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        한국어 교재에 나타난 인사표현 양상과 그 효과적 교수 방안 연구

        방혜숙 국제한국어교육학회 2007 한국어 교육 Vol.18 No.1

        This study investigates greeting expressions in Korean language textbooks and suggests some teaching methods for them. Greeting expressions are basic and indispensable parts in daily conversations among people. They are also instrumental in understanding Korean language and culture. The greeting expressions that are appeared in 9 Korean language textbooks can be classified into 12 categories and a number of accompanying sub-categories by conversational situations and contexts. These 12 categories include: meeting situations, departing situations, sleeping situations, dining situations, leaving/coming home situations, visiting situations, requesting favors situations, thanking situations, congratulating/praising situations, appeasing/encouraging situations, asking regards situations, and telephoning situations. These categories are further divided by sub-categories and analyzed according to phatic communion. The teaching methods suggested in this study are culture education by the solidarity and some additional methods for teaching greeting expressions effectively. (George Washington University)

      • KCI등재

        미국 내 비정규 한국어 수업 과정 현황과 발전 방향 연구 -주미 한국대사관 수업 과정을 중심으로-

        방혜숙 한국언어문화교육학회 2011 언어와 문화 Vol.7 No.1

        This paper introduces the current status and future prospects of the Korean language and culture program at the embassy of the Republic of Korea in the U.S.(KORUS). Furthermore, this study is the first of its kind to address this topic. Since 1995, KORUS has offered Korean language classes to the public as a means of publicizing the Korean culture in the United States. Classes offered at KORUS consist of three levels: beginning, intermediate, and advanced. In this study, those classes are explained by the system and curriculum, and then are analyzed in terms of the needs of students who participate in the program. The fact that these classes are now expanding is very encouraging. However, as an attempt to contribute to further improvements of the Korean language and culture program at KORUS, I would like to suggest some future enhancements to the program at KORUS by carefully performing students' need analysis. The need analysis is conducted in three ways: questionnaires, class evaluations, and interviews. The questionnaire is composed of 10 questions inquiring students' background, class goals, needs for classes, and the like. The class evaluation, conducted by KORUS, reveals students' assessments for the future improvements of the program. Last, but not least, the interview, conducted one-on-one, directly examines students' personal needs as well as their opinions about the program. The results of these three elements are carefully analyzed and discussed with an eye towards helping KORUS improve its Korean language and culture program. This analysis could be helpful in developing non-regular programs in U.S.A..

      • KCI등재

        영어권 학습자들의 한자 학습에 대한 요구와 전략 분석 연구

        방혜숙 이중언어학회 2007 이중언어학 Vol.34 No.-

        Bang Yoo Hei Sook. 2007. 6. 30. An Analysis of English Native speakers’ Needs and Strategies in Learning Chinese Characters. Bilingual Research 34, 185-220. This study analyzes English native speakers’ needs and strategies in learning Chinese characters. A survey was conducted with about thirty students from the advanced Korean class at George Washington University. The study consists of two parts; the first part is need analysis of learning the Chinese characters (Hanjas) and the second part is a survey on the students' learning strategies of the Hanjas. The first part of the study is based on real experiences from Hanja classes that utilize three pedagogical instruments: (1) textbooks and other learning materials; (2) class; and (3) tasks/homework and exams. The scales of the questionnaire were composed of five Likert degrees of two divided degrees - the present degree and the need degree. In order to investigate students' needs further, the difference between the present degree and the need degree were also examined. The second part of the study drew upon a survey on the learning strategies of the Hanjas employed by students. The questionnaire was based on the SILL(Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) and was partitioned into four main categories: (1) the learning strategies of Hanjas in the introduction process; (2) the learning strategies of Hanjas in the memorizing process; (3) the learning strategies of Hanjas in the practicing process; and (4) the learning strategies of Hanjas in the preparing/repeating processes. In addition, these analyses were complemented by interviews with students, students' self-report surveys, and the observation in the class. This study is expected to contribute to the development of learning materials and the syllabus on Hanjas.(George Washington University)

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교재 대화 구성에 관한 사회언어학적 연구 -전화대화 구성을 중심으로-

        방혜숙 이중언어학회 2008 이중언어학 Vol.36 No.-

        This study analyzes telephone conversations that appear in 10 Korean language textbooks. Telephone conversations are a routine and indispensable part of daily communication among people. The telephone conversations in the 10 Korean language textbooks can be classified into topics, scenes, places, times, levels, numbers of agents, the relationships between callers and receivers, genders, and, turn-takings. In order to compare and analyze the content and organization of the various telephone conversations that appear in the textbooks and in real life, a survey of the Korean native speakers and the foreign students who are learning Korean as a foreign language are conducted. The survey consists of three parts. First, it collects personal information of Korean native speakers and foreign students. Second, it investigates questions related to the respondents' usage of telephone. Finally, it examines topics in telephone conversations and the usage of expressions in the beginning and the ending stages of telephone conversations using the DCT (Discourse Completion Test). The results of the survey are carefully discussed, compared, and analyzed with reference to the telephone conversations in the Korean language textbooks. This study will contribute to the further improvement of the organizational structure as well as the colloquial content of the telephone conversations in Korean language textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        매체를 활용한 한국어 문화 수업에 대한 선호도 및 요구 분석 연구 -비즈니스 한국어 수업을 중심으로-

        방혜숙 ( Hei Sook Bang ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2015 民族文化硏究 Vol.67 No.-

        본 논문은 미국 내 한 대학 기관의 비즈니스 한국어 수업을 수강한 중, 고급학습자를 주 대상으로 매체를 활용하는 수업에 관한 학습자들의 매체 선호도와 활용에 관한 요구를 분석하여, 학습자 중심의 매체를 활용한 교과 과정 개발과 효과적인 한국어 문화 교수 방안을 모색해 보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 학습자 집단의 설문 조사를 통해 학습자들이 인식하고 있는 매체에 대한 정의를 살펴보고, 매체를 장르 매체와 도구 매체로 구분하여 학습자들의 선호도와 수업에서의 매체 사용 및 활용에 관한 요구를 분석하였다. 총 3단계에 걸친 조사를 실시하였는데, 1단계에서는 매체에 대한 인식과 매체에 대한 사전 요구 조사를 실시하였다. 2단계에서는 매체에 대한 선호도와 요구도를 조사하였으며, 수업 과정에서 활용한 매체에 대한 난이도, 선호도, 요구도도 조사하였다. 3단계에서는 1,2 단계에서 나타난 조사 결과를 바탕으로 심층 면접을 실시하였다. 또한 이와 변별되는 대조군 집단으로 전문가 집단인 교사 집단에 대해, 3회에 걸친 델파이 연구를 실시하여 매체 선호도와 요구도를 조사하고 학습자 집단과 비교하였다. 이와 더불어, 본 논문에서는 매체를 수업에 적용하기 위한 단계를 설정하고 실제활용 사례를 제시하였다. 위와 같이, 본 논문은 수업에 활용되고 있는 매체에 관한 인식과 선호도, 그에대한 요구 조사 결과를 바탕으로 학습의 주체가 되는 학습자들의 관점에 초점을 맞춰 학습자 중심의 한국어 문화 수업 구성과 교수 개발을 하는 데 도움이 되고자 한다. The educational environment for Korean language and culture are very limited and insufficient in the U.S. However, media has a variety of materials which includes interesting controversial issues of Korean society. Accordingly, Korean learners can learn Korean language and culture through media. This paper aims to analyze learners`` preferences and needs through media in classes. Moreover, it seeks to develop a learner-centered teaching method for college students in the U.S. learning Korean language and culture through media. Two groups, one composed of teachers and the other of students, completed questionnaires in this study. Students who participated in this survey were from the Business Korean class at Georgetown University. Based on the results from the surveys from the two groups, this paper examines how the learners define media and analyzes the learners’ needs for media during the class (by dividing media into genre media and instrumental media). Through a Delphi research on the teachers`` group, this study compares the media preferences and needs between the two groups. Three steps are employed in this research. In the first step, the study performed a pilot study to examine the awareness and demand of media; in the second step, it explored the media preferences and needs of the two groups; and in the third step, it conducted an in-depth interview based on the result from the two previous steps. Consequently, this study tries to find out the differences in the media preferences and needs between the two groups. Furthermore, by performing the needs analysis, this study helps to develop a learner-centered lesson plans and pedagogical materials on Korean language and culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학습 환경에 따른 한국어 학습자와 한국인 대학생의 쓰기 상위인지 전략사용 연구

        신윤경,방혜숙,성지연 국제한국언어문화학회 2015 한국언어문화학 Vol.12 No.3

        본 논문은 세 개의 학습자 그룹, 즉 한국인 대학생, 한국에서 유학 중인 한국어 학습자, 미국의 한국어 학습자 그룹이 한국어 쓰기에 대한 상위인지 조정 전략을 그룹별로 어떻게 사용하고 있는지를 조사한 뒤, 각 학습자군에 전략의 교수 방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 조사에 참여한 실험자들은 총 99명으로, 한국의 A대학교의 한국인 학생 35명, B대학교에서 한국어를 공부하는 외국인 학생 31명, 미국 C대학교에서 한국어를 수강하는 한국 교포 학생 33명을 대상으로 하였다. 실태 조사를 위해 상위인지 조정 전략을 점검, 조정, 검토 등의 쓰기 단계에 따라 7단계로 나누고, 하위 항목을 선정하여 설문 조사 문항을 총 40문항으로 작성하였다. 분석 결과, 7개 영역별로 각 집단에서 변별되는 차이를 발견할 수 있었으며 상위인지 전략 사용의 실태 파악에 유의미한 결과를 도출할 수 있었다. 세 그룹 모두 ‘목적 정하기 및 계획하기’에 대한 인지가 높았다. 그룹별로 보면, 한국인 대학생 그룹의 경우에는 내용 생성하기에 대한 인지가 더 높아 자료를 제시하는 쓰기에 중점을 두고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 한국에서 공부하는 한국어 학습자의 경우에는 ‘수정하기’ 영역의 인지가 낮아 교사의 피드백보다는 스스로 수정 전략을 사용할 수 있도록 하는 것이 필요하다는 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 미국의 한국어 학습자 그룹은 한국어 글쓰기의 유형별 전개 방식에 대한 인지가 낮다는 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. This research analyzes three different college student groups' meta-cognitive strategies for their writings, and suggests appropriate and practical teaching methods for each group. A survey was conducted for a total of 99 college students in three different groups: the first group includes 35 native Korean college students in Korea; the second group consists of 31 foreign students who are studying Korean at a college in Korea; the third group comprises 33 Korean heritage students at a college in U.S. The survey questionnaire is composed of 40 questions, which inquire of students’ strategies of meta-cognitive regulation in their writings. These strategies are divided into seven steps: (1) setting a goal and making a plan; (2) considering readers; (3) generating contents; (4) structuring contents; (5) expressing contents; (6) correcting contents; and (7) motivating and improving. The results of research show that there are meaningful differences among three groups of students in terms of their meta-cognitive regulation strategies in writing. All of the groups show high levels of meta-cognitive regulation with respect to setting a goal and making a plan. However, the first group of native Korean students tends to concentrate on generating contents in their writing, whereas the second group of foreign students shows lower levels of content correction in their writing. The third group, on the other hand, exhibits lower usages of strategies for meta-cognitive regulation in developing their writing in detail. These findings contribute to the formulation of appropriate and practical teaching methods for these groups, which will be developed in further study.

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