communities. Fourth, the high level of housing attachment of the residents needs to remain by maintaining the names of villages and roads of the neighborhoods. It is required to consider the lifestyle of residents and active communities when large residential land development district is planed in the suburban.

      • KCI등재

        퀴루스의 감독 테오도레투스의 기독론

        신민석 ( Min Seok Shin ) 한국개혁신학회 2014 한국개혁신학 Vol.43 No.-

        퀴루스의 감독 테오도레투스는, 5세기 그리스도의 신-인 양성의 문제를 둘러싼 기독론 논쟁에서 안디옥 학파의 대변자로 활약했던 주요 인물이다. 그리스도의 신-인 양성에 대한 테오도레투스의 신학적 이해와 입장은 특히 그가 저술한 네 작품, 『바른 신앙의 설명』, 『키릴의 12개조 저주문에 대한 비판』, 『주의 성육신에 관해』, 그리고 『수집인』에서 드러난다. 테오도레투스는 인간의 이성을 통한 그리스도의 신-인 양성에 대한 완전한 이해는 불가능하다는 점을 인식하면서도, 그리스도의 신성의 불변성과 신-인 양성이 혼합되거나 혼동되지 않는 연합성을 강조하고 있다. 특히 신성의 불고통성을 언급한 점은 눈여겨 볼 만하다. Theodoretus (or Theodoret), the bishop of Cyrrhus (or Cyrus), is a figure who acted as a chief representative of the school of Antioch in the Christological debates of the fifth century on the relation between the human and divine natures of Christ. Theodoretus’s theological understanding of the two natures (the divine and human) of Christ is particularly seen from the following four treatises that he composed: Expositio Rectae Fidei, Reprehensio XII Anathematismorum Cyrilli, De Incarnatione Domini, and Eranistes . Although Theodoretus acknowledged the impossibility of understanding of the two natures of Christ through the human mind, he emphasized the unchangeability of the divine nature of Christ and the union of the two natures unmixed and unconfused. It is noteworthy that Theodoretus says of the impassibility of Christ’s divine nature.

      • KCI등재

        디오클레티아누스와 사두 정치 시대의 황실 노예와 공직에 있었던 기독교인들

        신민석 ( Shin Min Seok ) 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2020 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.43 No.-

        본고는 디오클레티아누스 황제와 사두 정치 시대, 황실 집안의 사람들(familia Caesaris)과 로마 제국 공직에 있었던 네 명의 기독교인들을 다루었다. 특히 이들이 맡은 관직들과 그 직무들이 무엇인지 당시 경제적, 사회적 배경에서 살펴보았다. 도로테우스는 두로에 있던 자색 염료 공장의 책임자였고, 필로로무스는 이집트 지방장관의 사법부 소속 재판장(tribunus Romanorum)의 직을 맡은 참모였고, 아다욱투스는 처음에는 황실 재산관리책임자(μαγιστρóτης, magister rei privatae) 이후에는 로마 제국 재정 책임자(καθολικóτης, rationalis summarum)였으며, 아우렐리우스 아타나시우스는 황실 토지 세입 관리자(procurator rei privatae)로 이집트의 세금의 산정과 징수를 감독했다. 그 당시 황실 집안의 노예들 중에서나 제국의 공직 업무에서 얼마나 많은 기독교인들이 있었는지 그 수를 추정하기란 사실상 불가능하다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 이들 네 명의 그리스도인들의 사례를 통해, 우리는 다수의 기독교인들이 존재했으며 일부는 주요 업무직에서 경제적, 사회적 영향력을 행사했음을 알 수 있다. 비록 어떤 이는 핍박의 순간에 신앙을 감추기도 했으나, 위협의 순간에도 부, 명예, 직위를 잃으면서까지 자신들의 신앙을 끝까지 지켰던 기독교인들의 수도 적지 않았다. 이들 기독교인들의 순교는 결과적으로 로마제국의 전문적인 행정과 기술에 있어서 그 재원의 손실을 가져왔다고 결론내릴 수 있다. This article explores four Christians (Dorotheus, Philoromus, Adauctus, and Aurelius Athanasius) who were prominent in the imperial household or services under Diocletianus and the Tetrarchy (AD 284-305). Except for Aurelius Athanasius, the other three were martyred during the Great Persecution. The article focuses on their offices and appointments in social and economic circumstances, rather than on their faith and theological thoughts, due to the scarcity of ancient sources that mention these figures. Only very brief descriptions of these individuals are in extant literary and papyrological manuscripts. First, Dorotheus was a well-learned presbyter at Antioch. He was honoured by the emperor Diocletianus who appointed him as the superintendent of the imperial purple-dye factory at Tyre. Dorotheus no doubt had special privileges, enjoying access to the imperial authority. Second, Philoromus was a Christian who was the iuridicus Aegypti (judge of Egypt), an official responsible for administration of justice at Alexandria. There was a large group of staff in the chancery of the perfect of Egypt. Amongst them, the iuridicus Aegypti acted as representative of the emperor and was the most important administer of justice. Third, Adauctus was born of a noble Italian family and was martyred during the reign of Diocletianus. His first position was the μάγιστρος (magister rei privatae, senior manager of emperor’s private estate) whose responsibility was in charge of collecting the rents of imperial lands. Then, Adauctus became the καθολικóς (rationalis summarum, chief financial official). He administered the finances in Diocletian’s court and managed the state weaving and dyeing works. Lastly, Aurelius Athanasius is known to us as an apostatized Christian during the persecution, who stood against other Christians. It is impossible to calculate what proportion of the Caesariani was Christian and how many Christians were present in the imperial services. Nevertheless, the example of these four Christian figures seems enough to show that during the reign of Diocletianus and the Tetrarchy, Christians were holding many significant government positions. Their death through martyrdom should have resulted in the loss of human resources in technical and administrative faculties of the Roman Empire.

      • KCI등재

        살라미스의 에피파우스

        신민석 ( Min Seok Shin ) 한국개혁신학회 2011 한국개혁신학 Vol.32 No.-

        이 논문은 4세기 살라미스의 감독 에피파니우스의 생애와 그의 활동을 개혁신앙의 관점에서 논한 것이다. 크게 네 가지 측면에서 살펴보았는데, 그 첫째는 당시 이단들의 교리로부터 정통신앙을 지키기 위해 저술활동을 펼친 점, 둘째는 오리겐의 알레고리적 성경해석과 성자의 종속절과 육체의 기원/부활에 대한 그의 가르침에 대해 반박한 점, 셋째는 교회의 성상사용과 그리스도인의 성상숭배를 반대한 점, 그리고 마지막으로 니케아 신경을 중심으로 교회의 일치와 화해를 위해 노력했던 점이 그것이다. In this article, the life of Epiphanius is considered in the reformed point of view, particularly regarding the following four aspects. First, his writing of books on heresies in order to protect Christians in their orthodox faith from sectarian beliefs. Amongst his works, Ancoratus and Panarion were written in the 370s as a defender of the faith in a situation of widespread debates on Arianism and the Christological heresies. Second, his critics of Origen`s teaching on the body and his allegorical exegesis. It is significant to see that Epiphanius` criticism of Origen was arisen before the outbreak of the Origenist Controversy in the 380s and 390s. Third, his writings against the veneration of images in the church. Greater prominence should be given to Epiphanius in the argument that images of Christ and the saints should be removed from the church, the cemeteries of the martyrs, or private houses. Lastly, his endeavors to reconcile the Antiochene Christian community which was split into four factions. Although Epiphanius was unsuccessful, his efforts to reconcile the church with the Nicene Creed as the centre should be esteemed. Considered from all these facts, it seems fair to title Epiphanius of Salamis as the most influential bishop in the defence of the orthodox faith in the late fourth century AD.

      • KCI등재

        초대 그리스도인들의 모임장소에 대한 재고찰: 크라우트하이머의 이론을 바탕으로

        신민석(Min Seok Shin) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2021 신학논단 Vol.103 No.-

        The study on early church in its architectural aspect is generally started with Krautheimer’s theory. The theory was introduced in his 1939 article, “The Beginning of Christian Architecture”, which says three stages of development: the house as a key place for the meeting in the first stage (AD 50-150), adapted or renovated houses called domus ecclesiae during the second stage (150-250), and large martyria and rectangular halls in the last stage (250-313). The first and last stages were respectively designated as “house church” and “aula ecclesiae” by White. These terms of house church – domus ecclesiae – aula ecclesiae became dominant to explain pre-Constantinian Christian meeting places. Although providing the systematic knowledge of Christian architectural development in the pre-Constantine era, there are some weak points with this theory. Regarding the first period, houses were not exclusively Christian meeting places in that places such as shops, workshops, bathhouses, hotels were also used or rented for Christian gathering. The earliest attestation of Greek phrase, οἶκος τῆς ἐκκλησίας, comes in Eusebiu’s works of the age of Constantine, and all the references indicate church buildings which have no architectural connection to a house. The same is the case with the Christian Prayer Hall in Kefar ‘Othnay which was built in about 230 for the Christian gatherings. Taking these points into consideration, denoting the renovated house building as domus ecclesiae in the second period is devoid of its historical basis. The term aula ecclesiae was designated to show the relationship with domus ecclesiae. This term, however, seems inappropriate in that very large church buildings architecturally not related to renovated house began to be built after 260 throughout the Roman empire.

      • KCI등재

        이상규 박사의 역사관과 교회사 연구

        신민석(Min Seok Shin) 고신대학교 개혁주의학술원 2021 갱신과 부흥 Vol.27 No.-

        이상규 박사는 교회사 연구에 있어서 뛰어난 역사학자이자 신학자이다. 2018년 2월 은퇴하기까지, 그는 공저와 편저를 포함해 총 57권의 단행본을 저술했고 177개의 학술논문을 발표했는데 그의 다작으로만 봐도 학자로서의 일가를 이루었음에 분명하다. 이상규가 일관되게 추구한 역사관으로 세 가지 원칙을 말할 수 있다. 첫째, 그는 통합사적 접근을 시도했는데 이는 본류로 비유되는 서양교회의 맥락에서 한국교회의 역사를 이해하고 또 서양교회의 전통과 유산을 한국교회의 눈으로 읽는 것을 말한다. 둘째, 그의 교회사 이해는 16세기 개혁주의 전통에 서 있었고, 좀 더 좁혀서 말한다면 화란의 개혁주의 신학의 토대위에 서 있었다. 셋째, 그는 사료와 사실에 정직해야 한다는 원칙으로 객관적 사실의 서술을 노력해왔는데, 이런 그의 연구는 실증주의 연구방법의 본을 보였다. 그의 연구 분야는 크게 다섯 가지로 구분하여 설명할 수 있다. 첫째, 고신교회사 연구인데 초기 대표적인 작품인 『한상동과 그의 시대』(2006)는 인물 중심의 연구서이다. 둘째, 부산, 경남지방 교회사 연구로 당시 이 지역 기독교 운동 관련 연구는 거의 전무했다는 점에서 그의 연구는 개척의 길이었다. 셋째, 16세기 종교개혁사도 그의 주요한 연구 분야로, 『교회개혁사』(1997), 『종교개혁의 역사』(2016), 『교양으로 읽는 종교개혁 이야기』(2017)를 출간했다. 후자의 두 권은 청소년 세대와 일반대중을 위해 간명하고 평이하게 기술한 작품이다. 넷째, 그는 초기 기독교에도 관심을 가지고 연구를 했는데, 23편의 논문을 기초로 한 『초기 기독교와 로마사회: 로마 제국 하에서의 기독교』(2016)는 주요 연구서이다. 마지막으로 그의 가장 중요한 연구분야는 호주장로교의 한국선교에 대한 연구라고 볼 수 있다. 그의 박사학위과정 연구 결과인, To Korea With Love: Australian Presbyterian Mission Work in Korea, 1889-1941(2009)는 2009년 호주빅토리아장로교 150주년을 기념하여 출판된 서적이다. 이상규 박사는, 자신에게 주신 은사와 재능을 소중히 여기며 학문적인 영영과 삶에서 그 소명을 이루어 간 교회사의 ‘큰 산’으로 평가할 수 있다. Dr. Sang Gyoo Lee is a distinguished theologian and church historian. Until his retirement on February 2018, he published 57 monographs, including co-authored and edited books, and 177 academic essays. It is not surprising that he gained great fame. Three important principals are found in Lee’s entire view of history. First, he used integrative approach to history. He viewed history of the church in Korea in the context of the western church(mainstream), and understood the tradition and legacy of the western church in the eyes of the Korean church(tributary). Second, his comprehension of church history was based on the Reformed tradition of the 16th century and the Dutch Reformed theology. Third, he made constant efforts to describe objective facts by being honest with historical data and facts, and showed a good example for positivism studies. Lee’s study can be explained in the following five categories. First, his study of the Presbyterian Church in Korea(Kosin). Han Sang Dong and His Times(2006) is his representative study, focused on prosopography. Second, his pioneering research of Christianity of Busan and Kyung-Nam province. Third, the Reformation. He published not only academic books for students and scholars, but also gripping books for the broad public and teen readers. Fourth, the history of early Christianity in the Graeco-Roman world. Early Christianity and Roman Society(2016) is his insightful work. Last, history of Australian Presbyterian mission to Korea. To Korea With Love: Australian Presbyterian Mission Work in Korea, 1889-1941, revised version of his doctoral dissertation, is a comprehensive work on this theme. It seems fair to evaluate that Dr. Lee was ‘a great mountain’ in church history, who tried to fulfill his calling on his life and academic field by using his talents and gifts.

      • KCI등재
      • The Proximity Communication을 위한 서브펨토-패러드 커패시턴스 측정회로

        홍석하(Seok-Ha Hong),신민석(Min-Seok Shin),권오경(Oh-Kyong Kwon) 대한전자공학회 2007 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2007 No.7

        A new circuit to measure a subfemto-farad coupling capacitance is proposed. This circuit converts current by coupling signal into amplified voltage. This circuit consists of cascode current mirror and trans impedance amplifier to improve the measurement resolution. Simulation results are obtained by HSPICE in a 0.35㎛ CMOS standard technology. When 300 atto-farad capacitance is measured, the maximum error rate is 2.27%.

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