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        고려말 조선시대 암막새의 변천과정

        서창호(Seo Chang Ho) 중부고고학회 2010 고고학 Vol.9 No.1

        암막새는 고려말 조선시대로 들어오면서 그 이전과 비교하여 衷面 布目痕의 등장, 평면형태와 막새면의 意匠표현 등 많은 변화가 이루어진다. 한국 와전사에 있어 이렇게 많은 변화가 보인 적은 없었다. 衷面에 布目痕이 확인되는 암막새들 중 평면형태, 문양과 문자의 意匠표현 등을 주속성으로 하여 유적 내에서 속성의 관찰이 가능한 암막세에 적용시켜 형식 분류를 시도하였다. Ⅰ단계는 고려말인 14세기 전반에서 15세기 후반으로 衷面에 布目痕이 있다는 것을 제외하고는 이전 시기에 비해 평면형태와 문양 등에 있어 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. II 단계는 15세기 후반에서 16세기 후반으로 굴곡이 1회 또는 2회의 역삼각형태이고, 중앙문자구확대가 확인된다. III단계는 15세기 후반에서 17세기 후반으로 평면형태는 굴곡이 2회 이상의 역삼각형이며 연주문이 사라지고, 문자배치는 C, D식으로 막새면의 意匠이 본격적으로 문양에서 문자중심으로 변화되고 있다 IV단계는 16세기 후반부터 19세기 전반까지로 막새면 의 全面에 등간격의 문자구확대를 배치하여 문자위주의 意匠이 표현되고, 문자배치에 있어 정형성을 보인다. 이러한 변화의 원인을 먼저 고려말 원 간섭기에 유입된 원식 암막새에서 찾아보았는데 Ⅰ단계의 衷面 布目痕 막새의 제 작기법과 원식암막새의 속성이 결합하여 II 단계부터는 본격적인 변화가 진행되는 것을 알 수 있다. 막새 衷面에 布目痕이 있는 암막새는 막새와 평가와의 각도를 일정하게 맞춘 받침과 거치대를 사용하였기 때문에 동일한 접합기법 및 접합각도로 제작이 가능하다. 이는 접할 시 막새와 평가와의 조정 및 보강이 생략됨으로 공정의 축소화와 규격화를 위한 기술의 발전으로 설명할 수 있다. 16세기를 전후로 암막새의 장식이 문양에서 문자로 변화되면서 문자가 막새면의 全面에 걸쳐 자리 잡기 시작하는데 그 요인에 대해 당시 억불정책의 영향에 따른 사원경제사적인 측면에서 접근해보았다. 이 시기 암막새의 문자에는 대부분 시주, 화주, 인명, 관직명 등의 내용이 포함되어 있다. 암막새는 지붕의 정면을 장식하는 시각적 효과가 있어 막새면에 시주자의 이름을 새기게 되고, 시주자는 신앙적 효과를 제공받게 된다. 시주자의 대부분은 관인사대부나 지방의 유력자로서 국가의 지원 없이도 시원경제가 지속되는데 있어 경제적인 도움을 제공하였을 것이다. 또한 제와수공입적인 측면으로 볼 때 시주가 목적인 주문자(민간, 관인시대부)의 요구를 받아 암막새애 인명 등의 시주내용을 全面에 새겨 넣는 것은 별와요로 대표되는 관설제와장이 16세기를 전후로 시설제와 장으로 변질되고 있음을 말해주는 고고학적 증거라고 생각된다. Compared to the flat roof-end tiles of the previous period, those of the late Goryeo to Joseon Dynasty illustrate significant changes in terms of manufacturing technique, shape and decoration. These are thought to be important changes that can help establish chronology when researching flat roof-end tiles. However, Korean researchers have only considered the material in a fragmentary manner and have lacked a diachronic approach to change. However, the flat roof-end tiles of the late Goryeo to joseon Dynasty were reconsidered by Japanese researchers, which suggests the need to carry out a similar endeavor within Korea. Accordingly, focusing on those which have yielded traces of linen and cotton, this study examines the changing nature of the shape (in cross-section) and decoration of flat roof-end tiles. The results of the study suggest that flat roof-end tiles can be divided into 6 types which changed over 4 stages. These changes appear to have been influenced by the flat roof-end tiles of the Yuan dynasty which have been excavated within the Korean peninsula. The flat roof-end tiles of the Goryeo Dynasty began to be influenced by the flat roof-end tiles of the Yuan dynasty in Stage 1, and this generated the changes which can be observed from Stage 2. Finally, the presence of linen and cotton traces on the backs of the flat roof-end tiles was considered. Tiles without linen and cotton traces required adjusting and reinforcing when joined with plain roof-tiles. However, those with linen and cotton traces were manufactured using a rest which matched the angle between the flat roof-end tiles and the plain roof-tiles, and so such tiles could be joined according to a similar technique and angle. Therefore, the presence of linen and cotton traces can be taken to indicate standardization in manufacturing technique, and consequently development in mass production technology.

      • 영웅의 반정립적인 측면과 동반자의 역할을 통해 바라보는 현대의 영웅 신화 : 영화 <크로니클>을 통한 길가메쉬 서사시의 재해석

        서창립 ( Seo Chang-lib ) 한국종교학연구회 2018 宗敎學硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        This Paper focused on interpreting how ancient heroic myth changed in the modern age in comparison with the medium of film among modern mass media. In particular, we try to find the message about situation of modern society through the contemporary media, through how the character's personalities were newly reflected and the characteristics appearing in the newly reflected parts. Through this study, the purpose of this paper was to understand the changes in the character typical of heroic myth by interpreting the types of characters appearing in the movie "Chronicle(2012)" and comparing them with those of the epic of Gilgamesh. Heroic Myth is basically described the growth and achievement of hero, and has emerged in various divisions in all cultures of the world. Ancient people created various stories based on the folklore that had been handed down from their ancestors, and composed the stories into various forms, such as Oral mythology and epic poem. through this process, ancient heroic myths were passed on to modern people with various forms of records. Heroic myth are central to the story by a person with mythical characteristic of "Heroes." Heroes are given extraordinary abilities form birth, either from heaven or from god. And they come into the human world with the ability they are given and embody it in a divine form eo make achievements. A hero can be a monarch who rules a nation through his abilities, or a hero in tragic. Or they saved the people at their own sacrifice. Hero mythology exists in various forms, and has each characteristic of myth and legend. That is, it takes a form that includes both unrealistic and realistic features of myths and legends through various aspects of the hero. This mythology created the beauty of the human world through the story of a hero, and through his normative aspect, he present a lesson in Justice. Among them, The Epic of Gilgamesh was the first heroic myth, which provided a frame for the existing heroic myth. The epic of gilgamesh in divided into stories about the adventures of Gilgamesh anc Enkidu and a journey to meet Utnapishtim(or Atrahasis) in search of eternal life. In the beginning, Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, meets a companion named Enkidu. And Gilgamesh has changed from tyrant to hero. In Ancient Sumerian and Akkadian, one can see how a hero grew up through the friendship, and what was behind that growth. Through Gigamesh, who hs strong power but has not developed a heroic aspect, and Enkidu, who appears to march him, through which he drew an ideal figure as a human being. The heroic aspect of the Gilgamesh Epic was connected to the ancient literature, such as, Iliad and Odyssey. It has also been followed by epic poems in the middle ages and a modern novel. And in modern times, new forms of heroic myth(or epic) appeared in many genres.(Graphic novels, animations, movies, and TV Dramas) In this times, especially, heroes from myths and legends have been newly portrayed according to the views of the contemporary people, and variously painted according to the background of the day. For example, in movies such as "The Magnificent 7", the westerns movie featured seven heroic figures in the background of the American frontier, while "the Batman" of DC Comics shows how Bruce Wayne emerges as a hero against the backdrop of a virtual city(Gotham), the near future. The two examples that symbolize contemporary myths show that characters with heroic characteristics, based on the setting of the times or hypothetical background, are not stereotyped and revealed as they are, but in new and diverse forms. And this variety forms has developed in a way that constructed a new heroic myth that delievers a social message with the emergence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This suggests that modern mass media, like as the Epic of Gilgamesh, can be reinterpreted and re-applied to the central figure. The next step is to find and interpret the hero mythical elements and their meanings that appear in contemporary mass media. For this Purpose, the first thing to interpret is a modern interpretation of the character. Namely, It is to identify the ideal aspects and characteristics of hero stories and characters in the mass media, and to explore what points were found in the interpretation, by comparing each aspect of the characters(hero, companion, antagonist) In this process, Based on modern ideas about the ideal that ancient people thought of in heroic myths and modern people's interpretation of heroism, modern myths are reconstructed and depicted in various forms. And It defines modern mass media as "A New types of myth" and allows them to conjure up the emotions and perspectives of modern people that emerge within the myth, and the new ideals, and human images. Through the new persona in the modern "A new types of Myth", the director of the movie understood how he wanted to express the society of the day, how he described the changing emotions of the people living in the society, and how he wanted to talk about the problems they were having in society. And the modern media is to form a new type of hero ic myth in ancient times and other forms. This form of heroism is interpreted through the development of the movie "Chronicle" and through the changes of the main characters.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강 수계에서의 자외선 차단제류 검출 특성

        서창동(Chang Dong Seo),손희종(Hee Jong Son),최진택(Jin Taek Choi),유평종(Pyung Jong Yoo),장성호(Seong Ho Jang) 大韓環境工學會 2015 대한환경공학회지 Vol.37 No.8

        낙동강 수계에서의 자외선 차단제류 검출현황을 조사한 결과, 본류 및 지류 20지점 중 5지점에서 EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC 및 EHMC 5종이 검출되었으며, 본류에서는 검출되지 않았다. 지류의 경우는 금호강 상류, 신천, 금호강 하류, 진천천 및 양산천에서 EHS가 ND~60.8 ng/L, BP-3가 ND~72.1 ng/L, 4-MBC가 ND~57.2 ng/L, BZC가 ND~60.1 ng/L 및 EHMC가 ND~85.2 ng/L의 농도로 검출되었다. 낙동강 주변에 위치한 11개 하수처리장 방류수들에서는 EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC 및 EHMC 5종이 각각 ND~89.3 ng/L, ND~90.8 ng/L, ND~88.1 ng/L, ND~118.5 ng/L 및 ND~104.4 ng/L의 농도로 검출되었다. 낙동강 수계 및 낙동강 주변에 위치한 11개 하수처리장 방류수들에서의 계절별 자외선 차단제류의 분포비율은, 6월과 9월에는 대체적으로 유사한 분포 특성을 나타내었으나, 4월과 11월에는 검출농도 뿐만 아니라 구성종 비율의 변화폭도 매우 크게 나타났다. This study was investigated occurrence and distribution patterns of UV filters in Nakdong River basin (mainstream, tributaries and sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents). 5 (EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC and EHMC) out of 7 UV filters were detected in 5 out of 20 sampling sites (mainstream and tributaries), 7 UV filters were not detected in mainstream samples, and the EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC and EHMC concentration levels in tributary samples were ND~60.8 ng/L, ND~72.1 ng/L, ND~57.2 ng/L, ND~60.1 ng/L and ND~85.2 ng/L, respectively. 5 (EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC and EHMC) out of 7 UV filters were detected in effluents of 11 STPs around the Nakdong River basin. The EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC and EHMC concentration levels in 11 STP effluents were ND~89.3 ng/L, ND~90.8 ng/L, ND~88.1 ng/L, ND~118.5 ng/L and ND~104.4 ng/L, respectively. According to the sampling season, distribution patterns and detected concentrations of 5 UV filters were similar in June and September 2014, but change ranges of distribution patterns and detected concentrations of 5 UV filters were highly variable in April and November 2014.

      • KCI등재

        오존처리에 의한 수중의 인공 사향물질 제거특성

        서창동(Chang Dong Seo),손희종(Hee Jong Son),염훈식(Hoon Sik Yoom),이상원(Sang Won Lee),류동춘(Dong Chun Ryu) 大韓環境工學會 2012 대한환경공학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        낙동강 원수와 급속 사여과 처리수중에 함유된 인공 사향물질(Synthetic Musk Compounds, SMCs) 3종에 대해 오존처리 공정에서의 제거특성을 살펴본 결과, Musk Ketone (MK)이 AHTN (7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene)과 HHCB (1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta[c]-2-benzopyran)에 비해 오존처리에 의한 제거율이 낮게 나타났다. 그리고 동일한 운전조건에서 원수에 함유된 SMCs의 제거율은 원수 중에 함유된 오존 소모물질들에 의한 영향으로 급속 사여과 처리수에 함유된 경우보다 제거율이 훨씬 낮았다. 오존 투입농도 0.5~10.0 mg/L에서 낙동강 원수와 급속 사여과 처리수 중에 함 유된 3종의 SMCs에 대한 제거 속도상수(k)는 오존 투입농도가 증가할수록 급격히 증가하는 경향을 나타내었고, 반감기 역시 오 존 투입농도 증가에 비례하여 급격히 감소하였다. 전/후오존 공정이 갖추어진 낙동강 하류에 위치한 정수장들의 경우, 전오존 공정은 최대 1.5~2.0 mg/L의 오존 투입농도로 2~4분 및 후오존 공정은 최대 2.0~2.5 mg/L의 오존 투입농도로 6~8분 정도의 체류 시간을 가지도록 설계되어져 있어 비교적 고농도의 SMCs가 유입될 경우에는 오존처리만으로는 이들 물질들에 대한 제어가 어려운 것으로 나타났다. In this study, three different synthetic musk compounds (SMCs) in the Nakdong river water (raw water) and rapid sand filtered water were treated by O₃ process. The experimental results showed that the removal efficiency of musk ketone (MK) was lower than removal efficiency of AHTN (7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene) and HHCB (1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro- 4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta[c]-2-benzopyran) for both the raw water and the rapid sand filtered water. And in general, the removal efficiencies of three SMCs in the raw water were lower than that in the sand filtered water. Under the O₃ dose of 0.5~ 10.0 mg/L, the removal rate constants (k) of three SMCs for the raw and sand filtered waters increased rapidly with the increased O₃ dose. In the case of drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) which were selected pre- and post-O₃ processes (located in the downstream of Nakdong River), operation conditions of pre- and post-O₃ process were 0.5~2.0 mg·O₃/L (2~4 min) and 0.5~2.5 mg·O₃/L (6~8 min). Therefore, O₃ doses and contact times of same conditions with above were very difficult to remove SMCs in DWTPs.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        BAC 공정에서의 자외선 차단제 생물분해 특성

        서창동(Chang Dong Seo),손희종(Hee Jong Son),정종문(Jong Moon Jung),최진택(Jin Taek Choi),류동춘(Dong Choon Ryu),장성호(Seong Ho Jang) 大韓環境工學會 2014 대한환경공학회지 Vol.36 No.11

        생물활성탄(BAC)과 안트라사이트 biofilter에서의 공탑 체류시간(EBCT) 및 수온의 변화에 따른 8종의 자외선 차단제들의 생물분해 특성을 평가하였다. 수온 7℃와 18℃에서 EBCT를 5분~15분까지 변화시켜 실험하였다. 생물활성탄 공정에서자외선 차단제 8종의 생물분해율은 EBCT와 수온에 따라 큰 영향을 받았으며 EBCT와 수온이 증가할수록 생물분해율이 증가하였으며, 자외선 차단제들의 종류에 따른 생물활성탄 공정에서의 생물분해율은 EHMC와 BZC가 가장 높았으며, BP와4-MBC가 가장 낮았다. 자외선 차단제 8종에 대한 BAC 공정에서의 생물분해 속도상수(kbio)는 수온이 7℃에서 18℃로 상승하였을 경우, 0.2730~0.6365 min-1에서 0.4824~0.8743 min-1로 증가하여 1.5~2.1배 정도 증가하였다. In this study, The effects of empty bed contact time (EBCT) and water temperature on the biodegradation of 8 UVfilters in biological activated carbon (BAC) process were investigated. Experiments were conducted at two water temperatures (7and 18℃) and three EBCTs (5, 10 and 15 min). Increasing EBCT and water temperature increased the biodegradation efficiencyof UV filters in BAC column. EHMC and BZC were the highest biodegradation efficiency, but BP and 4-MBC were the lowest. The kinetic analysis suggested a first-order reaction model for biodegradation of 8 UV filters at various water temperatures andEBCTs. The first-order biodegradation rate constants (kbio) of 8 UV filters ranging from 0.2730~0.6365 min-1 at 7℃ to 0.4824~0.8743 min-1 at 18℃. By increasing the water temperature from 7℃ to 18℃, the biodegradation rate constants (kbio) were increased1.5~2.1 times.

      • 서울 인수동 노후화주택지 개선을 위한 신진건축사 공모방안 제안

        서창효(Seo, Chang-Hyo),홍윤지(Hong, Yun-ji),조용훈(Cho, Yong-Hoon) 한국주거학회 2018 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.30 No.2

        In Seoul, many dilapidated residential areas where aged buildings were congested existed and still exists. In the past, our government demolished all the old buildings and replaced them by high-rise apartment type buildings. As a result, almost all the tenants who lived there in the past for long time were expelled, and almost all the newly supplied apartments are occupied by rich people. Based on the recognition of these kinds of unequal social problem, we propose a new residential town improving program, which can be called as “Maeulmandeulgi”, that can revitalize the area with preserving and restoring the old buildings by collaborating with local residents and local authority.

      • 소아 천식 환자에서 발견된 거대한 점액전

        서창덕 ( Chang Deok Seo ),오석희 ( Seak Hee Oh ),윤지석 ( Ji Seok Youn ),송영화 ( Young Hwa Song ),권지원 ( Ji Won Kwon ),김병주 ( Byoung Ju Kim ),유진호 ( Jin Ho Yu ),홍수종 ( Soo Jong Hong ) 대한천식알레르기학회 2010 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.30 No.1

        A 7-year-old girl with asthma developed large mucus plug confirmed by bronchoscopic evaluation. Her respiratory failure and concomitant multiple atelectasis were improved after bronchoscopic removal of the mucus plug. Mucus plug is known to frequently occur in children with asthmatic attack, because of exudate accumulation in airway, different profile of mucus in asthmatic conditions and decreased activity of cilia. Despite the conventional concept that mucus plus is managed by chest physiotherapy, large mucus plug in asthma may cause severe respiratory failure with the development of atelectasis which should be removed by bronchoscopy. We report herein a case of large mucus plug that caused atelectasis in a child with asthmatic attack. (Korean J Asthma Allergy Clin Immunol 2010;30:50-54)

      • KCI등재

        무인 항공기를 이용한 밀집영역 자동차 탐지

        서창진(Chang-Jin Seo) 한국산학기술학회 2018 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        본 논문은 최근 물체탐지 분야에서 실시간 물체 탐지 알고리즘으로 주목을 받고 있는 YOLOv2(You Only Look Once) 알고리즘을 이용하여 밀집 영역에 주차되어 있는 자동차 탐지 방법을 제안한다. YOLO의 컨볼루션 네트워크는 전체 이미지에서 한 번의 평가를 통해서 직접적으로 경계박스들을 예측하고 각 클래스의 확률을 계산하고 물체 탐지 과정이 단일 네트워크이기 때문에 탐지 성능이 최적화 되며 빠르다는 장점을 가지고 있다. 기존의 슬라이딩 윈도우 접근법과 R-CNN 계열의 탐지 방법은 region proposal 방법을 사용하여 이미지 안에 가능성이 많은 경계박스를 생성하고 각 요소들을 따로 학습하기 때문에 최적화 및 실시간 적용에 어려움을 가지고 있다. 제안하는 연구는 YOLOv2 알고리즘을 적용하여 기존의 알고리즘이 가지고 있는 물체 탐지의 실시간 처리 문제점을 해결하여 실시간으로 지상에 있는 자동차를 탐지하는 방법을 제안한다. 제안하는 연구 방법의 실험을 위하여 오픈소스로 제공되는 Darknet을 사용하였으며 GTX-1080ti 4개를 탑재한 Deep learning 서버를 이용하여 실험하였다. 실험결과 YOLO를 활용한 자동차 탐지 방법은 기존의 알고리즘 보다 물체탐지에 대한 오버헤드를 감소 할 수 있었으며 실시간으로 지상에 존재하는 자동차를 탐지할 수 있었다. This paper proposes a vehicle detection method for parking areas using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and using YOLOv2, which is a recent, known, fast, object-detection real-time algorithm. The YOLOv2 convolutional network algorithm can calculate the probability of each class in an entire image with a one-pass evaluation, and can also predict the location of bounding boxes. It has the advantage of very fast, easy, and optimized-at-detection performance, because the object detection process has a single network. The sliding windows methods and region-based convolutional neural network series detection algorithms use a lot of region proposals and take too much calculation time for each class. So these algorithms have a disadvantage in real-time applications. This research uses the YOLOv2 algorithm to overcome the disadvantage that previous algorithms have in real-time processing problems. Using Darknet, OpenCV, and the Compute Unified Device Architecture as open sources for object detection. a deep learning server is used for the learning and detecting process with each car. In the experiment results, the algorithm could detect cars in a dense area using UAVs, and reduced overhead for object detection. It could be applied in real time.

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