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      • KCI등재

        소통을 위한 한국어 교육 -한국어 교원 자격 제도를 중심으로-

        송향근 ( Hyang Keun Song ) 민족어문학회 2012 어문논집 Vol.- No.65

        이 글은 언어 교육의 주요 요소인 교사를 소통의 중심으로 보고, 한국어 교육의 중심인 교사의 ``양성-인증-임용`` 체계를 ``한국어 교원 자격 제도``를 중심으로 살피고자 한다. 한국어 학습의 수요가 증가함에 따라 한국어 교사에 대한 수요도 커졌고, 체계적인 한국어 교육을 이루기 위해 전문성을 갖춘 한국어 교사에 대한 요구가 생겨났다. 이 요구를 해결하기 위해 법령으로 한국어 교사 자격을 규정하고 자격의 요건에 부합한 한국어 교사의 양성이 이루어지게 되었다. 이 글에서는 법령 시행 이후 나타난 문제점에 근거하여 한국어 교원 자격 심사, 양성 과정, 한국어교육능력검정시험 및 한국어 교원의 수급 등을 중심으로 향후 한국어 교원 자격 제도의 과제에 대해 살피고자 한다. This paper insists that teachers are the principal factors in language education as the center of understanding, and studies ``training-certification-employment`` system of teachers who are the center of Korean language education, focusing on the ``system for Korean language teachers` qualification``. As the demand of Korean language learning increases, the demand of Korean language teachers increased. Also, to accomplish systematic Korean language education, the demand of the Korean language teachers with specialty occurred. To resolve the demand, regulations for qualification of Korean language teachers and training for Korean language teachers who fulfill requisites for the qualification took place. In this paper, the tasks of Korean language education ahead are stated, focusing on examination of Korean language teachers` qualification, training program of Korean language teachers, Test of Ability for Teaching Korean language and the supply and demand of Korean language teachers, based on the problems that occurred after enforcing of the law.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어 사자성어 어휘 교육 방안 연구

        송향근(Song Hyang-Keun),고건(Gao Jian) 한국사전학회 2009 한국사전학 Vol.- No.13

        The fact that more than half of Korean vocabulary is from Chinese is an important reason why the education of Chinese characters is needed in teaching Korean as a second language. Chinese students are in an advantageous position for learning Korean compared to other foreign learners. It is true that Chinese students learn Korean Chinese vocabulary which has similar meaning and structure easily. However, they often make mistakes because of subtle distinctions between Korean and Chinese. So I chose 4-letter-idioms that are commonly used in Korea with reference to teaching materials, classified them through a comparison of Chinese and Korean structures and meanings and suggested methods for teaching Korean 4-letter-idioms to Chinese students. I analyzed teaching materials that have already been published, pointed out errors and suggested curricula of 4-letter-idioms in this thesis. The key subject in the curriculum of 4-letter-idioms is to help Chinese students learn differences between Korean and Chinese 4-letter-idioms' structures and meanings. Chinese students will contrast Korean 4-letter-idioms with Chinese through the methods that are suggested in this thesis and will learn similarities and differences between Korean and Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        음운 이론과 한국어 발음 교육

        송향근(Hyang Keun Song) 한국어학회 2011 한국어학 Vol.50 No.-

        This paper discusses the degree of interrelationship between phonological theories and leaching Korean pronunciation. In most of the former researches for Korean pronunciation education, discussions about the mutual relation between phonology and teaching Korean pronunciation ended up as setting up the contents for pronunciation education or covering the theoretical background for elements of pronunciation education. This study, therefore, from language education`s perspective, briefly covers the phonological theories focusing on Generative phonology, and discusses if the application of Government phonology and Optimality theory to Korean pronunciation education is appropriate. Futhermore, the research analyzes the general trend of the studies that were made until now as prior works 10 study how the phonological theories arc applied to the actual studies on Korean pronunciation education. Through these arguments and analysis, future tasks requires for Korean pronunciation education associated with the phonological theories are raised in this research.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중도입국(中途入國) 중학생(中學生)을 위한 교과기반(敎科基盤) 한국어 교재개발(敎材開發) 기초 연구

        이양금(李亮金) ( Lee¸ Yang-geum ),송향근(宋享根) ( Song¸ Hyang-keun ) 한국어문교육연구회 2021 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.49 No.3

        본고는 한국어로 의사소통에 문제는 없으나 교과목 학습에 어려움을 겪고 있는 중도입국 중학생을 위한 교과기반 한국어 교재개발을 위한 기초연구이다. 한국어 능력이 중·고급에 속하는 중도입국 중학생들은 일상적인 한국어 회화에 어려움이 없으나 교과목 내 전문용어 등 교과목의 수학에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이러한 학생들의 교과목 수학을 돕기 위해 특수목적의 외국어로서의 한국어 교재개발의 필요성을 인식하였다. 교재개발을 위해 KSL(2017) 교육과정 내용 체계 설정의 원리에 따라 제작된 중학생을 위한 표준한국어 의사소통 편과 학습도구 편 그리고 스스로 배우는 교과서 속 어휘의 국어, 수학, 과학, 사회 편을 분석하여 문제점을 살펴보고 교재개발의 필요성을 인식하였다. 이후 중도입국 중학생들을 위한 교재개발의 원리 7가지를 제시하고, 교재의 구성은 읽기-듣기-쓰기의 순서로 제시하였다. 교재의 예시는 중학교 과학 교재들 중에서 공통적으로 다루고 있는 “태양계의 구성”을 교과기반 외국어로서의 한국어 교재로 구성하여 제시하였으며, 더불어 교재개발의 절차도 제시했다. This study is a basic study for the development of subject-based Korean language textbooks for immigrant middle school students who have no problems communicating in Korean but experience difficulty in subject learning. Immigrant middle school students at intermediate and advanced levels of Korean do not struggle with daily conversations in Korean, but they have difficulty in school subject that include technical terms. Therefore, this paper recognized the necessity of developing Korean textbooks as a foreign language of special purposes to help immigrant middle school students understand their subjects. Additionally, this study examined the problems by analyzing the “Standard Korean for Middle School Students” and “The Vocabulary in Textbook to Learn by Myself,” which was created according to the Korean as a Second Language (KSL) curriculum. Then, according to the necessity of developing a subject-based Korean language textbook, the principles of textbook development were presented in seven categories. The textbook was organized in the order of reading-listeningwriting, and “The Composition of the Solar System” in a science textbook was used to present a textbook example. Furthermore, the procedure for textbook development was also presented.

      • KCI등재

        토픽 모델링을 활용한 중국인(中國人) 학습자 대상의 한국어(韓國語) 교육(敎育) 연구(硏究) 동향(動向) 분석(分析) - 한국(韓國) 내 학위 논문을 중심으로 -

        박영훈(朴映勳) ( Park Young-hoon ),김장식(金長植) ( Kim Jang-sik ),송향근(宋享根) ( Song Hyang-keun ) 한국어문교육연구회 2019 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.47 No.4

        이 연구는 1998년부터 2019년까지 중국인을 대상으로 한국어 교육을 연구한 학위논문을 텍스트 데이터화하여 이를 토픽모델링 기법으로 시기별 잠재적인 연관성이 높은 토픽과 핵심어를 추출하여 변화 양상과 연구 동향을 분석해 보았다. 분석 결과 연구 초창기에 언어학을 기반으로 한 오류 분석 연구에서 최근 교재 및 문화 연구로 동향이 변화했다. 또한 초기에는 초급학습자 중심에서 중, 고급으로 발음, 어휘 오류 분석 연구에서 표현 영역의 연구로 확장이 되었다. 특히 데이터에서 추출한 핵심어를 시각화 기법을 활용한 결과 각 영역이 독자성을 구축하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이에 따라 차후 과제로서 언어학과 교사 중심의 연구에서 기능 중심의 학습자 중심의 연구로 확대될 필요가 있다. 또한 중국 현지 사정을 고려해 IT기술을 활용한 연구도 개발될 필요가 있다. 더불어 상호협력적 이해 관계를 바탕으로 한 한국 문화 교육 연구로서 한·중 교육자들의 협력 연구가 필요하다. In the 2010s, the number of research papers on Korean language education has increased by far greater number. Based on the trend, it is believed that it is worth examining how the thesis on Korean language education for Chinese learners is developing and analyzing the current status. The purpose of this study is to analyze research trends of academic dissertations, which were published between 1998 and 2019, on Korean language education for Chinese Korean learners through topic modelling techniques. The method was used analyze the variation trends and research trends by extracting topics and key words that are potentially relevant by period. The result of the study shows the trend of error analysis studies based on linguistics in the early stage of research has recently turned into analysis on teaching materials and culture. Furthermore, the beginner learner-centric research has extended into intermediate and advanced learner-centric research. In addition, pronunciation and lexical error analysis studies has expanded into expression domain studies. In particular, as a result of using visualization techniques for key words extracted from the data, it was confirmed that the network connection between key words was broken by topic in the 2010s, compared to the 2000s. This indicates that the area of dissertations for Korean language education for Chinese is building its own identity. Therefore, it is necessary to expand from linguistics and teacher-centered research to function-centered and learner-centered research as a future task. In addition, researches using IT technology need to be developed in consideration of local situation in China. Moreover, as a study on Korean cultural education based on mutually cooperative interests, cooperation research between Korean and Chinese educators is needed. Besides, it should be expanded from academic purpose-oriented research to research on Korean language education for various purposes.

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