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      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Stability of Human Urine Derived Stem Cells during Serial Subcultures

        전소영,박강백,권태균,최석환 한국조직공학과 재생의학회 2015 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.12 No.4

        This study was conducted to assess stabilities of the human urine derived stem cells (USCs) during serial subcultures to demonstrate clinical feasibility for future stem cell therapy. For this work, we compared to cell morphology, proliferation rate, immunophenotype, multilineage differentiation potentials and immunomodulatory effect of USCs. USCs maintained cell morphology, cell proliferation ability through serial culture (till passage 7). In immunophenotypical analysis, USCs revealed positive for embryonic/mesenchymal stem cell marker (stage specific embryonic antigen, SSEA4) and mesenchymal stem cell markers (CD44, CD73, CD90 and CD105), while negative for hematopoietic stem cell markers (CD34, CD45 and C-kit) and immunogenic marker (HLA-DR). The USC had multi-differentiation potencies into adipocytes and osteocytes, and these abilities maintained into passage 7. The immunomodulatory effect of USCs with phytohemagglutinin stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation was analyzed with two systems, co-culture or separated culture system. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells’ proliferation was effectively inhibited on both systems, and the value was more effective with co-culture system than separate one. The present study suggests that sequential sub-passages till passage 7 could maintain stem cell characteristics, multipotent properties, and immune suppressive effect of USCs which should be considered in their therapeutic application in regenerative medicine.

      • KCI등재

        Advanced Properties of Urine Derived Stem Cells Compared to Adipose Tissue Derived Stem Cells in Terms of Cell Proliferation, Immune Modulation and Multi Differentiation

        강혜숙,최석환,김범수,최재영,박강백,권태균,전소영 대한의학회 2015 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.30 No.12

        Adipose tissue stem cells (ADSCs) would be an attractive autologous cell source. However, ADSCs require invasive procedures, and has potential complications. Recently, urine stem cells (USCs) have been proposed as an alternative stem cell source. In this study, we compared USCs and ADSCs collected from the same patients on stem cell characteristics and capacity to differentiate into various cell lineages to provide a useful guideline for selecting the appropriate type of cell source for use in clinical application. The urine samples were collected via urethral catheterization, and adipose tissue was obtained from subcutaneous fat tissue during elective laparoscopic kidney surgery from the same patient (n = 10). Both cells were plated for primary culture. Cell proliferation, colony formation, cell surface markers, immune modulation, chromosome stability and multi-lineage differentiation were analyzed for each USCs and ADSCs at cell passage 3, 5, and 7. USCs showed high cell proliferation rate, enhanced colony forming ability, strong positive for stem cell markers expression, high efficiency for inhibition of immune cell activation compared to ADSCs at cell passage 3, 5, and 7. In chromosome stability analysis, both cells showed normal karyotype through all passages. In analysis of multi-lineage capability, USCs showed higher myogenic, neurogenic, and endogenic differentiation rate, and lower osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation rate compared to ADSCs. Therefore, we expect that USC can be an alternative autologous stem cell source for muscle, neuron and endothelial tissue reconstruction instead of ADSCs.

      • KCI등재

        Thermitomyces albuminosus powder의 랫드를 이용한 90일 경구투여독성시험

        안민지(Min Ji An),허혜선(Hye Seon Heo),이지선(Ji Sun Lee),손혜영(Hye Young Son),임해옥(Hae Ok Lim),박강백(Gang Baek Park),이준헌(Joon Heun Lee),지재규(Jae Gyu Jee),박영철(Yeongchul Park) 한국생명과학회 2016 생명과학회지 Vol.26 No.10

        계종버섯(Thermitomyces albuminosus)의 안정성을 입증하기 위하여 사료에 계종버섯의 분말을 5%, 2.5%, 1.25%, 0%를 혼합하여 90일 동안 랫드에 자유 급이 시켜 실험동물의 일반증상, 체중변화, 혈액학적 검사, 부검소견, 임상병리, 조직병리학적 검사의 결과를 토대로 독성을 평가하였다. 독성판정기준은 독성의 정도와 양상에 따라 weight-based classification (독성 강도에 따른 분류)로 분류 하였는데 비시험물질-유래 변화인 NOEL, 시험물질-유래 경미한 변화는 NOAEL, 시험물질-유래 중요한 변화는 LOAEL을 기준으로 나누었다. 시험결과, 수컷 좌, 우측 신장 중량이 용량의존적으로 증가하여 고용량군에서는 12%, 8% 증가 하였다. 하지만 임상, 조직병리학적 결과 독성으로 판단되는 소견이 관찰되지 않아 시험물질-유래 경미한 변화로 판단으로 분류하였다. 따라서 판정기준에 따라 수컷은 NOAEL 암컷은 NOEL이 식이함량 5%로 추정되지만 식약처고시에 따라 암수 모두 NOAEL이 식이함량의 5%로 추정할 수 있다. 따라서 계종버섯은 식품 또는 기능성식품으로의 개발에 문제가 없을 것으로 사료된다. Termitomyces albuminosus (Berk.) Heim is a well-known wild edible mushroom in the southern region of China. Novel cerebrosides, termed termitomycesphins, isolated from EtOH extract of T. albuminosus have shown significant neuritogenic activity. Neurotrophic factors have been targeted as potential therapeutic drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. However, before expanding their applications to include food or therapeutic agents in Korea, a safety evaluation of T. albuminosus is needed. Herein, in a repeated-dose 90-day oral toxicity study, rats were exposed to a basal diet of powder ground from dried T. albuminosus at dose levels of 5%, 2.5%, 1.25%, and 0%. The following endpoints were evaluated: clinical observation, body weight, gross and microscopic pathology, clinical chemistry, and hematology. Significant dose-dependent increases in the weight of the left kidney were observed, possibly due to the test substance. Based on toxicity-decision criteria for minor compound-related changes (no observed adverse effect level [NOAEL] and no observed effect level [NOEL]), NOAEL was observed in male rats at a dose of 5% of dried T. albuminosus powder, and NOEl was observed in female rats at the same dose. The results point to the safety and potential use of T. albuminosus as a nontoxic neurotrophic factor.

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