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        시간행동 행태을 이용한 영업용 운전자들의 이산화질소 개인 노출량 예측

        방용남,손부순,양원호,박종안,장봉기 한국환경보건학회 2001 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        personal nitrogen dioxide(NO ) exposures for 31 professional drivers were measured using passive sampler and time activity diary in Asan and Chunan area, and were estimated using time-weighted average model. Mean concentrations of driver’s indoor and outdoor were 24.7±10.7 ppb and 23.3±8.3 ppb, respectively with indoor/outdoor of 1.1. Mean personal NO2 exposure was 30.3±9.7 ppb. Personal NO2 exposures were strongly correlated with indoor car NO2 levels (R2=0.80) rather than residential indoor NO2 level (R2=0.55). and outdoor NO2 level (R2=0.50). The driver’s NO2 exposure using LP-gas with 24.4±8.0 ppb were statistically different from those using diesel with 36.3 ±14.1 ppb(p<0.01). The effect of driver’s smoking for personal NO2 exposure was not found. It was considered that the main NO2 in driver is transportation. Since drivers mostly spent their times in indoor and inside car, time-weighted average model could be used to estimated personal NO2 exposure using time activity diary, Though we did not measure all microenvironments, the estimated personal NO2 exposures with 26.9±10.2 ppb were statistically correlated with measured personal NO2 exposures30.3±9.7 ppb (R2=0.89). The mean and standard deviation of personal NO2 exposure using Mote-Carlo simulation were 26.6 ±7.2 ppb.

      • KCI등재


        方勇男,张璐 동아대학교 법학연구소 2020 國際去來와 法 Vol.- No.30

        3D printing technology has great prospects for development,which brings the problem of the transformation copying because it involves the transformation between the text,the plane and the three-dimensional. The transformation copying is a special case of copying, which brings great challenges to originality standards. The main contents of 3D printing involving the transformation copying systems include the copying from text to two-dimensional copying, and coping between two-dimensional and three-dimensional. Depending on the way of conversion and the nature of the original work, the nature of the CAD model, printed matter, and conversion behavior is also different.China put too little emphasis on ransformation copying, so there is no clearly define about the transformation copying in law, and there are also some limitations in the production of the virtual characters、 the architectural works and the works of applied art. Looking to the future,we hope a change and a new plateau to the transformation copying in china legal system, including the transformation copying be clearly defined,and the perfect protection of special objects. 3D打印技术有很大的发展前景,因为涉及到文字、平面和立体之间的变更带来了异体复制问题。异体复制是一种特殊的复制,在复制的过程中,其形式和内容都会发生变化,给异体复制独创性标准的确立带来了巨大挑战。3D打印涉及到异体复制的环节主要包括文字——二维的复制,以及二维、三维之间的复制。根据转换方式、原作品性质的不同,CAD模型、打印物和转换行为的性质也有所不同。中国在立法上对维度转换复制的问题不够重视,没有对于异体复制进行明确的规定,并且对虚拟形象、建筑作品、实用艺术作品特殊客体的保护也存在一定的局限。展望未来中国异体复制制度,希望可以对异体复制进行明确的规定,并对特殊的客体进行特殊、完善的保护。

      • KCI등재후보

        중국에서 ‘惩办与宽大相结合’에 관한 형사정책의 형성 과정과 현황

        방용남,박종근 한중법학회 2014 中國法硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        중국형사정책의 내용으로서는 여러 가지가 포함되어 있지만 그 중에서 가장 중요한 것이 범죄에 대해서 엄하 게 처벌할 것인가 아니면 가볍게 처벌할 것인가 하는 문제이다. 이것은 중국공산당의 행동강령과 긴밀하게 연계되어 있기 때문에 매우 민감한 정치적 문제라고 할 수 있다. 즉 1921년 공산당이 창당된 후 국가정권의 쟁 탈을 위한 게릴라 전쟁을 진행하면서 형사정책을 비롯한 신중국의 법제가 점차적으로 형성되기 시작하였는 데, 중국공산당은 정권의 쟁탈과 유지를 위해서 형사정책의 내용을 시대에 맞게 조절하여 왔다. 그리하여 대 체로 ‘镇压与宽大相结合’, ‘惩办与宽大相结合’, ‘宽严相济’ 등 3단계를 거쳐서 점차적으로 형성되고 발전하여 왔다. 이 논문은 중국의 ‘惩办与宽大相结合’ 형사정책에 대한 연구를 목적으로 한다. 먼저 1930년 공농혁명(工農革 命)정권의 시기부터 시작하여 지금까지 중국의 형사정책이 어떤 변천과정을 거쳐 왔는지 살펴보고 그 동안 진행된 형사입법과 결부시켜 공과(功過)에 대한 평가를 진행한다. 그 다음 현 단계의 ‘관엄상제(寬嚴相濟)’ 형 사정책에 대해서 중점적으로 논의하고 마지막에 중국형사정책이 어떠한 딜레마에 빠져있는가 살펴보고 그 발전전망을 예측하여 본다. During the First and Second Revolutionary Civil Wars in 1930s, Mao Zedong first raised the political strategy of combining chastisement with leniency. Then this strategy as a policy took its shape during the period of Anti-Japanese War (1937-45), and continued to develop during the War of Liberation. In the early days since the foundation of People's Republic of China, exactly in 1956, the policy of combining chastisement with leniency evolved into the policy of integrating chastisement with leniency and applied to all types of criminal offences as one fundamental criminal policy. In 1979, the Criminal Law expressly provided the criminal policy of integrating chastisement with leniency. In 1983, the Central Committee of CPC decided to implement the severe and quick crackdown policy of combating criminal offenses and launched three crackdowns. The Crackdowns played a vital role in maintaining the social order. However, the crackdown policy had some negative influences in protecting human rights. As deeply affected by the crackdown policy, the Criminal Law in 1997 stipulated some unreasonable provisions as to inchoate crimes, premeditated crimes and abettal crimes, and excessive death penalty charges. The criminal policy of integrating chastisement with leniency was raised in the CPC Central Committee's Decisions on Certain Major Issues in Building Socialist Harmonious Society, passed by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth CPC Central Committee in October, 2006. And then the criminal policy of integrating chastisement with leniency was stipulated in the Seventh and Eighth Amendments to the Criminal Law. However, confronted with increasingly complex domestic and international situations, this policy is facing severe challenges.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국 비전일제고용의 법률규제에 관한 연구

        방용남(Yong-nan Pang),사덕성(De-cheng Xie) 한국비교노동법학회 2014 노동법논총 Vol.32 No.-

        The outstanding contradiction between labor supply and demand including the requirement of new industry for flexible employment has stimulate the development of part-time employment. The definition of “part-time employment” in China is mainly defined according to the workinghour other than comparing to full-time employment which is refer to oversea experience. Although the definition itself is simple and efficient, it can be rigid as well as disputable in practice. For the purpose to reduce dispute in the identification of part-time employment from the origin, one effective measure is to narrow down the difference on payment between part-time and full-time through legislation activity. China should complete part-time employment institution on the basis of flexibility of part-time employee, enhancing the protection over the interest of part-time employee, improving quality of part-time employee while keeping the positive effectiveness to employment in order to strengthen the stability and harmony of employment relationship. As to the specific institution, based on principle of equality on payment between part-time and full-time, the authority should utilize flexible laws and legislations to apply various employment form in consideration of China’s reality and practice of labor relationship.

      • KCI등재

        최명익 심리소설의 리얼리즘적 특성 연구- 단편소설 “비오는 길”을 중심으로

        방용남(Fang, Long-Nan) 한국문화융합학회 2018 문화와 융합 Vol.40 No.5

        20세기 30년대의 한국 심리소설을 몰밀어서 서양의 문학사조나 유파를 근거로 모더니즘으로 규정하는 것은 서사학적인 측면에서는 여러 가지 문제점들이 제기된다. 이런 규정은 리얼리즘에 대한 오독에서 기인한 것일 수도 하고, 작가의 창작동기, 창작주장 및 작품의 의미담론에 대해 문학텍스트에 대한 본체론적인 분석을 간과한데서 기인한 것일 수도 있다. 그 논의의 중심에 작가 최명익이 서 있다. 그만큼 그와 그의 작품에 대한 새로운 평가는 20세기 30년대 한국 심리소설 또는 심리주의소설에 대한 재조명과 함께 문학사의 정리 작업이 될 것이다. It arise a number of problems from an epic point of view that is defined modernism putting together Korean psychological novels of the 20th century 30’s based on Western trend of literary or clique. These rules can be attributed to a misreading on realism, and may be due to the writer’s failure to make a analysis of ontology of literary text about his creative motives, creative arguments, and the meaning of his work. The writer is at the center of the discussion. Thus, a new assessment of him and his works will be a cleanup operation of the history of literature, along with a reinvestigation of Korean psychological or psychological novels in the 20th century 30’s

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