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      • 高等學校 學生의 學習無氣力에 關한 硏究 : 學習無氣力, 歸屬原因, 學業成就度와의 關係

        申基明 건국대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        Martin Seligman (1974) has theorized that one form of a depression is a function of learned helplessness, or a belief that instrumental responses emitted by the subject have no effect on the environment to produce deficts in motivation. Cognition and affections result in various performance deficits in subjects exposed to situations designed to produce learned helplessness. The phenomenon of learned helplessness refers to the process of learning, series of trials, that there is no perceived control over the outcome of events. Effort is not related to the attainment of a goal or changes made in the surrounding environment. The result is a kind of personal uncontroll-ability. Attribution theory in motivation provides an explanation which individuals internal ice successes and tai lures at tasks. The locus of control construct offers the extent to which individuals perceive their successes and failures as either contingent upon or independent of their own behaviors. The purpose of this study was to investigate casual attributions of learning disabled and abled high school boys and girls for their perofmance on an academic task in a classroom setting. Subjects were 151 male-stucents and 133 female-students in high school This study assessed both the degree to which the subject perceived attributes and the importance of each attribute. An attribute is viewed as a characteristic or quality, while an attribution concerns how important a particular attribute was in determing behavior. The six attributes used were effort movement, self-control, luck or chance, social ability and locus of control. Data were analyzed by t-test and multivate analyses of co-variance with repeated measures and attributions. The major findings of this study were as tool lows. 1.The results were signigicanty different between learned helplessness and causual attributions. 2.A significant difference was found between academic achievements and learned helplessness in only male. 3.A significant correlation was found between academic achievements and causual attributions. 4.According to the degree of learned helpless, there was no correlation in attribution between higher academic achievement and lower academic achievement in female - studebts.

      • 學習性 無氣力의 發生原因

        申基明 건국대학교 1988 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        Seligman(1974, 1975) uses the term LEARNED HELPLESSNESS in three different senses, even in ocnnection with the original dog experiments. In those experiments, exposure to inescapable shock resulted in interference in subsequently learning to escape or avoid shock. These results are interpreted as indications of a specific motivational deficit and of specific cognitive dificit. Those dicifits are explained as being a result of the subjects' having come to expect that their responses will not control outcomes. The expectation that an event (outcome) is not contingent on responding versus not responding decreases the motivation to control the outcome(motivational deficit), resulting in either less voluntery responding or slower responding actually does affect the occurance of the event (cognitive deficit). (Buchwald et al, 1978). Seligman et al proposed that learned helplessness is a model for depression in man. These symtoms associated with mild depression, self devaluation, psychomotor retardation, feelings of sadness, etc.(Hiroto 1975). Hiroto (1974) had noticed that notions of learned helpessness and locus of contort are quite similar. Recently, Abramson, Seligman and Teasdale (1978)proposed and attributional reformulation of the learned helplessness by hypothesis. Abramson et al argued that three attributional demensions are crucial for explaining human helplessness and depression: internal-external, stable-unstable, and global-specific. In brief, the reformulated model asserts that attributing lack of control to internal factors leads to lowered self-esteem, whereas attributing lack of control to external factors does not. Faurther-more, attribuing lack of control to stable factors should lead to helplessness deficits extened across time, and atrributing lack of control to global factors should lead the wade generalization of helplessness deficits across situations. Alternatively, attributing lack of control to unstable, specific factors should lead to short-lived situation·specific helpless deficits. (Seligman et al 1979). In a study linking this phenomenon to reinforcement (i,f., internal vs. external attributions for outcomes), Dweck and Reppucci (1973) demonstrated that following failure, a certain group of children do not perform the response required to success, even though they are motivated to and are fully capablae of doing so. For example, a child might perceive independence between his response and failure by attributing the outcome to the influence of some external agent; he might perceive independence between his response and outcome by attributing the outcome to his inability to perform the response, whether this is true or not. In either case, he views the situations as being beyond his ocntrol. In short, It is predicated that the low expectancy for control of reinforcement estabolished in the presence of the failure experiment would differentially affect behavior as a function of the general1zed expectancies for control of reinforcement that the individual brought to the situation.

      • 한글 命令語를 사용하는 小型컴퓨터의 設計에 관한 硏究

        金容得,申基命 亞洲大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        The purpose of this study is the design of personal computer to process Hangul and English BASIC instructions. The input/output mode for Hangul is that the Korean alphabetic letters received from the 33 standard Korean key pads are subdivided into the 128 patterns on the hardware logic. As results, this method is very useful for shortening code field (8 bits) and decreasing memory size (2KB), comparing with the conventional systems which need 16 bit code, 64KB memory for 2000 Korean words. And also this system will be the cost effective systems for processing Hangul not to change the personal computers which already made.

      • 분산 제어 시스팀의 정보 교환 방식에 관한 연구

        신기명,김용득,이재연 亞洲大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        A protocol on transfering informations between IBM-PC/AT and STC(Self-Tuning Controller) using the RS-485 bus is suggested. The operating algorithm is designed so that the host computer monitors the status of STC and updates parameters depending on the environmental conditions for the various operating modes.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 學習無氣力과 學業成就와의 關係 : A Study on the Relationship between Learned Helplessness and Academic Achievement

        金貞圭,申基明 建國大學校 敎育硏究所 1991 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Ⅰ. Problems The learned helplessness phenomenon is claimed by Seligman to produce deficits in motivation, cognition, and affect which results in various performance deficits in subjects exposed to situations designed to produce learned helplessness. Three components of the orignial theory may be described as follows: (1) Motivational-the incentive to initiate voluntary responses in a traumatic situation wanes as the expectation that responding will produced when relief is diminishd: (2) Cognitive a disturbance in the form of proactive interference occurs in which the subject is unable to perceive that the parameters of the learning environment have shifted from those of uncontrollability to controllability(e.g., from a noncontingent to a contingent setting): and (3) Emotional-a heightened state of fear or emotionality occurs which dissipates with control, or wanes into apathy/depression if the subject is repeatedly exposed to uncontrollable events(Maier, Seligman & Solomon, 1969: Seligman,Maier &Solomon,1971). Learned helplessnes is related to the literature of achievement motivational attribution theory most directly, in that the phenomenon has been studied in achievement-oriented, academic settings with tasks that are achievement based. For example, Diener and Dweck(1978) studied children's performance and cognitions while worked on tasks they previously had failed. They found that, in addition to using relatively less effective problem-solving strategies, helpless children focused their attention more on their concerns about their performance and less on problem-solving strategies that did mastery children. A sutdy by Miller(1986) suggested that children who believe that effort will not produce positive result actually reduce their effort, in part, to avoided providing unambiguous evidence that they lack ability(i.e., Failure despite high effort). Diener and Dweck's(1978) research also suggested that helpless children are preoccupied with performance and that their concerns about their ability to solve tasks interfere with their ability to use effective strategies to solve problems or master material. The purpose of this study was to investigate learned helplessness on the academic achievement of high school students. Ⅱ. Methods To research this study, 864 high school student(M=399, F=465) were sampled from the City of Seoul in Korea, using Shin's Learned Helplessness Scale(1990). The data were analyzed by some appropriate statistical analysis method(i.e., pearson'sγ, cronbach α, Duncan t-test, Turkey's studentized Range Test by employing the SAS package. Ⅲ. Results The main results and findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) There was a negative correlation between the LH scale and Achievement Score of high school students(n=864, γ=-26, P<.001). 2) According to LH groups and achievement score, there were a significant difference: high LH group and middle LH group, high LH group and law LH group(Duncan t-test, p<.05). 3) This LH scale showed a significant difference between liberal schools and vocational schools(F=6.11, P<.001). 4) It was found out that the LH scale showed a significant difference male students and female students(F=4.90, P<.01). 5) It is possible to explain the academic achievements with LH scale(ETA Square=5.63).

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