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      • 성 폭력에 대한 목회신학적 담론 : 하나님 정의에 대한 반역

        박중수(Jung-Su Park) 영남신학대학교 2011 신학과 목회 Vol.36 No.-

        The justice of God in the process of creation is to sustain the origin of character of creatures and to develop uniqueness God gave them. Sin is the rebellion against creatures of God by sexual violence. One of the serious sin for human is a sexual violence which destroys human dignity as well as sexuality. In short, sexual violence leads personality nothing. It means sexual violence erase one's identity and uniqueness automatically. Sexual violence has been supported by dominant ideologies which are patriarchy systems and institutions. According to this sociological mood, sexual violence deserve happen to vulnerable persons. The other cause that happens sexual violence inevitably is psychological influence. People might assume the specific sex is superior to other one by psychological imagination. The thought shape the action. Imagination of superiority to other sex leads to dominate and discriminate against other sex. It causes to arrogance and low self-esteem naturally. Finally, sexual violence has been accepted by theological interpretations that male is superior to female in all aspects. Most of sermen had been delivered at church male should dominate female so female should be docile to male. Female should not respond to male with any complaints because female should be silent. In order to dominate female power in church, female could not be ordained in some denominations. In terms of this context, sexual violence often had been happened by male clergy with ignoring realties. The causes of sexual violence contain some factors which include ideologies, psychological aspects, theological interpretations. Sexual violence is total distortion on human dignity with many factors to corrupt. Those things continue to affect clues to the sexual violence. Sexual violence is the result of total influences that have four aspects. We have to acknowledge sexual violence in terms of wholistic view. Then we can help how they would be healed.

      • 문화에 갇힌 여성을 상담하기

        박중수(Jung-Su Park) 영남신학대학교 2013 신학과 목회 Vol.40 No.-

        Women who are captured in culture that consists of ideology, power, and distortion have suffered through traditions for long tome. Women would be human and genuine person. They would like to participate in all activity with equal as an unique person as well as ordinary person. They used to be discriminated against patriarchal thoughts that dominate sexism. It happens in long times so women were affected unconsciously. They think of themselves inferior people and were taught with powerless beings in their community. In addition to social and psychological affection, they regarded themselves as the following persons rather than men who initiate tasks in church. In order to maintain men’s privileges in theology and church, they continue try to separate from their role in ministry. It means men’s role in church and theology would be special and superior to women’s one. When God creates persons with the image of God, persons should be recognized equal beings regardless of sex, class, race, and states. Sin is a rebellion against creatures God makes. If they discriminate against women and ignore women’s thoughts, then they commit sins according their thoughts and behaviors. In order to heal these sufferings from women, pastoral ministers should know what steps are for them. Pastoral ministers should know how they counsel with women who are captured in culture. and they should have empathic feeling to women who are feared and perplexed.

      • 통일에 대한 목회신학적 방법론

        박중수(Jung-Su Park) 영남신학대학교 2012 신학과 목회 Vol.38 No.11

        Korean peninsula has been divided for around two generations because of ideological difference between South Korea and North Korea. So Korean culture has become different one and shapes strange one to each other. In order to unify into one Korea from two Koreas, each Korea has tried to spread their ideology into each other. One of the way to escalate Korea unification is to consider what North Korea women"s situation are and suggest alternatives to move to the Korea unification. North Korea Women has been discriminated by men who have power to dominate and govern their country. They have been marginal position and few power as their people in their country. They just has worked for giving a pleasure to men who dominated and controlled their country with unfair power. They could not speak out their voices to break this paradigm. They could not help following men"s directions and policies. Men who has privileges to govern their country has used their power with unjustice. In order to unify Korean peninsula, women should realize what unfair power is and consider ways to protect women from men"s unjustice. Another way to unify Korea is to strength women"s power to let privileged men class influence.

      • KCI등재

        경기지역 적응 고품질 내도복성 벼 『맛드림』

        장정희(Jung Hee Jang),지정현(Jung Hyeun Ji),한상욱(Sang Wook Han),박중수(Jung Su Park),최병열(Byoung Rourl Choi),김희동(Hee Dong Kim),도현용(Hyeun Yong Do),김순재(Soon Jae Kim),최해춘(Hae Chun Choi),김광호(Gwang Ho Kim),조영찬(Young 한국육종학회 2018 한국육종학회지 Vol.50 No.3

        ‘Matdream’ was derived from a cross between ‘Yeongdeok34(Pungmi)’ and ‘Ilpumbyeo’ in 2001. This variety had a heading date of August 8 in Gyeonggido. It had a semi-elect plant type and resistance to lodging with strong culm. Its culm length was 78 cm. This variety had 12 tillers per hill and 122 spikelets per panicle. It was a medium grain variety, and the 1,000 grain weight of brown rice was 22.2 g. Its cold tolerance was stronger than that of ‘Hwaseongbyeo’. This variety had wind tolerance. It was moderately resistant to rice blast diseases and had stripe virus resistance, but was susceptible to bacterial leaf blight, other virus diseases, and insect pests. Its appearance of milled rice was clear and its milled rice had lower amylose and protein contents than that of ‘Hwaseongbyeo’. Its palatability of cooked rice was better than that of ‘Chucheongbyeo’, which was harvested in Suwon. Its head-rice percentage after milling was 74.4%, which was higher than that of ‘Hwaseongbyeo’. The yield of milled rice was 5.17 MT/ha under the ordinary culture of the local adaptability test in four areas of Gyeonggido for three years. Under early transplanting cultivation, its yield of milled rice in 2011 was 5.69 MT/ha in the central plain area, Suwon. ‘Matdream’ was highly adaptable to the Gyeonggido area, especially to the northern region of Han River (품종보호번호: 제5087호).

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 농경지에 발생하는 잡초 현황

        이인용,오영주,박중수,홍선희,최준근,허수정,김은정,이채영,기웅,조승현,권오도,임일빈,김상국,성덕경,정영재,김창석,이정란,서현아,장형목,김진원,Lee, In-Yong,Oh, Young-Ju,Park, Jung-Soo,Hong, Sun-Hee,Choi, Jun-Keun,Heo, Su-Jeoung,Kim, Eun Jeong,Lee, Chae-Young,Park 한국잡초학회 한국잔디학회 2017 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.6 No.2

        2013년부터 3년동안 농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원과 도 농업기술원, 농과대학, 연구기관 등 11개 기관이 전국 규모로 논, 밭, 과원 그리고 목초지에 발생하는 잡초를 조사하였다. 우리나라 농경지에 발생하는 잡초는 81과 619종이다. 이들 잡초는 논에는 28과 90종, 밭에는 50과 375종, 과수원에는 63과 492종, 목초지에는 52과 275종이다. 이들 잡초를 과별로 분류하면, 국화과 96종(15.5%), 화본과 81종(13.1%), 마디풀과 39종(6.3%), 두과 34종(5.5%), 사초과 32종(5.2%), 십자화과 27종(4.3%), 꿀풀과 24종(3.9%), 장미과 21종(3.4%), 현삼과 19종(3.1%), 메꽃과 15종(2.4%)으로 상위 10과가 388종으로 전체의 62.7%를 점유하고 있다. 또 계절별에 구분하면, 동계잡초는 65과 477종, 하계잡초는 72과 526종이다. 주요 우점잡초는 바랭이, 쇠비름, 깨풀, 흰명아주, 돌피 순이었다. 생활형으로 구분하면, 다년생잡초가 308종으로 전체의 49.8%를 차지하였고, 그 다음으로 일년생잡초가 209종(33.8%), 그리고 동계 일년생잡초가 102종(16.4%)이었다. 외래잡초는 28과 166종으로 흰명주, 망초, 개비름, 미국가막사리, 토끼풀 등이 우점하였다. 2000~2004년 농경지 잡초조사에서는 68과 433종으로 10여년만에 13과 186종이 증가하였다. 이는 잡초방제법 변화에 따른 제초제 저항성잡초 증가와 같은 발생잡초 변동과 조사방법 차이 등의 의한 것으로 사료된다. The nationwide weed survey was conducted in arable land, paddy field, upland, orchard and pasture, over whole country of Korea during 3 years from 2013 to 2015. Also, these survey were conducted in order to determine a change of weed community and to identify a major dominant weed species, and problem weeds. Weeds of arable land were composed of 619 species belonging to 81 families. Weeds occurred in paddy field were 90 species belonging to 28 families, upland weeds were 375 species of 50 families, orchard weeds were 492 species of 63 families and pasture weeds 275 species of 52 families. Among total 81 families, the Asteraceae (15.5%) was the biggest family, followed by Poaceae (13.1%), Fabaceae (5.5%), Cyperaceae (5.2%), Polygonaceae (6.3%), respectively. And these weed species were composed of annual weeds of 209 species (33.8%), winter annual of 102 species (16.4%) and perennial weeds of 308 species (49.8%). Exotic weeds naturalized in Korea were investigated as 166 species. Weed flora in Korean cultivation area have been increased as much as 13 families and 186 species for 10 years compared to 2000~2004 weed survey result of 68 families and 433 species. The increment could be resulted from the change of weed population such as increase of the herbicide-resistant and the difference of investigation method.

      • 밭토양 아산화질소 배출량 산정에 미치는 영향요소 평가

        주옥정 ( Okjung Ju ),박중수 ( Jung-soo Park ),노안성 ( An-sung Roh ),영수 ( Young-su Park ),강창성 ( Chang-sung Kang ) 한국환경농학회 2017 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2017 No.-

        기후변화에 대한 이해 및 이에 따른 환경변화에 적응하기 위해서는 무엇보다 기후변화의 원인물질인 온실가스에 대한 인벤토리 작성이 필요하다. 온실가스 배출량이 얼마인지 알면 온실가스 감축목표 설정의 기초자료가 되고 감축목표 설정을 위한 정책수립에 활용되기 때문에 기후변화 연구는 온실가스에 대한 정확한 모니터링에서부터 시작되어야 한다. 우리나라는 2014년 1월 국가 온실가스 감축목표 달성을 위한 로드맵을 수립하였으며, 2015년 배출권거래제 시행, 각국이 결정한 기여(INDC, Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) 제출 등에 따라 신뢰성 있는 국가 인벤토리 산정의 중요성이 더욱 증대되고 있다. 우리나라의 2014년 온실가스 총 배출량은 691 백만톤 CO<sub>2</sub>eq.로 34개 경제협력기구 (OECD) 회원국 중에서는 미국, 일본, 독일, 캐나다, 멕시코에 이어 6번째로 온실가스 배출량이 많다. 2006 IPCC GL에서 제공하는 온실가스 주요배출원 분석에 따라 우리나라 온실가스 주요배출원은 17개 이며, 이 중 농업분야에서는 벼 재배지에서 발생하는 메탄과 농경지토양에서의 아산화질소이다. 2014년 농업분야의 아산화질소 배출량은 9.0 백만톤 CO<sub>2</sub>eq.으로 농업분야 전체 배출량의 42.1%를 차지하고 있다. 농경지에서 아산화질소는 암모니아(NH<sup>3</sup>)의 질산화과정 중 질소고정 미생물의 세포에서 유출되는 부산물이나 아산화질소 탈질과정에서 중간 대사산물로 생성된다. 농경지에서 배출되는 온실가스 측정방법 중 95% 이상이 매뉴얼 챔버법(Chamber method)에 의해 이루어지고 있으며, 아산화질소는 토양에서 직접 대기로 배출되는 배출량을 측정하기 때문에 챔버 안에 식물체를 넣을 필요가 없어 메탄시료 채취용 챔버와 같이 크지 않아도 되나, 작은 챔버(0.008 m<sup>2</sup>) 보다는 큰 챔버(0.5 m<sup>2</sup> )에서 공간에 따른 변동 성에 영향을 덜 받는다고 보고된 바 있다. 그러나 온실가스 배출량 산정을 위한 챔버 크기, 높이, 부피에 따른 샘플링 위치, 가스 확산에 따른 측정시간 간격 등 온실가스 측정법에 대한 상세 가이드라인은 없는 실정이다. 또한, 메탄과 아산화질소 배출량은 온도의 영향을 크게 받는다고 알려져 있으나, 현장에 서 배출된 온실가스 배출량에 미치는 영향에 대한 정량적 평가 및 온도 외의 요소(습도 등)에 따른 배 출량의 변화를 분석한 바는 없다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 밭토양에서 발생하는 아산화질소 배출량 산정을 위해 크기와 모양이 다른 챔버에서 발생하는 온실가스 농도를 일정시간 범위에 따라 분석하였으며, 온도, 습도 등의 변화에 따른 영향요소의 정량적 평가를 시도하였다. 본 연구결과를 통한 밭토양에서 아산화질소 배출량 산정에 미치는 영향요소의 정량적 파악을 통해 IPCC 가이드라인과 같이 우리나라의 농경지 온실가스 배출량 산정을 위한 관리기준 설정에 도움이 될 것으로 생각된다.

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