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      • KCI등재

        수도권대학 진학 선호 요인 분석을 통한 지역인재 양성 프로그램의 방향 모색: 전북지역 고등학생을 중심으로

        박성신,김석순,Pak, Sungsine,Kim, Seok-soon 한국실천공학교육학회 2022 실천공학교육논문지 Vol.14 No.1

        For high school students in Jeonbuk, this study aims to identify the problems caused by outflow of local youth population and their preference factors to enter university in Seoul-metropolitan area, and to draw out the direction of local human resources program, through questionnaire investigation and focused group interview. The main findings are as follows: First, 68.8% of high school students, especially the top grade students prefer to enter university in metropolitan area. The metropolitan cultural characteristics, such as reputation of universities and ranking, openness and anonymity, and urban infrastructure attract students. Second, there is a close relationship between the individual background, growth area - enrollment area - employment area, and the location dependency without return migration is very strong. Third, local human resources program was evaluated as a meaningful activity for high school students, in order to understand the further education and career, and have an interest in local universities. Therefore, it is necessary to discover industries consistent with local identity, create networks, develop and implement programs considering the actual educational conditions. The gender-free program, supplement program for the integrated curriculum, and contents that to supplement science subjects should be developed. Additionally, this issue could be resolved expanding the perspective of balanced national development and improve the local environment to enhance the urban attraction points.

      • KCI등재

        분당 서울대학교병원 증축 설계 사례 연구

        박성신,문창호,Pak, Sungsine,Moon, Changho 한국의료복지건축학회 2010 의료·복지 건축 Vol.16 No.3

        Recently general hospitals in Korea have been actively remodeled. Remodeling is required to extend the hospitals' area and to meet the new medical demand. Eventually it aims for achieving ideal healing environment. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital has also developed the schematic design to open the new hospital in 2012. This large scale of extension is the first step in its expected remodeling cycle. It is essential for the extension of hospital to create an architectural system on the basis of function, and to keep the balance with both the existing buildings and natural context simultaneously. To connect the existing hospital and the new hospital, a hospital street should be designed to make it function as a main pedestrian spine. Space design marketing of general hospital is effective in promoting the hospital image. It can be realized by emphasizing hospital identity through combining cultural program and commercial facilities. Developing hospital design should be encouraged under the EBD (Evidence Based Design) concept spread in USA.

      • KCI등재

        군산의 근대 창고건물 현황 및 산업유산으로서의 가치에 관한 연구

        박성신,Pak, Sung-Sine 한국건축역사학회 2011 건축역사연구 Vol.20 No.6

        This research is to analyze the modern warehouses in Gunsan during the Japanese Colonial Period. They were the spatial and urban symbol of City of Rice, Gunsan. The main purpose of this study is to survey the modern warehouses in the original center of city, to find their architectural characteristics and to set up a possibility of reuse. 7 existing warehouse buildings are located at Jangmi-Dong and Jooksung-Dong, and they have been built between 1935 and 1940. The warehouse buildings have a module of 6m and they are generally 12m wide, 24~48m long and 8m high. Their structure is composed of reinforced concrete and wooden truss. All warehouse buildings have a rectangular form. Now the diverse commercial programs occupy the original space. Modern warehouse in Gunsan has the spatial and symbolic value as industrial heritage. Therefore, it is necessary to respect the original value of modern warehouse and to create a reusing space for the current generation. It is also essential to verify restoring possibility of three symbolic warehouse buildings in the harbour that were demolished.

      • KCI등재

        레저용 플로팅건축물 설계를 위한 국내 마리나클럽 현황 및 공간구성에 관한 연구

        박성신(Sungsine Pak) 한국항해항만학회 2012 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        마리나클럽을 중심으로 한 마리나는 앞으로 예상되는 해양관광 및 해양레포츠 수요에 대비한 필수적인 시설이다. 국내 여건을 반영하여 마리나와 마리나클럽은 요트수용 대수를 기준으로 한 규모와 프로그램에 따라 레포츠소형, 복합소형, 레포츠중형, 복합중형, 레포츠대형, 복합대형의 6가지 유형으로 구분할 수 있다. 서울마리나, 아라마리나, 전곡마리나 등 3개의 국내 마리나클럽을 분석한 결과 마리나전용 시설과 상업시설의 공간 비율은 평균 21% : 79% 로 나타났다. 단기적으로는 현재의 공간 구성을 유지하는 방향으로 복합형 마리나클럽 계획이 우선 시 될 것으로 예상되며, 장기적으로는 마리나전용시설 비율이 높은 레포츠형 마리나클럽으로 전환될 것으로 보인다. 또한 플로팅 마리나클럽은 해양관광 및 해양레포츠 체험을 극대화하는 친수공간 확보에 매우 유리하다. Marina and marina clubs are the essential structures to meet increasing marin tourism and marin leisure sports demand. According to the domestic situation, marina and marina clubs are divided into 6 types such as small sports type, small complex type, midium sports type, midium complex type, large sports type, large complex type. As a result of analysis of domestic three marina clubs, averagely marina facilities take 21% and commercial facilities take 79% of total space. In the short term, marina club should be designed focusing on complex program. Marina club will be for long-term transformed into marin leisure sports program. Additionally, it is certain that floating marina club is an architecture to have water-friendly space and to maximize marin tourism and marin leisure sports.

      • KCI등재

        「한국안내(韓國案內)」를 통해서 본 개항기 도시계획과 생활상: 1902년 군산을 중심으로

        박성신 ( Sungsine Pak ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Guide to Korea published in 1902, which was written by the correspondent of Gwanmun Newspaper, Katsuki Kentaro, was to aid the Japanese visiting, immigrating and carrying out economic activities. Obseving through maps and explanations of each opening port in Korea, the characteristics of forming modern cities during the period of opening ports are as follows : Firstly, the opening port was a new city that has the urban grid pattern composed of streets and blocks around the port. On the other hand, the opening city maintained the existing urban tissue. Secondly, the degree of urbanization and modernization is in proportion to the period from opening ports. Thirdly, the low level sites around the port were preferred in order to form the modern city, so that the urban area continues to expand through civil works. Finally, the construction of the urban infrastructure should be added as a result of the introduction of modern transportation, thus opening ports set up the basic spatial system of modern city. Gunsan was opened in 1899 as a common settlement-type port, but Japan played a leading role in the modernization and urbanization of Gunsan. Guide to Korea mentioned the first settlement formation period from 1899 to 1903, from the opening ports to the Russo-Japanese War. Japan built a residential area in a settlement with the distinguished grid pattern spread on the flat level. The Japanese settlement and the Korean dwelling area were separated. In terms of demographics, the number of Japanese in Gunsan increased dramatically to 482 at the beginning of opening ports, and the number of households reached 136.

      • KCI등재

        `제3의 공간` 개념을 적용한 공간디자인의 마케팅 효과 - 이동통신사 체험매장을 중심으로 -

        박성신 ( Pak Sungsine ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2007 한국디자인포럼 Vol.16 No.-

        `제3의 공간`은 1980년대 등장한 개념으로 혼자 또는 다수가 정기적으로 점유하며 휴식과 재충전이 이루어지는 집과 직장 다음으로 편안한 공간을 뜻한다. 한마디로 집과는 다른 또 다른 집 `A Home away from Home`을 의미한다. 감성적인 소비자 성향, 상업건축의 확산, 정보통신 기술의 발달에 따른 오프라인 공간의 변화와 아울러 디자인경영의 시도로 기업과 소비자에게 공간은 기능적 의미에 부가적으로 `제3의 공간` 개념이 자연스럽게 결합되는 양상을 보인다. 즉, 제품 및 포장뿐만 아니라 `제3의 공간` 이 되는 매장 디자인에 이르기까지 토탈 디자인의 추구가 확산되고 있고, 이처럼 공간을 활용한 공간마케팅은 기업과 브랜드 이미지 제고로 소비자의 구매에 직접적인 영향을 미친다. 경쟁이 치열한 국내 이동통신시장에서 체험매장을 마련하여 공간마케팅을 전개하고 있다. 기존의 대리점을 `제3의 공간`으로 변화시키는 소규모 다분포 거점 확보의 공간마케팅 전략으로, 2005년부터 출현한 SK텔레콤의 TTL Zone, KTF의 Goodtime Shop, LG텔레콤의 Phone & Fun이 대표적인 예이다. 각 통신사들은 기업의 시장점유율과 마케팅 환경에 따른 목표를 매장의 디자인에 반영하여 소비자들을 설득하고 있다. `Third Space`, the concept which appeared in 1980s, is the most comfortable place other than one`s home and office, where one or the masses can take a rest and refresh oneself with staying there on regular basis. In a word, it means `A Home away from Home`. It is shown that, for enterprises and customers, space becomes having an additional concept of `Third Space` as well as functional meanings due to the sentimental propensity to consume, widespread construction of commercial buildings, changes of off-line space for the development of telecommunication technology and attempts of design management. In other words, people more and more seek for the total-design which includes not only goods and packing but also interior design. In this way, space marketing, that makes use of space, affects on consumers` purchase directly by the way of improving enterprises` and brands` images. Companies are developing space-marketing by opening experience-shop in the severely competing Korean mobile communication market. It is called space marketing-strategy having small and widely distributed points, which makes `Third Space` from existing agencies. There are typical examples such as TTL Zone of SK Telecom, Goodtime Shop of KTF and Phone&Fun of LG Telecom, which have advented since 2005. Each company tries to attract consumers` attention reflecting its market share and goals depending on marketing circumstance in interior design.

      • KCI등재

        플로팅건축의 유형 및 디자인 특성에 관한 연구

        박성신(Sungsine Pak) 한국항해항만학회 2011 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.35 No.5

        플로팅건축물은 최근 지구온난화에 따른 해수면의 상승, 소득 증대 및 관광행태 변화에 따라 급증한 해양 레포츠 수요에 대응하는 효과적인 건축물이다. 국내 플로팅건축은 이미 전문회사들이 등장한 유럽과 비교하여 초보적인 도입기 이다. 플로팅건축은 프로그램, 형태, 건축규모, 층수, 위치, 접근방법, 이동성, 에너지 자립도 등 8가지 기준에 따라 유형 구분이 가능하다. 또한 시공된 주거시설을 대상으로 분석한 결과 플로팅건축의 디자인 특성은 ① 2층 규모, ② 면적 비율이 높은 데크, ③ 장방형의 균형감 있는 매스, ④ 조망 극대화, ⑤ 친수공간 확보, ⑥ 공간의 통합적 사용 및 합리적 면적 배분의 평면계획, ⑦ 수면 반사를 고려한 단면계획, ⑧ 모듈화 및 유닛화 등으로 정리할 수 있다. Floating architecture is the most effective way to accommodate itself to sea-level rise due to climate change. At the same time floating architecture is the best model to offer the new spatial experience through water-friendly environment. Domestic floating architecture is still on the early stage compared to Europe which has several companies specialized in designing and building floating architecture. Floating architecture is divided into 8 types according to its criteria such as program, form, scale, level, location, access, mobility and energy. The following are design characteristics of floating architecture : ① composed of 2 stories, ② having large deck, ③ designing rectangular plan and balanced mass, ④ maximizing view, ⑤ having water-friendly space, ⑥ multi-using space and minimizing surface, ⑦ planning section to control light reflecting from the water, ⑧ modular and unit system.

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