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        탈북자 고문피해 실태

        변주나,정남옥,김윤태,유양경 在外韓人學會 2004 在外韓人硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        The study was conducted to investigate torture status of North Korean settlers in South Korea for verifying their refugee status in China. The torture checklist (Torture: the Grave of Human Rights, written by KRCT, Hangyeorae Publishing: Seoul, 2004: 69-71) was employed. The checklist was originally derived from the Istanbul Protocol(1999). All participants(30 in number) surveyed reported torture experience. The mean number of torture was of 28.6(±1.52) composed of psychological torture 25.1 and physical torture 3.5. The participants were experienced beating 100%, fixed position 50%, burning 23%, suspension 17%, suffocation 13%, electric torture 10%, dental torture 10%, mutilation 3% as physical torture. The participants were experienced food and water deprivation 100%, coercion 100%, communication misuse 83%, sexual torture 57%, abuse drugs and mental clinic 13% as psychological torture. Seventy percents of participants were suffering from socioeconomic and 63% were from familial aftereffects of torture. The most frequent aftereffects of socioeconomic aftereffects was unemployment related to illness and disability, lack of job skills, difficulty in establishing social relationships, difficulty in communication, and maladjustment to South Korean society. The most frequent aftereffect of family was children problems followed by disintegration of family, and inability to maintain marriage life. These consequences seriously jeopardize the resettlement and the integration of North Korean refugees in South Korea. To conclude, this study found that North Korean settled in S. Korea were more than economical migrants but they were refugees when they were in China. 본 연구는 2005년 9월부터 11월에 걸쳐 북한민주화운동본부에 등록되어 있는 서울·경기지역에 거주하는 재한 탈북 새터민 30인을 대상으로 이들이 난민이었는지를 밝히기 위하여 실시한 서술적 조사연구이다. 본 연구의 설문지에 포함된 일반적인 고문 및 구금 사항은 유엔인권위원회(www.ohchr.org)개별 보고서의 내용을 번역하여 사용하였고, '고문: 인권의 무던(고문피해자재할을 돕는 모임, 2004)' 에 실린 고문기법조사표(69-71쪽)와 고문관련 가족 및 사회경제적 문제에 관한 조사표(149쪽)을 이용하였다. 이 책에 수록된 고문조사표는 1999년 8월 9일 유엔인권위원회에 제출한 '고문 및 비인간적 처우에 관한 효과적인 조사 및 기록을 위한 지침서' 인 이스탄불 프로토콜(The Istanbul Protocal, 1999)에서 유래되었다. 연구결과 응답자 모두가 고문피해자(100%) 이었다. 고문 받은 기간은 평균 2개월 8일(±1.02)고문사건 연루 횟수 평균 14.5(±1.42)회였으며 고문 이유로는 취조 및 노동과정에서 협조하지 않음 100%, 남한인과의 접촉 97%, 중국거주 97%, 중국화폐 소지 63%, 종교행위(성경책 읽기, 기도하기 등) 6%, 거리부랑자(꽃제비) 3%, 남한 비디오 보기 3% 이었다. 응답자 100%에서 신체 및 심리적 고문을 경험하였다. 응답자 1인 평균 28.6(±1.52)건의 고문을 경험하였고 그 중 심리적 고문은 25.1건, 신체적 고문은 3.5(± 2.01)건이었다. 경험한 신체적 고문의 종류로는 구타고문 100%, 비 생리적 자세고문 50%, 화상고문 23%, 매달기 17%, 질식고문 13%, 전기고문파 10%, 치아고문 10%, 성기 외 신체절단고문 3% 순이었다. 응답자 모두는 고문 피해자들이 경험한 박탈기법(물과 음식)을 경험하였으며, 의사소통 악용기법 83%, 성 고문 57%, 약물 및 정신병원 악용 13% 순으로 경험하였다.가장 우선적으로 해결되기를 원하는 문제는 신체적 및 정신적 고문 후유증으로 인한 의료적인 문제였고, 88%의 응답자들이 제안한 해결책 또한 심신고문후유증 해결을위한 전문적인 의료복지적 대책마련이었다. 본 연구의 결과 응답자들은 중국에서 북송된 후 수용시설에 구금되어 고강도의 다양한 고문을 장기적으로 경험한 후 이를 피해서 2차 이상 탈북을 시도한 정치적 난민임을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 이들이 당면한 문제는 고문후유증장애이었으며, 이에 대한 해결책으로는 탈북자 지정병원 설립 등의 전문적인 의료지원대책을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 전라북도지역 일차보건진료원의 지역사회간호지식에 관한 연구

        변주나 전북대학교 의과학연구소 1986 全北醫大論文集 Vol.10 No.2

        This survey was conducted to obtain basic information about primary health practitioners(total number ; 80) to find out their degree of knowledge on community health nursing, and relation between their personal characteristics and knowledge score. This survey was composed on 20 question contents. All are multiful choice. Each question measured 1 score. 1) Personal characteristics 65.1% of them are in 25-34 year old, 74.4% of them graduated from nursing junior college, 42.9% of them graduated after 1980, 55.0% of them are married. 70.9% of them have hospital nursing experience, 93.6% of them have satisfaction on payment. 3.8% of them use nursing textbooks as health knowledge source. 59.7% of them have no any inservice education experience. 17.5% of them have midwife certification. 83.1% of them have positive prospection on primary health care system. 2) Degree of Knowledge on community health nursing 1. Correct answer ratio on 10 question subject was the following ; diagnosis of community health 97.6%, home visiting activity 88.8%, family health 82.8%, charting & recording 81.9%, evaluation of health clinic activity 78.2%, introduction of community health nursing 75.1%, supervision of health personnel 70.0%, clinical activity 60.7%, primary health care delivery system models 58.2%, duty of primary health practitioner 35.0%. 2. Knowledge score distribution was the following ; score 4, 5, 6, 10.(1.3% each) 12(12.5%), 13(7.5%), 14(16.3%), 15(16.3%), 16(20.3%). The mean of total score was 14.5%. Lacking score compared with ideal score was 0.5. 3. High significant relation between general characteristics and knowledge score was the following ; high significant relation between age and the score was confirmed(P<0.001), significant relation between previous inservice educational experience and the score was not confirmed(P>0.05), significant relation between midwife certification and the score was confirmed(P<0.05), significant relation between the score and school background was not confirmed(P>0.05), significant relation between marital status and the score was confirmed(P<0.05), significant relation between health knowledge source obtained and the score was confirmed(P<0.05), significant relation between previous occupational experience and the score was not confirmed(P>0.05).

      • KCI등재

        광주 5.18 민주화운동 부상자들의 15년 후 후유증에 관한 연구 : 일상생활 변화 및 외상 후 스트레스 장애를 중심으로 Focused on Life Change Events and Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder

        변주나 한국문화인류학회 1996 韓國文化人類學 Vol.29 No.2

        Sixty-seven injured victims and 50 non-victims of the pro-democracy protest were studied from May 1, 1994 to April 28, 1995 in Kwangju, South Korea. Three standardized self-reporting questionnaires on (life -change events, somatic discomfort, and post-traumatic stress disorder), medical records, and case reports were analyzed in order to examine physical, psychological, and social components of long-term aftermath syndrome of the movement. Results the analysis indicate that there was a significant difference between the victims and the non-victims in terms of the intensity of life-change events, somatic discomfort, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The victims show 4.1 times, 2.1 times, and 9.3 times stronger intensity than the non-victims in the above three areas respectively. Among the factors contributing to life-change events, death of the victim's family members was the most painful experience followed by health problem of the victims and their family members, financial difficulties, and child-related or marital problems. The analysis of compensation-medical records of the victim's published in 1990 also supported the above findings. It also shows that all victims suffered from some kind of diseases; 42% of the victims suffered from physical diseases, 18% from mental diseases, 30% from both physical and mental diseases, and 10% from unknown illnesses. The most noticeable complaints of the victims were physical pain related to splinters remaining in their bodies and associated deaths of their family members. The victims explained that Hwabyung(anger illness), which is a unique Korean somatization disorder originated from Han(Korean victimization ethos), was a cause of the associated deaths. This study suggests that the victims have suffered from physical, psychological, sociocultural illnesses for the last 15 years without proper intervention.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        화병, 1992년 LA폭동의 정치·경제적 공모와 한국계 미국인 피해자들의 속죄양 증후군

        변주나 在外韓人學會 1995 在外韓人硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        폭동에 의한 충격의 과학적 실체를 밝히기 위하여 필자는 한국계 미국인들의 이민사, 미국에서의 적응실태, 그리고 로스앤젤러스내 코리아타운 거주 상황 등을 살펴보았고 동시에 재산상의 폭동피해자들의 생활사건변화와 심리신경면역지수 등에 관한 일차적 문헌 검토와 이를 길잡이로한 현지 조사연구 및 실험분석을 통해 한민족 정서인「한」을 개괄해 봄으로써 문화결속 증후군인「화병」의 실체를 속죄양 증후군으로 귀결할 수 있었으며, 사회 재난과 인간의 정신과, 마음이 유기체적인 관계가 있음을 과학적 기전을 통해 입증할 수 있었다. 따라서「화병」은 4.29 폭동당시 아프리칸계 미국인과 앵글로계 미국인 갈등에 의해 발발된 아프리칸계 미국인들의 정치 및 경제적 불만을 해소시키기 위한 수단으로 미주류사회(power group)가 정치적으로 힘이 없는(powerless group) 소수민족의 공동체인 코리아타운을「속죄양」으로 바쳐버린 것에 대한 가슴 저변에 응어리져 있는「한」을 기점으로「화」를 내어 품어 생기는 한민족 문화결속 증후군이라고 볼 때「화병」의 과학적인 실체는 폭동에 의한 재산상의 피해 그이상의 다 민족사회에서 겪어야 하는 한 소수민족의 속죄양 증후군으로 우울증과 신체증후군을 동반한 신경면역체계의 역반응이라고 말할 수 있었다.

      • 전라남·북도 양호 겸직 교사에 대한 조사 연구Ⅰ : 전반적 실태 및 태도를 중심으로 Concenturated on their General Characteristics and their Attitude

        변주나 全北大學校 醫科大學附設 看護專門大學 1982 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        The proper Health care to school population leads good Health to them and will be effective community Health activities. Further more, this measure will be expected more economic and efficient one than others to promote community health. This survey was conducted to obtain Basic information about teachers Combining school Health in chonnam and Jeon Bug Area to find out their Personal chacteristics, Educational characteristics, Served school characteristics and their Motive, Attitude, Prospect, and also to find out relation between Attitude and Motive, between Attitude and establishment of school Health clinic. The population selected was 128 teachers in primary, middle, high school of both Area. This survey conducted on 19th July. 1982~29th July 1982(chonra Mam Do) and 3rd August 1982~13th August, 1982(Jeonra Bug Do). The result summerized as follows ; 1. Personal characteristics Sex distribution was concenturated in Female(92.97%), Age distribution was between 20~29(62.50%) Married group was 50.78% Single group was 49.22% 2. Educational characteristics 57.81% of respondents graduated from elementry teacher school, 40.16% of them had more than 6 year's educational experience, 77.35% of them had Less the 2 year's teaching Experience combining school health, 89.76% of them had no chance of participating inservice education about school Health. 3. Served school characteristics 65.60% of Respondents was located on rural area, semi urban was 21.60%, urban was 12.80%, 64.84% of them had less than 50 students perclass, 91.20% of them had no school health committee, 44.88% of them established school health clinic. Using Traditional toilet was 96.03%, 38.48% of them had less than 5 Numbers of toilet. Unsterilized Natural water supply to drink was 37.01%. 4. Difficulties and wishes 21.88% of Respondents complained of lack of school Health facilities(21.88%), clinic centered practical inservice education(10.94%), assignment of school nurse in rural area(10.16%), misunderstanding of other fellow workers(7.07%). 5. Motive, Attitude and prospect about school Health Involuntary motive was 62.99%, voluntary motive was 11.81% Active duty Attitude was 68.29%, positive prospect about school Health was 80.80%. 6. Relation between Attitude and Motive, between Attitude and eatablishment of school Health clinic Between Attitude and Motive had No significant relation(P>0.05). No significant relation between Attitude and establishment of Health clinic(P>0.05)

      • 헌 의료 전달체계 개선방안에 관한 연구(1) : 국민생활 편익중심 의료보험 진료지역 개선안 (제1보) A Suggestion of New Residential Medical Zones Oriented to Beneficiaries' Convenience

        변주나 전북대학교 의과학연구소 1987 全北醫大論文集 Vol.11 No.1

        1983년 1월 1일부터 12월 31일까지 전국 13개 의료보험진료지역에서 발생한 타진료지역 승인 현황 및 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 타진료지역 승인 현황 8.092건의 타진료지역 승인 발생건수는 '83년도 총진료건수의 0.08%에 해당되었으며, 타진료지역으로는 서울이 56.9%, 부산 11.0%, 경기 6.1%, 전남 3.0%, 전북 2.4%, 대구 1.0%, 제주 0.4%, 인천 0.1% 순으로 선정되었으며, 해당 진료지역 서울에서 17.3% 경남 15.6%, 강원 14.1%, 경기 13.4%, 충북 9.2%, 충남 8.8%, 부산 4.4%, 전남 4.1%, 전북 3.9%, 제주 3.9%, 경북 3.2%, 인천 1.1%, 대구 1.0% 순으로 발생되었다. 13개 전지역에서 발생된 타진료지역 승인건수는 성별, 연령별, 피보험대상자별, 소속기관별, 사유별, 질병별, 피보험자와의 관계별, 지역간별로 유의한 차이를 보여, 성별로는 남자 54.4%가 여자 45.6%보다 8.8% 더 높은 율을 보였고 연령별로는 40~49세군 18.4%, 50~59 세군 16.8% 20~29세 16.3% 30~39세군 14.25 0~9세군 12.3%순이었으며 소속기관별로는 공무원 86.4%로 가장 높은 발생률을 보였다. 사유별로는 해당지역의 진료 무능력, 환자 간호편 이상 등이 56.3%로 가장 많았으며 질병별로는 내과계질환 40.6%, 외과계 질환 20.1% 순이었고 관계별로는 본인 33.5%, 자녀 24.6%, 부모 23.2%, 배우자 18.1% 순이었다. 지역간별로는 서울, 부산, 경남을 제외한 10개 지역에서 서울을 타진료지역으로 가장 많이 선정하여 대구에서 46.9%, 인천 43.8%, 경기 87.4%, 강원 90.1%, 충북 72.9%, 충남 82.1%, 전북 77.4%, 전남 82.5%, 경북 73.2%, 제주 82.6%로 서울을 선정하였고, 서울은 경기를 26.7%, 부산은 경남을 40.1%, 경남은 부산을 63.8%로 가장 많이 선정하였다. 2. 타진료지역 승인현황 분석결과 국민생활 편익 중심으로 개편된 6개 의료보험 진료지역은 서울-경기-강원지역, 인천지역, 충북-충남지역, 전북-전남지역, 경북-부산-대구-경남지역ㅡ제주지역이며 공무원의 경우, 복수 진료지역 제도 확대 실시가 시급히 요구된다. 내과, 외과계 질환 중 발생 빈도가 높은 질환 및 응급환자 수송의 경우에는 분만의 경우와 마찬가지로 진료지역제한을 폐지하도록 한다.

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