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白承奎,安柄勳 한국경영과학회 1981 韓國經營科學會誌 Vol.6 No.2
In this paper, we propose a non-edge following method for linear programs. Unlike alledged poor performance of algorithms of this type, this method performs well at least with 25 randomly generated problems. This method is comparable to Rosen's gradient projection method as applied to the dual formulation. The latter is of general purpose, and no implementation rules are available for linear program applications. This paper suggests ways of finding improving dual feasible direction, and of allowing to move across the extreme faces of a higher dimension polyhedron.
백승규 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 1998 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.4 No.1
This paper presents a conceptual evaluation model for regulation policies in Korean district heating industry. A conceptual classification scheme of the regulation policies is proposed. Goals of every interest groups concerned with this regulation policies are investigated and reviewed. Aggregating these goals, a desirable set of criteria for the policy evaluation is suggested. Guidelines for operationalizing and implementing the proposed conceptual model are also proposed.
백승규 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 1998 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.4 No.1
This paper reviews types of production control systems that could affect the performance of production systems and summarizes the definitions of each systems to clarify. This paper, then, investigates environmental factors that could describe characteristics of various types of production systems and peformance criteria. Finally the strengths and weaknesses of each system with respect to the environmental factors are examined.
白承奎 순천향대학교 1986 논문집 Vol.9 No.2
L.G. Khachiyan published in Doklady Akademia Nauk SSSR a polinomial time algorithm for linear programming problems. This paper introduces a simplified version of his algorithm for solving linear inequality systems together 쟈솜 proof of its validity. How the algorithm can be used to solve linear programming problems in polinomial time is presented.
네트워크 環境下에서의 線型計劃 原雙對 解法에 대한 硏究
白承奎 순천향대학교 1990 논문집 Vol.13 No.2
This paper presents an algorithm for linear programming problems which can be used under network environment. Using Belling-Seib's Phase-I method as its subiteration and adding some purification steps, the presented algorithm performs a binary search process for the objective value of the given linear programming problem. The presented algorithm jumps from an extreme point to a non-adjacent extreme point. It also can be utilized under network environment to solve linear programming problems with no special structute. We also performed computational experiment, which shows that the presented algorithm is promising.
Electrical Parameter Evaluation of 1 MW HTS Motor via Magnetically Stored Energy Calculation
백승규,권영길,김호민,이재득,김영춘 한국초전도.저온공학회 2010 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.12 No.2
The superconducting synchronous motor or generator mostly has high permeability iron only around outer yoke portion. Therefore, if excitation voltage (Back E.M.F) is calculated from 2 dimensional magnetic field distributions, it can be largely different from actual value due to additional voltage originated from end coils. In order to calculate the excitation voltage more accurately, 3 dimensional magnetic field calculation is necessary for including the end coil effect from large air-gap structure. The excitation voltage can be calculated by stator (armature) coil linkage flux originated from rotor (field) coil excitation, but it is difficult to calculate the flux linkage exactly because of complicated structure of the stator coil. This paper shows a method to calculate the excitation voltage from 3 dimensional magnetic energy that can be calculated directly from volume integration of magnetic flux density and field intensity scalar product through FEM (Finite Element Method) analysis software.
Test Result Analysis of a 1 MW HTS Motor for Industry Application
백승규,권영길,김호민,이언용,김영춘,박희주,권운식,박관수 한국초전도.저온공학회 2009 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.11 No.2
A 1 MW class HTS (High-Temperature Superconducting) synchronous motor has been developed. This motor is aimed to be utilized for industrial application such as large motors operating in large plants. The HTS field coil of the developed motor is cooled by way of neon thermosiphon mechanism and the stator (armature) coil is cooled by water through hollow copper conductor. This paper also describes evaluation of some electrical parameters from performance test results of our motor, which was conducted at steady state in generator mode and motor mode. Open and short circuit tests were conducted in generator mode while a 1.1 MW rated induction machine was rotating the HTS machine. Electrical parameters such as mutual inductance and synchronous inductance are deduced from these tests. Load test was done upto rating torque during motor mode and efficiency was measured at each load torque.