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        과학 담화의 비유 사용에 대한 말뭉치 기반 연구

        송현주(Song Hyunju) 한국문화융합학회 2020 문화와 융합 Vol.42 No.4

        이 연구의 목적은 중학생 대상 과학 교육 방송을 말뭉치로 구축하고 분석하여, 과학 담화에 나타난 비유 사용 양상을 살피는 것이다. 1980년대 이후 인지언어학자들은 은유의 편재성에 주목하고 비유가 사고와 개념화의 중추적 장치임을 주장하였다. 이 연구는 이러한 인지언어학에 기반하여, 과학 담화라는 특정 장르에서 사용되는 비유를 양적, 질적으로 분석한 것이다. 첫째, 이 연구의 대상은 EBS에서 방송된 중학생 대상 과학 교육 방송으로 약 60차시(2,400분), 약 24만 어절 규모의 말뭉치이다. 물리, 화학, 생물, 지구과학, 통합의 다섯 가지로 분류하고, 비유 표현을 분석하였다. 둘째, 과학 담화 전체에서 비유가 사용된 빈도의 평균은 6.75%이다. 하위 분야별로 보면 물리 > 통합 > 화학 > 지구과학 > 생물의 순으로 비유가 많이 사용되었다. 물리 교과에서 비유 사용 빈도가 높은 것은 전류, 자기장 등에 대한 관습적 비유가 반복적으로 사용되었기 때문이며, 통합 부분에서는 풀러렌, 유전자 조합과 같은 새로운 과학적 사실을 쉽게 설명하기 위한 비유가 사용되기 때문이었다. 셋째, 과학 담화에 사용된 은유는 개념적 은유와 비유에 기반한 과학 용어의 두 가지로 나누어 살펴보았다. 과학 담화에는 개념적 은유 중에서 구조적 은유가 자주 쓰이며, 구어라는 특성상 일상 경험에 기반한 한 존재론적 은유가 적극적으로 활용된다는 특징이 있었다. 또한, 기능과 모양의 유사성에 기반한 비유적인 과학 용어도 자주 사용되었다. 이 연구는 실제 과학 교육 방송 말뭉치를 대상으로 과학 담화에서 사용되는 비유의 양적인 면과 질적인 면을 동시에 살펴보았다는 점에서 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to construct and analyze science education broadcasting for middle school students, and examine the use of figurative expressions in scientific discourse. Since the 1980s, cognitive linguists have paid attention to the ubiquity of metaphors and insisted that they are the backbone of thinking and conceptualization. Based on the achievements in cognitive linguistics, this study constructs a science education broadcast in corpus to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze metaphors used in a scientific discourse. First, the subject of this study was a science education broadcast on EBS for middle school students, which was for about 60 hours (2,400 minutes) and comprised 240,000 words. It was classified into five categories: physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and integration. Second, the average frequency of metaphors used throughout the scientific discourse was found to be 6.75% by subfield, metaphors were used in the order of Physics> Integration> Chemistry> Earth Science> Biology. The overwhelming occurrence of metaphors in physics was due to the repeated use of conventional metaphors as well as the use of metaphors to easily explain new scientific facts. Third, metaphors used in the scientific discourse were divided into two categories: conceptual metaphors and science terms based on metaphors. Structural as well as ontological metaphors were often used in the scientific discourse. In addition, figurative scientific terms based on the similarity of function and shape were used often.

      • KCI등재

        의미적 신어와 신어의 의미 관계

        송현주 ( Song Hyunju ) 한국어의미학회 2022 한국어 의미학 Vol.76 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine new meanings appearing in neologisms and the semantic relationship between them, focusing on Korean neologisms collected from 2012 to 2020. First, there are two types of semantic neology. A type in which negative meaning is weakened or disappears, such as ‘kkang-pae(gang), pog-haeng(violence), deog-hu(maniac)’, types in which technical terms are used in general language such as ‘nan-min(refugee), alh-i(ache), ho-mo(Homo)’. Second, significant synonymous relations were of the following types. This is a case where variant types coexist, such as ‘obeo/oba/ebachamchi/ebachamchikkongchi’. It is a case formed by differences in the speaker’s interpretation, such as ‘honorable taxation/love taxation/respectable taxation’. Last case formed through the production of alternative expressions such as ‘illegal alien/ unauthorized immigration’. As for the antonymous relation, in the case of a binary opposition such as ‘gangcheol me-tal(strong mentality) -yuli mental(weak mentailityl) ’, and ‘choinssa=haeginssa-inssa(social butterfly)-geuleolssa=jungssaassa(loner)-haegassa=choassa’ are multiple opposition case.

      • KCI등재

        전염병의 개념화 양상 - 코로나19를 중심으로 -

        송현주(Song Hyunju) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2020 동서인문 Vol.0 No.14

        이 연구는 최근까지도 유행하고 있는 코로나19를 중심으로 우리는 전염병에 대해 어떻게 개념화하고 있는지에 대해 인지언어학의 관점에서 살펴본 것이다. 인지언어학은 인간 마음의 본질이 무엇인지 규명하기 위한 학제적 연구의 일환으로 탄생한 이론이다. 인지언어학에서는 은유와 환유 등의 비유가 언어와 사고에 있어 핵심적인 역할을 하며 일상 언어에 널리 퍼져 있다고 본다. 2020년 코로나19 발생 이후 출판된 단행본을 대상으로 살펴본 결과, 코로나19는 다른 질병과 마찬가지로 질병의 치료나 대처, 그 특성에 대해 ‘전쟁’과 ‘인간’을 근원영역으로 한 비유 표현이 나타나며 전염병이라는 특수성으로 인해 방역과 관련하여 새로운 비유 표현을 발견할 수 있었다. 먼저, 코로나19에 대한 방역은 ‘생물, 마라톤, 100미터 달리기, 그릇(용기)’ 등으로 질병의 확산은 ‘파도’로 확진자 격리는 ‘거품 걷기’ 등으로 표현된다. 다음으로, 전염병의 치료는 ‘전쟁’을 통해 이해되는데, ‘적, 침투, 초병, 현역군, 예비군, 싸움, 침입, 공격, 패배, 피해, 무기’ 등으로 표현된다. 코로나19 바이러스의 여러 특성은 ‘인간’을 통해 이해되는데, ‘사촌, 불청객’이며 사람처럼 ‘옮겨가고, 넘어가고, 주고받는’ 행동을 하는 것으로 표현된다. This paper examines how pandemics are conceptualized from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, by analyzing the case of COVID-19, which is still prevalent today. Cognitive linguistics is an interdisciplinary research field that seeks to understand the essence of the human mind, and sees figurative expressions, such as metaphors and metonymy, which are widely spread in everyday language, as keys to language and thinking. Monographs that have been published since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 were examined and revealed result that metaphors related to COVID-19 were concerned with the treatment or handling of the disease, as well as their characteristics, with ‘war’ and ‘human’ as source domains, just as other diseases. However, it also appeared that COVID-19 gave rise to a new metaphor regarding quarantine due to its particular nature as a pandemic. First of all, the prevention of COVID-19 is expressed through the ‘organism, marathon, 100-meter race, and container’ metaphors, the spread of the disease through the ‘wave’ metaphors, and the quarantine of confirmed cases through the ‘foam skimming’ metaphors. As for the treatment of infectious diseases, it is understood through the ‘war’ metaphor and expressed in terms of ‘enemy, infiltration, first soldier, active duty force, reserve force, fight, invasion, attack, defeat, damage, weapon’, and so on. The war metaphor is one of the most frequent ones when expressing disease. Finally, the various characteristics of the COVID-19 virus are conceptualized through the ‘human’ metaphor, by expressing it in terms of ‘cousin, uninvited guests’ and with verbs such as ‘move, cross, give and take’ just as humans do.

      • KCI등재

        『우리말샘』관련어 유형 및 정비 구축의 실제

        송현주(Song, Hyunju),남길임(Nam, Kilim) 한국사전학회 2013 한국사전학 Vol.- No.22

        This study aims to introduce the compilation of the related words in the Korean dictionary Urimalsam. Compared to the types of related words in three major Korean dictionaries, we point out the problem of availability of information resulting in imbalance regarding related words. That is, there are a huge number of synonyms (almost 70%) and reference words(about 22%) but other kinds of related words including antonyms, abbreviations, and honorifics are just under 10% in the dictionary. In our project, the related words have been classified into eight types: synonymy, reference word, antonymy, original word, abbreviation, honorific, plain, hyperonym, hyponym. Of these types, synonymy and reference word are sub-classified furthermore. Through this process, it would be possible to give a large amount of similar information. For example, reference words in which twelve kinds of heterogeneous information are mixed are simplified. In addition, an actual compilation method by types of related words is proposed.

      • KCI등재

        『개방형 한국어 지식 대사전(우리말샘)』의 표제어와 뜻풀이의 특성

        송현주(Song, Hyunju),최준(Choi, Jun),남길임(Nam, Kilim) 한국사전학회 2012 한국사전학 Vol.- No.20

        The purpose of this study is to introduce the procedure and issues on headword and definition for everyday vocabulary on Gaebanghyeong-Hangugeo-Jisik-Daesajeon(The Open Korean Knowledge Dictionary). We have worked for Compiling the dictionary since 2011 and are currently at the stage of the second year of this project. Our team collected 22,000 headwords, it is comprised of Noun(62.59%)>without POS>phrase>Verb>DeterminerㆍNoun>Adjective>Adverb. Most of words are derived and compound. There are sino-Korean words>hibrid>native Korean>loanword in Korean everyday vocabulary. Sino-Korean have a strong power of word formation. Definition information is the one of the most important part in dictionary. Every headword need to define easy and consistent meaning. Polysemy headwords, each multiple senses are added the proper sense and pragmatic information.

      • KCI등재

        2019-2020년 신어에 나타난 사회문화적 특성 : ‘사람’ 신어를 중심으로

        송현주(Song Hyunju) 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.1

        이 연구는 2019년과 2020년에 수집된 신어 가운데 ‘사람’의 의미를 갖는 신어의 120개를 대상으로 사회문화적특성을 살펴보는 것이다. 첫째, 사회생활과 관련한 것이 전체의 42%가 넘는데, 전체적으로 집단보다는 개인의 삶의 가치를 중시하는 경향을 보인다. 둘째, 경제생활과 관련된 신어는 개인 지향적 소비 방식, 부동산 문제, 경제상황 악화에 따른 노동 시장의 변화, 코로나19로 인한 주식 시장의 변화와 대처라는 사회상을 반영한다. 셋째, 식생활과 관련된 신어는 매운맛과 마라에 대한 높은 관심과 편의점 디저트류에 대한 판매 증가를 반영하며, 배달음식에 대한 수요가 폭증하면서 생긴 문제를 보여주기도 한다. 넷째, 정보통신과 관련된 신어는 스마트폰을 활용한 게임, 상품 구매, 예약의 일상화와 함께 SNS를 기반으로 자신의 정보를 공유하면서 영향력을 높이는 사람들이증가하는 현실을 반영한다. 다섯째, 정치행정과 관련된 신어는 코로나19로 인해 정상적인 선거를 치를 수 없었던사회 현상을 반영하며, 코로나19로 인해 특별히 수요가 증가하고 사회적 역할이 중요해진 분야를 보여준다. 여섯째, 그 외 취미, 방송, 교육, 외모, 환경 분야의 신어가 있다. 그 가운데 외모를 표현하는 신어의 생성은 이전 시기에 비해 줄었으며, 환경과 관련해서는 미세 먼지 문제의 심각성에 대한 인식 및 기후 변화를 막기 위한 행동이 필요하다는 사회적 요구를 반영하고 있다. This study examines the socio-cultural characteristics of 120 neologisms with the meaning of [+person] among the neologisms collected in 2019 and 2020. First, more than 42% of the total are related to social life, showing a tendency to value individual life rather than group overall. Second, neologisms related to economic life reflect the social image of individual-oriented consumption methods, real estate problems, changes in the labor market due to worsening economic conditions, and changes and responses in the stock market due to COVID-19. Third, the neologisms related to eating reflect the high interest in spicy taste and mara and the increase in sales of convenience store desserts, and also show the problems caused by the surge in demand for delivery food. Fourth, neologisms related to information and communication reflect the increasing number of people who share their information based on SNS and increase their influence along with the daily routine of games, product purchases, and reservations using smartphones. Fifth, neologisms related to political administration reflect the social phenomenon in which normal elections could not be held due to COVID-19, and show areas in which demand has increased and social roles have become important due to COVID-19. Sixth, there are other neologisms in the fields of hobbies, broadcasting, education, appearance, and environment. Among them, the generation of neologisms expressing appearance has decreased compared to the previous period, reflecting the social demand for awareness of the seriousness of the fine dust problem in relation to the environment and the need for action to prevent climate change.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        의료 담화의 비유 연구 : ‘우울증’을 중심으로

        송현주(Song, Hyunju) 담화·인지언어학회 2019 담화와 인지 Vol.26 No.2

        This paper examines the characteristics of figurative expressions related to ‘depression’ in discourse. Unlike previous theories, cognitive linguistics has put figurative language at the core of human thought, thereby reinterpreting its very nature anew. For the last 40 years, cognitive linguistic studies of figurative language have proposed new perspectives on figurative language, thinking process, and language systems. For the purpose of this study, we analyzed expert and non-expert texts on depression, which have been published relatively recently, as well as broadcast materials and online texts sharing personal experiences of illness, so as to examine the conceptualization and patterns of depression-related expressions. As a result, depression is found to be figuratively associated with ‘disease, journey, person, liquid in a container, war, prison’. Disease and travel analogies are the most common ones. More specifically, depression is characteristically explained with metaphors involving familiar diseases and tends to be conceptualized as an obstacle in the course of a journey. When depression is seen as a problem of emotions rather than a cerebral or hormonal problem, it is compared to a liquid in a container. Unlike other illnesses, the war metaphor is much less frequent to describe depression. As for the prison analogy, it appears to be an effective way of expressing the difficulty to escape from the state of being depressed. These figurative expressions of ‘depression’ can help understand what depression is and describe its characteristics in a vivid way. By examining these expressions in the context of medical discourse, this study seeks to analyze how depression is conceptualized, with the aim of contributing to an area of study that has not been sufficiently discussed from a linguistic point of view. Nonetheless, the discussion on the nature of the figurative expressions according to the degree of depression or the different stages of treatment and the quantitative analysis based on corpus are left outside the scope of this paper.

      • KCI등재

        『우리말샘』 참고어휘의 하위분류 방안

        송현주(Song, Hyunju),김령환(Kim, Ryeonhwan) 언어과학회 2014 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.71

        This study aims to introduce the project of complication of the related words in the dictionary. The necessity of the reference words subcategory and subtype, actually, the writing task was introduced. In this research team, the reference words presented as the condition where 13 types are mixed in the previous dictionary (Great Dictionary of Standard Korean) was sub-classified with 6 types. The 6 subtypes suggested in this research team are ‘allomorph, same category items, antonym, heavy isotope of a word- light isotope of a word, aspirated sound word-tense sound word-lax sound word, others’. It is useful to the dictionary user who want to know why this the reference word is helpful to understand the headword.

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