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      • KCI등재

        金丘庸의 산문시 고찰 - 시집『시』를 중심으로

        민명자(Myung-Ja Min) 어문연구학회 2005 어문연구 Vol.49 No.-

        This study aims at analyzing characteristics of the prose poems of Guyong Kim. The reason that Kim is interested in prose poems is deeply related to his ideas on literature and his generation. The characteristics of Kim's prose poems are as follows: First, Kim's prose poems present a multi-layered structure through symbols that satirize reality, not simply represent reality. Second, Kim's prose poems embrace characteristics of narrative poems. His poems that have a narrative structure, including "Soin", show a mixture of genres by monologue of the first person and multi-speakers, despite the development of various characters and events. Third, he broadens the horizon of poetry through mythical imagination, connecting fantasy. Fantasy in literary works is an expression of resistance to the oppressed reality. Also, it creates a new world by destroying the boundary of the dualistic world. Fourth, Kim tries to construct poetic configuration based on recognition on "Zen" by borrowing surrealistic techniques. In conclusion, the ultimate goal of Kim's prose poems is to realize real self and truth. Therefore, to Kim, poems are a medium of the embodiment of truth and truth, itself.

      • KCI등재

        육사와 청마 시에 나타난 아나키즘 연구

        민명자(Min Myung-ja) 한국비평문학회 2008 批評文學 Vol.- No.29

        Anarchistic thinking comes to rise into the surface of a society that looks for a new form of society because ideas on anarchism are based on 'freedom, autonomy and nature." Anarchism has had a negative meaning that implies an ideology that deny the government ruling entity but authentic meaning of anarchism aims at autonomous mutual assistant community based on absolute freedom for harmony with nature. Anarchism challenges political power structure and inequality that oppress these ideas. Anarchism that was introduced to South Korea through China and Japan in 1880 faces Japanese colonial era. For Korean who were under the Japanese imperialism, anarchism means subversion of colonial power and justifies anti-imperial fight by defining imperialism as the original oppressive power. That is, anarchism endows justification of resistance as an exit of national liberation. This paper examines how these characteristics of anarchism are reflected in literature, specifically in poems of Yuksa Lee Wonrok and Cheongma Yu Chihwoan. This paper discusses Yuksa's 36 poems that he left for his very short time of life after he died in 1944 at the age of 41 as well as Cheongma's poems that were published before 1950's. Yuksa and Cheongma both write about humans' absolute freedom that is one of the core points of anarchism. While Yuksa's poems are more close to socialistic anarchism, Cheongma's to individualistic anarchism. The former expresses revolutionary spirit, will, realistic criticism, resistant spirit, and construction of an ideal world that people can help each other as subjects. Meanwhile, the latter delineates primitive community based on original freedom by self-observation, Wu-wei and honest poverty and love of life. Yuksa's mutual assistant community are based on freedom and autonomy and Cheongma's primitive community, human's nature and wild freedom. The way of Yuksa that challenge the power is described as a situation that he stands on 'a blade of a sword' in frozen soil like 'needle ice' and Cheongma's is "silence' through self-examination of 'compassion.' The two poets show difference viewpoints on the world and freedom, which is related to their autobiographical facts. Yuksa, as a member of Geukwuhooe that is a Japanese anarchist group mainly resisted Japanese government in China and arguing that 'for him, only actions are meaningful,' he appreciated revolutionary spirit very much. Cheongma accepts anarchism when he studied in Japan and are influenced by individualistic anarchism, which puts individuals over a group. Generally, poets who advocate anarchism exclude symbolism and use everyday language to describe the reality as it is because in terms of principles of anarchism, for poets to hide their intentions on purpose by using symbols means creating another authority. However, since poems and metaphors are under unseparable relationship, it is impossible to read poems on anarchism without realizing symbols and metaphors. The two poets's poems partially express direct tendency but overall, use symbols and metaphors in many lines, which provides aesthetical success to them. This study has a limitation that it focuses on Cheongma's poems that were written before 1950's, so it does not examine his poetic change afterwards. I will do this in a later study.

      • KCI등재

        녹차씨 오일이 염색 및 탈색된 모발의 재손상 및 탈색 방지에 미치는 영향

        민명자(Myung-Ja Min),최문희(Moon-Hee Choi),김귀철(Gwui Cheol Kim),신현재(Hyun-Jae Shin) 한국생물공학회 2013 KSBB Journal Vol.28 No.5

        염색 및 탈색된 헤어는 일상생활 중의 자외선, 열기구 사용 수세 (샴푸)에 의해 재손상되며, 이의 해결을 위해 최근 피부와 두피에 안전한 각종 천연물질의 연구가 활발하다. 이 연구는 녹차씨 오일의 광퇴색 방지와 모발 트리트먼트 효과를 확인하고자 수행되었다. 그러나 녹차의 기능은 이미 많이 알려져 있으나 녹차씨 오일을 이용한 모발 트리트먼트 및 퇴색방지의 연구는 미비하다. 염색 및 탈색된 헤어에 녹차씨 오일을 이용한 전처리 트리트먼트 효과를 알아보기 위해 인장 강도 및 신장율을 측정하고 모발표면을 SEM으로 분석하였으며 색차계를 이용한 모발 광퇴색을 비교하였다. 실험결과 모발의 인장강도와 신장율의 측정에서 녹차씨 오일 전처리 시료는 버진헤어, 염색헤어, 탈색헤어에서 모두 증가하였고 신장율은 염색헤어와 탈색헤어에서 낮아져 염색헤어와 탈색헤어에서 트리트먼트 효과가 있었다. 모발표면을 촬영한 결과 모든 군에서 전처리된 모발 큐티클의 문리가 더 선명하고 코팅효과가 확인되었다. 모발의 광퇴색 값은 열과 수세의 반복 실험에서 전처리된 각 시료 모두 L*, a*, b*값이 감소하였고 자외선 조사 실험에서는 염색과 탈색헤어에서 L*, a*, b*값이 각각 감소하였다. 위의 실험결과에 의해 녹차씨 오일은 염색 및 탈색모발의 재손상 방지와 열과 자외선에 의한 색상의 퇴색방지 효과를 확인하였으며 앞으로 미용 실무현장에서 고객의 피부와 두피에 적합한 천연화장품 오일로 사용이 가능하리라 사료된다. Stained and discolored hair will be damaged by the shampooing, daily UV disposal, and the use of hair dryer. Thus many studies about the effect of various natural substances on the re-secure the skin and scalp are recently reported. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of green tea (Camelloia sinensis) seed oil on colored (dyed) and decolored (bleached) hair. The beneficial effects of green tea seed oil are already well known, but little research has been done about the hair treatment and fade-resistant effect. Dyed and bleached hair was pretreated with green tea seed oil to determine the tensile strength and elongation of the hair, to analyze the hair surface using SEM, and to compare the color fade using spectrocolormeter. The results showed that the tensile strength increased with green tea seed oil pretreatment samples for virgin, dyed, and bleached hairs. Elongation showed the reverse results showing the presence of hair treatment effect. The results of the surface pre-treatment in all groups analyzed by SEM, the hair cuticle became sharper, so coating effect were identified with all samples. The value of the L*, a*, b* decreased with washed hairs damaged by UV irradiation and the values were decreased also in dyed and bleached hair. In summary, green tea seed oil prevent reinjury to the heat and UV rays for colored and decolored hairs. Cosmetic practice effects of the oil were identified in the field to be appropriate to the customer"s skin and scalp that natural cosmetic oils would like to offer.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        렌즈콩의 영양성분과 생리활성 및 식품산업의 응용

        민명자(Myung-Ja Min),신현재(Hyun-Jae Shin) 한국식품과학회 2015 한국식품과학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        본 총설에서는 렌즈콩 영양성분 함량과 특성 그리고 그동안 응용된 식품을 조사하여 식품관련 산업에 필요한 기초자료로 활용하고자 하였다. 영양성분 함량 조사 결과 렌즈콩은 산지에 따라서 차이는 있으나 고단백질, 저지방, 식이섬유, 저항 탄수화물을 함유하고, 아미노산의 함량 비교에서는 천연의 상태에서 요리된 후에도 영양의 손실이 크지 않음이 확인되었다. 특히 다양한 무기질이 풍부하여 무기질 결핍의 위험에 노출된 사람들의 좋은 식품원료로 확인되었다. 특히 항암, 항종양, 항산화, 항고혈압 효과들과 같은 다양한 생리활성들이 보고되고 있다. 지금까지 렌즈콩은 콩과 콩가루의 형태로 식품소재로 응용되어 왔다. 일부 발아 또는 발아의 기술을 이용한 콩나물이나 유산균 음료, 치즈 등이 생산되기도 하였다. 그러나 본격적인 콩의 발효기술을 렌즈콩에 이용하는 것은 극히 제한적이었다. 특히 소화 흡수율이 높고 우수한 혈전분해능과 다양한 생리활성을 나타낸 청국장 제조 관련 기술을 렌즈콩 발효에 이용하려는 연구는 아직 초기 단계라고 할 수 있다. 발효의 효과는 가수분해 효소에 의해서 저분자 펩타이드를 증가시키고 항산화활성, 지질의 산화를 억제하는 중요한 역할을 하며 금속 킬레이트 능력, 라디칼 소거능, 불포화 지방산에 대한 높은 결합력 등이 있을 수 있다. 음식문화 또한 다양해지고 있어서 건강에 유익하며, 우리의 기호에 알맞은 식품의 개발이 절실히 필요하다. 그러므로 영양학적 성분으로 우수한 특성과 효능이 확인된 렌즈콩과 청국장 발효기술을 접목한 렌즈콩 청국장 혹은 발효 렌즈콩 제품의 미래는 무척 밝다고 사료된다. Lentils (Lens culinaris) are a nutritious and popular food throughout the world. This review provides an overview of the nutritional and functional properties of lentils. Lentils have high nutritional value: high protein, high fiber, low fat, and a variety of minerals. The addition of lentils to other foods could enhance their health benefits. Additionally, there is no decrease in the amino acid content in lentils when cooked; rather, the amino acids increased and the phytic acids decreased. Lentils are generally known to have biomedical functions including antioxidative, anti-cancer, antiinflammatory, antihypertensive, and thrombolytic properties. The data presented here show that fermentation would increase the amount of bioactive substances in the beans. Therefore, fermentation techniques could be a new approach to produce lentil-based foods. They are also eco-friendly, cost-effective, and feasible processes. This review has suggested a future development of new lentil-related foods using traditional fermentation technology.

      • KCI등재

        金丘庸 詩의 ‘몸’ 이미지와 불교 意識

        민명자(Myung Ja Min) 어문연구학회 2005 어문연구 Vol.47 No.-

        In this paper, I look into the body images, which appeare in Kim Gu Young's poem. This mainly pays attention to that there are many signs on the body, and the body in Kim Gu Young's poems means the body that ultimately dreams for the condition of Buddhist in the present state. Therefore, the present state is a place for training, and a poem is situated as a media of its realization. For this reason, the relations between reality and poet, and between the poet and poem form a network of mutual reflection just like the net of Indra and move toward the internal order for the Buddhist truth. In this process, the body is shown as a form of imprisonment, deformity, and Tantrism. The imprisonment has dual values such as oppression and creation. In other words, even though all the conditions of reality surrounding the poet works as an oppressive mechanism, the poet or the law of Buddha that he or she wants to be imprisoned works as a mechanism of creation. While the deformity represents the imperfection of the present situation and human being, truth-represented deformity rather emphasizes perfection through the technique of paradoxical denial. The desire reaches the unity of Tantrism by being embedded as a form of eroticism. In this manner, the body shown in Kim Gu Young's poems makes an incident by organically and mutually penetrating with a society, based the body on 'Karma‘. However, despite the various corresponding methods of the body, the concluding point to the Buddhist outlook functions as a limit to some extent, and the philosophical thoughts of the Orient and the Occident that are sometimes met by pieces in the reading of the poems can be a factor of profundity. Although the conclusion toward profundity and Buddhist outlook makes readers feel difficult to approach him, the justified position is possible when the whole research is completed.

      • KCI등재

        참깨 단백질과 오일의 전처리가 탈색모 손상방지에 미치는 영향

        민명자 ( Myung Ja Min ),최선화 ( Sun Hwa Choi ),신현재 ( Hyun Jae Shin ) 대한미용학회 2016 대한미용학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Hair treatment products help protect the hair cuticle resulting in high tensile strength and elasticity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of sesame seed extracts - containing proteins, oils and other nutrients - on hair damage caused by hair bleaching procedures. The sesame seed powder was treated with an alkaline protease enzyme to make three samples: i) SP3 (sesame protein), ii) SO3 (sesame oil), and iii) SM3 (a mixture of protein and oil). The concentration of sesame proteins extracted using this enzymatic method was measured to be 97 mg/mL. Several physicochemical techniques were applied to analyze the effect of bleached hair before and after the treatment: i) thickness of hair, ii) tensile strength of hair, iii) surface changes of hair as measured using optical and electron microscopy, and iv) atomic force microscopy. The thickness of the SM3-treated sample was the highest among those tested here. The tensile strength of samples was shown to be SM3>SO3>SP3. Interestingly, following treatment with SM3, the tensile strength of hair increased 17.44%. Microscopy (electron, optical, and atomic force) observations were made to determine the state of the cuticle structure and determine which, if any treatments exhibit a damage-preventing effect. In summary, it is likely for sesame proteins and oils to be useful as a hair treatment agent to prevent hair damage. Specifically, sesame extracts will be a valuable ingredient for hair cosmetics in the future.

      • KCI등재

        동백나무 추출물을 향장소재로 사용하기 위한 항균, 항산화 활성 탐색

        최문희(Moon-Hee Choi),민명자(Myung-Ja Min),오득실(Deuk-Sil Oh),신현재(Hyun-Jae Shin) 한국생물공학회 2013 KSBB Journal Vol.28 No.2

        This study was carried out to investigate the antimicrobial and antioxidative activities of Camellia japonica extracts for cosmetic applications. Antimicrobial effects of C. japonica were determined against Bacillus cereus by methanol extract of new leaf, stem and stem-leaf; Malassezia pachydermatis, by methanol extract of new leaf and stemleaf. A methanol extract of new leaf of C. japonica showed strong antimicrobial effect using paper disc method against most species especially in Staphylococcus aureus. Antioxidative activities of C. japonica seed oils were determined by DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities. The value of EC50 of DPPH scavenging activity was 500 mg/mL and that of ABTS scavenging activity was 96.10 mg/mL. C. japonica oil extracts showed lower antioxidative activities than those of gallic acid and α-tocopherol. Electron microscopic observation of damaged virgin hairs of different ages gave a stabilizing effects after C. japonica seed oil treatment. These results indicated that the extracts of stem, leaf and seed of C. japonica could be used as cosmetic ingredient combined with appropriate formula.

      • KCI등재

        갯장어 및 버섯 혼합추출물의 아토피 및 여드름 피부개선 효과

        차월석(Wol-Suk Cha),유지현(Ji-Hyun Yoo),민명자(Myung-Ja Min),남형근(Hyung-Gun Nam),김윤수(Yun-Soo Kim),신현재(Hyun-Jae Shin),김종수(Jong Soo Kim),최온유(On You Choi),김란(Ran Kim),최두복(DuBok Choi) 한국생물공학회 2010 KSBB Journal Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구에서는 갯장어 및 버섯 혼합추출물을 이용하여 아토피 피부염 및 여드름의 개선효과를 확인하기 위하여 항산화 테스트와 아토피 피부염 임상시험자 15명에게 4주 동안 혼합추출물을 복용과 함께 환부에 도포하도록 하였다. DPPH 소거능은 혼합추출물 농도증가와 함께 증가하였다. 특히 혼합추출물농도가 1.0 mg/L에서 50 mg/L로 증가 할 경우 DPPH 소거능은 10.1에서 81.4%로 증가 하였다. 환원력도 추출물농도가 증가 함에 따라 증가 하였다. 특히 추출물 25 mg/L에서 75 mg/L로 증가 할 경우 0.05 OD (700 nm)에서 0.27 (700 nm)로 급격히 증가 하였고 추출물 농도가 100 mg/L일 경우는 0.31 (700 nm)였다. SOD활성은 추출물 농도가 100 mg/L일 경우는 45.7%였다. 아토피성 피부염의 가려움과 붉은 반점에 대하여 임상 시험 결과 임상시험자 모두 완치에 가깝도록 개선되는 효과를 나타내었다. 여드름 피부의 임상시험자 5명 모두 임상시험 후 염증 면포가 완화되어 여드름의 등급이 낮아지는 결과를 나타내었다. 여드름 피부의 임상시험자 모두 얼굴피부의 유수분 및 거칠기 상태가 정상피부의 수준에 이르도록 긍정적인 변화를 나타내었다. 혼합추출물을 피부에 직접 적용하여 임상시험한 결과, 아토피 피부염 및 여드름 피부의 임상시험자 모두 어떠한 부작용도 나타내지 않았다. 이상의 결과는 갯장어 및 버섯 혼합추출물이 아토피 피부염 및 여드름 피부관리를 위한 의약품 및 화장품의 원료로 개발될 충분한 가치가 있는 것으로 사료된다. This study was conducted to investigate effect of complex extract of various mushrooms and sharp toothed eel on the skin conditions with atopic dermatitis and acne symptoms. The total phenol concentration was increased in order of hot water> ethanol> ethyl acetate> petroleum ether> chloroform extract. Especially, when the hot water extract was used, it was about 2-3 fold higher than that of ethyl acetate, petroleumether, and chloroform extract. When the complex extract concentration was increased from 1.0 to 50 mg/L, the DPPH scavenging rate increased from 10.1 to 81.4%. The reduction power was sharply increased from 0.05 to 0.27 (700 nm) when the complex extract concentration was increased from 25 to 75 mg/L. However, above 100 mg/L, it was not decreased. In the case of SOD-like activity, it was 45.7% at 100 mg/L. Total numbers of patients with atopic dermatitis were 15 and 5 patients with severe acne symptoms. According to photos taken before and after the treatment and questionnaire results, considerable improvements in skin conditions are observed in the patients with atopic dermatitis and acne. For atopic patients, erythema and edema have been improved but the degree of effect was dependent on the individual’s constitution. Concerning acne, the effect of coating of the extracts was prominent for first week and the degree decreased with time till 4 weeks. The complex extracts wereefficient in soothing rash and maturation. Side effects such as a scar were not detected during the application and treatment.

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