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        박물관의 관람환경 요소에 대한 전맹 시각장애인의 중요도-만족도 분석

        박청호,김지영 대한건축학회 2024 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.40 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 전맹 시각장애인을 대상으로 국립중앙박물관의 관람환경을 중요도–만족도의 차이 분석방법으로 평가하여 개선이 필요한 항목을 찾아내는 것이며, 비장애인과의 공통점과 차이점도 비교해 보는 것이다. 평가항목에 대한 IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)의 결과, 집중개선영역에 분포된 항목은 다음과 같다. 전맹 시각장애인은 장애인 주차장(Q6)과 복도 및 계단(Q8), 엘리베이터 및 에스컬레이터(Q9), 안내사인(Q10), 전체 이용정보(Q11), 비상시 안내(Q12), 식당 및 음수시설(Q15), 음성해설(Q24), 촉각모형(Q25), 정확한 해결(Q29), 신속한 해결(Q30), 직원과 원활한 접촉(Q31), 공연・행사・교육・체험 등의 홍보(Q32), 공연・행사・교육・체험 등의 매력도(Q33), 그리고 공연・행사・교육・체험 등의 참여 가능성(Q34)으로 나타났으며, 비장애인은 주차장(Q6)과 안내사인(Q10), 전체 이용정보(Q11), 비상시 안내(Q12), 소음(Q20), 공연・행사・교육・체험 등의 홍보(Q32), 그리고 공연・행사・교육・체험 등의 참여 가능성(Q34)으로 도출됐다. 전맹 시각장애인의 관점에서 연구대상지인 대한민국을 대표하는 국립중앙박물관의 관람환경 향상을 위해서 접근과 이동시설, 안내시설, 직원의 대응 방법, 해설의 방법, 그리고 박물관의 각종 프로그램 등의 홍보와 참여 가능성 확보 방법을 개선할 필요가 있다. 이 중 비장애인의 관점에서도 개선이 필요한 것으로 나타난 안내시설과 각종 프로그램에 대한 홍보와 참여 가능성은 우선적인 개선이 필요함을 제안한다. This study aims to assess the viewing environment at the National Museum of Korea for individuals who are completely blind, using theImportance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method to identify areas requiring improvement. It also compares similarities and differences withnon-disabled individuals. The analysis revealed specific areas for improvement, concentrated in the fourth quadrant. For blind individuals,these include the parking lot, corridors/stairs, elevator/escalator, signage, overall usage information, emergency guidance, restaurant anddrinking facilities, voice commentary, tactile model, resolution speed and accuracy, staff accessibility, and promotion and accessibility ofmuseum events and experiences. In comparison, non-disabled individuals identified similar areas for improvement, such as the parking lot,signage, overall usage information, emergency guidance, noise levels, promotion of museum events and experiences, and participationpossibilities. To enhance the viewing environment at the National Museum of Korea, particularly for blind visitors, improvements are neededin access and mobility facilities, signage, staff responsiveness, commentary methods, and program participation. Priority should be given toimproving signage linked to movement and promoting participation in various programs, based on feedback from non-disabled visitors.

      • KCI등재후보

        이청준 소설의 고향의식 연구

        박청호 순천대학교 남도문화연구소 2012 南道文化硏究 Vol.0 No.22

        The aim of this research is to explore the original strength of Lee Cheong-jun's work and the spiritual background as a writer focusing on <Seopyenje>,<The Snowy Lane> and <Festival>, which are called autobiographical works. This study closely examines the consciousness of hometown in Lee's novels using psychoanalytic method. The results are as follows. Firstly, Lee's novels are originated from thought of revenge on the world when a village youth experiences frustration struggling to survive in the middle of modern city. Secondly, what lies at the root of the thought of revenge is a super-ego which is identified as the poor mother. Even though the protagonists in Lee's novels is longing for the love of mother, they didn't reveal it. The occurrence of step-father in Seopyenje and the issue of poverty in The Snowy Lane cause the protagonists to be apart from mother. Thirdly, the poor mother and the hometown have the ambivalence of betrayal-sin and yearning-desire to return. Lee's protagonists have the sense of original sin toward their hometown and they can't return to, even though they'd like to do, because they go against their mother's wish and become a writer rather than succeed in modern society. However, hometown is a root of life to return at once. Fourthly, the price for betrayal of mother and hometown is the sense of debt which should be paid off. The original love toward mother and the frustration lie behind the betrayal. The protagonists try to be out of debt but it's too huge to pay off as long as mother is alive. Therefore many narratives of foreshadowing mother's death lie hid around the texts. Fifthly, Festival is a ultimate work of narrative of mother and hometown that represents the betrayal caused by the love toward mother and frustration and the original sin caused by betrayal and debt are all cleared up in company with mother's death. Mother who has provided unilateral aid completes the giving through her death. But the protagonist hasn't returned her favor and buries his mother. Mother falls a sacrifice of the festival and accomplishes the forgiveness as well as the perfect love which means love of her mother and love toward mother with frustration. Therefore the funeral of his mother should be understood as a festival to welcome her son's return being freed from his debt which is comprehended as an original sin.

      • KCI우수등재

        기본원칙의 중요도를 반영한 유니버설디자인 공간환경 평가체계

        박청호,우창윤 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.36 No.11

        The purpose of this study was to develop the evaluation system for the universal design space environment using weighted values asuniversal design principles for everyone. The basic principles for the universal design was drawn to equity, clarity, safety, convenience, andplacement through focused group interview and arrangement of key words of precedent scholars’ theories and the enacted ordinances. Then, aone-sample t-test was conducted for the various user and experts in the relevant fields to verify the suitability of the basic principles andcomponents used as evaluation indicators. An analysis result of the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) to experts, The basic principle is thatequity and safety are important, and the evaluation indicators is shown as accessibility, safe, low physical effort, intuitive cognition,simplicity, crime prevention, continuity of space, compatibility of function, and exchange and participation. Based on the above results, itsuggests the need to rethink the meaning of universal design in urban architectural spaces. In order to create and spread a space where allcitizens can live safely and conveniently, it presents the need for awareness education for experts as well as the participation of various usersin implementing universal design policies. 본 연구의 목적은 유니버설디자인 공간환경 평가체계를 개발하는 것으로, 유니버설디자인 조례와 기존이론의 분석, FGI과정을 통해 기본원칙은 형평성, 명료성, 안전성, 편의성, 장소성으로 도출했다. AHP분석결과, 기본원칙은 형평성과 안전성이 중요하고, 평가지표는 접근가능성, 안전함, 적은 노력, 직관적 인지, 간결함, 범죄의 예방, 연속성, 기능의 호환, 그리고 교류와 참여로 나타났다. 위 결과를 바탕으로, 유니버설디자인 정책시행에 있어 다양한 사용자의 참여뿐 아니라 전문가를 대상으로 한 인식교육의 필요성을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Czochralski법으로 성장된 RE : YAG(RE = Nd<sup>3+</sup>, Er<sup>3+</sup>) 단결정의 결함분석

        박청호,주영준,김혜영,심장보,김철진,Park, Cheong Ho,Joo, Young Jun,Kim, Hye Young,Shim, Jang Bo,Kim, Cheol Jin 한국결정성장학회 2016 韓國結晶成長學會誌 Vol.26 No.1

        RE : YAG ($RE=Nd^{3+}$, $Er^{3+}$) single crystals are laser diodes and generally grown by Czochralski method with controlling the various growth parameter. Since the defects occurred by temperature gradient or the rotation speed of solid-liquid growth interface act as the decline of crystal optical property during the growth procedure, crystalline quality improvement via defects analysis is necessary. The etch pit density (EPD) analysis was used to confirm the surface defect of grown RE : YAG single crystal and to select the area of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis. Defects in the specimen produced by tripod polishing method such as buckling, rod shaped, bend contours by internal stress, segregation and others were observed by using 200 kV TEM and 300 kV FE-TEM. RE : YAG 단결정은 레이저 발진 소재로 다양한 성장 변수를 제어하면서 Czochralski법으로 성장된다. 성장과정 동안 고액계면의 온도구배 및 회전속도에 의해 발생하는 결함들은 결정의 광학적 특성 저하로 작용하기 때문에 결함 분석을 통한 결정 품질의 향상을 필요로 한다. 격자결함 밀도 분석(EPD)을 통하여 성장된 RE : YAG 단결정의 표면 결함 존재를 확인하였고, 이를 통해 투과전자현미경(TEM) 분석영역을 선택하였다. 선택한 영역의 시편은 트라이포드 연마 방법으로 제작하였고, 200 kV 투과전자현미경과 300 kV 전계 방사형 투과전자현미경(FE-TEM)을 사용하여 buckling, rod shaped, 내부응력에 의한 bend contours, 편석 등의 결함들을 관찰하였다.

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