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      • Pseudogap behavior in interlayer tunneling spectroscopy in $Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+x}$

        배명호,최재현,이후종,Bae Myung-Ho,Choi Jae-Hyun,Lee Hu-Jong The Korean Superconductivity Society 2005 Progress in superconductivity Vol.7 No.1

        A pseudogap in the normal-state quasiparticle density of states of $high-T_c$ superconductors has been revealed in many different kinds of experiments. The existence of the pseudogap and the superconducting gap, and the correlation between them has attracted considerable attention because they are believed to be a key to understanding the mechanism of the $high-T_c$ superconductivity. The interlayer tunneling spectroscopy, excluding the surface-dependent effect, is one of the most accurate means to examine the electron spectral characteristics both in the superconducting and the normal states. In this study, a new constant-temperature intrinsic tunneling spectroscopic technique, excluding the overheating effect using the in-situ temperature monitoring combined with the digital proportional-integral-derivative control, is introduced. The implication on the $high-T_c$ superconductivity of the detailed temperature dependencies of the observed spectral weight in $Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+x}\;high-T_c$ material for overdoped and underdoped levels is discussed.

      • KCI등재

        지게차용 기계유압식 무단변속기의 기어류에 대한 강도해석

        배명호,배태열,최성광,Bae, Myung Ho,Bae, Tae Yeol,Choi, Sung Kwang 유공압건설기계학회 2016 드라이브·컨트롤 Vol.7 No.4

        The power train of a hydro-mechanical, continuously variable transmission for forklifts makes use of hydro-static units, hydraulic multi-wet disc brakes & clutches, and complex helical & planetary gears. The complex helical & planetary gears are very important parts of the transmission because of a strength problem. In the present study, we calculated the specifications of the complex helical & planetary gear train, and analyzed the gear bending and compressive stresses of the gears. It is necessary to analyze the gear bending and compressive stresses thoroughly for optimal design of the complex helical & planetary gears with respect to cost and reliability. In this paper, we analyze the actual gear bending and compressive stresses of complex helical & planetary gears using the Lewes & Hertz equation, and we also verify the calculated specifications of the complex helical & planetary gears by evaluating the results of the data of allowable bending and compressive stress using the Stress vrs Number of Cycles curves of gears.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 기계유압식 무단변속기용 기어류의 강도해석에 관한 연구

        배명호(Myung Ho Bae),배태열(Tae Yeol Bae) 대한기계학회 2017 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2017 No.11

        The power train of hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission for forklift makes use of hydro-static unit, hydraulic multi-wet disc brake & clutches and complex helical & planetary gears. The complex helical & planetary gears are very important parts of the transmission for forklift because of a strength problem. In the present study, calculating specifications of the complex helical & planetary gear train and analyzing the gear bending and compressive stresses of the gears. It is necessary to analyze gear bending and compressive stresses confidently for optimal design of the complex helical & planetary gears in respect of cost and reliability. In the paper, analyze actual gear bending and compressive stresses of complex helical & planetary gears using Lewes & Hertz equation, also verify the calculated specifications of the complex helical & planetary gears by evaluating the results with the data of allowable bending and compressive stress from the Stress - No. of cycles curves of gears. In addition, in this paper also analyze actual gear scoring and evaluate the possibility of scoring failure of complex helical & planetary gear train of hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission for forklift.

      • 지방관료의 부패로 인한 재난관리의 문제점과 법제도 개선방안

        배명호(Bae, Myeong-Ho) 한국부패방지법학회 2019 부패방지법연구 Vol.2 No.2

        지방관료(官僚)는 통상 선출직공무원인 지방자치단체장을 포함하여 「지방공무원법」상의 지방자치단체가 경비를 부담하는 보통지방행정기관 소속 지방공무원을 말하나, 본고에서는 지방자치단체가 출자한 지방공기업의 임직원은 물론이거니와 「정부조직법」 제3조 제1항에 따른 특별지방행정기관 소속 공무원을 포함하는 용어로 정의하였다. 부패행위가 무엇인지에 관하여 「부패방지권익위법」에 따른 부패행위의 요건을 중심으로, “공수처법안”에 담겨진 비리행위·범죄행위와 부패행위의 개념과 비교·검토하였다. 지방관료의 부패를 유형화하면 크케 ① 인·허가 관련 부패, ② 입찰 및 계약 관련 부패, ③ 공사관련 부패, ④ 인사권 남용 관련 부패 등 네 가지 정도이다. 재난관련법제는 「재난안전법」을 기본법으로 하여, 자연재난에는 「자연재해대책법」과 「지진재해대책법」 등 개별법이 있고, 사회재난의 경우에는 「소방기본법」, 「감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률」 등이 있다고 할 수 있다. 「재난안전법」에 따른 재난관리의 조직에 대하여 조직법적 측면에서 행정안전부장관이 컨트롤타워로 기능하지만 지방자치단체장의 1차적 대응기관으로의 역할과 유기적으로 관련되며, 작용법적으로도 예방·대비·대응 및 복구의 과정이 과학적이고 효율적으로 하나의 관리체제 속에서 유기적으로 각각의 고유한 기능을 수행할 때 효율적인 재난관리가 이루어짐을 밝혔다. 재난관리의 문제점은 2003. 2. 대구지하철방화사건 등 사건 별로 검토하였으며, 재난관리의 법제도개선방안으로는 ① 국가와 지방자치단체의 협력체계 및 지방자치단체의 초동단계 현장즉응형 재난관리체제구축, ② 지방자치단체의 역할 강화를 제시하였으며, ③ 결국 해결점은 “분권화된 지방자치제도”에 있다는 결론에 도달하였다. Local bureaucrats refer to local public officials working for ordinary local government agencies that are funded by local governments under the Local Public Officials Act, including the heads of local governments, which are usually elected officials. However, in this paper, local bureaucrats include not only employees of local public entities financed by local governments but also public officers working for special local administrative agencies under Article 3 (1) of the National Government Organization Act. As for what the corruption is about, I compared and reviewed it with irregularities and crimes contained in the High-ranking Public Official Irregularity Investigative Agency Bill, focusing on the requirements for corruption under the Anti-corruption Rights and Interests Act. The corruption of local bureaucrats is largely classified into the following four types: ① corruption related to permission and license, ② corruption related to bidding and contract, ③ corruption related to construction, and ④ corription related to abuse of authority over personnel. Disaster-related laws are based on the Disaster Safety Act. While there are individual laws including the Countermeasures against Natural Disasters Act and the Earthquake Recovery Plans Act for natural disasters, the Framework Act on Fire Services and the Act on the Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases are for social disasters. Although the Minister of the Interior and Safety serves as a control tower in terms of organizational law in relation to the organization of disaster management in accordance with the Disaster Safety Act, his/her role is organically related to that of the primary response body of the local government head. And it is said when the prevention, preparation, response and recovery efficiently and scientifically perform its unique functions under the single management system in an organic manner in terms of action laws, the efficient disaster management can be carried out. I reviewed the problems of disaster management based on each case such as the Daegu subway arson attack in February 2003. Regarding how to improve the legal system of disaster management, ① cooperation system of national and local governments and establishment of on-site immediate disaster management system at the initial stage of local governments, and ② the enhancement of local governments role were proposed. Finally, ③ I came to the conclusion that the solution lay in the decentralized local autonomy system .

      • KCI등재

        콘크리트 믹서 트럭용 믹서 감속기의 차동 유성 기어 트레인에 대한 위험속도 해석

        배명호(Myung Ho Bae),배태열(Tae Yeol Bae),김당주(Dang Ju Kim) 유공압건설기계학회 2017 드라이브·컨트롤 Vol.14 No.1

        The power train of a concrete truck mixer reducer includes differential planetary gears to get a large reduction ratio for operating the mixer drum in a compact structure. These differential planetary gears are a very important part of the mixer reducer where strength problems are the main concern. Gear bending stress, gear compressive stress and scoring failure are the main concerns. Many failures in differential planetary gears are due to the insufficient gear strength and resonance problems caused by major excitation forces such as gear mating failure in the transmission. In the present study, where the excitation frequencies are the gear tooth passing frequencies of the mating gears, a Campbell diagram is used to calculate differential planetary gear critical speeds. Mode shapes and natural frequencies of the differential planetary gears are calculated by CATIA V5. These are used to predict gear resonance failures by comparing the working speed range with the critical speeds due to the gear transmission errors of the differential planetary gears.

      • KCI등재

        기계유압식 무단변속기용 기어트레인에 대한 위험속도 해석

        배명호(Myung Ho Bae),배태열(Tae Yeol Bae),최성광(Sung Kwang Choi) 유공압건설기계학회 2017 드라이브·컨트롤 Vol.14 No.4

        The power train of hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission (HMCVT) for 8-ton class forklift includes hydro-static units, hydraulic multi-wet disc brake & clutches and complex helical & planetary gears. The helical & planetary gears are key components of HMCVT`s power train wherein strength problems are the main concerns including gear bending stress, gear compressive stress, and scoring failure. Many failures in power train gears of HMCVT are due to the insufficient gear strength and resonance problems caused by major excitation forces, such as gear transmission error of mating gear fair in the transmission. In this study, wherein excitation frequencies are the gear tooth passing frequencies of the mating gears, a Campbell diagram is used to calculate the power train gears’ critical speeds. Mode shapes and natural frequencies of the power train gears are calculated by CATIA V5. These are used to predict resonance failures by comparing the actual working speed range with the critical speeds due to the gear transmission errors of HMCVT’s power train gears.

      • KCI등재

        도시개발사업의 공공성 강화

        배명호 ( Bae Myeong-ho ) 한국감정평가학회 2021 감정평가학논집 Vol.20 No.3

        민간참여 도시개발사업의 공공성 강화 핵심은 개발이익환수이다. 먼저 공공성 강화가 요구되는 도시개발사업의 근거법률을 연혁법적으로 고찰하였다. 민간사업시행자의 개발이익환수 범위를 획정하기 위하여 개발이익의 정의 규정도 연혁법적으로 검토하였다. 그리고 공공성 강화의 빌미가 된 대장동 개발사업의 개요와 개발이익환수 경과를 검토하였다. 논란이 된 개발이익환수법제의 입법개선을 위하여 수차례 의원입법이 발의 되었으나 상임위원회 심사 결과 「도시개발법」과 「주택법」은 국회 국토교통위원회 대안으로 제안하여 법제사법위원회를 거쳐 2021. 12. 9. 본회의에서 원안가결 되었다. 「개발이익환수법」에 따른 개발부담금 부담률은 당초 제정당시로 돌아가 40∼50%로 상향하려는 것이 의안골자이나 이에 대한 정치권의 견해가 대립되어 상임위 문턱을 넘지 못하였다. 부담률은 민간사업시행자의 공공복리 기여분이 얼마인가라는 관점과 부과기준의 현실성 등을 고려하여 결정되어야 한다. 「도시개발법」에 따른 민간참여자의 이윤율 상한에 대해서는 사업의 특성, 민간참여자의 기여 정도 등을 고려하여 대통령령으로 정하도록 상임위 대안으로 채택되었다. 이러한 개정으로 민간사업자의 이윤율 제한과 조성토지공급계획에 지정권자의 관여가 강화된다. 무엇보다 대장동 개발사업 논란의 핵심은 경쟁입찰ㆍ추첨ㆍ수의계약 방식의 조성토지공급방법에서 비롯된 것이며 아쉽게도 대안에서는 지정권자의 권한 통제에 관한 내용을 개정안에서 담고 있지 않다. 입법자의 학이불행(學而不行)이라 본다. 다만 민간참여자가 조성토지 등을 직접 사용하려고 할 때 전체 조성토지 중 해당 민간참여자의 출자 지분 범위 내에서만 조성토지 등을 사용할 수 있도록 규정 하였다. 이 규정이 민간참여를 유인하는 인센티브조항으로 작용하기를 기대하며 동시에 지정권자의 권한남용에 대한 통제법리가 되기를 기대한다. 「주택법」 개정으로 100분의 50의 비율을 초과하여 출자한 법인이 시행자로서 조성한 공동주택 건설용지를 공공택지로 보아 분양가상한제를 적용함으로써 민간사업시행자가 과도한 이익을 누리는 것을 방지하게 된다. 민간참여 도시개발사업의 개발이익환수법제 정비로 공공성 강화의 기대와 주택공급위축 우려가 공존한다. 그 밖의 몇 가지 아쉬운 법적 쟁점을 검토하였다. The key to strengthening the publicity of private-participating urban development projects is the return of betterment. First, the basis law for urban development projects, which requires reinforcement of publicity, is reviewed in its historical context. To define the scope of restitution in the betterment of private project implementers, the definition of betterment is also reviewed. In addition, the Daejang-dong development project, which served as an example for strengthening publicity, and the progress towards the recovery of betterment were reviewed. Legislation has been proposed several times to improve the controversial Restitution of Development Gains Act. However, because of the standing committee’s review, the Urban Development Act and the Housing Act were proposed as alternatives to the National Assembly’s Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee, and passed the original bill at the plenary session on December 9, 2021. The main point of the bill is to reset to when it was enacted and raise the development burden rate to 40-50% under the Restitution of Development Gains Act. However, political views on this were conflicting and failed to cross the threshold of the standing committee. The burden rate should be determined in consideration of the view of how much the private project implementer contributes to public welfare and the reality of the imposition criteria. The upper limit of the profit rate of private participants under the Urban Development Act was adopted as an alternative to the standing committee to be prescribed by Presidential Decree in consideration of the characteristics of the project and the degree of contribution of private participants. These revisions strengthen the involvement of designated persons in the limitation of the profit rate of private businesses and the creation land supply plan. Above all, the core of the controversy over the Daejang-dong development project stems from the method of supplying land created by competitive bidding, lottery, and private contracts, and conclusively the amendment does not contain the control of the designated authority. In this fashion, legislators cannot implement it even after learning of it. However, when a private participant intends to directly use the created land, etc., it is stipulated that the created land, etc., can only be used within the scope of the private participant’s investment stake among the total created land. It is expected that this regulation will act as an incentive clause to induce private participation, and at the same time, it will be a control law against the abuse of authority by designated persons. With the revision of the Housing Act, the ceiling on the sale price of apartments created by a corporation that has invested more than fifty percent of the proportion is considered a public housing site. This prevents private project implementers from earning excessive profits. Expectations for strengthening publicity and concerns over shrinking housing supply coexist with the reorganization of the betterment return legislation for private-participating urban development projects. Several other unfortunate legal issues are also reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        마찰재에 따른 휠굴삭기용 습식 다판 디스크 브레이크의 제동특성

        배명호(Myungho Bae),조연상(Yonsang Cho) 한국트라이볼로지학회 2009 한국윤활학회지(윤활학회지) Vol.25 No.6

        In general, a brake system of axle for heavy duty machine as a wheel excavator makes use of wet-type multiple disk brakes. These disk bakes are very important parts of heavy duty machine because they are advanced in durability and braking power, and can be designed compactly. Thus, we designed and made wet-type multiple disk brakes of axle for the wheel excavator to be localization of these imported all. In this study, wet multiple disk brakes were made a comparative test with the 3 types materials of friction disk by the SAE No.2 dynamometer. The friction characteristics were measured and analyzed to decide a suitable material as wear depth of friction disk and dynamic and static friction coefficient on temperature of oil and applied pressure.

      • 디스크 마찰재에 따른 습식 다판 브레이크의 마찰특성

        배명호(Myungho Bae),박흥식(Heungsik Park),조연상(Yonsang Cho) 한국트라이볼로지학회 2009 한국트라이볼로지학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.11

        In general, a brake system of axle for heavy duty machine as a wheel excavator makes use of wet-type multiple disk brakes. These disk bakes are very important parts of heavy duty machine because they are advanced in durability and braking power, and can be designed compactly. Thus, we designed and made wet-type multiple disk brakes of axle for the wheel excavator to be localization of these imported all. In this study, wet multiple disk brakes were made a comparative test with the 3 types materials of friction disk by the SAE No.2 dynamometer. The friction characteristics were measured and analyzed to decide a suitable material as wear depth of friction disk and dynamic and static friction coefficient on temperature of oil and applied pressure.

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