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      • KCI등재

        수학 수업 전문성 신장을 위한 교사의 자기연구와 실천 사례

        박영은,방정숙 대한수학교육학회 2016 수학교육학연구 Vol.26 No.3

        The main purpose of this study was to introduce a self-study as one way to enhance instructional expertise in mathematics. This paper summarized the concept, characteristics, and methods of self-study in order to inform teachers of the usefulness of a self-study for their professional development. This paper then presented a self-study practice manuals for teachers to follow the self-study step by step. It described a case in which an elementary school teacher applied the self-study practice manuals to her mathematics teaching. This paper closes with implications for teachers to employ a self-study. 본 연구는 수학 수업 전문성을 신장하기 위한 방법으로 교사의 자기연구를 소개하고 그에 따른 연구 사례를 밝히고자 하였다. 먼저, 자기연구의 개념과 특성, 방법을 소개하고 교사 주도적인 전문성 신장 방법으로써 자기연구의 유용성을 논의하였다. 다음으로, 교사들이 수학 수업의 전문성을 신장하기 위해 활용할 수 있는 자기연구 실천 매뉴얼을 제시하였다. 마지막으로, 자기연구 실천 매뉴얼을 따라 수학 수업에 대한 자기연구를 실천한 초등학교 교사의 사례를 통하여 변화 과정을 살펴보았다. 이를 토대로 자기연구를 실천하려는 교사들에게 필요한 시사점을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        예브게니 옙뚜센꼬의 세계관에 구현된 ‘시베리아’ 경험 공간의 의미장

        박영은 한국비교문학회 2011 比較文學 Vol.0 No.55

        Evgenii Evtushenko reflects his own modified family histories with those of Siberians to analyze the discarded and forgotten land of Siberia in Iagodnye mesta. In this respect, the main purposes of this study focus on the establishment of his own identity as a Siberian rather than the reflection of dissident movement against the Soviet regime, supported from the viewpoint of most western literary circle. He goes on the journey of finding his own roots by means of setting the place of the work in Siberia, giving the specific Siberian nature to the characters, and describing the Siberian pride. In the novel of Evtushenko, Siberia is depicted as a place where lived strong and courageous, simple and honest people. In addition, the author describes the shamanistic ideas of the soul through the portrayal of the revival movement of national culture and traditions in Siberia as well as in the Soviet Union. The special characteristics of Evtushenko, however, are in the fact that he presents the rituals of shamanistic beliefs not as simple superstition but as cultural heritage of humanity. The author not only relates the Siberian shamanistic belief on death with the theory of the Soviet scientist Tsiolkovskii but also recognizes Siberia as an origin of the spirit of humanity depending on the perspective of archaeologist Iurii Mochanov and, thereby, criticizes Darwin’s theory of evolution in the novel. He emphasizes that the life of a human being cannot be separated from humanity by introducing a circular system of the world, in which we understand human life by connecting the lives of individuals with those of the whole human beings.

      • KCI등재

        Progression of GNE Myopathy Based on the Patient-Reported Outcome

        박영은,김대성,최영철,신진홍 대한신경과학회 2019 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.15 No.3

        Background and Purpose GNE myopathy is a rare progressive myopathy caused by biallelic mutations in the GNE gene, and frequently accompanied by rimmed vacuoles in muscle pathology. The initial symptom of foot drop or hip-girdle weakness eventually spreads to all limbs over a period of decades. Recent advances in pathophysiologic research have facilitated therapeutic trials aimed at resolving the core biochemical defect. However, there remains unsettled heterogeneity in its natural course, which confounds the analysis of therapeutic outcomes. We performed the first large-scale study of Korean patients with GNE myopathy. Methods We gathered the genetic and clinical profiles of 44 Korean patients with genetically confirmed GNE myopathy. The clinical progression was estimated retrospectively based on a patient-reported questionnaire on the status of the functional joint sets and daily activities. Results The wrist and neck were the last joints to lose antigravity functionality irrespective of whether the weakness started from the ankle or hip. Two-thirds of the patients could walk either independently or with an aid. The order of losing daily activities could be sorted from standing to eating. Patients with limb-girdle phenotype showed an earlier age at onset than those with foot-drop onset. Patients with biallelic kinase domain mutations tended to progress more rapidly than those with epimerase and kinase domain mutations. Conclusions The reported data can guide the clinical management of GNE myopathy, as well as provide perspective to help the development of clinical trials

      • KCI등재

        버트 토픽 (BERTopic)방법으로 분석한 코로나19 백신 (COVID19 vaccination) 언론보도의 특성과 백신 접종자수에 미치는 영향 연구 : 기계학습과 모델링기법의 결합

        박영은 한국광고학회 2024 광고학연구 Vol.35 No.3

        본 연구는 최신 전환학습(Transfer learning) 텍스트 모델링 기법인 BERTopic을 통해 총 38,312개의 코로나19 백신 관련 기사를 분석함으로써 22개의 주요 토픽을 생성하였고, 그중에 가장 많이 언급된 토픽들은 코로나 확진자 추세, 백신 접종, 치료제 개발, 변이와 집단감 염, 등등의 순이었다. 시계열 요소를 도입한 BERTopic dynamic topic model을 통해 살펴본 토픽 의 변화는 상대적으로 예방접종이 잘 진행되고 있던 시기에는 백신 접종에 대한 보도가 줄어들고 델타 변이가 출연한 시점부터 오히려 백신 보도의 비율이 늘어나는 양상을 보였다. 시계열 특성 을 회귀분석에 포함한 방법으로 모델을 추정하였을 때, 단순히 코로나 확진자 수를 보도하거나 백신 개발을 강조하는 보도는 오히려 백신 접종자 수를 감소시켰고, 반면에 해외여행 등 백신을 접종함으로써 받을 수 있는 이익을 강조하는 보도가 백신 접종자 수의 증가와 관련이 있었다. 본 연구는 언론보도와 공중의 의견 간의 관계를 밝히는 기존 연구들의 의의를 넘어 특정 언론보도의 주제가 공중의 행동(백신 접종)에 영향을 미친다는 것을 밝혀 향후 연구자, 광고/홍보 전문가 그 리고 정책 결정자가 보건 위기 상황에 대응할 방안을 마련했다는 데 그 의의가 있다. Utilizing cutting-edge text modeling techniques such as BERTopic employing a transfer learning approach, the current study investigates a total of 38,312 news articles regarding COVID-19 vaccination. We found that COVID-19 confirmed cases, vaccination efforts, the development of COVID-19 treatments, variations, and mass infections are the prominent topics among the 22 topics that we extracted. Considering the time series dynamics, we observed a decrease in topics related to vaccination as the actual vaccination rate steadily increased, whereas it increased after the appearance of the Delta variant. Regarding the relationship between topics and actual vaccination cases, we identified a negative association when newspapers reported the number of confirmed cases. However, emphasizing the benefits of vaccination, such as the availability of overseas travel, led to an increase in vaccination rates. These findings offer novel insights for theory developers, advertising/public relations experts, and policymakers dealing with public health crises.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 공원환경 인식이 공원이용 만족도에 미치는 영향

        박영은,정성관,이우성 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 2019 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.13 No.4

        본 연구에서는 대구광역시의 근린공원을 대상으로 노인의 공원이용 행태를 살펴보고, 공원 내 물리적 환경이 공원만족도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 4개의 근린공원에서 수집된 총 290부의 설문을 토대로 통계적 분석이 수행되었다. 공원이용 행태 분석 결과, 응답한 노인들의 43.4%가 ‘걷기 또는 산책’을 위해 공원을 방문하였으며, 응답자의 50%는 주 5회 이상 공원을 이용하는 것으로 나타났다. 응답자들의 공원이용 시간은 2시간 내외가 대부분이었으며, 공원까지 이동수단은 보행이, 공원까지의 평균 이동거리는 15분 이하가 가장 많은 것으로 분석되었다. 공원환경에 대한 인식 분석 결과, ‘공원까지의 거리’, ‘충분한 녹지면적’, ‘충분한 그늘’ 등의 항목이 4점 이상으로 높게 분석되었다. 반면, ‘원예활동지원 공간’, ‘다양한 볼거리’, ‘복지시설과의 연계’ 등에 대한 인식이 3.2점 이하로 낮게 평가되었다. 공원만족도와 공원환경 요인을 회귀분석한 결과, 5개 요인이 모두 유의수준 1% 이내에서 공원만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었으며, 특히, ‘이용쾌적성’, ‘시설적합성’, ‘이용편의성’의 영향성이 타 요인에 비해 높게 평가되었다. 이상의 연구결과들은 향후 신규 노인공원 조성 또는 노인거주 중심지역의 근린공원 리모델링 사업 등에 의미 있는 기초자료가 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to identify the behaviors of park use and to analyze the influences of perceived park environments on the park satisfaction for older adults focused on the neighborhood parks in Daegu. Several statistical analyzes were performed based on a total of 290 samples collected by questionnaires in four neighborhood parks. First of all, 43.4% of the respondents visited the park for 'walking', and 50% of the respondents used the park more than 5 times a week. Most of the respondents used the park for about 2 hours, the most common means of transportation was walking, and the average distance to the park was less than 15 minutes. In terms of perception on the park environment, perceptions of 'distance to park', 'area of green space' and 'shade by trees' were higher than 4 points. On the other hand, perceptions of the 'Supporting space for gardening', 'Various attractions', and 'Connection with welfare facilities' were lower than 3.2 points. As a result of regression analysis between park satisfaction and park environment factors, all five factors had positive effects with park satisfaction within 1% of significance level. In particular, the correlations of 'Amenity of use', 'Suitability of facility' and 'Convenience of use' were higher than other factors. The findings of this study can be meaningful basic data for the construction of new senior parks and remodeling of neighborhood parks in the elderly residential area.

      • 팔마사지 방법에 따른 안면 조형효과 연구

        박영은,김기연,장경자 대한피부미용학회 2006 대한피부미용학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        With the progress of current skin beauty industry, a lots of beauty salons have conducted massage programmed with diverse products and therapies. It can be said that there are unmeasurably many massages carried out by the goal of a program. However, the expansion and demand of esthetic industry have brought up not a little side-effect due to the market extension of technical education. Unverified technique and program expansion are observed to be conducted at other place than institutionalized school or college. The flood of unverified technique may be detrimental to national health. For esthetic area to take its firm ground as an academic and technical one will ensure physiological research on massage technique and effectiveness suited human physiology. Thus this study strove to come up with underlying data of an effect on human body of arm massage direction, pressure, velocity basically practiced at most beauty salons in our country. Arm massage is practiced in a service type without charge, the hand and arm massage of which is based on stimuli. Also the paper reviewed the direction of arm massage effecting beauty face. The research defines 15 arm massage movements as an experimental model, designs it to strong upward arm massage(massage pressure applied in upward action) and strong downward arm massage(massage pressure applied in downward action), and regards pressure difference by arm massage direction as the factor of study scope. And it examined the form change of the face having the closest relation with the muscle connected to the arm. The results could confirm that the circumference of the arms subjected to the two massages. The subjects of the experimental group of strong upward group showed highly changed variant ratio in the arm circumference and facial length reduction, where arm massage is found to bring about transformation of facial muscle and muscular membrane through value change of facial length. This experiment findings suggest following matters. Adverse effect dispersed to the whole human body is high due to human stream resistant massage. Beauty-purposed massage should take into account the effect of velocity and pressure and direction on individuals. Based on academic data on massage direction, pressure, and velocity, strong upward massage would produce a good effect on face and arm parts.

      • KCI등재

        안드레이 타르코프스키의 영화에 반영된 동서양 신비철학과 전일성(全一性)

        박영은 한국영화학회 2018 영화연구 Vol.0 No.78

        안드레이 타르코프스키 세계관의 토대를 일원론의 관점에서 고찰한 본 논문은 기독교적·불교적·이교적·신비적이라고 표현하는, 때로는 양립 불가능한 것으로 인식되는 형용어를 통합하고 있는 그의 사상의 근원적 궤적을 추적하는 작업에서 출발했다. 개별적인 인간 영혼으로부터 지구 차원의 문제에 이르기까지 ‘구원’의 테마와 연관되어 있는 그의 영화에는 기독교적 특성이 깊이 반영되어 있다고 보는 관점이 일반적이었다. 하지만 타르코프스키의 작품을 조금 더 면밀히 들여다보면, 그의 영화에는 전통 신학의 관점에서 기독교 교리와는 배치되는 것으로 인식되는 이교(異敎)적 요소들뿐만 아니라 불교적 세계관 역시 내재되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 때문에 일반적으로 양립 불가능한 것으로 평가되기도 하는 다양한 종교 특성이 공존하는 그의 사상의 원천과 세계관에 대한 재조명은 필수적이다. 이는 타르코프스키의 작품을 철학적이라고 규정하면서도 그의 정신세계를 형성시킨 모태가 되는 철학과 사상에 대한 보다 체계적인 연구가 거의 없었다는 점에 연유한다. 그의 작품에 내재된 ‘종교성’에 주목하면서도 관련하여 심도있는 연구가 진행되지 못한 부분이 있었기 때문이다. 따라서 본고에서는 개별적인 작품에 대한 미시적 이해를 포함해 다양한 층위의 타르코프스키의 작품을 동서양 종교와 철학의 프리즘으로 살펴보며, 그 양상이 타르코프스키의 세계관에 미친 영향을 분석하였다. 더불어 동서양 신비철학을 아우르는 전일성(全一性)이라는 거시적 프레임이 타르코프스키의 작품에 습합되어 간 양상을 통찰하며, 그의 영성철학과 영상미학의 조우를 고찰하였다. 일반적으로 이분법적으로 구분되는, 동양과 서양의 종교와 사상을 아우르는 타르코프스키 세계관은 루돌프 슈타이너나 게오르기 구르지예프를 비롯한 여러 신비가와 영적 철학자의 관점과 연결되어 있음을 규명할 수 있었다. 전술했던 바와 같이 슈타이너나 구르지예프, 그리고 우스펜스키와 같은 신비철학자들은 인간의 영적 성장의 가능성을 극대화하는 점에서 공통적이다. 타르코프스키가 서양정신사에 동양의 철학과 수행체계를 도입해 세계인들의 의식 혁명을 주도했던 구르지예프나 우스펜스키의 서적을 탐독했고, 인지학자 혹은 신지학자로 대표되는 루돌프 슈타이너의 사상에도 깊은 관심을 갖고, 자신의 영화에서 노자의 <도덕경>이나 불교의 선(禪)사상을 표출했던 것 역시 그가 동·서양 사상을 통합할 수 있는 절대 경지를 지향했다는 방증이라 할 수 있다. 동서양을 넘나드는, 동시에 동서양 사상과 철학을 하나로 연결하는 근원에 대한 탐색과 그것을 응시하는 관조의 세계는 타르코프스키의 영화에서 재현되는 ‘테오리아 피지카’의 영상화와 연접해 있다. 만물의 조화와 상응관계를 통찰할 수 있는 내면의 눈을 중요시했던 그에게 인간이 자신의 에고에서 벗어나 타인을 사랑하고, 더 나아가 인류의 하나됨을 지향해야 한다는 의식은 자연스러운 확장이었을 것이다. 타르코프스키는 자신의 삶과 예술, 무엇보다 자신의 세계관을 영상으로 가시화하는데 천착했던 영화인이었다. 즉 타르코프스키가 한 예술인으로서 평생에 걸쳐 천착했던 것은 물질과 육체의 세계에서 벗어나는 영혼의 상승 및 존재의 근원인 일자와의 합일, 그 절대세계에 대한 응시였다. 일자와의 합일이야말로 그가 명상에 ... Based on Andrei Tarkovsky’s view of the world, this thesis begins by tracing the root of his thoughts that integrate the terms expressed as Christian, Buddhist, pagan and mystical, and sometimes, as incompatible. From individual human souls to problems at the global level, his films, which are associated with the theme of 'salvation', were generally viewed as films with Christian themes. However, a closer look at Tarkovsky 's work reveals that his films have a Buddhist view as well as pagan elements that are opposite to the Christian doctrine from the standpoint of traditional theology. Therefore, it is essential to reexamine the sources of his thoughts and his view of the world, which have various religious characteristics that are generally regarded as incompatible. Tarkovsky's works were defined as philosophical, but there was almost no research on philosophy and thoughts that his spiritual world was based upon. The religious elements in his films have received attention but in-depth research on his films has not been conducted. This thesis examines Tarkovsky's works at various levels by understanding his individual work microscopically based upon the Eastern and Western religions and philosophy, and analyzes the influence on Tarkovsky's view of the world. In addition, the combination of his spiritual philosophy and his visual aesthetics together with the macroscopic frame that is also known as the allness from the Eastern and Western mystic philosophy in Tarkovsky's films will be reviewed. Tarkovsky’s world view, which includes the oriental and western religions and ideas, was able to identify the connection with various ideas of mystic and spiritual philosophers, including Rudolf Steiner and Georgii Gurdzhiev. The mystic philosophers such as Steiner, Gurdzhiev and Uspensky commonly emphasized the maximization of the potential of human spiritual growth. Tarkovsky explored the books of Gurdzhiev and Uspensky, who led the revolution in the consciousness of the world by introducing the oriental philosophy and performance system to the Western philosophy. He was also very interested in Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy “spiritual science”. The expression of Laozi’s "virtues" or Buddhist philosophy in his films is also a proof that he had made efforts to integrate Eastern philosophy with Western philosophy. Crossing the East and the West, simultaneously exploring the sources that connect Eastern and Western thought and philosophy as one, and the world that gazes at it are connected with the 'theoria physica' imaging which was reproduced in Tarkovsky's film. He emphasized the inner eye that could give insight into the harmony of all things and the correlation. For him, loving other people by letting go of one’s ego and further the consciousness that humanity should aim to become one would have been a natural extension. As we examined, Tarkovsky was a filmmaker who strived to visualize his own life and art, and above all his own world view. In other words, as an artist, Tarkovsky had strived for his lifetime for a soul ascension by escaping from the material and physical world, returning to the One which was the cause of existence, and gazing toward the absolute world. He was interested in meditation and had made great efforts to reach the state of nirvana by returning to the One. He had devoted himself to finding the true soul through the characters in his films. Through these processes, Tarkovsky had come to believe that the gospel truth corresponds to goodness and beauty, and here, his aesthetics meets with his ethics.

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