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        컨테이너선사의 리스크관리에 관한 연구

        배희성,박두진 한국무역통상학회 2018 무역통상학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        The aims of this study are to develop a risk management model of container liners and to empirically analyze the model. To achieve the aims, this study develops measuring factors on the basis of prior research, collects the data by survey, and performs the analysis of analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The results of the analysis are as follows. First, the measuring factors on a risk management model of container liners are divided into an environmental factor and a managerial factor. The former is classified into market environment, environmental regulations and political risks and the latter is categorized into organizational culture, operational factors and financial factors. Second, the results of empirical tests show that operational factors are the highest and an expert of chief executive officers is the most important factor in the sub-levels. In addition, the result explains the important factors of organizational culture, market environment, political risks, financial factors and environmental regulations in order. Third, application methods to risk management of container liners are shown as governmental support, merger and acquisition and bankrupt in order. As a result, governmental support is represented in the most important application method.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Customer Service on Firm Performance: Developing Scales for Performance Measurement of Customs Clearance Firms

        배희성,이우영,이양기 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 2013 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE Vol.11 No.2

        This research has three objectives: one is to develop measuring criteria for ascertaining performance of customs clearance firms, another is to test reliability and validity of the factors, and the third is to analyze the relationship between customer service and firm performance. This research gathered the data from customs clearance firms.Reliability and validity concerned with the collected data are tested by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and the relationship between variables is tested by analyzing structural equation modeling. The results are as follows. There are no problems in reliability and validity. According to the result of the analysis, customer service is divided into customer focus, customer needs, customer response and flexibility and performance is classified into customer performance and financial performance. The result of empirical tests is as follows. Customer focus has a positive effect on customer performance and financial performance. Flexibility has a positive effect on both types of performance. This means that firms which have discriminative services and a high level of flexibility through collaboration with customers can achieve high levels of customer performance and financial performance.

      • KCI등재

        Gaps in Performance and Levels of Environmental Strategies for Green Supply Chain Management

        배희성 한국국제상학회 2018 國際商學 Vol.33 No.2

        Purpose : There are three aims of this research: one is to verify classification to the levels of environmental strategies, another is to analyze gaps in performance on the levels of environmental strategies, and the third is to test the basis of gaps in performance. Research design, data, methodology : To achieve the aims of this research, this research develops the definitions of the levels of environmental strategies and performance and tests the relationship between the variables. The questionnaire on the basis of the operational definitions was sent to Korean exporting firms and 219 data was collected. The collected data of reliability and validity were tested and gaps in performance among the levels of environmental strategies were ascertained. Results : The higher the level of environmental strategies is, the higher the environmental performance and the operational performance are. Conclusions : The results are as follows. The results of analysis of covariance explain that gaps in performance among environmental strategies are clearly based on gaps in the levels of environmental strategies.

      • KCI등재

        The Relationships between Environment, Integration and Performance in Supply Chain Contexts

        배희성 한국해운물류학회 2011 The Asian journal of shipping and Logistics Vol.27 No.1

        The aim of this research is to test the relationships between environment, strategy and performance of Korean FDI firms in China. The relationships between variables are tested by multiple regression analysis concerned with causal relationships and cluster analysis, analysis of variance and post hoc analysis concerned with contingency relationships. The results are as follows. First, heterogeneity has an in uence on internal integration, dynamism has a negative in uence on the integration and the other factors do not influence the integration. Second, munificence and heterogeneity have an in uence on external integration but dynamism has a negative in uence on the integration and hostility does not in uence the integration. The results become the root of investigating the contingency relationships between variables. Third, firms which recognize stable environment are ascertained as achieving high cost performance through enhancing internal integration. Fourth, the research verifies that firms which show a high recognition of environmental uncertainty achieve high service performance through enhancing external integration.

      • KCI등재

        The Interaction Effect of Strategic Information Systems on Performance of International Freight Forwarders: An Analysis of Gaps in Performance

        배희성 한국해운물류학회 2019 The Asian journal of shipping and Logistics Vol.35 No.2

        This study will verify the direct effect of strategic application of information systems (IS) on firm performance of international freight forwarders through ascertaining three research objectives: the analyses of a causal link between IS and firm performance, an interaction effect between internal and external IS on firm performance, and gaps in firm performance among the stages of strategic application of IS. The data was collected from international freight forwarders. To achieve the objectives of this study, various analytical methods were used. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses are the basis of reliability and validity on the collected data. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM), moderated regression analysis (MRA), cluster analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc analysis are the basis of testing the hypotheses. The results are as follows. First, strategic application of IS has a positive effect on firm performance. This means that international freight forwarders improve performance through strategic application of IS. Second, there is the interaction effect between internal and external IS on financial performance. This means that strategic application of internal and external IS is connected with financial performance. For this reason, there is a gap between IS investment and financial performance in the industry. However, the interaction has no effect on customer satisfaction. The reason is explained as passing over organizational and cultural factors which have an effect on the relationship between firms. Third, there are gaps in firm performance among the stages of strategic application of IS. The result shows that the stage of supply chain IS achieve the highest firm performance. The results mean that strategic application of IS has a direct influence on firm performance.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Innovation and Market Orientation on Customer Service for Customs Clearance Firms in the International Logistics Processes: the Analyses of Direct, Indirect, Causal Effects and Moderating Effects between Variables

        배희성,이양기,이우영 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 2012 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE Vol.10 No.1

        This study has two objectives. The first aim is to ascertain whether innovation and market orientation have direct, indirect, and causal effects on customer service. The second objective is to ascertain whether market orientation has a moderating effect on the relationship between innovation and customer service. This research follows three distinct methodologies. The first approach uses Cronbach’s alpha coefficient in order to check reliability while an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factory analysis ascertain validity. The second method uses the analysis of structural equation models to test a causal link between variables. The third methodology uses a moderated regression analysis to verify the moderating effects. As our analysis results show, intelligence generation and intelligence dissemination have a moderating effect on the relationship between innovation and flexibility. These results can be interpreted as follows: firstly, customs clearance firms can provide superior service to customers if they strive to understand customer needs and provide them with flexible service at the same time. Secondly, these firms can enhance their flexibility of service in all departments though innovation and information sharing acquired from the market.

      • KCI등재

        Gaps in Performance between the Levels of Inter-corporate Relationships in Port Logistics Processes

        배희성,Doo Jin PARK 한국해운물류학회 2018 The Asian journal of shipping and Logistics Vol.34 No.3

        The objective of this research is to verify gaps in firm performance between the levels of relationships between international freight forwarders and port logistics service providers. To achieve the objective, this research developed the conceptual and operational definitions of the variables through prior research and the questionnaire was sent to the forwarders. The collected data were analyzed by cluster analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results are as follows. First, the high level of the inter-corporate collaboration is based on the high level of customer performance. In this regard, the forwarders have the need of operational collaboration with port logistics service providers and as a result, they achieve a high level of customer performance. Second, the high level of the intercorporate commitment is connected to the high level of firm performance. The forwarders provide shippers with the quality of customer service through commitment with port logistics service providers and this is the cause of firm performance. Third, the high level of the inter-corporate communication is based on a gap in customer performance. The forwarders can achieve the needs of shippers through communication with port logistics service providers and this is connected with a high level of customer performance.

      • KCI등재

        베트남에서 한류가 제품이미지와 제품구매에 미치는 영향

        배희성,우광명 한국무역통상학회 2023 무역통상학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        The aim of this study is to verify the effect of Korean Wave on Korean goods image and Korean goods purchase. To achieve the aim, this study extracts the variables and makes the conceptual and operational definitions of the variables through prior research. Survey was conducted on Vietnamese, and 350 data were collected. Reliability and validity of the data are identified by a confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. The hypotheses are tested by the analysis of structural equation modeling. The results are as follows. First, Korean Wave has a positive effect on Korean goods image. This is explained by stimulus and response come from behavioral theory. Vietnamese recognize Korean Wave as stimulus and positively estimate Korean goods as its response. Second, the image of Korean goods has a positive influence on purchase of Korean goods. This is also explained by response and behavior come from behavioral theory. Vietnamese have positive image on Korean goods and this is connected with purchase of Korean goods.

      • KCI등재

        Do the Causal Effects of Internal Collaboration and External Collaboration Improve Performance in Supply Chains?

        배희성,이양기 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 2015 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE Vol.13 No.1

        There are three aims of this research. One is to verify the mutual effects between internal collaboration and external collaboration, another is to prove performance improvement among different levels of supply chain collaboration, and the third is to analyze gaps between the two viewpoints. The population is Korean FDI firms in China and 208 data are used in the analysis. The data are treated with various methods: exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, SEM, cluster analysis, ANOVA, MANOVA and post hoc analysis. The results are as follows. First, external collaboration and internal collaboration have positive effects on each other, which have a positive effect on performance. This means that efficiency of internal processes is the cause of promoting connection with external processes and information generated from the market is the basis of a variance of internal processes, followed by high performance. Second, service performance improvement is more definite than cost performance improvement among different levels of supply chain collaboration. Firms can achieve more definite results in service performance when they perform supply chain collaboration. Third, this research verifies both the viewpoint of directions of supply chain collaboration and the strategic choice viewpoint of supply chain collaboration to better understand supply chain collaboration. Both viewpoints approach supply chain collaboration from different viewpoints but they do explain the methods for performance improvement.

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