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        분체공학, 유동층, 고분자, 재료(무기, 유기) : GPS(Glycidoxypropyl Trimethoxysilane)을 이용한 친수성 코팅 필름의 제조

        박정국 ( Jung Kook Park ),송기창 ( Ki Chang Song ),강현욱 ( Hyun Uk Kang ),김성현 ( Sung Hyun Kim ) 한국화학공학회 2002 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.40 No.6

        In order to improve the anti-fogging property of polymer films, organic-inorganic hybrid coating solutions which have good hydrophilic property and transmission in the range of visible light were synthesized by the sol-gel method. The coating solutions were prepared by adding glycidoxypropyl trimethoxysilane(GPS) to a colloidal silica(15㎚) suspension(Ludox). GPS as silane coupling agent forms strong bonds to the colloidal silica and surrounding polymer matrix and links two different materials together. Solutions prepared by addition of GPS at the acidic condition resulted in coatings that were less prone to cracking, while those at the basic condition caused coatings with more cracking. These resulted in better hydrophilic property and transmission in the range of visible light for the solution prepared at the acidic condition(pH 2). Compared with coatings under acidic conditions, coatings prepared at basic conditions showed worse hydrophilic property and transmission in the range of visible light.

      • KCI등재

        초과보험에 관한 소고

        박정국(Park, Jeong-Kuk) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2012 東亞法學 Vol.- No.54

        초과보험은 손해보험에서 실손해보상의 원리를 실현하기 위해 마련된 규정으로, 보험이 기평가보험인가 미평가보험인가에 따라서 초과보험여부의 판단기준ㆍ손해보상액의 산정기준 및 보상액 등이 달라질 수 있다. 비교법적으로, 영국 해상보험법은 기평가보험에서 협정가액의 확정성을 밝히고 있고, 독일 보험계약법 및 일본 보험법은 미평가보험에 관한 규정이 없다. 이에 비해 우리 현행 「상법」은 협정가액의 불확정성 규정 및 미평가보험의 산정기준에 관한 규정을 두고 있다. 문제는 기평가보험에서 협정가액의 불확정성을 규정한 「상법」 제670조 단서와 미평가보험에서 손해액 산정기준인 동법 제671조에 관하여 개정입법이 필요하다는 점인데, 여전히 해석론으로 해결하고 있는바, 이 논문에서는 초과보험 관련규정의 비교법적 검토를 통하여 문제점을 개선하는 바람직한 입법방안을 모색하고자 한다. Over insurance are designed regulations to realize the principle of the compensation for actual losses in property insurance and may vary criteria of whether the over insurance or not, calculation standards of compensation for damages and reward whether a valued policy or an unvalued policy. Compare legally, British Marine Insurance Act is clarify confirmation of the agreed value in a valued policy, there is no regulation on an unvalued policy in German Insurance Contract Law and Japan Insurance Law. By comparison, there are regulations for uncertainty of the agreed value and calculation standards of an unvalued policy in our 「Commercial Code」. The problem is necessity of legislative amendments for the exception rule of section 670 of the 「Commercial Code」 in uncertainty of the agreed value and section 671 of the 「Commercial Code」 in calculation standards of damages. Therefore, I will be discussed in legislative measures to improve the problem on the basis of legal review comparison of terms of over insurance in this paper.

      • 일반논문 : 2013년 중국 개정 소비자권익보호법상 경영자의 의무에 관한 소고

        박정국 ( Jeong Kuk Park ) 영산대학교 법률연구소 2014 영산법률논총 Vol.11 No.2

        중국 정부는 소비자의 권익보호를 강화하기 위하여 2013년 10월 25일 제12기 전국인민대표대회 상무위원회 제5차 회의에서 소비자권익보호법 개정안을 통과시키고 2014년 3월 15일부터 이를 시행하게 되었다. 이번 개정을 통하여 여러 규정들이 수정·보완 및 신설되었는데, 특히 리콜의 의무화·7일 이내의 반품의 가능·통신판매에서의 청약철회 및 개인정보 보호의 의무화 규정 등 경영자의 의무강화 규정이 개정의 많은 부분을 차지하고 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 2013년 개정된 중국 소비자권익보호법상 경영자의 의무와 관련된 주요 내용을 분석하고 검토해 보고자 한다. 이를 통하여 중국 현지의 외국 기업에 대해서는 합법적인 경영활동의 틀을 제공하고 중국 현지의 외국 국민에 대해서는 권리침해의 경우 법적 구제수단을 제공하게 될 것으로 본다. The Chinese government has passed a Revised Bill of the Chinese Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law at the 5th meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on October 25, 2013 and it became effective from March 15, 2014, in order to strengthen a advanced consumer rights and interests protection. Several provisions through this revision was modified and established, especially strengthening provisions of obligations such as mandatory of recalls-return within 7 days-cancellation of the mail order and the mandatory provisions of the privacy occupies a large part of the amendment. Therefore I would like to analyze and review the main content relating to the managerial obligations under the Revised Chinese Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law in 2013 in this paper. I think that this paper will be able to provide foreign corporations that have business operations in China to the framework of the legitimate business activities and foreigners living in China to legal remedies for infringement.

      • KCI등재

        조직성과에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구: 정보보호 성숙도의 매개효과를 중심으로

        박정국 ( Jeong Kuk Park ),김인재 ( In Jai Kim ) 한국정보시스템학회 2014 情報시스템硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        Internet environment and innovative ICT(information and communication technology) have brought about big changes to our lifestyle and industrial structure. In spite of the convenience of Internet, various cyber incidents such as malicious code infection, personal information leakage, smishing(sms + phishing), and pharming have frequently occurred. Information security must be recognized as a key and compulsory element for surviving in a global economy. Strategic roles of information security have recently been increasing, but effective implementation of information security is still a major challenge to organizations. Our study examines the influencing factors of information security and investigates the causal relationship between information security maturity level and organizational performance through an empirical survey. According to the results of our study, personal, organizational, technical, and social factors affect organizations‘s information security maturity level altogether. This result suggests that when dealing with security issues, the holistic and multi-disciplinary approaches should be required. In addition, there is a causal relationship between information security maturity level and organizational performance, and organizations aim to establish the efficient and effective ways to enhance information security maturity level on the basis of the results of this study.

      • KCI등재

        정관상 목적에 의한 회사의 권리능력제한에 관한 소고 : 영미법상의 능력외 이론을 중심으로

        박정국(Park, Jeongkuk) 전남대학교 법학연구소 2012 법학논총 Vol.32 No.1

        정관상 목적에 의한 권리능력의 제한과 관련해서는 우리 「민법」 제34조에서 법인의 권리능력제한을 규정하고 있을 뿐 회사의 권리능력제한에 관해서는 우리 「상법」상 근거규정이 없으므로 「민법」 제34조를 회사에도 유추·적용하여 정관상 목적에 의한 권리능력의 제한을 인정할 것인가의 문제가 제기되어 견해가 대립되고 있는데 다수 견해는 제한부정설을 취하고 있지만 우리 대법원은 원칙적으로 제한긍정설을 취하면서도 실질적으로는 제한부정설에 가까운 태도를 취함으로써, 결과적으로 다수 견해 및 대법원 모두 대외관계에서 회사와 거래한 상대방을 보호하는 판단을 하고 있다. 그러나 정관상 목적범위와 관련해서는 우리 현행 「상법」상 명시적인 규정이 없고, 대법원도 명시적으로 제한부정설을 취하고 있는 것은 아니며, 실제로 정관상 목적범위외의 행위로 말미암아 손해가 발생된 경우 이를 무효화하기 위한 법적 수단이 필요하고, 현행 「상법」상 규정된 이사의 해임·위법행위유지 및 손해배상 등을 청구하기 위해서는 정관상 목적범위에 관한 기준정립이 필요한바, 회사의 권리능력에 관한 영미법상의 능력외 이론이 비록 현재는 상당한 제한 내지 사실상 폐기되었다고 하더라도 우리에게는 현실적으로 정관상 목적범위내의 행위를 해석함에 있어 여전히 필요성을 갖는다고 할 것인바, 우리 대법원 판례의 분석을 통해서 그 의미를 검토하고자 한다. With regard to limit of legal capacity by the purpose of the articles of incorporation, our 「Civil Law」 article 34 has provision on limit of legal capacity but our 「Commercial Law」has this of the company. So, The problem was raised to whether recognize or not limit of legal capacity by the purpose of the articles of incorporation by applying 「Civil Law」 article 34 to company and views has been opposing. The opinion of majority has denied the limit but the our Supreme Court has denied it, as a result, The opinion of majority and the Supreme Court has been judgment to protect the counterparty. But, With regard to the scope of purpose of the articles of incorporation, the our current 「Commercial Law」 has not explicit provisions, in addition, the our Supreme Court has not denied the limit of legal capacity, it is necessary to legal means for disabling if damage has occurred and in order to qualify for damages of our current 「Commercial Law」, it is necessary to interpret the Ultra Vires Doctrine in Common Law. Therefore, I would like to review its meaning through the analysis of cases of our Supreme Court.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        종류주주총회결의를 흠결한 주주총회결의의 효력에 관한 소고

        박정국(PARK, Jeong-Kuk) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2012 法學硏究 Vol.15 No.3

        대상판결은 피고 S사의 우선주주인 원고 M사가 자신에게 유리하다고 판단한 정관규정이 우선주주들의 종류주주총회결의도 없이 주주총회결의만으로 변경되자 당해 주주총회결의 불발효 내지 무효확인 또는 당해 정관변경무효확인을 청구하는 소를 제기하였고 이에 피고 S사도 주주총회결의 불발효 내지 무효확인을 청구하는 반소를 제기한 사건이다. 대상판결에 있어서 논의의 쟁점은「상법」제435조 제1항의 주주총회결의 이외에 별도로 종류주주총회결의가 필요한 ‘정관을 변경함으로써 어느 종류주식의 주주에게 손해를 미치게 될 때’의 문구의 의미 해석, 종류주주총회결의가 필요함에도 불구하고 결의가 흠결된 주주총회결의에 관하여 확인의 소를 제기할 경우 원·피고적격 판단, 종류주주총회결의가 흠결된 주주총회결의의 효력 및 효력의 주장방법 등이다. 대상판결은 종류주주총회의 법리와 관련된 최초의 대법원 판결이라는 점에서 논의의 필요성이 있는바, 본고에서 대상판결을 분석·검토하고 상기의 쟁점들을 중심으로 그 판단의 타당성을 살펴보고자 한다. The rulings of the Supreme Court is case for the plaintiff to filed a lawsuit to check for invalid check to change of the company’s articles or void check or non-effectiveness of the resolution of general shareholders’ meeting, because incorporation regulations was changed just only by resolution of general shareholders’ meeting without the resolution of meeting of certain class of shareholders of first shareholders. Correspondingly, The defendant also filed a counterclaim to check for void check or non-effectiveness of the resolution of general shareholders" meeting. On this ruling, The issues of the discussion are an interpretation of the meaning of the terms of ‘a certain of shareholders are prejudicial by amending the articles of incorporation’ under korean 「Commercial Code」 article 435 section 1, judgment for the plaintiff and the defendant to lawsuit of confirmation for resolution of general shareholders’ meeting from one state to defect of resolution of meeting of certain class of shareholders in spite of requires resolution of meeting of certain class of shareholders, and how to claim the effect and the effect of resolution of general shareholders" meeting without the resolution of meeting of certain class of shareholders. Target judgment has the necessity of discussion in that of the first Supreme Court ruling in associated with the legal principles of meeting of certain class of shareholders. Therefore, I would like to discuss the validity of the judgment for above issues after to analysis and review a target judgment in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        의결권행사를 위한 주주간 계약의 고찰

        박정국 ( Park Jeong-kuk ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2012 외법논집 Vol.36 No.1

        Shareholders’ agreements means that they are the various agreements entered into between shareholders to ensure the supremacy of shareholders for the company’s policy decision, they are aimed at vouch shareholders’ agreements on voting, give the opportunity to exert influence for management of the company to minority shareholders and protect the rights of minority shareholders from improper exercise of majority shareholders takeover. The target of a shareholders’ agreements varies depending on the circumstances of each company. Especially, Matters relating to the voting rights of shareholders is about fundamental rights of shareholders, our current 「Commercial Code」 prescribes agency event of voting, there are no provision of voting agreements and voting trust to be regulated by U.S. State Act, so there has been a discussion of whether the practical need for legislation in the current 「Commercial Code」 is or not. But, Though revised 「Commercial Code」 of 2011 prescribed issuance of kinds of stocks and of stocks in voting rights is not or limited, but prescribed matters relating to the exercise of various voting, it was a reaffirmed amendment of the existing position to denied a collective exercise of voting rights due to shareholders’ agreements. But It is an undeniable fact that practical necessity for unified voting exercise as shareholders’ agreements is great in Korea’s corporate governance, and even if the contract was recognized, if there are not regulations such as U.S. State Act, because it causes problems to cannot claim contractual effect about company, but claim contractual effect between contracting parties, it is necessary to introduce shareholders’ agreements in the our 「Commercial Code」. Therefore, I would like to discussed in the need for legislation in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        위장납입의 효력에 관한 소고

        박정국(Park, Jeong-Kuk) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2012 圓光法學 Vol.28 No.3

        The fraudulent payment for share by revolving is an fraudulent act of payment for shares as a way to promoters of the company borrows money from a third party and pay stock as a debt, to withdraw its payment from the bank of holds payment and to repay borrowings since the company established. But the fraudulent payment for share of this approach have had paid only a formal not to paid substantially. Therefore if the validity of such fraudulent payment is in effect recognized, the company's capital faithful is inhibited, led to the company's insolvency and thereby the order of Company Law would be dismantled in the end. For this reason, Germany 「Finite Act」 revised 2008 was defined as the hidden kind contribution contract is valid, a contributory of the employee is not indemnification and the fraudulent payment for share by revolving is to be indemnification of a contributory of the employee only if the company's return claim is fully secured through Article 19 Section 4 and Article 19 Section 5 etc. Also Act was defined as a compensation mandatory of directors has been recognized when the company paid to the employee amounts of non-payment because the company's return claims did not warrant through Article 30 Section 1, Article 31 Section 4 and Article 43 Section 3 etc. But our 「Commercial Code」 have to unify because there is no direct provision as Germany 「Finite Act」 revised 2008. But our Supreme Court has consistently determined that the validity has been recognized for the effect of the fraudulent payment for share by revolving despite the problems has been as clarified above, and there has been the possibility of a problem in a number of scholars are taking a stand to the effective. But this is only interpretation theory. Therefore eventually we will need legislative resolution such as Germany. Therefore, I would like to looking for desirable legislative measures to improved the problems of our current 「Commercial Code」 after reviewing regulations of Germany 「Finite Act」 revised 2008 by comparing, looking around doctrine and the Supreme Court Case for the effects of the fraudulent payment for share by revolving, looking into the fraudulent payment for share.

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