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      • 안동지역 농민의 농업정책 신뢰성에 대한 실증연구

        김정태,배용규 安東大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1997 農業科學技術 硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 안동지역 농민을 대상으로 농업정책 유형별 신뢰도를 실증적으로 분석하여 그 결과를 제공함으로서 정부나 관련인들이 농민을 위하여 올바른 농업정책을 수립하는데 도움을 주고자 하였다. 농업정책의 유형은 크게 정책체계적 요인과 정책 요인으로 나누며 정책체계적 요인은 형평성, 일관성, 현실성, 장래성, 정책참여도의 5가지 요인으로 나누었다. 또한 정책요인은 농총사회정책, 농산물 가격 및 유통정책, 농민정책, 농업생산정책의 4가지 요인으로 나누었으며 이들을 더욱 세분화하고 구체화하여 15개의 항목으로 실증분석을 하였다. 마지막으로 이들의 결과를 토대로 농업정책의 신뢰성 제고방안을 제시하였다. This paper is intended to help the government and those concerned to set up appropriate agricultural policies for the interest of farmers. To do this, it has analyzed the validity empirically according to the types of agricultural policies and provided the findings. The subjects of the study are the farmer living in the Andong area. The types of agricultural ploicies has two factors-the policy system and the policy. The policy system is divided five factors-eguilibrium, consistency, reality, futurity, and particpation in policies. The policy factor is divided into four, which are subdivided, specified, and empirically analyzed in the form of ifiteen items. Finally on the basis of the findings, it has presented some schemes for the reconsideration of the validity of agricultural policies.

      • 농업관련 종사자들의 농업정책에 대한 기대 만족도에 관한 연구

        김정태,배용규 安東大學 社會科學硏究所 1997 社會 科學 論叢 Vol.9 No.1

        This thesis aims at studying and analyzing the reliability of agricultural policies of the government, since there have rarely been precedented studies, still fewer studies by direct or participant observation of this sphere. As a result, the opinions and experiences of farmers have not been considered in the process of enacting laws related to agricultural policies. Given that, this thesis has studied and practically analyzed the thoughts and attitudes of various types of people, ranging from farmers to civil servants who are playing the role of enlightening farmers, to students who specialize in agriculture. Then this study will also provide the results for all of them, and make it possible to realize the gap existing among them. And finally it will help the government to set up the reasonable agricultural policies for farmers. According to the frequency analysis of the individual policies, 50% of the civil servants and 45% of the students trust in the medical insurance system. By contrast, only 36.7% of the farmers show trust in that system, and 35.3% of them show strong distrust. On the national pension system, it is shown that 50% of the civil servants and 45% of the students are positive on the policy, and 16% of officials and 13% of the students have distrust. But 36.7% of the farmers put trust and 35.3% of them present a negative attitude on the system. For the pricing system of agricultural produce, 80% of the respondents feel negative: 89.2% of the farmers, 79.8% of the civil servants and 69.1% of the students are of opinion that the present price of agricultural produce is much lower than it should be. Concerning the improvement of the distribution system, 97.8% of the farmers have responded that there should be betterment over the system. And the civil servants(92.5%) and students(98.4%) have very similar response. 63.9% of the farmers have responded that the educational programs sponsored by the government are helpful to them, but 15.1% of them have responded to the contrary. And 48.8% of the civil servants and 33.8% of the students think the programs are of service to farmers. Concerning the policy of supporting agricultural mechanization, 70.5% of the respondents have on the whole much trust in the policy: 76.4% of the farmers; 74.8% of the civil servants; 59.2% of the students. In general the average value indicates a high degree of satisfaction. Also, we try to analyze the difference among the three respondent groups. The results show that all groups show distrust in the policy structural factor. Especially the farmers have the strongest distrust. Each group also reveals somewhat different attitudes over the agricultural policies. The students, because of lack of information, show the lowest level of distrust the value of distrust is 3.26, near the median of Likerts 5 scale. The civil servants show the level of 3.46 and the farmers, the level of 3.87. On the rural community policy, there is no distinguishable difference among the respondent groups. The results of the analysis on the agricultural production policy tell us that there are some differences between the farmers and the other groups. The civil servants and the students present nearly similar opinion over the price of agricultural production facilities, government subsidy for purchasing the equipment and policies against the import of agricultural produce. But farmers place tremendous distrust in the policies. In this research we can find the factors that make farmers living harder are the lower prices of farm products, domestic market opening, huge burden of debt, lack of labor, deteriorated educational environment for young children and scarcity of cultural facilities. Considering the results of the survey presented above, we can conclude that gaming trust in the government policies takes many steps. First of all the government should enact the laws that can give substantial support to farmers. The government also has to realize the reality of the rural community and farmers, and then should offer a clear vision to them. And in order to protect farmers and offer an improved standard of living, the government has to gradually minimize the effect of domestic market opening through the betterment of distribution channels. And under the WTO agreement, the government also should provide every possible support for farmers such as the direct payment system. In this thesis, the scope of study is restricted to the narrow region, so it might be desirable to extend the range of study to all over the country.

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