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        『마산문화』의 소개와 평가

        서익진 ( Ick Jin Seo ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 人文論叢 Vol.30 No.-

        본고는 1980년대 전반기에 발행된 지방무크들 중 유명했던 『마산문화』(전 4권)의 발행 배경을 살피고, 구성의 분석을 통해 성격을 규명했다. 발행 배경으로는 신군부독재정권에 의한 출판언론의 엄격한 탄압이 무크를 대안언론의 하나로 만들었으며, 마산지역의 역사적, 사회적 및 경제적 특수성이 크게 작용했다고 밝혔다. 발행주체는 저항적 문학인을 비롯해 사회의식이 강한 지식 청년들이었다.『마산문화』의 구성을 권별 및 분야별로 분석해본 결과 『마산문화』는 사회운동을 지향하는 종합무크라는 기본성격을 띠며, 종합성, 지역성, 세계성, 민중지향성, 사회변혁성의 다섯 가지 특성으로 구체화할 수 있었다. 본고는 자료상의 제약으로 『마산문화』의 구성 분석과 전체적 평가에 한정되었지만 『마산문화』에 관한 최초의 분석 논문이라는 점과 마산지역의 사회운동사에서 거의 누락되어 있는 1980년대 전반기의 사회운동에 관한 부분을 보완한다는 점에 의의가 있다. This paper attempts to examine the background of the Mook Masan Culture (four editions), one of regional Mooks published in the first half of the 1980s, and to find its characteristics through an analysis of its composition. For its background, we found that the Mook became an alternative media under a close control of the press and publication executed by the new military political power and that the historical, social and economic specificities of Masan region came into it. The principal agents were intelligent young men including some literary persons, who have a strong social consciousness. Concerning its characteristics, the result of an analysis on its constitution of articles is that it is, as a basic characteristic, a comprehensive Mook, strongly oriented to social mouvement. This basic characteristic can be confirmed through five features as follows: comprehensiveness, regionalism, globalism, orientation to the interest of the people, aim for radical social change. This study is limited to an general analysis appreciation on the Mook Masan Culture itself because of a constraint of materials concerned. Mais it has a significance in the points that it`s first academic attempt about the Mook and that it deals with a regional social mouvement developed in the first half of the 1980s, nearly left out from the history of regional social mouvement. Finally, it seems necessary to analyze the content of the articles issued in the Mook, to make a comparative appreciation with the other Mooks, and to give it a proper status from the point of view of an overall history of regional social mouvement.

      • KCI등재

        마산시 도시재생사업 거버년스의 특성과 평가에 관한 연구·

        김영(Kim. Yeong),서익진(Seo. Ick- Jin),이필용(Lee. Pil- Yong) 한국지역개발학회 2008 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.20 No.4

        The aim of this study is to propose guidelines for construction of the urban goveming regime by assessing urban regeneration projects and examining characteristics of govemaoce to whìch has recently been paid attention in order to tde the urban decline problems. For this study, first of all, Ùle backgrounds and the needs of efficient governance for urban regeneration by reviewing the Iiterature. As a case study, we investigated some applicable technÎQues for successful regeneration projects to a 1∞al cîty, Masan, and explored posble altematives ω apply systematic govemance strateg to the city for private- public partnersrups In particular fOf an analytic study, the Analytica1 Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was applied ω the survey of experts evaluation items and impoπant factors. From this study, we found that the main focus of gover끼 ance based on αivate- pubic partnership shou1d be on accountability and leadership of govemment for implementation of regeneration strategies. In addition, we found that organization of stable and pennanent govemance netw are the most critica1 factor. A1so and institutional as weU as vi siα15 and passions of participants and stake-holders should be included amα,g critical factors for an efient govemance based upon private- public partnership

      • KCI등재

        지역별 여신 배분의 결정요인

        김무환 ( Kim Moo-hwan ),서익진 ( Seo Ick-jin ),박갑제 ( Park Kap-je ) 경남대학교 산업경영연구소 2013 지역산업연구 Vol.36 No.2

        시중은행은 전국에 지점을 설치하여 영업 중이며 자금이동을 용이하게 하고 지역간 이자율을 일치시키는 역할을 하는 것으로 알려져 있지만 여신배분에 있어서 수도권에 집중되어 있다는 비난을 피할 수도 없는 상황이다. 전국 은행시스템하에서 지역별 여신 배분을 분석하기 위해 4가지 가설을 실증분석 하였다. 첫째, 소득이 높은 지역은 상대적으로 은행 여신 비중이 높다. 횡단면 자료 분석 결과에 의하면 상대적으로 소득(1인당 지역내총생산)이 작은 지역이 더 높은 여신 비중을 보이는 경향을 발견했다. 하지만 시계열 자료를 이용한 분석 결과에 의하면 중심부가 더 많은 대출금을 이용하고 있다는 증거도 존재한다. 둘째, 주변부 지역에서의 여신 비중이 장기적으로 하락한다. 실증 분석결과 이 주장을 옹호할 근거가 부족했다. 셋째, 수요측 요인이 통제된 조건하에서 긴축적인 통화정책의 효과는 주변부와 중심부에서 다르게 나타나는데 주변부 지역의 여신이 상대적으로 더 제약된다는 것이다. 실증 분석에 의하면 긴축적인 통화정책이 여신분포의 상대적 차이를 증가시키는 것으로 드러났다. 또한 긴축적인 통화정책이 실행되면 유동자산과 유가증권의 이용이 증가하여 총대출금의 지역별 비중이 증가한다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 신용할당이 이루어지고 있는 지의 여부를 검토하기 위해 스위칭 모델을 이용했다. 그 결과 여신의 초과 수요(즉, 신용할당)이 존재하는 시기가 있음을 발견했다. 그러나 분석 대상 기간 동안의 초과수요 평균값이 0에 가까워 두드러진 여신의 초과수요 현상이 존재한다고 보기는 어려운 측면이 있다. 그러므로 장기적인 여신 비중의 추이나 신용할당의 정도로 볼 때 시중은행이 체계적인 지역적 차별을 행하고 있다고 주장하기는 어렵다. 오히려 여신의 지역별 비중에 대한 통화정책의 차별화된 경기변동의 효과가 존재하는 것으로 볼 수도 있다.

      • KCI등재

        서비스 아웃소싱이 노동수요에 미치는 효과 분석

        이영수 ( Young Soo Lee ),서익진 ( Ick Jin Seo ),서환주 ( Hwan Joo Seo ) 한국산업조직학회 2008 産業組織硏究 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 Campa and Goldberg (1997)와 Strauss-Kahn (2003)의 아웃소싱 추정방식을 이용하여 아웃소싱 진전이 노동수요에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지를 분석하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 해외서비스업 및 국내서비스업으로의 아웃소싱은 고숙련노동 및 저숙련 노동 모두를 대체하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 서비스아웃소싱 진전으로 인한 고숙련 및 저숙련 노동의 대체는 생산의 효율성을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 국내서비스 아웃소싱이 고급기술산업의 생산 효율성을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. We examine empirically the impact of outsourcing in services on the labor demand in Korean manufacturing industries, using outsourcing index developed by Campa and Goldberg(1997) and Strauss-Kahn(2003). Some of major findings from the study can be summarized as follows. First, international and domestic outsourcing in services substitute high-skilled labor and low-skilled labor as well. Second, the increase of outsourcing enhances the efficiency of Korean manufacturing industries by factor substitution. Third, domestic outsourcing in services has negative effect on the efficiency of high-technology manufacturing sectors.

      • KCI등재

        마산시 도시재생사업 거버넌스의 특성과 평가에 관한 연구

        김영(Kim, Yeong),서익진(Seo, Ick-Jin),이필용(Lee, Pil-Yong) 한국지역개발학회 2008 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.20 No.4

        The aim of this study is to propose guidelines for construction of the urban governing regime by assessing urban regeneration projects and examining characteristics of governance to which has recently been paid attention in order to tackle the urban decline problems. For this study, first of all, the backgrounds and the needs of efficient governance for urban regeneration by reviewing the literature. As a case study, we investigated some applicable techniques for successful regeneration projects to a local city, Masan, and explored possible alternatives to apply systematic governance strategies to the city for private-public partnerships. In particular for an analytic study, the Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) method was applied to the survey of experts evaluation items and important factors. From this study, we found that the main focus of governance based on private-public partnership should be on accountability and leadership of local government for implementation of regeneration strategies. In addition, we found that organization of stable and permanent governance network are the most critical factor. Also legal and institutional support as well as visions and passions of participants and stake-holders should be included among critical factors for an efficient governance based upon private-public partnership.

      • KCI등재

        수변 재생을 통한 도시 재생의 사례도시 비교분석

        정규식(Jeong Gyu Sik),김영(Kim Yeong),서익진(Seo Ick Jin) 한국도시행정학회 2011 도시 행정 학보 Vol.24 No.4

        Waterfront regeneration has emerged recently as a new means for urban regeneration. The purpose of this study is to draw implications for successful construction and operation of waterfront in a small and medium-sized city by analyzing the waterfronts constructed in the cities, in the south coast of Korea and, in Kitakyushu region in Japan. For this purpose, we apply the “Principles for a Sustainable Development of Urban Waterfront Areas” consented by The United Nations. The results of this comparative analysis on Korean and Japanese waterfronts can be summarized as follow. The waterfront regeneration was characterized by decentralized port management and practical community involvement in Japan, but actually centralist port management and formal residents’ participation in Korea. Major implications of this study include importance of preservation in water quality, necessity of governance system which is led by local government rather than central government and guarantees citizen participation, combined operation of software (programs) and hardware(facilities), integration of waterfront in the context of existing city, especially connection to the center of city.

      • KCI등재

        도시재생사업의 산업구조적 파급효과와 변화 추이에 관한 연구

        김남룡(Kim,Nam–,Ryong),김영(Kim,Yeong),서익진(Seo,Ick-Jin)정경석(Jeong,Gyeong–,Seok) 한국주거환경학회 2010 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.8 No.2

        An urbanization has been existed since ancient time in human history but it was started after the Industrial Revolution because of the effect of modern times in earnest. The modern Recently, the urban regeneration has made various impacts on urban development by social and economic as well as environmental and physical regeneration. Consequently, it has resulted in a holistic approach toward urban rehabilitation projects in more recent times. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is analyze the economic impacts of urban regeneration project under the industrial structure and consider effectiveness of policies by urban planning's new paradigm through the analysis of economic impacts for factors suggested by the necessity of urban regeneration under the industrial structure. For the analysis of economic impacts by each industry of urban regeneration project, the standard was the input-output tables presented by the Bank of Korea. The number of industrial sections were 28 and for the comparative years were 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, etc. Compared with other results of analyses for large scale projects, it was proved that it had made large effects on various industries. As a result of the effects of urban regeneration in general, thepre-study and post-analyses of economic impacts are required as a part of the whole impacts of urban regeneration. Also, the economic impacts on all sectors should be applied to urban policies and techniques.

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