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        노영상 부산여자대학 1999 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        Aromatherapy is one of the alternative therapies. a natural health care. In the present day. the therapeutic power of aroma is utilized in many parts of our life by psychologists. physicians. na ture doctors. esthetics managers. and health care managers. Aromatherapy is a compound word of aroma and therapy. Aroma is essential oil that extracted from flowers , trees , fruits or grasses. Because human body and essential oil are both natural, aroma promote spontaneous healing, holistic healing and does not have a side effect that most of medicines have. When we use essential oils. carrier oils are very important. Carrier oils are plant oils and their sources are natural. Plant oils have nutrients, essential fatty acids. vitamin E. The methods of aromatherapy include massage, vaporization, inhalation, bath and compression. Aromatherapy has an effect on many parts of healing system, and its healing power is very delicate complex, harmless and fantastic. Human body makes use of the aromatherapy for healing of dermal diseases. psychological. diseases cardiovascular diseases infectious diseases digesti ve diseases burnt and isinfection It is expected that aromatherapy will be one of the most effective methods for natural healing programs to all mankiThe main purpose of this thesis is to study responsibilities and limits on responsibilities that travel agents should bear. For the purpose , this thesis inquired into the properties of tour contracts and studied changes and nonfeasance of tour contracts as tour defects. At present the German Civil Code is the only law that directly regulates tour contracts. In Germany the federal government proposed in 1976 a new bill on tour contract as a special civil code. But the Federal Congress decided in the course of deliberation to place the proposed bill within the existing civil code. On December 13 , 1978 the House voted for the revised civil code and the Senate did the same on April 6, 1979. Finally the new civil code was promulgated on May 4, 1979, and has been put into practice since October 1 of the same year. The German Civil Code currently includes Articles from 651-a to 651-k that define tour contract as a semi-contract of which legal status is equal to contract. Japan has no comparable laws that directly govern tour contracts. But The Law on Tour Business legislated in 1952 has sought to maintain fair trade in tour business to secure tour safety and to improve the convenience of travelers by maintaining the appropriate management of tour business and promoting the appropriate operation of corporations that organize tour business. In comparison Korea has no legislation upon tour contracts. Nor can it be said that a proper balance is maintained between the rights and duties of travel agents and travelers. Furthermore , legal precedents are not sufficien tly accumulated because disputes over tour contracts tend not to be made public. The Fair Trade Commission has recently presented the Standard Provision for Tour Business which is expected to improve the fairness in tour business Nevertheless the Provision by itself is certainly not sufficient to improve the legal stability of tour business. To guarantee the legal stability of tour business therefore , it is necessary to legislate a new legal code that directly regulates tour contracts. d in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • 旅行契約의 법률적 문제

        노영상 부산여자대학 1997 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        A suitable example for the legislation, Which directly regulates the travel contract, is difficult to find out nowadays but for Germany. Still, in our country, there is also no legislation that directly regulates the travel contract, and most of travel contracts are concluded along with the agreements written out by the travel agent. The agreement mostly follows the standard agreement which Korea National Tourist Organization(KNTO) recommends, but, if consider generally, we can figure out that the agreement is quite diverse and is not unified. Therefore, here exists the danger of neglecting protection for the tourists, and futhermore, considering the current state that travel is being a common trend, proper legal steps on travel contract are eagerly requested. Legal regulations on travel contract are a method of regulating travel contract indirectly, and of establishing the law of travel contract which directly regulates the travel contract. There are two methods of establishing the travel contract ; one is with the special law, and the other is with the civillaw. To make easy the regulations on travel contract, it' s desirable to regulate it with the civil law. In this paper, as a theoretical preliminary action for regulation travel contract, I would introduce the legal regulations, the theories, and the precedent cases already regulated in Germany, and discuss the legal properties of travel contract and its establishment and effect.

      • 危險責任 法理에 관한 考察 : In beziehung auf der Uberarbeitungsdebatte der Gefahrdung-shaftung bei Bundesrepublik Deutschland Kotz의 鑑定 意見을 中心으로

        노영상 東亞大學校 大學院 1990 大學院論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Soweit sich nach geltendem Recht der Schadenausgleich bei Unfallen nach den Regln des Haftungsrechts beurteitlt, folgen diese Regeln seit langem einem zweipurigen System : Neben der Verschuldenhaftung tritt eine in zahlreichen sondergesetzen geordnete Gefa hrdungshaftung, nach der fur die Schadensfolgen von Unfallen, die auf die Verwirklichung bestimmter gesetzlich umschriebener Risiken zuruckgehen, unabhangig von einem Verschulden gehaftet wird. Did Entwicklung der Gefahrdungshaftung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Republik Korea ist druch zwei charakteristische rechtspolitische Zuge gekennzeichnet. Zum einen ist die Regelung der Gefahrdungshaftung nicht die Aufgabe der Rechtsprechung, sondern des Gesetzgebers. Zum anderen sind die Gefahren, deren Verwirklichung zur Gafahrdung fuhrt, jeweils einzelgesetzilch aufgezahlt. Nach Gesetzgebung sind vornehmlich drei Theorien uber den Rechtsgrund der Gefa hrdungshaftng entstanden;fingiertes Verschulden, Haftung aus der Interessenlage, Haftung aus typischer Gefahr. Die Gefahrdungshaftung beruht auf der Uberlegung, daβderjenige, der Zur Erreichung eigener Zwecke eine mit besonderen Gefahren verbundene Anlage betreibt oder auf andere weise eine Quelle besonderer Gefahr geschaffen hat, fur die schaden einstehen muβ, die-sie seien im Einzelfall von ihm verschuldet oder nicht-auf einer Verwirklichung jener spezifischen Gefahren beruhen. Die Fahrlassigkeitshaftung sieht den Grund der Schadenzurechung darin, daβder Schaden die Folge der Verletzung eines Verhaltens-standards ist, dessen Einhaltung die Rechtsordung unter den konkreten Verhaltnissen von einem sorgfa ltigen Menschen im Interesse der Vermeidung eines unvernunftig groBen Risikos der schadigung anderer verlangt. Die Gafahrdungshaftung daher nicht eine "Ausnahme" von dem "Grundsatz" der Fahrlassigkeitshaftung. Vielmehr liegt auch ihr ein eigenes, positives Zurechnungsprinzip zugrunde, Daraus folgt, konnen und sollen die gesetzlichen Vorschriften uber die Gafa hrdungshaftung vereinheitlicht und imburgerlichen Gesetzbuch zusammengefaβt werden ? Fur die schaffung eines allgemeinen Gefahrdungstabestandes spricht somit, daβ die lesislatorische Ungleichbehandlung gleicher technischer Risiken beseitigt, das Gesetzgebungsverfahren entlastet, in manchen Fallen unbillige Ergebnisse vermiden, die Fahrlassigkeitshaftung von Uberdehnungen freigehaltenund prozessuale Stretigkeiten uber die Verschuldensfrage verringert wurden. Von vorgeschlagenen Generalklauseln der Gafahrdungshaftung enthalt die von Deutsch vorgeschlagene Formulierung klare und anschauliche Regelungen fur die zukunftige Generalklausel der Gefahrdungshaftungen fur Schaden druch Transportmittel, technische Anlagen, gefahrliche Sachen und Stoffe und die extrem gefahrlichen Sportarten einheitlich angeordnet werden, Daruberhinaus behandelt meine Abhandlung Haftungsausschlusse, Haftungsminderung wegen Mitverschuldens und Mitverursachung, Haftung und Ausgleichspflicht bei mehreren Hafpflichtigen, und Ersatz von Nichtvermogenesschaden und haftungshochtberage. Zuletzt betreibt meine Abhandlung gegenwartige Sachlage der Gefo hrdungshaftung und Moglichkeit ihrer Anwendung bie Korea.

      • 여행계약에 관한 독일의 입법동향

        노영상 釜山女子專門大學 2001 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        Before the legislation of the tour contract law, attempts were made to address problems by applying civil law codes on contracts. Yet those attamps were not fully efficient in protecting tourists mainly because of the difference between tour contracts and contracts in general. With the aim of improving tourist protection, the new legislation includes the following clauses. 1) Artcle 651 a Tour contract 2) Artcle 651 b Contract transfer 3) Artcle 651 c Readjustment (contract changes) 4) Artcle 651 d Price reduction 5) Artcle 651 e Termination due to defect 6) Artcle 651 f Compensation for damages 7) Artcle 651 g Negative prescription 8) Artcle 651 h Limits of responsibility 9) Artcle 651 1 Revocation of tour 10) Artcle 651 j Termination due to force majeure 11) Artcle 651 k Refund duty on insolvency 12) Artcle 651 1 Provisions above do not apply unless tourist in contract is at disadvantage

      • 신약의 윤리적 비전

        노영상 장로회신대학교 2003 敎會와 神學 Vol.55 No.-

        미국 듀크대학(Duke University) 종교학과의 신약학 교수 헤이스(Richard B.Hays)의 책이다. 듀크대학은 감리교 계통의 대학으로 기독교윤리학의 스탠리 하우어와쓰(Stanley Hauerwas), 조직신학의 웨인라이트(Geoffrey Wainwright) 등이 있는 미국의 신학 분야의 명문 중의 하나이다. 이 책은 신약성경 윤리의 폭넓은 영역을 포괄하고 있다. 성서 윤리에 관한 책들은 크게 몇 가지의 문제들을 다룬다. 성경 각 책이 말하는 윤리내용, 신약성서 전체의 윤리적 중심내용, 특별한 논점에 대한 신약성서의 견해, 그리고 기독교 윤리를 위한 성서의 사용 곧 해석의 문제 등이다. 대부분의 책들은 위의 내용 중 한 부분이나 두 부분의 정도를 서술하고 있으나, 이 헤이스의 책은 위의 모든 내용들을 전체적으로 포괄하고 있다. 위와 같은 신약 윤리학의 연구 과제는 다음의 네 가지 개념으로 다시 정리할 수 있다. 그 네 가지 연구 과제란 서술(description)과 종합(synthesis)과 해석(hermeneutics)과 실천(practice)이다. 서술이란 개별 성경본문과 성경의 각 책의 내용을 분명하게 석의한 후, 그 본문의 윤리적 내용을 간추리는 과정이다.

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