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        농촌마을내 연꽃방죽의 의미와 기능 : 전남 강진군 백련지·별연지·행연지를 중심으로

        박율진,김화옥,이석우,노재현 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 2012 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.6 No.1

        농촌마을의 입구에 있는 연꽃방죽은 친수환경적인 경관창출과 레저․휴식공간을 조성할 수 있는 요소이다. 또한 농촌어메니티 활성화를 위한 매우 중요한 자원으로 인식하고 전남 강진군내 3개소의 연꽃방죽의 특성과 기능 및 의미를 문헌조사와주민 인터뷰 그리고 현장조사를 통하여 고찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 연구대상지 세곳의 연꽃방죽은 모두 마을 초입에 조성되어 비보 ․ 풍수적 기능을 하며 형국이나 전설과 관련하여 白蓮地, 鼈蓮池, 杏蓮池의 명칭이 부여되었다.방죽의 수체계는 뒤산의 개울 또는 공동 샘물과 우수를 수원으로 하여 지하수로를 통해 연꽃방죽에 집수되어 여과,침전, 미소동물 및 수생식물에 의한 생물학적 정화과정을 거친 다음 농수로를 통해 최종적으로 농경지 및 하천으로유출되는 구조를 가졌다.마을 식수원인 공동샘과 약 100m 떨어진 곳에 조성되었고 수심 1.2~1.5m인 소택지로서 샘과 관련한 상징적 ․ 생태적상관성이 높은 것으로 사료된다.세 곳의 연꽃 방죽은 모두 배롱나무, 소나무, 동백나무, 오죽 등이 식재된 중도가 조성되었다. 하지만 현재 원형을유지하고 있는 곳은 백련지 뿐이고 별연지나 행연지는 치수 및 물량위주의 농어촌지원사업의 여파로 형태의 변형 및크기가 축소되었다.농촌의 연꽃방죽은 경관창출 및 레저휴양 기능 공간이자 어메니티(amenity) 자원으로서 매우 소중한 자원이며 보전복원대상으로 연구되어야 할 것이다. 또한 연꽃방죽은 과거 우리 조상으로부터 대대로 이어져온 우리의 농촌문화경관요소이며 공동체적 산물로 재조명되어야 함이 마땅하다. Lotus ponds located at entry of a rural village are elements which can create environment and water friendly landscape and forming space for leisure and rest. This author had study by literature, residents interview and field survey on special features, function and meaning of 3 lotus ponds within Gangjin-gun, Jeollanam-do viewing them as very significant resources for vitalization of rural amenity and following conclusion could be drawn. All the 3 lotus ponds which were objects of this study were located at entry of rural villages. Thus they played role of supplementing any shortcoming based on geomancy and their forms and names were also related to such function accordingly names like Baekryeonji, Byeolyeonji and Haengyeonji were given to them. Source of water supply for the ponds were stream of hills at the back or common spring water or rainfall and it was collected at lotus pond through underground watercourse. After passing through process of filtration, sedimentation and biological purification by microorganism and aquatic plants eventually it flows out to farm land and streams through farming watercourse. They were formed at the spot about 100m away from spring for joint use which is water source for the village. It is swamp with water depth of 1.2~1.5m and its relationship with the spring appears to be very high in terms of its symbolic, ecological aspects. Three lotus ponds have midways formed which were planted with crape myrtle, pine trees, camellia and bamboos etc. But only Baekryeonji was preserved in its original form but forms of Byeolyeonji and Haengyeonji were changed or its size was reduced by side-effect of flood control measures and material and quantity oriented projects for supporting farming and fishing villages. Lotus ponds of rural village are space for creating landscape and space for leisure and rest and it is also highly valuable resource for amenity and should be studied as object for preservation and restoration. Accordingly lotus ponds should be placed under limelight once more as elements of rural culture and landscape which were bequeathed from our ancestors through generations and as resource for entire community.

      • KCI등재

        익산 무왕 길 탐방프로그램 이용자의 인식에 대한 연구

        박율진 한국전통조경학회 2018 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        The following results could be obtained from the research on awareness and satisfaction of the tourists who joined the program ‘A Journey in Search of King Mu's Road’. With regard to awareness of the site tour program, tourists replied that they participated in the program mainly because of their interest in education for their children. They expressed great needs for the municipal government office to maintain walkways, signboards and guide maps as well as to reinforce safety facilities as a measure to increase satisfaction with the site tour on the part of visitors and tourists. In terms of satisfaction with operation and management of the site tour program, the contents of the program were highly appreciated while it turned out necessary to rediscover garden culture resources and to develop and operate an expanded internal tour course for tourists to look around inside the relics by utilizing the recently excavated Baekje historical resources. As a consequence, it might be expected possible to experience and educate the local history and garden culture thanks to the historical culture and environmental values that have been preserved in the Baekje cultural circles. Moreover, the importance of walking trips will be recognized for its effects to allow those who get tired from daily life to come into contact with nature, practice self-reflection and care for their health as well. ‘무왕 길을 찾아 떠나는 여행’ 프로그램 참여자를 중심으로 탐방 인식과 만족도에 관한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 본 프로그램에참여하게 된 동기는 대부분 자녀교육이 단초가 된 것으로 나타났다. 탐방시설 이용에 따른 지원 및 개선사항으로 걷는 길에 대한안전성 확보와 안내시설물 보강 및 재정비에 대한 요구가 많았다. 탐방로 프로그램 운영관리에 대한 항목에서는 프로그램 내용이충실하게 된 점을 높이 샀다. 그러나 최근 발굴된 정원 유적 등의 결과를 담지 못한 점에 대해 아쉽다는 의견이 많았다. 따라서백제 정원유적으로 확실히 되는 왕궁리 산 80-1번지를 중심으로 내부 프로그램을 보강할 필요성이 있다. 그리고 백제문화권이 보유하고있는 역사문화 및 환경의 가치를 보존하여 지역역사와 정원문화를 체험하는 교육을 진행해야 한다. 일상에 지친 사람들에게 여유를찾게 하는 무왕길 탐방 프로그램은 짧은 도보여행을 통해 자아성찰과 자연과의 접촉 그리고 건강관리 측면에 있어 그 중요성을재인식시키는 계기가 될 것으로 생각한다.

      • 공원녹지관리 운영실태 및 의식구조에 관한 연구 : 인사관리측면을 중심으로

        박율진,김동찬 경희대학교 지역문제연구부 1996 지역개발연구 Vol.3 No.-

        This study is based on the investigation of the actual conditions of management and the comparative analysis of related actions of parks and green spaces in local autonomous entities (six cities). For conducting this research, questionnaires were used. The research findings are summarized as follows and they could be used for improving the quality of management systems of urban parks and green spaces. Meanwhile, this study's findings are in brief as following; in case of employment and promotion, research the new member of forest section during 3 years(1992-1994) in order to Seoul 57 persons(38.4%), Busan 45 and KwangJu 4 persons(2.7%). DaeGu and DaeJeon's employment had equalbalance according to the local. Also, application had an unbalance of the personnel structure about position balance so that's why so many low position worker engagement. In case of educational training and consideration of professional, member's professional improvement required re-education and have to re-set up the curriculum that all self government groups depend on office of forestry except Seoul city. In case of consciousness tendency analysis, member's working desire requirement(4.60), professional worker for the park and green administration requirement(4.60) were showed so high. Efficiency of position management(2.39), Structure discrepancy of personnel management system(2.45), functional worker shortage of parks and green space(2.40) and etc. were showed low. In evaluative model analysis, for the efficiency of managing system, member's work desire, proper educational training, discrepancy of personnel management system discrepancy, professional worker required for the park and green space, working circumstance, personnel evaluation according to task achievement via educational training course relatively.

      • KCI우수등재

        공원녹지 관리행정주체의 의식구조 연구 -서울시를 중심으로-

        박율진,김동찬 한국조경학회 1995 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        This study is executed to find out necessities of park & open space management, its policy, its administrational structure, and personnel management. To get objective and basic materials for this study, conscious structure of practical level members in Seoul is analyzed by means of questionnaire sheet and ANOVA analysis. It is important to consider various related factors ; quality upgrading of management of park & open space, improvement of productivity, intensification of user service, and orientation of self administration. As a result, we should restructure the park system and policy in order to enhance recognition toward the necessities of park & open space. And we could suggest regional specialization of district autonomy area as an alternative strategy.

      • KCI등재

        한·중국 공원 관리체계 비교 고찰 : 서울시와 베이징시 직영관리 공원을 중심으로

        박율진,정정수 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 2009 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.3 No.1

        서울시와 베이징시의 두 도시의 공원 관리체계의 현황, 유형, 관리조직, 이용객, 예산, 문화활동 분야로 구분하여 정리하였고, 양국 비교분석 하였다.두 도시의 공원 관리체계의 기본기능과 내용은 대체적으로 동일하나, 그러나 구체적인 방면에서 차이가 많다. 공원녹지통계, 오락공원시설, 이용객 및 구성원의 신분 통계, 수입관리방식, 관리조직과 기능, 이용객을 끌어들이는 방식 및 관련있는 법규의 내용등 방면에서 나타난다.공원관리의 과정에서 나타나는 차이의 주요원인은 국가의 문화, 행정체제가 다른데 있으며, 목표에 도달하기 위하여 두도시 모두 많은 방면에서 노력을 하고 있으며, 시설의 재정비, 공원문화의 혁신 등을 통하여 이용객 만족도를 높이는 것이다.두 도시의 도시녹화, 공원시설, 이용객 활동, 구성원과 원림수입/지출방면의 통계자료로 두 도시의 특징과 차이를 보이고,도시공원의 문화활동, 입장료 판매방식, 수입/지출관리 방식을 비교하여 최종에 두 도시의 공원관리방식에 관련 있는 법규내용의차이가 나타났다..공원관리사업에서도 공통적으로 공원조성, 수목 및 화훼, 시설물 보수 및 정비, 환경위생, 공원 서비스, 유람 서비스등서비스가 포함되기 때문에 관리내용이 비교적 업무량도 많으나. 그러나 베이징시의 경우 공원 구성원들은 반드시 계획대로고효율적으로 공원관리를 진행하여 공원관리의 목적에 도달해야 하다는 인식이 지배적이다.그러나 비교할 수 있는 자료는 문화와 행정체계가 다르고 연구 자료도부족하기 때문에 내용도 한계가 있다고 보며, 중국의녹지 정책, 넓게는 중국의 환경개선 및 보호 정책에 대한 정보가 매우 부족한 상태이므로 정책과 실상을 알아보는 것이가장 우선되어야 할 것이다. The park management systems of two cities of Seoul and Beijing have been classified and summarized by the present condition, type, management organization, users, budget and cultural activity field to compare and analyze them. The basic function and content of the park management system in two cities are generally same but there are many differences in concrete details such as statistics of green tracts in the park, amusement park facilities, social position statistics of users and constituents, income management system, management organization and function, method to attract users and provisions of related regulations. The main causes of differences generated in the course of park management come from different national cultural and administrative system and both cities exert efforts in many fields to achieve their targets and enhance satisfaction of users through rearrangement of facilities, innovation of park culture, etc. Two cities have characteristics and differences in statistics data of urban afforestation, park facility, activity of users, constituents and income/expenditures and finally, there are differences in legal provisions related to park management system of two cities comparing cultural activities, admission fee sale method and income/expenditure management system of urban parks. The park management business commonly includes services such as park afforestation, tree and flowers, facility repair and maintenance, environmental hygiene, park service, sightseeing service, etc. so they have a great deal of workload. However, in case of Beijing city, park members have dominative understanding to achieve the object of park management by making sure to efficiently mange parks as planned. However, I believe that we have limited data to be compared due to the different cultural and administrative system and insufficient study data, and for lack of information on environmental improvement and protection policy as well as afforestation policy in China, we should investigate the policy and actual situation at first.

      • KCI등재

        폐타이어 재활용을 이용한 식재 플랜터 제작기술 개발에 관한 연구

        박율진 한국인간·식물·환경학회 2009 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        By manufacturing planter by using scrapped tires such tires can be used more broadly. It contributes to reducing source of environmental pollution and development of landscape facilities. It proposes direction for effective usage of scrapped tires. It is for carrying out study on the effect of new kind of assembly type planter for growing condition of plants. This planter is for using scrapped tires. A number of scrapped tires are combined. Then at No. 2 perforated pipe cap is installed at left and right side of platform. In this way cumulative strata is formed. At the above mentioned cumulative strata tub is inserted. In such tub plants can be planted. In front of above mentioned No. 2 perforated pipe cap ventilation holes are formed. Through above mentioned ventilation holes external air is supplied to root of planted plant. This is about plant which uses scrapped tires and for stimulating growth of plants as described above. Rollers are attached to the platform. Thus it is mobile. Moisture can be reserved inside by putting chaff charcoal bag and charcoal bag as inner liner. Perforated pipe cap passes through tire sidewall therefore ventilation is possible. Water trough is attached at lower part of platform and water supply is controlled. This product is aesthetic and also functionally effective because green net is covered external part of tires. From the outcome of using environmentally safe scrapped tire for growing plants it was confirmed that using perforated pipes above the ground was more conducive to plant growth than such pipes were not used. Thus effect of perforated pipes in stimulating plant growth was confirmed. Trees with which the above mentioned pipes were installed seemed to be more advantageous for taking roots and growing. It appears that such result was stemming from perforated pipes and disposal of supplied water. Thus long term experiment on level of growth of plants in diverse ways should be carried out in future.

      • 토사유출 방지용 침사지 물리적 구조에 관한 연구 : 목포시 부주산을 사례로 In the case of Buju Mountain in Mokpo city, Korea

        우창호,정효기,박율진 木浦大學校 沿岸環境硏究所 1998 沿岸環境硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        This study makes physical structure design criteria of sediment basin which can enhance the trap efficiency of the sediment based on existing researches related to the sediment basin, examines the physical structure of the sediment basin at Buju mountain, Mokpo city which causes the environmental problems like the erosion and sediment outflow due to the excessive development, compares and examines it to the design criteria and explores the problems. As the volume ratio is greater, the sedimentation ratio is increased and as the area ratio is less the sedimentation ratio is increased. The length to width ratio of sediment basin is required at least 2:1 or 3:1 avoid dead storage area. The depth of the sediment basin is determined by the duration of construction period and it can be calculated by estimating the accumulation of sediment during the construction period. The sediment basin depth is required at least 60cm to avoid resuspending of sediment. As a result of the analysis of the existing sediment basin, the sediment basin C has the greatest volume ratio as 1.48 and it can be expected the most trap efficiency of sediment, followed by sediment basin B, A, E, F and sediment basin D is least as 0.08 and it can be expected the least trap efficiency of sediment. The sediment basin C has the least are ratio as 11.96 and it can be expected the most trap efficiency of sediment, followed by sediment basin B, S, E, F and sediment basin D has the greatest area ratio as 145.33 and it and be expected the least trap efficiency of sediment. It is consistent with the trend of volume ratio. The length to width ratio. The length to width ratio of the sediment basin is less than 1 and it becomes a problem at sediment trap efficiency among physical structure elements of sediment basin, The depth of sediment basin needed for the accumulation sediment was good in all.

      • KCI우수등재

        公園綠地 運營實態 및 意識構造에 關한 硏究

        朴律鎭(박율진),金東贊(김동찬) 대한국토·도시계획학회 1996 國土計劃 Vol.31 No.6

        The research findings are summarized as follows and they could be used for improving the quality of management systems of urban parks and green spaces. Especially, a grand scale park and green space was maintenance of management by unit business because of dynamic relation the organization compare with the bureau of foreign nations park and green space management organization. In the case of management type, the public management and civil management was separated each other. The first, public management consists of direct management and public enterprise and the second civil management consists of the civil consignment managing, regional groups management and so forth. In case of consciousness tendency analysis, park development(4.39), range of responsibility and righteousness(3.96), proper function of management type(3.92) and etc. were showed as high variables. Satisfaction of work affairs(2.30), department scatter/inefficient(2.41), civilian's opinion acceptance(2.46) and etc. ware showed as low variables.

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