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      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 완전문에 대한 소고

        남양우 ( Nam¸ Ryangwoo ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.91

        This paper discussed a complete sentence and sentence-completing elements in modern Chinese. A complete sentence is the sentence that can be used independently without the help of another language environment. In order for the sentence to become a complete sentence, various sentence-completing elements are involved. Since the sentence-completing elements corresponding to individual sentences may be different, a theory is needed to explain them in an integrated manner. In the text, we discussed some theories like information theory, time anchoring principle, grounding theory, boundary theory. Each of the pros and cons exists, but what is now most widely accepted is the boundary theory. The boundary theory bifurcates nouns, verbs, adjectives and events as being bounded and unbound through the criteria of 'boundaryness'. And according to the boundary theory, there is a tendency to match bounded ones with bounded ones, unbounded ones with unbounded ones. The boundary theory can explain much of the complete sentence by the simple criterion of 'boundaryness'. But as 陆俭明(2014) points out, there are problems that have not yet been solved. Further research is also required on other boundary factors, such as adverb, modal verb, as presented in this paper. This paper raised the possibility of hierarchy between boundary elements through instances. When multiple boundary elements exist in a sentence, the hierarchy can resolve conflicts between them. Thus, the hierarchical problem of boundary element is also a task that the boundary theory should improve in the future.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘피(被)’자 피동문에 관한 고찰 - 구문문법 관점을 중심으로

        남양우 ( Nam Ryangwoo ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2021 中國硏究 Vol.86 No.-

        This paper discussed ‘bei’ construction of modern Chinese based on construction grammar. The traditional view regards ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’ construction and ‘NP1+被+VP’ construction as same category, but we claimed that ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’ construction and ‘NP1+被+VP’ construction are different. The reasons for this are explained in terms of construction form, construction arguments, and construction meaning. In previous studies, there was a debate over which is a typical ‘bei’ construction. However, when construction grammar is applied, this debate is unnecessary because ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’ and ‘NP1+被+VP’ are separate construction. Just because ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’ and ‘NP1+被+VP’ are separate construction does not mean they are irrelevant. Construction grammar allow us to capture how the two constructions are interrelated, recognizing the individual characteristics of ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’ and ‘NP1+被+VP’. Formally, it has changed from ‘NP1+被+VP’ to ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’. Semantically, it has changed from an early negative meaning to a neutral meaning. As the verb that can be used in ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’ construction became diverse, intransitive verbs appeared in ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’ construction. And this also affected ‘NP1+被+VP’ construction, which led to appearance of ‘new bei construction’. Thus, we can say that ‘NP1+被NP2 +VP’ and ‘NP1+被+VP’and ‘new bei construction’ are structurally connected and they are interactive.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 이용물-이용자 구문 연구 ― 구문논항과 구문다의성을 중심으로

        남양우 ( Nam Ryang-woo ) 중국어문연구회 2016 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.77

        There are special sentences in modern Chinese like “yi guo fan chi shi ge ren”. In this sentence, although `shi ge ren` is a agent, it is located at object not subject. Obviously it`s unusual. We pay attention this phenomenon , and discussed it based on construction grammar. The concludes are as below. First, the object of use-user construction is the construction that is defined by construction grammar. The object of use-user construction implies `possibility of using`, but it can`t be predictable from component parts of this sentence. Second, arguments are important element in construction grammar. We generate infinite sentences by using limited sentence structure. When we distinguish only based on sentence structure, there can be mistake that we assign regardless construction to same construction. We can resolve it through argument. The argument of the object of use-user construction is < the object of use user >. Third, construction meaning of the object of use-user construction is that some user can use some objects of use. Fourth, the object of use-user construction has polysemy. By admit polysemy, we can recognize non-prototype the object of use-user construction like “wu jian yi fu zhuang yi zhi xiang zi”” as same construction. Finally, we can organically recognize the object of use-user construction which has various meaning, and we can also explain this construction based on one mechanism.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 동태존재구문에 대한 인지적 접근

        남양우 ( Ryang Woo Nam ) 중국어문연구회 2016 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.73

        In this paper, we discussed two problems. First problem is that we regard the dynamic existential construction which implies dynamic state as the existential construction which implies static state, what does it make possible? First mechanism is the construction coercion. The construction coerces dynamic state of dynamic existential construction and strengthen the meaning of existential construction which is that there is something in a place. Second mechanism is the summary scanning. We cognize the dynamic existential construction as static scene through summary scanning. Second problem is that both constructions, static existential construction and dynamic existential construction, are same or not. We claim that there is an inheritance relation between these constructions. They are parts of existential construction``s category, but they are also each individual constructions. They form their own categories, and they have extended structures internally. We can account for how are these constructions connected by understanding them based on inheritance links. Also, we can grasp static existential construction and dynamic existential construction multidirectionally.

      • KCI등재

        구문다의성 및 구문확장에 관한 소고

        남양우 ( Nam Ryangwoo ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.89

        This paper discussed the construction polysemy and the construction expansion based on previous study about individual constructions. The construction has its construction meaning, which can be extended from central sense to expanded sense. We can explain polysemy of the construction through core meaning and meaning chains, like vocabularies. The construction can also be expanded under the influence of other constructions. The construction expansion can be divided into four types. First type is that two constructions have same form but their arguments are different. Second type is that two constructions have different form but their arguments are same. Third type is that two constructions have different argument but one construction is subpart of the other construction. Forth type is that two constructions have different form and argument, but they are metaphorically involved. Polysemy of some constructions can not be explained by core meaning and meaning chains, these constructions are influenced by expansion of the construction itself and external forces. The construction may be expanded with a complex influence from multiple constructions in the process of expansion. And some constructions have polysemy and construction expansion together. In conclusion, the construction polysemy and the construction expansion show complex aspects in which the constructions continue to develop as they interact with each other.

      • KCI등재

        존현구문과 소유자-대상구문 간의 관계 고찰

        남양우(NAM, RYANG WOO) 한국중어중문학회 2015 中語中文學 Vol.62 No.-

        A lot of studies claim that ‘possessor-subject possessee-object’ construction is based on existential construction, in other words, ‘possessor-subject possessee-object’ construction is an extension of existential construction. Both constructions are obviously associated in the meaning. But there is a formal difference between existential construction and ‘possessor-subject possessee-object’ construction. And ‘possessor-subject possessee-object’ construction has more constraint than existential construction. Therefore, we say that existential construction and ‘possessor-subject possessee-object’ construction are different construction, and these constructions are related by inheritance links. We can easily explain syntactic, semantic difference between both constructions through inheritance links of constructions. Also, we can account for the reason that ‘possessor-subject possessee-object’ construction has more constraints than existential construction.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 정태존재문의 동사 연구

        남양우 ( Ryang Woo Nam ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2015 中國硏究 Vol.65 No.-

        If we regard existential sentence as a construction, static existential sentence is the most typical existential construction. Therefore, the research of static existential verbs is a starting point of a study about existential verbs. This study classified static existential verbs based on verb meaning and found out that most static existential verbs consist of meaning group. And we simplified these verbs to lexical semantic template of six groups by using lexical conceptional structure, and these templates show us the syntactical structure and features of static existential verbs. It``s very helpful for us to intuitionally understand static existential verbs. Static existential verbs have four features. First, most static existential verbs are transitive verb. Second, it is related to locational movement. Third, location argument is very important. Fourth, it has to indicate state duration stage of event structure.

      • KCI등재

        파자구(把字句)에 대한 구문문법적 해석

        남양우 ( Nam Ryang Woo ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2020 中國硏究 Vol.82 No.-

        This paper discussed the traditional ‘ba’ construction by applying the concept of argument structure construction and the link. The discussion in this paper can be summarized as follows: First, the verbs used in causative ‘ba’ construction are ‘给予类’, ‘放置类’ and ‘当做类’, and ‘当做类’ is a metaphorical extention of ‘给予类’ and ‘放置类’. Second, cause-move ‘ba’ construction has construction arguments < agent theme goal >. And state-change ‘ba’ construction has construction arguments < agent theme >. These two constructions have different construction arguments, moreover the constructional meanings are different. Therefore, the cause-move ‘ba’ construction and the state-change ‘ba’ construction are independent of each other. The two constructions , however, are organically linked, and they are linked by the complex link which is mixture of subpart link and metaphorical extension link. Third, causative ‘ba’ construction has construction arguments < cause theme >, and it is a untypical ‘ba’ construction because its verb is intransitive. Causative ‘ba’ construction and state-change ‘ba’ construction seem to be different constructions, but causative ‘ba’ construction is extension of state-change ‘ba’ construction. And they are linked by polysemy link. Fourth, the affected ‘ba’ construction has the construction arguments < experiencer theme >, it is also a untypical ‘ba’ construction because its verb is intransitive. Subject of cause-move ‘ba’ construction, state-change ‘ba’ construction, causative ‘ba’ construction can affect object of ‘ba’, whereas the subject of affected ‘ba’ construction is affected by object of ‘ba’. In this way, the affected ‘ba’ construction is the most untypical and innovative ‘ba’ construction. This construction is formed under the influence of two different constructions, it was influenced by causative ‘ba’ construction in formal parts and it was influenced by ‘possessor-subject possessee-object’ construction in meaning and usage.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 비전형적 이중목적어 구문 고찰 : O1이 장소목적어인 경우를 중심으로

        남양우 ( Nam¸ Ryangwoo ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2021 中國硏究 Vol.88 No.-

        Construction grammar claims that a language consists of constructions. In particular, simple clause constructions can be expanded either internally or externally. This paper explores the generative mechanisms and characteristics of ‘place recipient-double object construction’ based on this perspective. This construction was first influenced by the typical double-objective construction. Chinese double objective constructions have high expandability, so it is polysemous, ‘place recipient-double object construction’ also has a polysemous relationship with the double-objective construction. In addition, this construction was influenced by the fugitive construction and ‘possessor-subject possessee-object’ construction, they are connected metaphorically to each other. This paper compared the relevant constructions which are ‘ba’ construction and ‘S+在NP+V+O’ construction to reveal the individual characteristics of the ‘place recipient-double object construction’. ‘place recipient-double object construction’ and ‘ba’ construction can commonly mean ‘movement of a theme from an agent to a place’, but the difference between the two constructions is the information value of O2. In A, the subject argument is of no informational value to the listener because it is an old information. ‘ba’ construction's theme is old information, so it has no informational value to the listener. On the other hand, ‘place recipient-double object construction’'s theme is new information, so it has informational value to the listener. ‘place recipient-double object construction’ and ‘S+在NP+V+O’ construction differ in terms of the prominence of place. In ‘S+在NP+V+O’ construction, a place argument is not profiled and it just functions as ground. On the other hand, a place argument of ‘place recipient-double object construction’ is a remarkable participant profiled as part of the whole process. This reflects the cognitive differences of speakers who perceive the same event differently.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 "V+N+료(了)"구문의 특성 및 관련 구문들 간의 관계 고찰

        남양우 ( Ryang Woo Nam ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2016 中國硏究 Vol.67 No.-

        In this paper, we discussed some problems about ``V+N+了`` construction. Major discussions are as below: First, ``V+N+了`` is the construction which is defined by Construction Grammar. We can prove it based on frequency of use, semantic relativeness, syntactic agreement and sameness of argument. Second, we can explain why the subject position is empty in the ``V+N+了`` construction through a comparison between ergative/unergative verb and unaccusative verb. We cognize there is a causer which causes the change of state, but it can``t be appeared in the ``V+N+了`` construction. Third, ``V+N+了`` construction, existential construction, ``possessor-subject possessee-object`` construction are linked closely. These construction are linked by inheritance links. There is a subpart inheritance between ``V+N+了`` construction and existential construction. Existential construction is related to ``possessor-subject possessee-object`` construction by a metaphorical extension links. Also, ``V+N+了`` construction is related to ``possessor-subject possessee-object`` construction by inheritance link. Through inheritance links, we can grasp features of these constructions, and we can also understand how they are connected organically.

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