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      • 무언 교수법에 의한 외국어 학습지도 연구

        서초순 경상대학교 경남문화연구소 1978 慶南文化硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        This study discusses first the difference between the native and foreign languages acquisition. Since the situations of learning a foreign language are different from those of a mother tongue, we can not postulate that a foreign language is learned by the same process of learning a mother tongue. Accordingly, the foreign language teaching methods should be studied. Next, this study discusses the silent way: What are its hopotheses? how does it work in the language classroom?, What is teacher's role in the silent way classroom?, etc. To sum up, the core of the silent way approach is: 1) Teaching must be subordinated to learning. 2) Learning is a procedure which must be performed by the learner himself. 3) Memorization is not the most important tool for language learning. The learner's mental activity is the most valuable one. 4) Therefore the best tool for teaching foreign language is that of 'silence'. 5) This method takes the position of cognitive psychology.

      • 우리나라 외국어 교육의 方向 : A Methodological Study on Language Teaching

        서초순,문무연 慶尙大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        From some time in the 19th century until recently, many kinds of language teaching methods have been advocated. These methods have been given various names, like grammar-translation method, direct method, series method, audio-lingual method, and recently, the cognitive approach. Each of these methods has its own historical and theoretical background. In this study, the weak points and strong points of these methods are discussed and analyzed in order to find the most appropriate way of TESL in Korea. Surely, no one would deny that linguistics has made a great contribution to language teaching. Especially the structural linguistics corporation with behavioral psychology has been a great influence on TESL methodology and material development over past half century. With recent 'revolution' in linguistics, however, there seems to have arisen a sort of uncertainty in th field of TESL. Those involved in the field of TESL have not fully accepted this, 'revolution' indeed, many authorities observe that no 'revolution' will take place in TESL. It is time, however, that those who are engaging in TESL should look beyond the past and present and strengthen this decipline. Recently, in the field of linguistics, the transformational-generative grammar has almost replaced structural linguistics and has criticized it in many aspects. This new theory views language as rule-governed behavior and tries to describe an ideal native speaker-hearer's internalized rules. Proponents of this theory emphasize the creative aspect of language. They suggest that classroom exercises also be viewed differently. Instead of being a way of instilling habits which structuralists advocate, these exercises should now be concerned with allowing the students to react to and manipulate the data in order to internalize rules. Obviously, however, it is not enough to have students perform well in doing exercises and to internalize rules. They must also be able to use the language and communicate in out-of-classroom situations. The task of gradually moving from controlled practice to meaningful use of language will remain with the classroom teachers. It cannot he spelled out in a text book or in any linguistic theory. Only classroom teachers can be alert and sensitive to the individual needs and interests of their students. Indeed, it most be kept in mind that language itself is only one aspect of language teaching. Language teaching is an interdisciplinary field of various sciences including linguistics, psychology, cultural anthropology, and various non-linguistic fields. Those involved in the field of TESL, however, should be familiar with recent theories so that they can see what is applicable and what is not. There is not any one theory which may have all answers. The best of all possible approaches amy be an eclectic one in which the individual teacher attempts to use what is useful wherever he finds it and refuses to subscribe to any one narrow dogma.

      • 국어와 영어의 자음동화에 대하여

        김차균,서초순 慶尙大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        This paper concerns not only facts of assimilation but also sources of these facts. These sources include: 1) Positional assimilation In the VC₁C₂V sound-sequence, the assimilation of C₁into C₂or vice versa depends on which consonant has a stronger acoustic value. In most languages of this sound-sequence, /m,n,?,1/ sounds in the position C₁, are unreleased. And it is common that the stops and the affricates in C₁are also unreleased. In Korean, all the consonants in C₁are unreleased. In English, some consonants are unreleased, all fricatives and affricates are released, and the stops can be either released or not. Thus, we can expect that C₁is assimilated into C₂with ease and the opposite case is almost impossible. 2) Weak and strong articulators In the experiment discussed in this paper, the degree of the acoustic value was found to be as follows: velar>bilabial>alveolar The sounds which have the weak acoustic value(weak articulator)are easily assimilated into the neighboring sounds. Thus, alveolar sounds are easily assimilated into bilabial or velar sounds. The opposite case never occurs. 3) Influence of minor vowels When the minor vowel is inserted between consonants, the assimilation occurs with more difficulty or less completely than otherwise. Or, restated, consonants which do not have minor vowels are more easily assimilated than those which do have them. Thus, the existence of the minor vowels exerts much influence on the assimilation. 4) The degree of sonority lateral>nasal>fricative>stop If the consonants are in the sequerce as shown in the above order of sonority, then, the assimilation occurs. However, when the weak sonority follows the strongt one, as shown above, the assimilation occurs more easily.

      • T.S. Eliot's Technical Devices in The Waste Land

        Whang, So-Boo,Suh, Cho-Soon 慶尙大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        Eliot이 The Waste Land에 신화를 도입한 것은 단순히 전설상의 이야기의 idea를 옮기려고 한것이 아니라 이 시의 형식과 내용에 보다 중요한 시도를 하기 위한것임을 알수있다. 현실과 사회, 즉 과거와 현재의 일렬정돈 그리고 당대의 역사인 무익한 앵동과 무질서에 질서와 형태와 의미를 부여하고 통제력을 주는 하나의 통일된 유행의 창아는 당대의 예술가에게 가장 큰 문제였는데 이 신화의 도입으로 Eliot은 그 문제를 해결할수 있었던 것이다. 즉 인류학적 배경으로 독자를 괴롭히는 방대한 재료들에 질서와 형식을 줄수있는 Mythical method를 구사할수 있었다. 우리가 신화라고 일컫는 옛 이야기는 결국 인간에 관한 것이며 또 인간의 표현이며 인간의 겨험 그 자체라고도 할수있다. 그래서 Eliot은 많은 이야기와 고대종교 혹은 제식에 관한 저술을 읽고 여러가지 신화속에 공통된는 유혀을 발견한 것인데 결국 이 전체에 반복되는 죽음과 재생이라는 주제도 신화에서 얻어진 것이다. Joyce의 Ulysses가 24시간의 의식의 흐름을 대장편 소설로 연장한것과는 달리 불과 433행 가운데다 Eliot은 과거 수천년의 인류의 이식을 압축 시키고 동시에 현대인간들의 정신경위를 교묘히 다룰수 있었다는것도 신화와 그상징으로 내면의식을 교묘히 다룰수있는 소위 Mythical method를 통해서 가능 할수 있었던 것이다.

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