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      • KCI등재

        몽골 야탁류 악기의 전승과 단절

        박소현 ( So Hyun Park[so Hyon Pak] ) 한국음악사학회 2016 한국음악사학보 Vol.56 No.-

        본 연구는 몽골의 전통악기인 야탁(ятга, yatag)이 하프(harp)류와 롱-지터 (long-zither)류 등을 모두 통칭하고 있기에 악기명칭에 대한 혼용을 정리하고, 하프류인 ‘보소 야탁(босоо ятга, bosoo yatag)’의 발굴과 복원 및 롱-지 터(long-zither)류인 야탁의 단절과 전승에 관하여 현재 확인되는 자료와 현황을 중심으로 논의한 것이다. 몽골 야탁류의 전통악기는 공후(□□)와 같은 ‘보소 야탁’, 한국의 가야 금(伽倻琴)과 비교되는 발현악기의 ‘야탁’, 아쟁(牙箏)과 비교되는 찰현악 기의 ‘야트갈릭(ятгалиг, yatalig)’ 등 크게 3가지 종류로 정리된다. 1960년대까지 공후와 같은 보소 야탁이 발현악기와 찰현악기의 두 가지 연주법을 동시에 사용한 전적이 확인되어 음악문화적으로 독특한 현상임을 논의하였으며, 2008년에 발굴된 5현의 터링 야탁을 발현악기로서만 복원된 현황이 재고(再考)되어야 함을 논급하였다. 롱-지터류의 야탁은 1950년대부터 다양한 종류로서 개량이 진행되어 1980년대까지 활용되기도 하였지만, 1960년대 북한의 가야금 연주자를 통해서 몽골의 야탁 연주자를 양성하여 왔기에 찰현악기의 야탁은 전승이 단절 되었다. 결과적으로 본 연구에서는 몽골 전통악기 야탁이 20세기 중반까지만 해도 다양한 종류로서 존재하였으나, 일련의 악기명칭이 명확하게 정리되어 있지 않았음을 지적하여 정리하였으며, 현재 몽골에서는 한국의 가약금과 비교되는 야탁만이 전문 연주자들을 통해 전승되어왔지만, 최근 고악보(古樂譜)와 고고학적 유물의 발굴과정에서 고악기의 복원 및 실연이 진행되고 있음을 논구하였다. This study arranged the combination of a name in musical instrument because Mongol``s traditional instrument yatag (ятга) is commonly named both harps and long-zithers, and discussed about the excavation in konghu (□□), which corresponds to harp, namely, bosoo yatag (босоо ятга) and discontinuation & transmission in yatag, which corresponds to long-zithers, focusing on the present status of being confirmed now. A traditional musical instrument in Mongol``s yatag is arranged largely with 3 kinds such as bosoo yatag including konghu, yatag in plucked string instrument of being compared with Korea``s kayagum (伽倻琴), and yatgalig (ятгалиг) of being compared with Korea``s ajaeng (牙箏). Up to the 1960s, bosoo yatag like konghu was identified a record of simultaneously having used two techniques in plucked string instrument and rubbed string instrument, thereby having been discussed to be unique phenomenon musically and culturally. In addition, 5-string tering yatag, which was discovered in 2008, was mentioned to be necessarily reconsidered the present status of having been restored only as plucked string instrument. Yatag in long-zithers was developed the improvement in yatag from the 1950s and had been utilized until the 1980s. But yatag in rubbed string instrument was discontinued transmission because of having trained a performer of yatag through North Korea``s kayagum performer in the 1960s. Yatag in diverse forms and sorts with the decoration of brilliant pattern or sculpture can be confirmed now only at a museum. However, through Ancient Score in yatgalig, which is documentary of Buddhist music that began to be excavated and reported in the 1990s, yatgalig in rubbed string instrument up to the 16th-19th century or up to before the socialist age can be identified to have been transmitted as an accompaniment of gurduu (гур дуу, 箴言歌)’ that is a Buddhist song created by Buddhist monks with high knowledge at a Buddhist temple.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        ICR계 생쥐 1세포배를 이용한 수질의 평가

        김충현,정경순,박소현,황도영,김기철,민응기,Kim, Chung-Hyon,Cheong, Kyung-Soon,Park, So-Hyun,Hwang, Do-Yeong,Kim, Ki-Chul,Min, Eung-Gi 대한생식의학회 1994 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.21 No.1

        To confirm the overcome of in vitro 2-cell block, ICR mouse I-cell embryos were cultured in CZB media. All embryos in CZB were overcome in vitro 2-cell block and 92% of embryos were developed to the blastocyst at day 4. However, in m-KRB group(control) only 20% of embryos were developed over 2-cell. Any embryos in m-KRB did not develop to the morular stage. Developments and degenerations of ICR mouse I-cell embryos were compared in CZB medium prepared with water of three quality:(l) Milli-Q ultrafiltration water(UF);(2) Milli-Q reverse osmosis water(RO);(3) tap water(TAP). The objective was to evaluate the potential of quality control using ICR mouse 1-cell embryos. The more water was purified, the better embryo developments were supported and the less embryos were degenerated. As a quality control system, the culture of ICR 1-cell mouse embryos in CZB was useful.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Effects of Energy Substrates on In Vitro Fertilization of the Mouse Oocytes with Cumulus Mass and their Developments

        김충현,장은주,정경순,박소현,황도영,김기철,민응기,Kim, Chung-Hyon,Chang, Eun-Ju,Cheong, Kyung-Soon,Park, So-Hyun,Hwang, Do-Yeong,Kim, Ki-Chul,Min, Eung-Gi The Korean Society for Reproductive Medicine 1996 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.23 No.3

        난구세포는 lactate와 pyruvate를 쉽게 생성하고, 이로 인해 배양액내 에너지원의 농도를 변화시켜 난자의 수정과 배양에 영향을 주는 것으로 알려져 있다. Glucose, lactate 및 pyruvate의 농도가 상이한 M16, MTF 및 CZB배양액에서 난구세포를 포함한 생쥐난자의 체외 수정과 발달을 관찰하여, 이들 기질의 영향에 대하여 살펴보고 배양액의 유용성을 재검토하고자 하였다. Glucose를 제거한 배양액 (CZ2 배양액)에서 수정율과 배반포 형성율은 다른 배양액에 비해 유의하게 감소되었으나 (p<0.05), 생쥐 난관액과 동일한 기질 농도로 조성된 MTl (난간액이 난구세포를 포함하고 있을 때) 및 MT2배양액 (난관액이 난구세포를 포함하고 있지 않을 때)과 glucose를 포함한 modified CZB배양액에서는 영향이 없었다. 이와 같은 결과로 기질의 농도를 생리적 수준으로 조정한 배양액의 이용은 난구세포를 포함한 생쥐 난자의 체외수정과 그 발달을 향상시키지 못하고, glucose의 제거는 악영향을 나타내는 것으로 사료된다. Cumulus cells have possibly influence on fertilization of mouse oocytes and their subsequent development in vitro, because they readily produce lactate and pyruvate and can modify the concentration of substrates in the medium. In vitro fertilization of mouse oocytes with cumulus mass and their developments in five media which were differently composed in concentrations of glucose, lactate and pyruvate were observed. In the absence of glucose (CZ2 medium) decreased (p<0.01) the percentage of fertilization and embryos reaching the blastocyst stage. But, in the same concentration of glucose, lactate and pyruvate as mouse oviductal fluid with (MT1 medium) and without (MT2 medium) cumulus mass and modified CZB medium containing glucose (CZ1 medium) had no effects (p>0.05). These studies indicate that the adjustments of energy substrates concentration to the physiological level did not improve the fertilization of mouse oocytes with cumulus mass and their development in vitro, and the deletion of glucose showed adverse effects.

      • KCI등재
      • 화훼작물의 여름철 플러그묘 생산에 있어 급격한 엽온저하 쇼크를 이용한 도장억제 가능성 검토

        윤재길,박소현,강호종 진주산업대학교 2000 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        One of the most important problem during summer plug plant production is the succulent growth. The possibility of controlling height of plug seedlings by temperature drop shock(TDS) was investigated in Pharbitis, Impatiens and Callistephus. The most sensitive plant to TDS was Pharbitis. By 2℃ water irrigation, height of Pharbitis decreased by 33%. Impatiens showed 16% reduction in height by 2℃ water irrigation. Callistephus showed no reduction in height by any treamtnet. In all plants, stem diameter increased about 10% by the cold water irrigation. Leaf injury such as leaf spot of Saintpaulia was not observed. These results suggested that TDS could be used for controlling height of summer plug seedlings such Pharbitis which is sensitive to TDS.

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