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      • 들뢰즈의 어린이-되기와 장소 배움

        박명화(Myung-Hwa Park),권정화(Jung-Hwa Kwon) 한국교원대학교 초등교육연구소 2023 초등교과교육연구 Vol.38 No.-

        In Deleuze's discourse on learning, the concept of place is created between elements entangled in assemblage and has an affective nature that varies. Based on such place learning, geography education can be converted from acquiring knowledge to generating thought. If place learning can be viewed as the process of creating concepts, the perspective on children is also changed. In the light of Deleuze's discourse on body, all bodies are accidentally entangled and mutated, so the modern subject is dismantled and the subject is converted to mutating and creating, that is, becoming. Children can be seen as becoming-child subjects who meet places with various emotions in different assemblage. In this perspective child are not passive beings trapped in the striation of knowledge, but have the ability to sense places in various assemblage, change and mutate such assemblage.

      • KCI등재

        일상공간에서의 어린이의 장소감 - 정서적 측면을 중심으로 -

        박명화 ( Park Myung-hwa ),남상준 ( Nam Sang-joon ) 한국지리환경교육학회 2017 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 어린이들이 총체적으로 관계 맺는 장소를 파악하고, 어린이 장소의 의미와 장소감을 정서적 측면에 주목하여 탐색해보는 데 있다. 어린이들은 생활 세계에서 경험을 통해 공간과 상호작용하며 장소감을 형성한다. 따라서 어린이들의 공간 인식은 어른들과는 다른 양상으로 나타나며 특히 어린이들은 장소를 인지적으로 인식하기에 앞서 정서적으로 이해한다. 이렇게 형성된 장소감은 자아 정체성 형성에 영향을 미치고 나아가 삶의 질 향상에 기여하기 때문에 초등지리교육에서 어린이 장소감의 정서적 측면에 주목할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 5학년 어린이들을 대상으로 Mental map 조사 및 심층면담의 방법으로 어린이의 장소와 장소감을 탐색하였다. Mental map에 나타난 어린이들의 장소감을 탐색한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 어린이들은 다양한 일상적 경험들 중 특히 놀이와 휴식의 공간에서 정서적 의미를 형성한다. 둘째, 어린이들은 타인과의 관계 맺음을 통하여 장소의 정서적 의미를 형성한다. 셋째, 경계가 뚜렷한 공간의 내부에 거주하고 있는 어린이들은 내부와 외부의 공간에 대해 상이한 정서적 맥락을 형성한다. The objective of this study is to identify places where children build a holistic relationship and to explore the meaning of children`s places and their sense of place, particularly with regard to emotional aspects. Children establish a sense of place while interacting with spaces based on their experiences in their life world. That explains why children`s perception about a space is manifested differently from adults. Children understand places emotionally before recognizing them cognitively. The sense of place formed in such ways affects the development of children`s self-identity and helps improve their quality of life. Elementary geography education, therefore, needs to address emotional aspects of children`s sense of place. This study employs mental mapping and in-depth interviews for fifth graders to explore children`s places and their sense of place. The findings from studies on children`s sense of place through menta mapping are as follows. First, children establish emotional meanings especially in spaces for play and rest, among a variety of their everyday experiences. Second, children form an emotional meaning of a place by building relationships with other people. Third, children living in a space which has a clear boundary with the outside form different emotional contexts between the inside and outside spaces.

      • KCI등재
      • 의료기관평가가 군병원 의료의 질 향상에 미친 영향 및 성과 조사

        박명화 ( Park Myung Hwa ),이선미 ( Lee Sun Mee ),서청수 ( Seo Cheong Soo ) 국군의무사령부 2010 대한군진의학학술지 Vol.41 No.1

        Objectives: We aimed at investigating the effects and outcomes of the Hospital Evaluation Programme(HEP) on Military Hospital. Furthermore, we tried to get the basic data and various facts for Quality Improvement activities and Policy-Making. Method: The subject of our study was medical branch officers and military affair staff who were attending to military hospital. And, several consultants who have the experience of Hospital Evaluation Programme(HEP) were also included in this study as a study subjects. We used structured questionnaire which was revised from Han Woo-Seuk's. It was consist of several sub-part, such as 「Recognition/attitude for HEP」, 「Orientation for medical service」, 「Orientation for customer」, 「Satisfaction of hospital staff」, 「Outcomes/effects of operation」. The reliability(Cronbach’s Alpha) of questionnaire was 0.903. And we used SPSS 15.0 analysis programm in other to analyse study outcomes. Results: We got a study results as follows : Firstly, we awared that there was coexisted both positive and negative attitude for HEP. Secondly, there was no change of 'Orientation for medical service' and 'customer'. Thirdly, there was significant difference between the experienced and non-experienced of HEP. And there was co-relation among the all sub-part. Conclusions: We should adopt improvement measure as follows in near future. First of all, we should complement the weak-point of HEP results as soon as possible. And then, enough specialized-staff, facilities and equipment were supplemented. Thirdly, follow-up monitoring affairs should maintained. Fourthly, evaluation-related affairs was maintained in other to prevent single time evaluation effort. Lastly, commander's strong intention is an critical problem. Because the staff's will and HEP result depends on it.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • Issues in Facilitating Nursing Effectiveness Research and Developing Clinical Databases in Korea

        Park Myong Hwa(박명화),Cho Hyea Myung(조혜명),Lee Hae Ran(이혜란) 계명대학교 간호과학연구소 2005 계명간호과학 Vol.9 No.1

          간호의 결과를 가시화하고 그 효율성을 입증하는 방법은 간호 효율성 연구를 통해서 이루어져야 하며 간호 효율성 연구의 촉진을 위해서는 대단위 임상데이터베이스의 개발과 확립이 필수적인 요소이다. 본 연구에서는 간호효율성 연구의 범위와 필요한 연구설계를 확인하고 이러한 간호 효율성 연구를 위해 필요한 데이터베이스의 종류와 필수적인 간호자료를 위한 최신 연구결과를 고찰함으로써 국내에서의 간호효율성 연구와 대단위 임상데이터베이스 구축을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 고찰된 내용은 다음과 같다. 1) 효율성 연구와 간호효율성 연구의 개념, 2) 간호효율성 연구에 유용한 연구설계와 종류, 3) 간호 효율성 연구를 위한 데이터 및 데이터베이스, 4) 간호효율성 연구를 위한 대단위 임상 데이터베이스의 종류와 기능. 본 연구의 고찰을 바탕으로 다음과 같은 제언을 하고자 한다. 첫째, 개별 간호사 수준에서 정확한 사정과 결과평가를 통해 신뢰할 수 있는 데이터를 산출하여야 하며 또한 간호효율성 연구에 직접 관여하여 연구결과의 산출이 촉진되어야 한다. 둘째, 임상자료가 축적되어 있는 데이터베이스에 대한 정보가 제공되어 개별 연구자와 실무자들의 데이터베이스에 대한 접근성을 증진시켜야 한다. 셋째, 기존 데이터베이스의 신뢰성에 대한 지속적인 평가와 필수적인 자료와 비필수적인 자료에 대한 명확한 구분이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        정의의 아포리아(aporia)와형의 유예제도에 대한 법문학적 이해-카뮈의 <손님>을 예로 하여

        이상돈 ( Sang Don Yi ),박명화 ( Myung Hwa Park ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2014 고려법학 Vol.0 No.72

        이 글은 철학, 문학 그리고 법의 만남을 다룬다. 데리다에 의하면 정의란 법의 해체(deconstruction)를 통해서 생성되며, 이때 정의는 세 가지 아포리아(aporia)를 갖는다: 규칙의 판단중지, 결정 불가능성의 유령 그리고 지식의 지평을 차단하는 긴급성. 정의의 세 가지 아포리아는 카뮈의 단편 소설 <손님>에 등장하는 발뒤시, 다뤼, 아랍인의 결정상황에 정확하게 반영된다. 법관이 재판을 통해 판결을 내리는 결정상황과 그 모습은 바로 카뮈의 <손님>에 등장하는 발뒤시, 다뤼, 아랍인의 상황과 모습에 유비될 수 있다. 그 둘은 모두 정의의 아포리아에 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 그러나 현실에서 재판을 수행하는 법관은 이와 같은 정의의 아포리아라는 이론적 문제를 이론적으로 해결할 수가 없고 오직 실천적으로만 해결할 수 있을 뿐이다. 그런 실천적 해결의 방안 가운데 형의 유예제도는 대표적인 법제도이다. 발뒤시, 다뤼, 아랍인의 결정상황에 처해있는 법관은 형의 유예 제도를 통해 자신이 행하는 결정을 다음과 같은 두 대립항 사이에(inbetween) 놓을 수 있게 된다: (데리다가 말하는 정의의 첫 번째 아포리아에 관해서) ‘법의 보편성과 사안의 특수성’ 사이에, (정의의 두 번째 아포리아에 관해서) ‘정의를 향한 결정과 정의의 불가능성’ 사이에, 그리고 (정의의 세 번째 아포리아에 관해서) ‘부정의에 대한 체념과 정의에 대한 희망’ 사이에. 형의 유예제도가 갖는 이와 같은 법철학적, 법문학적 의미는 이러한 데리다의 정의의 아포리아에 대해 더욱 실천성을 가진 이해를 가질 수 있도록 한다. This paper covers the interaction among philosophy, literature and law. Justice, as illustrated by Derrida, is produced by deconstructing the law. This particular justice has three aporias: epokhe of the rule, the ghost of the undecidable, the urgency that obstructs the horizon of knowledge.These three aporias of justice are distinct when applied to the decision situations of Camus` “The Guest” characters. Decision situations and form in decision making process of a judge in trial can be analogized to the decision situation and form of each character(Balducci, Daru, the Arab). Both the decision making judge and each decision making character encounter aporias of justice. However the judge who decides thorough trial in real world cannot resolve aporias of justice by approaching it theoretically but only by approaching it practically.Suspension of penalty is one typical representation of the existent practical resolution of the current legal system. By suspending, the judge in the middle of each character`s situation can make a decision while placed inbetween two opposite notions; between ‘universality of law and distinctiveness of specific situation’ (as of the first aporia), between ‘decision for justice and undecidability of justice’(as of the second aporia), and between ‘resignation for disjustice and hope for justice’(as of the last aporia). The law-philosophical and law-literary meanings inherent in suspension of penalty let us have more practical understanding of Derrida`s aporias of justice.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 신장수혜자의 간호문제와 관리에 관한 고찰

        조혜명(Cho Hyea Myung),박정숙(Park Jeong Sook),박명화(Park Myung Hwa) 계명대학교 간호과학연구소 2001 계명간호과학 Vol.5 No.1

        This study attempted to review literatures regarding to nursing problems and management of kidney transplantation recipients. Renal transplantation has recently become recognized as a superior method of treatment and rehabilitation of the chronic renal failure patients who is receiving hemodialysis or pentoneal dialysis. Renal transplantation was increased since March 1969 in Korea when the first operation was performed. Immunosuppressive agents & Steroids are used to prevent rejection of the transplantation and to keep the normal function of transplanted kidney. So transplant patients need to comply therapeutic regimens, perform regular follow-up care and accomplish self care activities. Transplant patients were inclined to have physical, mental and psychosocial problems because of their poor adjustment. They have to control their health problems throughout their lifetime too. Review of literatures on body image of kidney transplantation recipients revealed that those patients have side effects of the therapeutic drugs such as immunosuppressive agents and steroid. These side effects are weight gain, puffy face, acne and so on. Especially steroids which are used to prevent rejection of transplantation, lead to muscle weakness and limitation of activity of daily living. If these physical problems continue for a long time, it is possible for those patients to have uncertainty of the future, threaten to keep their job, and some changes of function and relationship within family and social group. Consequently some of them couldn't comply therapeutic regiments and give up their life. Therefore, nurses should help the kidney transplantation recipients to improve physical function, physical ability and satisfaction about their own physical appearance. In order to admit and accept their matters, the nurse also should help to support the patients social adjustment and emotional satisfaction. Review of literatures on the stress of kidney transplantation recipients revealed that those patients felt anxiety and fear a lot because of rejection and complications related to immunosupressive drug. Although they were initially satisfied with their life after kidney transplantation, most of them have possibility to lost their self-confidence and experience loneliness, depressions and despair. Most of those patients also felt guilty for not being able to accomplish their appropriate roles in the family. They also had financial difficulties and social restrictions. Review of literatures on the relationship between stress and the quality of life revealed a significant negative correlation. Especially younger ones regretted of losing hope and ambition, so gradually felt lowered quality of life. In order to establish and implement an effective and comprehensive nursing interventions for transplant patients, nurses should understand their psychosocial problems such as body image, activity of daily living, stress and quality of life, compliance with follow-up care after kidney transplantations as well as physical problems.

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